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Chapter 11: Namekian's

"Goku!!" Bulma cried out in excitement as she saw her friend

"Heya, Bulma!" Goku replied as Alric walked past them as they started to catch up, walking over to a chest to the side of the room, Arlic reached in and pulled out his original Saiyan armor, looking at it, he began to think about the future and how he should let it go down

"sigh" Arlic only sighed as he began to undress after walking into his bedroom, as he began to put on his original suit of armor, which resembled his fathers more than any other type of Saiyan armor

"I'm glad these things stretch," Arlic said as he patted his chest as he finally had gotten fully dressed, walking out of his room and into the living room, where everyone else was, walking into view, they saw Arlic's 5'9 frame that was covered in a black, green and red suit of armor, which showed his tattoos as the armor was sleeveless

Walking by Goku, you could see, even though Arlic isn't fully matured, he's the same height as his brother, looking at Dende who was standing next to Gohan

"Dende, you can start gathering the dragon balls and help Gohan make his wishes, I'm going to Guru's to make him send out a message to everyone," Arlic said as he then walked out of the house

"Wait! What about Vegeta?!" Krillin

"What about him? If he tries anything, Goku should be able to handle him," Arlic said as he began to float up and he then shot off towards Guru's location arriving in a matter of seconds, landing in front of his house, he saw Nail, who nodded as he stepped aside from the door letting Arlic inside, walking in, Arlic saw that Guru wasn't doing too well

"Guru, I need you to send a message to all the Namekian's to come to my house, I'm going to be fighting at 'Full Power' and I don't want anyone to be harmed while I'm fighting," Arlic

"al...right...." Guru said in between heavy breaths

"What's wrong? Are you alright?!" Arlic

".....They found a group of us...they slaughtered them all and now have a dragon ball," Guru

"WHAT!!....I-I'm sorry, I should have been there to protect them..." Arlic

"You're only one person...and still a child at that, you cant take the blame," Guru

".....I'll make sure they're avenged, send that message out to any survivors, and if any of them are in trouble, I'll head straight to them," Arlic said as Guru nodded his head and began to send the telepathic message, after a couple of seconds, Guru looked at Arlic

"They have a group of 10 of us heading towards a ship, they think that it may be the main one, as it's the biggest one they've seen," Guru

"Alright, any directions?" Arlic

"Go south from here and you'll find them, please, save my children," Guru

"Don't worry, also, you should get over to my house as well, i=that way you're all together if If anything happens," Arlic

"I trust you, we'll be going now, thank you for everything you've done so far," Guru

"Hehe, no problem, I see you all as family anyway," Arlic said as he walked out of the house, walking past Nail

"Hey...Make them suffer for what they've done to us," Nail

"Yeah, that was the plan," Arlic said as he quickly flew off in the direction of the captured Namekians, after a minute or two of flying, a ship finally came into view, it was massive, not wanting to waste time, Arlic busted straight through the side of it, inside the hallways were littered with guards, who before they knew what was happening, was all killed, speeding through the hallways, Arlic finally came across a room that held the Namekian's, killing the Guards, Arlic quickly told the Namekian's to get going, he quickly led them out of the ship and after they were far enough gone, he headed above the ship

Forming a blast in his hand, he let it go and drop onto the ship, which got disintegrated as it was consumed by a explosion, after doing this, Arlic sat there and waited as he finally activated his Ki sense to see where Frieza was

'Hmm, he's pathetically weak, 530,000, in his first form, I shouldn't have anything to worry about,' Arlic thought to himself as he started to head to Frieza's location, hiding his power, Arlic easily managed to sneak up on Frieza, who was in the middle of throwing a fit

"My ship was destroyed!! Damnit!! Stupid fucking monkeys!!" Frieza said as Dodoria stood next to him as he held a dragon ball in his between his arm and body

"What should we do my lord?" Dodoria

"I'm going to blow this stupid planet up!! it wasn't worth coming here,!" Frieza

"Yeah, we need to locate a ship," Dodoria

"Well get to it!!" Frieza

"Right away my lor-" Dodoria was cut off as something pierced his chest, looking back, he saw the figure of Arlic, as he quickly fell to the ground dead

"Wha-" Freiza

Swiping his hand to the side, Arlic sent Frieza flying from a gust of wind, picking up the dragon ball, Arlic looked at it as he thought about what he should do, looking up, Arlic saw that Frieza was no longer in his pod chair

"SO you're the MONKEY that has been killing my men and ruining my plans!!" Frieza

"Shut up and transform already there's no fun in killing you in your base form," Arlic said surprisingly Frieza

"....." Frieza was silent, but quickly obliged as he then started to transform, seeing this, Arlic had half a mind to kill him mid-transformation cause fuck it why not

"HHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Frieza went to his final form as he regained a smug look on his face

"You're one of the only people who has ever seen this form, too bad that you won't live long enough to be able to admire it!!" Frieza said as he was about to charge at Arlic, but he quickly stopped in his tracks as hell fell on his face

"What...wha-" Frieza looked back to see that his tail was missing

"AAAAHH!!" Frieza screamed out at the sudden disappearance tail, looking over at Arlic, he saw his missing body part in his hand

"You know, it pays to not be overly cocky," Arlic said as he sent a wave of ki through his hand disintegrating it

"Wh-wh-what are you?!!?' Frieza

"Death," Arlic said as he thought about how chunni that was

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