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Chapter 46: Chapter 42.5

Game forum.

Group for those who are over the third.

Mighty sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - No one people Just heard the king? And the way he unsubscribed that he found the epic dungeon , I still don't hear anything from him.

The Lady of Water ( Hermione Granger ) - Is it weak to write in a personal note ?

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - I'm on his blacklist!

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - If he climbed into the epic dungeon , he could bend. Was his quest for rebirth fulfilled?

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reizar Phoenix) - Not in the know.

Brilliant navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Well then our Tsar has definitely disappeared .

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Can't wait! And do not laugh !!!

- 0_0 - from everyone.

- A HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAHA-HA-HA-HAHA-HA-HA-HA !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! - from all of us.

Just a king ( Pikach y ) - I asked, without that sickening.

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - How did you get on so?

It's just a king ( Pikachu ) - Yes, how, just, got into the epic dungeon , and there is generally an ass, well, he scrambled. And I have a quest for rebirth with a random for peace and character. Now I'm a Pokemon .

Wise Strategist (Harry Potter) - Hey Tsar, can you drive the Pokemon ?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Fuck you all, not the Pokémon , there was no laughing matter !

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Come on, Ivy has three hundred CD.

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - A thousand, and then only out of respect for your boobs.

Lady of water ( D ermiona Granger ) - And for me?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - For you, three thousand, since you have nothing to respect!

Lady water ( Hermione Granger ) - I would have asked me in the first second game, too, were ogo- of what!

Just king ( Pikachu ) - I have in the past too koe Che was , and just, and ogo- first , but now ...

Mighty sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - What are you all about boobs, is there nothing else to talk about?

Ingenious Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Whose cow would moo! Who a couple of months ago two hours in paints painted Rias's boobs from the world, and how they mats .

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - Speaking of this brilliant navigator, you like to congratulate the wedding is already possible, or your pawn hung lyuley cock?

Brilliant navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - No, I kicked Phoenix myself , without the help of this.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - There is no need to talk about your sexual hobbies here.

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - I didn't kick it in that sense, you pervert. This expression is such, from the captain I picked up such words, it still does not let go.

Simply the king ( Pikachu ) - The people, we are considered perverts by the main in the world sis - demons, there is something to be proud of!

The Lady of Water ( Hermione Granger ) - You have to be ashamed here! And in general . Friend, what about your personal life?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Nothing!

Brilliant navigator ( R ias Gremory ) - What do you have to do with it?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Yes, despite the fact that how much I didn't look under the tail, there's not a damn thing and no, nothing else. So that…

Brilliant navigator ( Ri as Gremory ) - Go rodent in the forest!

About a hundred king ( Pikachu ) - How do you know?

Ingenious navigator op ( Rias Gremory ) - What did you learn?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - That I am now walking through the forest with one dolt in a cap, or rather he is walking, and I am crawling with a cobblestone on my hump near.

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - Can you stop trolling the King?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - What else can I do now? This young masochist does not understand me. And from the game "guess what this Pokemon wants or get lightning", he will soon get full immunity to electricity.

Mighty sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - Be strong King, I will put a couple of three piles of stupid beauties to bed for you !

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - That's why I banned him !

The Lady of Water ( Hermione Granger ) - Never mind the perverts. As?

The ingenious navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Nuuu .. recently took the hundredth level, and the time stop now does not work for me, so sweet Gasper could not get away from me this time.

Just king ( Pikachu ) - And this shotacon schitsa calls us perverts!

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - No-but, Gasper only looks like this, and in fact, not the junior of Adshe Yuto and this misunderstanding.

Wise Strategist (Harry Potter) - Speaking of vampires. I naively considered Alucard eccentric, but having been in the same world, by the way, he was completely unfamiliar to me, I saw such that Alucard with his cloak, hat, and monstrous trunks somehow looked pale.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - Whoa!

Brilliant navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Support!

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Stop intriguing, talk, or keep quiet while we're talking about great things.

Lady of Water ( Hermione Granger ) - Is this about boobs or what?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Yes, but obviously not about yours, because before that they were great, your acne does not hold out.

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - I'm wondering where did you start?

Mighty sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - You better not know, otherwise you work for complexes and phobias.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - So what about the vampires?

Wise strategist (Harry Potter) - I'll start in order, found a portal to another loka , after going there, I got quests - one standard, the second epic. But the epic was somehow suspicious. There it was necessary to catch a rat, and no one Kostya would drag it away .

Mighty sorcerer ( Reizar Phoenix) - And what?

Wise strategist (Harry Potter) - Why, I had to use the " Extend ", otherwise before that Kostyan had to drag to another mainland, although stationary portals were displayed on the map, but to the nearest, half a day's journey, and from the exit point , also where -the same amount.

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - So what's the problem? It seems that everything can be done in time, but if it is so transgressed in general.

Wise Strategist (Harry Potter) - The problem turned out to be in the rats, I could not find one. I dug all the sewers in one local city, which I just did not see there, but there were no rats.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - People, hello everyone! Sorry for interrupting, but what kind of epic dungeon , epic quests, and the most incomprehensible thing, what is " Prolilka "?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Who let the court trifle? How can! It has been prescribed more than once that it was only after the third world.

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Calm down, everything is according to the rules , he has the third world.

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Huh? And not in courses? About that one.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - Yes, not the King's bay, otherwise he will short-circuit.

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Very funny.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - Just the first I quickly ended, and the second was in depres- nyake , and also did not last long.

The Lady of Water ( Hermione Granger ) - What happened? But if you don't want to, don't tell me, I don't insist.

Guardian of hell ( Tao Ren ) - I met HIM.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sa wada ) - Do not understand who is his?

Mighty sorcerer ( Reizar Phoenix) - SILENCE !!!! NOT A WORD MORE !!

Ingenious navigator op ( Rias Gremory ) - What is he?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Yes, just the second world he had "Magic Academy". Well, and after that he became like that.

Brilliant navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - I see, but I thought it was just a preoccupied perversion, but it looks like a mental trauma.

Sorry, Mighty sorcerer, was wrong. If you want a photo of Gray in underwear, I 'll give it to you.

Mighty K Oldun ( Reizar Phoenix) - I want it !!!

The Lady of Water ( Hermione Granger ) - Me too!

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - And who are the perverts after that?

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - And yet, please explain.

The unsurpassed nabator (Edward Elric ) - There is the most complete and detailed collection of information on epic dungeons , and about everything that falls in them . For only fifty CD.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunaos and Sawada ) - Vo! Guardian, buy.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - Not a divorce?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - What are you! An unsurpassed fucker , and the Great bred the most honest and decent merchants.

Hell Guardian ( Tao Ren ) - Really?

Brilliant navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - It is not sad to admit it, but she is in solidarity with the King. Although it seems to me, someday one of them, or both, will fuck everyone. But do not be afraid to buy, he will not be bred for only fifty kopecks, it is painfully small.

Guardian of Hell ( Ta o Ren ) - Well, at least in a nutshell!

Just King ( Pikachu ) - Epic Dungeon . Satisfied?

Mighty sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - Come on, King, do not fall for a man, especially since he has experienced SUCH. In short, the epic dungeon is even less common than passages to other worlds, and then only from the second world, they differ from the usual ones in that there is no warning from what level to enter them. Well, and the mobs there will be unknown which ones, with the same level of trouble, the spread can be very strong. Maybe you 're lucky and there will be tenth levels and the boss of the twentieth, or you can bump into the privates of the three hundredth.

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - My case!

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - So he got out of the barrier, and that's all . Why ask for trouble?

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - Because as long as the boss is alive, fuck you out. Some said that the main problem with the boss is that he may not be five levels higher than the rest of the mobs, but twice . And it didn't work to kill him.

Guardian of Hell ( Ta o Ren ) - And what did you do?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Why, d ooh, and scratched for rebirth.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - That is why you cannot enter such dungeons without completing the quest for rebirth, even in the worst variation .

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - But a lot of tasty things fall there. Firstly, it is not CS, but CD that fall from mobs, and secondly, copy and extract spheres of several pieces, from each. From the boss in general, cool things can fall out, " Detector ", " Prolilka ", and even spheres with unique skills , books, and to hell with everything.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - And what kind of " Detector " , " Extended "?

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - The Discoverer looks like a compass, after activation, it shows the direction to pass to another world, and is destroyed. The extension looks like a Christmas tree toy with blue floating sparkles inside. If you crush it, the time spent in another world will increase tenfold.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - I see. Why is there no information about this on the forum?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Yes, so that people like you, do not fuck people!

The Wise Strategist (Harry Potter) - I am of course wry, but have they not forgotten about me?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - No! What are you, come on, about your epic quest to catch an ordinary rat. This is not some kind of archdemon , but a whole rat!

Brilliant Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - King, go kill yourself on a stone!

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - Strategist do not be offended by the Tsar, the Pikachu is now in the midst of the mating season, so he is so nervous.

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - Yes, you all go where the sun does not shine! And I'm going to set Misty on my masochist.

The ingenious navigator ( R ias Gremory ) - And how?

Just a king ( Pikachu ) - All ingenious is simple! I'll give him her panties and that's it. That's it, I left to pretend my vile plans into reality . MU-ha- pika-pika-chu-chu !!!

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayos and Sawada ) - Strategist, keep going!

Wise strategist (Harry Potter) - In general, it was like this - not finding the rats in the sewers, I tried to find out about them from the locals. I spent half a day roaming around the city until I found an information merchant. From him, for a modest fee, I learned that the rats were practically extinct. And there are only a few places where they are still found, one of these is the Krongtr fortress . But it is dangerous to meddle in there now, since she was captured by a high vampire.

About other places he heard only rumors, and it is not known for sure whether they are there yet. And again, for a modest fee, he advised me to join the team of hunters. And for one more modest fee, he recommended me to such a team. I almost went broke on this humble merchant!

From the locals, I precipitated. I used to think that my mana reserve was well pumped up, but against the background of these monsters I am suffocated, one consolation, they are not familiar with subtle manipulations, and they use almost raw power. But that's nothing, they still turn out to be and espers , at least two out of five superov - that's what they call magicians, had abilities. One levitated , and the girl became invisible.

I worked for them as a loader, I managed to pass off the inventory for the ability of a spatial pocket. And the most offensive thing is that it happens here, and they took me only because my food does not cool down and does not spoil. It's a shame.

But the finish line was complete when we came to this fortress. Judging by the corpses of ghouls and vampires, someone has already failed the superior, or tried to get to him.

But when I saw this killer, I laughed like crazy. This shot looked like Conan the barbarian dressed in skins, with a hat with earflaps on his head, a balalaika in his hands, and his mother on a bear, on a riding bear.

- Come on, nah! - from everyone.

Wise strategist (Harry Potter) - And the most fucking thing is that he is also a vampire, level three hundred and twenty-two, the rest of the stats are hidden. As I considered his status, I immediately lost the desire to laugh, but to cry very much. Me with my eighty-first, nothing shines here. But he didn't beat me, but on the contrary was delighted, and dragged me to the nearest tavern to drink.

From this shot I managed to learn something interesting, but I had to be careful not to get burned . He took me for ageless, it turns out there is such a guy here, they call him John Smith. It turned out that there was a man-made world here, and then the "Pestilence" began, then the "Reaper" pinned down, they tried to fill him up with the whole world, then they caught him, he fled, and then left, but left Kostyan. Honestly, I really didn't understand nichrome . But I managed to beg for a rat. It turns out that this fortress belonged to him, and he secretly raised rats there.

Along the way, he asked me to try to beg Kostyan for a bottle of booze that remained from the Creator. And for such a thing he gave me three more rats.

When I got to the dead lands, they were fucking dead, but it's all lyrics. The main thing was that I was allowed to see Kostyan and I managed to close the quest. Speaking of Kostya , this is not a lich, or something else from the highest undead, but his level is clearly prohibitive.

It was possible to beg the bottle, only giving away the place where these godless creatures bred.

Seeing how Kostyan leads an army of one hundred thousand death knights, with the support of aviation, in the form of five hundred bone dragons, on a campaign against these creatures of the highest evil. I decided not to come across that higher vampire in the eye, otherwise he is unlikely to appreciate that I gave out information.

The system, after inspecting the bottle, issued the following description: "Large bottle of special self rut. Made in Unknown crap. "

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayo shi Sawada ) - What the hell is this?

Brilliant navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - I'm also interested, but why is this Kostyan so disliked by rats?

Wise Strategist (Harry Potter) - As we found out from Alisiel , the rats spoiled the seal of the beacon left by the Creator.

Hell Guardian ( Tao Ren ) - Who?

Mighty sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - Yes, please explain, or else I'm a little confused.

Wise strategist (Harry Potter) - Well, the Creator is the one who created Kostyan, he is the Reaper, and judging by what I managed to find out using the "Identifier", then he is the Unknown crap. After using the "Identifier" I had some glitches, and I was offered a quest to kill the Unknown crap. There is SUCH a reward that the eyes go to the forehead . But I refused.

Article rage of hell ( Tao Ren ) - This is why?

Genius Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Because you are a moron Guardian! Think for yourself, some creature creeps into the world, arranges genocide there, then rides a transcendental lich on the knee , and dumps.

For example , I do not want to be even on the same plane of the worlds with this Unknown crap. And even more so shove against creatures with such force may be he's got such lichey level Ed to seven hundred, a couple of hundred thousand!

Wise Strategist ( Harry Potter) - Here I am about the same.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - Got it.

Mighty sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - It follows from this that if there is a quest for the Unknown crap, you need to refuse, no matter what they promise for it. This is an impossible mission.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayo shi Sawada ) - And what did they even give?

Wise strategist (Harry Potter) - +100 levels, 200 skill points, an artifact of a divine level and system setting, version T.-3000.

Lady of Water ( Hermione Gray Njer ) - Nichrome yourself! Solid.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - Can we collect a raid? I have a suitable artifact.

Mighty sorcerer ( Reizar Phoenix) - No, it's without me, I still want to live. And such a reward definitely means that you will die, in any case. The one who creates the lychee should be fine with necromancy, so you will receive a death curse even if you win. As a result, you will die and leave for rebirth losing everything that you get, except perhaps a new version of the system. But nothing is known about this, so I will stay away from this.

The Lady of the Water ( Hermione Granger ) - Yes, if you look from this point of view, then there is some kind of divorce.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - Yes, it somehow turns out sadly. And what about the posthumous curses infa correct?

Mighty sorcerer ( Reizar Phoenix) - It was checked on myself, in my first life I soaked an asshole teacher, so this fossil cursed me before my death, and in spite of the one hundred and ninety-seventh level I was bent in ten minutes. And that asshole was all his only master of necromancy.

Wise Strategist (Harry Potter) - Well, don't give a damn, JUST Master!

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - I mean that this crap can be many times stronger.

Divine Swordsman ( Tsunayoshi Sawada ) - In general, to summarize, if such a quest falls out, it is better to refuse, because this is a scam .

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - So can you post a warning in the public domain?

Genius Navigator ( Rias Gremory ) - Yeah, "Fear the Unknown Shit", is that it? Yes, we will be laughed at, especially without iron evidence.

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reyzar Phoenix) - So Guardian, if you want to be ridiculed by everyone, write.

Guardian of Hell ( Tao Ren ) - Yes, no, I listened and wrote once . So Hepsiel came to me !

Mighty Sorcerer ( Reisar Phoenix) - FUCKING !!!!!!!!! !!!! MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- AAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!! - from everyone.

So the group for those over the third ceased to exist. Only one was not hurt, because at that time he was busy turning his vile plans into reality.

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