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This Isn't Magic This Isn't Magic original

This Isn't Magic

Author: PippysBooks

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Episode 1: Terrible Start To A Terrible Day

Dear brain, please stop confusing my eyes with your nonsense. Let me explain, today some random old guy showed up at my house to tell me I've been selected to go to one of the world's most elite schools for Mystics. Yeah, like I'm gonna fall for that crap. First of all, magic isn't real. Second of all, who does this guy think he is? I mean what is he some kind of Mystic version of Jehovah's witness going door to door passing out a hocus pocus spell book of fairy tales? No thanks, I'm not into that. Besides this dude looks like he just got back from the 1930s. Like do you not know this is the 21st century? But don't worry that old fart isn't the biggest of good ol' Jupiter's problems. No, currently I'm standing in front of a tower built out of doors. Which makes this Doure, the elite school for Mystics. The bane of my existence really.

Oh you want to know how I got here? Well let me take you for a ride full of malarkey. Remember that old guy? Well he had a box with him that he opened up to reveal key upon key. He told me to pick any one of those keys and use it on any door in the house and it'll take me to Doure. Not believing a single word, I reached in telling him if any funny business happens my mom is home. When I grabbed a key I saw it was a really intricately made skeleton key. Looking around the house I picked the closet under the stairs. When I put the key in, it looked as though it was glowing a bit. Shaking it off I turned the key and opened the door, only meaning to take a peek, all I did was crack it and the door sucked me in till I fell on my arse in front of the biggest stained glass door I've ever seen.

So that's how I'm in this mess but really I think that guy got confused. Totally believable since he seemed at that age most adults worry they'll be senile. My little sister, Mars, she's a year younger than me, is the one who loves magic and even claims to be able to do it. Personally I just think she has an overactive imagination that simply leaks into anyone's mind that's around. Mars loves magic, and even though I may not believe in it, that doesn't mean I want her to be like me. Plus its cute when she tries to do magic for everyone.

"You waiting for the door to open itself or are you actually going to go in?" I turned at the deep rumbling voice behind me. Bright violet eyes against thick shoulder length waves of black hair, he towers over me. Oh wow he's handsome. Blushing, I look down and turn back to face the door so he couldn't see me red. "I'm going in, just, not at this moment." Not like the doors going anywhere, if you want in so bad you go.

He chuckled before standing next to me. "I'm Oz by the way. This will be my third year here." He said confidently. Not wanting to seem like I was impressed, because I totally wasn't. I just hummed a response. That seemed to make him quiet. "So I mean you being new and all I could teach you a thing or two." Okay I'll admit I did roll my eyes at that. What is this guy right now?

"Isn't teaching why they have teachers?" At this point I'm trying to stall. I don't want to go in there. Once I cross the threshold it'll be more permanent. I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I was cut out of my thoughts by a burly laugh next to me. This guy should take up laughing for a living. He has a nice laugh. I kinda want to pull out my phone and record it but didn't cause that might be weird.

"Yeah but students help each other. Its how you survive."

"Survive?" I'll never admit to my voice squeaking at finding out I now have to worry about survival. He chuckled again, "Nothing like what you just imagined, I assure you. I just mean we all help each other but of course I can help I'm the best." He smiled and I swear for a brief moment Gaston took over his body. Wow, I didn't know arrogance could be a magic power, but Gaston here sure is proving me wrong.

"Alright, well, if I need help I'll let you know." I said and took in a breath and started to make my way in Doure. Please let me figure a way out of this.

"Wait!" I jumped at the sudden burst, placing my hand over my chest to calm down. I turned back to see Oz walking up to me.

"Yeah?" I said like this guy was crazy, cause he is.

"I didn't get your name." He said with a crooked smile. Is the saying a man with a crooked smile is a man with crooked intentions? I can never remember the bat-shit crazy things my Nan would tell me and Mars when we would stay over. I miss her. But we're getting off topic.

Shaking my thoughts of Nan back in my minds basket with her knitting needles, I looked at Oz with a friendly smile, I think, albeit a nervous one but that wasn't his fault or something he should care about. Not like he knows I was living a perfectly normal lifeless life before some weird 400 year old man showed up with a box of keys and now I'm here. At a school I don't even believe in, learning things I don't believe in. I don't even know if not believing has a punishment. 

So looking at Oz I realized two things. One, I say nothing to anyone about my not believing in magic and wait till later to be burned alive or something for tarnishing their school with my mudblood self. Or there's the second option. I can tell Oz, make him help me, since he was so keen on it in the first place, and hopefully get expelled before I even have to go in. Yeah perfect! Nothing will go wrong with this plan.

"I'm Tim Jupiter. Call me Jupiter." I took his hand in mine to shake it. I smiled really big to take the edge off my nerves so I can tell him, "And I don't believe in magic." I almost laughed when I saw the shock on his face. Oh this will be fun.


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