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Chapter 7: China

So, it's gonna be a harem and you guys wanted Touka in it, so I gave in.

About the mask if you think it would give the feeling of a skeletton, let's just assume they all know Bleach. Also it's the normal hollow mask, not the one with the horns.

About the 7th capter I still have no idea if there was a change or something, so I'm just gonna keep writing like nothing happened. And also since many of you liked that chapter that much, I'm gonna do some of those everyonce in awhile.

About the harem the persons that are choosen are:





If someone wants someone else in it just say it in the comments

Now enjoy


In a meeting room of the CCG Arima gave everyone new task they had to do untill the attack on the aogiri hideout happens.

"Akira, for you I have a special one. Come to my office later and I'll give you the information. About everything else, is everything clear?"

"NO SIR!" everyone said.

"Good then, dismiss." he said while gesturing Akira to come to his office.

"Here are the papers. You're going to fly to China to check the situation there. Also be careful, I heard the Aogiri sent someone there as well. The flight takes off at 4 am so be there." Arima said.

"I understand. Thank you Sir, for this opportunity." Akira answered with a slight bow.


"Wait. You want me to go to China?"

"Yes I want, and now go and pack your stuff. You have to be at the airport at 3am."

These were the last words that were spoken before the two people seperated.

These two of course were Soma and Eto.

'I don't really understand why she wants me to go to China, but it annoys me that the departure is at 4am.' Soma thought as he went home.

On the way home Soma saw a blond woman entering a caffee.

'WAit a minute wasn't that Akira Mado?'

Soma went after her into the caffee.

As Soma went inside and wanted to go to Akira he felt someone grabbing him and putting a knife at his throat.

"GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY OR HE WILL DIE!!" he shouted nearly making Soma go numb.

As Akira wanted to stand up and take care of this criminal, her eyes widened at what happened.

Soma easily got out of his grip and punched him so hard in his face that it was completely deformed.

"You goddamm bastard!!!!!! Are you trying to make me numb!!??" Soma shouted without even realizing that he was probably dead.

'Maybe I got a little to carried away' Soma thought with a carefree look, while Akira was in shock seeing a persons head getting deformed by a normal punch.

'How does he has so much strengh? He looks like he is a bit younger than me but still, how?'

Many people went to Soma to thank him for taking care of the criminal.

As they were done Soma noticed thta Akira stared daggers at him.

"Oho, what did i do to make such a beautiful woman keep glaring at me?" he asked her.

As Akira realized what she is doing she blushed and looked away.

As Soma was about to leave Akira stopped him.

"Wait. I have to talk to you. How did you become so strong?" she asked

"That's a secret. So if you could let me go or do you want to follow me?" he asked with a grin

"Here is my number if you want something." Soma said as he gave her a card.

"Well for now it's gonna be useless for you since I'm gonna go to China."

"Wait I-.... Nevermind." she said

"Now that I think about it ar you a ghoul?" she asked with a serious voice as she followed him outside the store.

Soma quickly reacted to that and took her in a princess carry.

"If you're gonna talk without thinking about it you're gonna get into real complecated situations." he said as he looked around making sure nobody is near them and jumped on the roof.

Akira wanted to get out of his embrace but she couldn't as Soma held her pretty thight.

"I don't want to kill you, so don't tell Arima about our meeting." he said while looking deep into her eyes.

"So you know about me." she just said while also looking deep into his eyes noticing that he really doesn't want to kill her.

As he put her down, she wanted to say something but was cut off and stunned as Soma sealed her lips with a kiss.

At first she wanted to punch him, but after realizing this was a passionate kiss she just stopped resisting, and even hugged him, though she didn't realize the last part.

"This was a memory so keep it in mind." he said as he made his way down.

"You moron"she shouted "How am I supposed to get down?"

'Cute' he thought "Well that's for you to find out." he said with an evil grin while jumping off the roof.

As Soma continued walking home he looked at his phone.

'Fuck, 20 missed calls from Eto. Ah shit I'm gonna die.' he thought

As he opened the door, he saw Eto sitting there facing him with a belt in her hands.

"Nope" was all what Soma said before going outside and closing the door.

'So how am I going to get my stuff?' he thought as he went walking around the house trying to find an open window.

As he was about to go in he saw that it was the bathroom and ringht now Eto got out of the bathtub and was naked.

Soma just took out his phone and made a picture of the view and got ready to be killed.

After a hour of pure torture thich thankfully was stopped by the police, Soma packed his stuff and went to sleep.

The next day at 2am Eto had to punch Soma, so that he would wake up and not miss his flight.

"How long do I even have to be there?" he asked Eto.

"Until the CCG investigator comes back. Appereantly her name is Akira Mado."

'Ah fuck' he thought 'So that's what she waanted to say.'

"Now go outside, there should be a car that takes you to the airport."

And so the tired Soma went to the car.

At the airport he met the person he had to observe.

"Well hello there, Akira." he greeted her.

Akira just blushed a bit and greeted back.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Well just as you I go to China. Also I hope you are gonna take responsebility for what you did." she said teasing Soma.

"For what? The kiss? Yeah sure as if that do anything so I have to take responsebility." he said with his normal face.

She just blushed.

""The flight to China is soon gonna take off. Please go to the terminals."" a voice said.

"Well guess that's our flight." Soma said as he went to the terminal.

As he sat on his place, he noticed Akira sat beside him, but luckily she is a silent person so he could sleep on the flight.

As the airplane arrived he noticed why many people say the air is dirty, and now he understands them.

"I guess the first thing what I'm going to do is to go to my hotel and leave my stuff there. What about you?" he asked.

"I think I'm gonna do the same." she said

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