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Chapter 13: Despair (Part 1)

Kirishima and Jason sat in the coffee shop, waiting for the others. The redhead was just staring at his drink. Jason took a sip of water. "You'll do better next time." Kirishima glared up at his friend. "Not helping." "Thinking of how you failed will not help you or make you feel better. All you can do is focus on doing better next time." "...Well, Jason, what do you think I can improve on?" Jason did his best to remember what he observed during Kirishima and Sato's fight against Cementoss. "...You rushed in too recklessly. If you had been a complete bulldozer and charged through Cementoss's walls, you might've had a better chance. However, you might've run out of power. Running away and trying to surprise him might've been a good strategy, but I doubt you would have the speed to catch him off guard. Honestly, I really don't know what I would do if I were you. I only know what I would've done." "And that would've been…?" Shoto entered the coffee shop, sitting next to Jason." "Hey guys." Jason looked mildly surprised. "You like coming here too?" "Not really. Kirishima invited me." Kirishima face-palmed. Jason looked over at him with confusion. Then he realized what was going on. "Did you really try to set us up?" "...Maybe…" "God, you're just as bad as Chris." Jason stood up. "Well, it was nice to meet up with you, bro." "Wait, where are you going?" "Chris asked me to spar with him in an hour. I'm going to go get ready and then jog to the gym." "Alright bro. Go easy on him." "Always." Jason exited as Mina entered and sat next to Kirishima. "So I'm assuming Operation Coffee Date didn't work." The redhead shook his head. "Nope." Shoto took a sip of her coffee. "It was pretty obvious what was happening." The red/white haired girl looked up at her two friends. "By the way, why did you call it 'Operation Coffee Date'?" Mina sighed. "We're sick of it. You and Jason are so close to being a couple and you just don't click." "We're friends. Nothing more." "That's what Jason said," Said Kirishima as he rolled his eyes. "Before he started blushing." Shoto looked directly at him. "He blushed?" Mina smiled. "Looks like you're more interested in him than you like to let on." Shoto sipped her coffee again. "No idea what you're talking about." The pink-skinned woman giggled a little bit before the three friends changed the topic.

The following day at class, everyone waited for their exam results back. Everyone had passed the written exam. It was the combat exam results that they were eager for. When Aizawa finally delivered them, they were what each of them had expected. There were only five failures: Kirishima, Sato, Denki, Mina, and Sero. Mina and Kaminari failed to make it to the escape gate in time. Sero had gotten knocked out by Midnight's quirk. The other teams all passed. The exam had truly been pass or fail. Aizawa looked out to his class. "Congratulations. 75% of the class passed. You all can start packing for the field trip this coming Monday." There were some cheers. "As for you five… you can also pack your bags for the field trip this coming Monday." The class fell silent, mainly out of confusion. The teacher explained. "This trip is educational, and it would be foolish for us to restrict your abilities to improve especially if the issue is that you need to improve. You'll be taking remedial classes with me when you have free time during the trip." The five students celebrated louder than the rest of the class combined. Aizawa passed out some forms to sign. "You all must sign these forms stating you understand there might be physical harm during this trip. This is hero training, after all. It also allows for accountability for paperwork reasons. I won't pretend to know what for." The class all signed the paperwork as Aizawa continued on. "The location of the field trip is a secret: a precaution created as a direct result of the USJ attack from a few months ago. Only a handful of individuals will know where we are. That's why none of you will know where we are either." Chris nodded, being the only one who was truly listening.

That following Monday, both first year hero classes (1A and 1B) were waiting outside the main school building in the early morning, waiting on a handful of students and for the teachers who were fetching the transportation. The classes mainly kept to themselves. Jason and Momo were talking. "I don't know. I just don't like the new hero costumes that have been coming out." Momo looked like she had been shot. "What do you mean by that?" Jason shrugged. "All Might is a good example. Yea, his Golden Age costume looks amazing, but I like his three previous costumes even more. Young Age All Might is my favorite costume." "I suppose, but what about Mt. Lady's costume?" "It's a colorful suit. Nothing more." Momo sighed and changed the topic. "Anyways, where's Shoto?" Jason pointed. She was talking with some of the other classmates. Momo smiled. "You're always aware of where she is, huh?" "I'm aware of where everyone is. Chris is talking with Hagakure and Ojiro behind us." Momo turned around and, sure enough, he was right. "Huh." "Yep." "Well, it's clear you and Shoto have something going on." Jason frowned. "We're-" "Stop making excuses. You two have started hanging around a lot more often than usual, and that's saying something. Just ask her out and be done with it." Jason thought for a little while. "Alright. After this trip." "I swear you two will-" Momo froze in her tracks. "...What?" "Actually, if I can get her alone during the trip, I'll ask then. Wait, what am I talking about? This isn't some cheesy high school movie. Actually, no. That's the plan. I'll ask her during the trip." "Wait, Jason, are you serious?" "Yes. You're right: I like her. I'm going to ask her out. The worst thing she can do is say no, right?" Momo was at a loss for words, but Jason was still ranting. "Actually, the worst thing she could do is freeze me. Or light me on fire. Oh well, only one way to find out."

Their conversation was interrupted by one of the 1B students. "Well maybe you all shouldn't walk around so high and mighty." Jason and Momo looked over their shoulders, turning to the noise. Chris and Ojiro were being scolded by a man with well kept blonde hair. "You 1A students act so high and mighty. Truly that will be your undoing." Chris was just confused. "We have no idea what you're talking about." Ojiro nodded in agreement. The blonde guy laughed. "You all walk around UA like gods, all because you all fought villains. If our class had been there, we would've done the same. In fact, we wouldn't have needed the heroes' help to do it." 1A started to get angry now. Chris stood up for his class. "Well guess what? You weren't there. And the villains weren't the issue. It was a single villain: one that only All Might could beat. You're saying that you can do what All Might could?" The blonde guy began to insult Chris. He wasn't listening though. He was focused on the redheaded girl from 1B walking up from behind the blonde. The girl karate chopped her classmate, knocking him out. She smiled at Chris. "Sorry about that. I promise he doesn't speak for the whole class." She extended her hand out. "I'm Itsuka. Itsuka Kendo." Chris smiled and shook her hand. "Chris Harper." "Nice to finally meet the second place winner of the Sports Festival. I hope we can get to know each other more during this trip." She picked up the blonde guy and carried him back to 1B. Momo walked up. "Getting along now?" Chris was startled by her sudden appearance. "Shit, hi Momo. Yea, she seemed nice." "Hm. Come on. Aizawa said the busses are almost here." She took him by the arm and practically dragged her crush away from 1B.

The classes were divided between two very fancy busses. UA always traveled in style. Jason sat down with Shoto next to him. Chris and Momo sat across the aisle from them, with Kirishima and Mina behind them. The rest of the class stayed closer to the front of the bus. The six friends talked silently amongst themselves. Halfway through the trip, Mina fell asleep on Kirishima's shoulder. He sighed and held her close. He looked around. Shoto and Jason were asleep too. They were holding hands. Most likely by mistake. Kirishima saw Chris moving around in the seat in front of him. "You alright, bro?" "Yea man. Sore from my run yesterday." Kirishima laughed quietly. "Momo's asleep too?" "Yea. Wait, what do you mean 'too'?" "Jason, Shoto, and Mina are out like a light." "I mean, it is early morning. I don't wake up this early usually." "I hear ya." "Hey, Kirishima. Did you hear the news?" "What news?" "Jason's going to ask Shoto out at some point during this trip." "Wait, are you serious?" "Yea." Damn, Chris. Shoto told Mina that she was going to ask Jason soon." "It's finally happening." Kirishima nodded. "They deserve each other."

The busses drove for hours. Possibly to make sure that they weren't being followed. Around two in the afternoon, the busses pulled over. The classes all got out, stretching from the 13 hour car ride. The view from where they were was amazing. They could see the giant redwood trees stretch almost infinitely in front of them. Aizawa spoke up, still waking up from his nap. "Welcome to Henry Cowell Redwoods National Park. This is where you all will be training." Jason and Chris smiled as they looked out over the trees. "Man, the view is amazing." "I hear ya, Jason. Did you know it takes hundreds of years for Redwoods to get this big?" "No wonder this-" "Listen up, everyone!" Both classes turned to the unfamiliar voice. Then Chris began to nerd out. Four pro heroes were standing right there, having just gotten out of their car, and were now standing in their introductory formation. The lead woman spoke up. "I am Mandalay!" The next girl spoke up. "I am Pixie Bob!" The third spoke proudly. "I am Ragdoll!" The very tall muscular man shouted as he flexed. "I am Tiger!" Then the four pro heroes shouted in unison. "And we're the Wild, Wild Pussycats!" The classes cheered, honored to meet one of the most famous hero teams in the country. Mandalay smiled brightly, breaking formation, as the other heroes relaxed. "Welcome to Cowell Park. We've been asked by UA to help teach you all in secret. We'll make sure your belongings make it to the campsite safely. Now, let's begin." The class was a little confused. Mandalay pointed in the distance. "You see the campsite?" The classes all strained their eyes, but finally managed to see the clearing in the distance. "That is where you all will be staying for the duration of your training. See you there!" The classes didn't fully comprehend what was going on. Finally, Denki spoke up. "...What?" Aizawa got back on the bus. "Get there before sundown." The classes were frozen in place. Jason suddenly ran and jumped on the guard rail. "See ya later, losers." With a smile, he hopped off the guard rail and slid down the mountain. Chris activated One for All and jumped off the mountain. Momo, Mina, Shoto, and Kirishima all followed suit, sliding down the mountain after their two friends. That's when the rest of the class started trying to find a way down the mountain. The six friends reached the bottom of the mountain, forming around Jason. "Alright, guys. I don't know about you, but we're going to get there before anyone else." They all smiled and nodded in agreement. Jason charged forward, leading the group. "Alright! Let's rock!"

Grant_Barday Grant_Barday

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