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Chapter 29: Chapter twenty nine- haki talk, training and the cost of a crown

Zoro looked at Gabriel strangely when he mentioned Haki, "no, what is it?"

Gabriel nodded, "it's something that everyone is said to possess, it's not surprising you haven't heard of it, it's not exactly common practice anywhere outside of the second half of the grand line, that's where fighting reaches a whole new level of destructive and danger, and utilising the colours of Haki is key to survival"

Zoros expression became serious as Gabriel explained and nodded understanding that this was something that would make him stronger, "alright but what exactly are these colours of Haki"

Gabriel smiled, "first you need to think of Haki as essentially a person's willpower manifested in the physical world in different forms, there are three colours of Haki in total. The first two are:

Busoshoku Haki, or Armament Haki which allows the user to use their own spiritual energy as armour to defend against attacks, as well as make their own attacks more potent to deal more damage. Sword men in the grand line project their Busoshoku Haki onto their swords which makes them near impossible to be chipped or broken and greatly increases their cutting abilities.

Kenbunshoku Haki, or Observation Haki, which grants users a sixth sense of the world around them by releasing their spirit or will in a sort of gas like form to detect another's will or inner voice as they attack so they can predict their movements and dodge, masters of this Haki are said to even be able to predict the future to a very limited extent"

Zoro listened to his explanation of what Haki was and found himself comparing them to what he already knew, 'did he use this Haki when he cut up that galleon, was this how he knew how to counter each of my attacks as he did' he thought about his fight, if you could call it that, with Hawkeye and felt his blood boil in excitement having finally put the pieces together as to how to progress with his training, but then a thought struck him, "you said there were three, what is the last one?"

Gabriel nodded, "the last form of Haki is also the rarest form, it is said that only one in a million people are capable of manifesting their Haki in this third way. The final way is known as Haoshoku Haki, Conqueror's Haki or the colour of the supreme king. Users of this Haki are said to possess wills of insurmountable fortitude and strength, when used they release their will from their body and anyone around them who are weak of will or fortitude are unable to keep themselves from passing out by their presence. Each Yonkō possesses this kind of Haki and I have heard rumours of a number of others possessing it as well though I have never seen it for myself."

Zoro nodded, it sounded very intimidating, to be able to defeat others by just forcing your will on them. Zoro couldn't help but feel slight admiration for Gabriel and his dream, if each of the Yonkō did indeed possess this kind of skill and presence then it was indeed a very admirable goal to strive for, almost as much as his own.

"So how exactly do we train to use the first two colours then" Zoro asked after a moment of thought.

Gabriel smiled seeing he was still on board, "well the thing is even with all my researching into it, I was only able to find out how to train in Kenbunshoku Haki, if we want to train in Busoshoku Haki we'll have to find someone who would be willing to teach us, an old retired pirate from the new world would be best"

Zoro nodded, he supposed he could understand how it must have been hard for him to get this information about Haki he couldn't expect him to know everything. Little did he know Gabriel was completely flying by all of this by bull shitting out his ass.

"Alright, so how do we go about learning observation Haki then," Zoro asked.

Gabriel smiled sheepishly, "well here's the thing, I know this will sound ridiculous but I swear this is true, one of us needs to be blindfolded and sit down while the other one of us stands behind them with a stick and hits them on the head from behind, the one on the ground is meant to try and reach out with their spirit and attempt to hear the voices of everything around them and hear the attack and dodge before they are hit, if that makes sense"

Zoro frowned at first and was about to say it sounded ridiculous but paused when he heard him speak about hearing the voices of everything and remembered what his old master had once said about when a swordsmen was able to choose what to cut and what not to cut by hearing the voices of everything around him. 'Is observation Haki something similar' he thought to himself before he nodded, there was only one way to figure it out.

"Alright then, I'll go first," he said as he took his swords from his waist and pulled his bandana from his arm to use as a blindfold, you go find a stick to use" Zoro told him.

Gabriel blinked at the sudden acceptance but didn't complain and nodded, "okay, I suggest we take this fifteen minutes turnabout, you for fifteen and then me for fifteen and repeat, we can go for four hours a day, hopefully it shouldn't take too long for us to figure this out then we can start training the others too" he said as he walked off to go find a stick.

Zoro nodded, "sounds good" he agreed before sitting down to wait for Gabriel to come back.

Four hours later

'Me and my bloody mouth, I just had to jinx it didn't It Gabriel mentally groaned as he leaned at the front of the ship rubbing the back of his head.

He and Zoro had finished their training a few minutes ago and his head was throbbing like crazy, he didn't think he was able to dodge one of the strokes from Zoro the entire time, not that Zoro was any better. They had both been frustrated at their lack of progress but agreed that they should stop for the day before one of them snapped.

As he stood there looking out at the sea Vivi came up behind him, she stood watching him for a moment before speaking.

"It's so peaceful isn't it, the ocean I mean" Vivi commented as they looked out at the sea.

Gabriel nodded, "yeah, though it has its rough moments too, but then again that's life, things can be calm but that can all change in a second when a storm comes in"

Vivi nodded knowing that all to well.

Gabriel smiled, "but you should always remember that despite how rough things get at times, storms can't last forever and there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow" he added.

Vivi smiled as well, that was right, there was always hope for a brighter and better future, "thank you, not just for this but for before when you advised me after we left the twin capes, your words while not the kindest were nonetheless true,"

Gabriel sighed, "princess, don't take this the wrong way, but you are naive, my words were not intended to be kind or unkind, I was merely speaking the truth. You hope in your heart that there will be a way to end the civil war in your kingdom without any blood being shed, without risking something you hope to gain back the peace that your kingdom has lost."

"And what is wrong with that," Vivi asked finding his retort sharp and cold, "what is wrong with wanting my people to be happy and for everyone to come out of this without losing their lives"

Gabriel shook his head, "there is nothing wrong with thinking that Vivi, but you must realise that is not how this world works, one cannot hope to gain without risking something precious of their own" he stated before gesturing behind them, "look around you princess, you need not look any further from this ship than to see the truth in my words, each person on this ship is risking their lives in hopes of gaining what it is they dream for. The only difference is that if you do the same and risk your life, you are not the only one who will pay the price but your kingdom will as well"

"Then what do I do, what more do I have to offer if not my own life in the hope that my kingdom will survive and come through this nightmare!" Vivi screamed at him, unable to control her anger as she just started to feel so helpless, unbeknownst to her and Gabriel her screaming had attracted the rest of the crew who were listening as well.

Gabriel sighed, "let me sing you a song princess, one that I heard a long time ago, I think it might hold the answers you seek. It was said to be written by a good Queen in a kingdom a long time ago, though I'll change the wording a bit given my own gender" he said as he looked ahead recalling the wording of the song and began to gently sing

"The stars are very beautiful, above the palace walls,

They shine with equal splendour, still above far humbler halls.

I watch them from my window, but their bright entrancing glow,

Reminds me of the freedom I gave up so long ago.

The royal circlet of bright gold rests lightly on my brow,

I once thought only of the rights this circlet would endow.

But once I took the crown to which I had been schooled and bred,

I found it heavy on the heart, though light upon the head.

Although I am the head of state, in truth I am the least,

The true King knows his people fed, before he sits to feast.

The good King knows his people safe, before he takes his rest,

Thinks twice and thrice and yet again, before he makes request.

For they are all my children, all, that I swore to defend,

It is my duty to become both King and trusted friend—

And of my children high and low, from beggar to above,

The dearest are my Heralds, who return my care with love.

The dearest are my Heralds, swift to spring to my command.

Who give me aid and fellowship, who always understand

That land and people first have needs that I may not deny—

So I must send my dearest friends to danger—and to die.

A friend, a love, a child—it matters not, I know indeed,

That I must sacrifice them all if there should be the need.

They know, and they forgive me—doing more than I require,

With willing minds and loving hearts go straight to grasp the fire.

These tears that burn my eyes are all the tears the King can't shed,

The tears I weep in silence as I mourn my Heralds dead.

Oh gods that dwell beyond the stars, if you can hear my cry—

And if you have compassion—let me send no more to die!" (The cost of the crown by Debra F. Sanders and Mercedes Lackey)

As Gabriel sang his voice carried over the ship, everyone listening could hear him clearly, and even as he sang they could hear the emotion that he put into the song how the one who originally sang it must have felt. How heavy the burden of responsibility on their shoulders was, the weight of the crown indeed.

As the song ended Vivi stood there in silence, the song struck something very deep inside her, she had always known that the crown was a heavy burden to bear one she would take when she was ready, but she didn't know if she would be able to handle that burden alone.

Gabriel took a breath and exhaled as he looked out at the ocean, he remembered that song well, he had heard it in his last life and it had always struck a cord with him.

"That song is what turned me to my dream, to dream of becoming a Yonkō" Gabriel said though he himself didn't know it at the time but he spoke the truth, "while I dream of being the worlds strongest and having an empire of my own, it says that one must be willing to sacrifice the ones they hold most dear to them, their heralds, in order to protect their kingdom. And while it is true that a good ruler should have faith that their heralds will follow their orders and do what needs to be done for the sake of the kingdom, in my eyes it is a truly great ruler who would lead his heralds into the fire and be strong enough to resist it and come out stronger for it. How could I ever expect to rule an empire as a Yonkō and not do the very same." He said before turning to face Vivi who was looking at him with wide eyes and mouth unable to speak in her shock at his word.

"Vivi," Gabriel said softly as he approached her and out his hand on her shoulder, "you are not strong enough to face this trouble alone, in this matter you know that I speak the truth, so I ask you to trust me, to trust all of us. Let me, let all of us here, be your heralds and trust us to do what needs to be done to see your kingdom saved. I promise you we will not fail you"

Vivi could not help it, tears filled her eyes as she began to cry and she latched on to the closest person to her, holding onto him as she began to sob.

Gabriel did not stop her and let her hug him as she cried, his hand gently rubbing her back as she cried out the pain and grief, she had been feeling for her kingdom all these years.

Everyone watched on listening to Vivi's sobs knowing how much she was hurting, all promising within their own minds that they would do whatever they could to carry this burden for her.

PsyChotiX556 PsyChotiX556

And that is the 3rd Arc complete, the 4th Arc will enclude both Little garden and Drum kingdom, and I will begin posting it as soon as I have finished writing it

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