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Chapter 5: Chapter five

Kenta stood across the sparring area facing his opponent. He has messy brown hair, sharp black eyes with vertical slit-like pupils, and pronounced canine teeth. He wore dark greyish pants reaching to his calves and a grey, hooded fur-lined coat, with the hood pulled back covering the back of his head. Under the coat, Kenta could see a blue rim of a mesh-armoured shirt. He has distinctive red fang markings on his cheeks signifying he was from the Inuzuka clan.

As he stepped into the ring a small puppy with white fur and squinted eyes appearing closed, it has a brown nose, as well as brown patches on its ears and a brown outline around its mouth with the fur on top of its head is styled to somewhat resemble a Mohawk stayed outside of it as the boy gestured for his partner to stay back.

Kenta began to remember what he had read about the clan, they specialised in training their Ninken (ninja hounds) to fight along beside them and their Taijutsu style was described as beast-like and erratic focusing on slashing and clawing with their Chakra enhanced claws rather than punches (though the style included them as well). While it focused on those it wasn't as strong without their clan Jutsu to back it up or their partners by their side. Kenta knew he had the advantage in this fight.

Iruka stepped forward, "Second round, Kenta Uzumaki versus Kiba Inuzuka." Iruka announced as both boys slipped into their Taijutsu stances.

Kenta decided to go defensive and took the stance he normally used to fight with Anko, right arm vertical, left arm across his waist and fingers balled to the second joint with his body at an angle.

While Kiba, dropped into his family stance, lower to the ground on all fours, and began to channel his chakra into his nails as they grew out some for his attacks.

"Try not to lose too quickly," Kiba smirked, "I'd hate for your fangirls to not see enough of you," he said showing a fanged grin.

Kenta smirked back, "It's not like I was trying to get them." before he chuckled, "It's not my fault you don't have any, maybe your just not trying hard enough." 

Kiba growled at the comment as his claws grew out more just as Iruka raised his hand, "Hajime." he called as he dropped his hand and Kiba took the first attack right off the bat lunging at Kenta with a furry of clawed slashes.

Taking the defensive, Kenta moved his arms in time and deflected each of the attacks that came at him swatting the hands away at the wrists and pulling away before he could be grabbed.

After several deflected attacks Kiba went to try and pin Kenta lunging at him with claws hands ready to rip him apart, but Kenta simply swerved on his heel and moved out of the way as Kiba hit the dirt again and again on each attempt.

"Hold still you bastard!" Kiba yelled infuriated as he missed again.

Kenta smirked, "Sorry not going to happen, but if you're getting tired you're welcome to settle down for a breather, I'll wait." he said keeping with his taunting strategy riling Kiba up more and more as his attacks got more and more predictable.

"Bastard!" Kiba yelled as he started clawing at Kenta again only more viciously than before making Kenta start swerving to dodge them and yet not attacking back.  

Kenta was grinning the whole time, he was easily able to keep up with Kiba's attacks and riling the dog boy up was somewhat funny. After the extent of his training fighting at these speeds was child's play to him, but the dog boy was at least lasting longer than his last opponent. Mainly because Kenta had yet to throw one attack, but that was about to change. The fight or rather Kiba trying to hit Kenta was approaching the third minute now and it was starting to get a little old for him.  

"Sorry Kiba-san, but I'm going to have to end this now otherwise no one else will get their turn." Kenta said as he moved out of the way of another slash.  

Kiba scowled, "Like you could ass-" before he was cut off as he threw another clawed hand only for Kenta to move faster than he had the whole time and grab his wrist and pull the Inuzuka forward and off balance before the next thing Kiba felt was a pain in the back of his neck before darkness took him.  

Kiba hit the ground out cold leaving the majority of the class gaping seeing sudden action, after pulling Kiba forward Kenta had moved with such speed it was hard for them to keep up, as he delivered a hard chop to the back of Kiba's neck knocking Kiba out before he hit the ground.  

Seeing that one boy was down Iruka raised his hand again, "Shōsha, Kenta Uzumaki." he announced as once again the cheers started as Kenta walked off the arena.  

The resulting cheers brought Kiba out of his out cold state at the sudden noise and he looked around realizing what had just happened and scowled, he'd been beaten, before turning and glaring at Kenta in rage. But didn't dare do anything, attacking after a loss would have been dishonourable, and his Kaa-san would have castrated him for such an act on the first day of the academy.  

Kenta noticed the glare he was getting from Kiba and sighed, 'Great, I pissed him off to much, guess I'll have some bridges to mend tomorrow… perhaps a treat for his partner, they do say one way to appease a Inuzuka is through their Ninken' 

Hearing the next match called Kenta turned to watch as Sasuke and Shino Aburame took to the ring and Kenta gave a small involuntary shiver. After reading up about the Aburame he had to take a shower, he knew they were effective shinobi and all, but the lengths they went to with their insects, to actually house an entire colony inside their bodies. The thought of it was somewhat disturbing.  

Shino had dark, bushy, brown hair and wore a pair of dark sunglasses covering his eyes. The rest of his attire consisted of a light grey jacket with a high, upturned collar, brown shinobi pants to his mid calf's, and blue opened toes shinobi sandals.  

After hearing the match up and seeing who was fighting Kenta sighed, getting a glance from Sayaka. "What not your type of match up?" she asked.  

Kenta shook his head, "There's no contest here on who's going to win." Kenta said in a disappointed tone, "The Aburame clan while a powerful clan in its own right has little to any Taijutsu users, they specialized in their insects and long range attack, but get in close with a solid punch and they're in trouble. If your brother loses this match I'll be shocked." 

Sayaka blinked and looked back to the match as it began, and it wasn't long before Kenta's hypothesis was proved correct, Sasuke's speed and strength quickly overpowered Shino and after three blows the Aburame forfeit the match by stepping out of the ring.  

As Shino walked by him Kenta glanced to him, "You might want to consider taking up lessons in the use of a close combat weapon, seeing as your clan doesn't have a strong Taijutsu style. It would be best to branch out so that you aren't caught in close combat unprepared." Kenta spoke in a neutral tone offering advice.  

Shino stopped beside him as he listened giving no sign of being of being offended and nodded, "A wise suggestion, I will take it under advisement. Do you have an idea on where I should start?" Shino spoke in a neutral tone also, while he analysed Kenta from under his sunglasses.  

Kenta paused for a moment; "Accounting for your body type and what I witnessed in your Taijutsu match I believe a set of Tonfas would be an ideal pair of weapons for you. Your height would provide a long reach and they would provide an adequate defence in both hand to hand and melee combat, and with your long sleeves they would be easily concealed to surprise opponents who haven't faced you before." 

Shino looked to be standing completely still in thought for several moments pondering the recommendation before nodding, "I will look into the matter, as I believe you are right about such weapons being beneficial. Thank you Uzumaki-san." 

Kenta nodded in response before turning back to the next match up as Shino continued on his way.  

Sayaka watched the exchange and watched the Aburame go before speaking, "Not very good at show what he's feeling is he." 

Kenta gave a small chuckle, "From what I've heard all Aburame are like that, men of few words and little emotions. They only speak when they feel it's important, in truth I'm surprised he responded to me at all instead of just nodding. Just goes to show you never can tell about some people and that it's better not to judge one person based on what you've heard." he said before sighing, 'Still can't get over those bugs though'  

Sayaka smirked at Kenta's words and was about to reply when the next match announcement caught her attention, "Sasuke Uchiha versus Naruto Uzumaki." making Sayaka look back to the ring so fast she almost had whiplash.  

There standing facing each other in the ring was her brother Sasuke facing off against Naruto and she immediately looked to Kenta to see his reaction, it was the same as her own, concern. Naruto had received training from Kenta on Taijutsu but it was nowhere near perfect, while Sasuke had been training for a lot longer, and from what he's shown in his last spars he didn't hold back.  

Kenta's eyes narrowed on the match as a thought crossed his mind, 'I know since the class is an odd number someone had to fight twice, but why put Naruto against Sasuke, if it was alphabetical it would have been me, this doesn't make sense…unless'. Kenta's eyes went to Mizuki and the silver-haired instructor had a wicked smirk on his face that made Kenta scowl, 'That son of a bitch, he did this on purpose. That tears it he has to pay…and I know just the way.' he thought before looking back to the match as it was about to begin, 'Come on Otōto, just remember your lessons' Kenta thought worried for his little brother.  

"Hajime." Iruka announced as the match began.  

Naruto immediately went on the defensive as Sasuke started attacking with a barrage of punches and kicks. Naruto kept his arms up keeping his face and neck covered to keep from getting to badly hurt, but the barrage was endless and Naruto couldn't get an opening not used to fighting at the speed Sasuke was at.  

Kenta watched from the sidelines his fists clenching as he watched on. He knew that Iruka would stop the match before anything serious happened, but watching this was bringing back memories of those nights of October tenth, as he unconsciously reached for his shoulder where his most prominent scar was and clutched the clothing over it as he watched on. An action that didn't go unnoticed by Sayaka who frowned seeing Kenta so angry, though she had a feeling as to what was causing it. But before she could speak to try to help a cry of pain came from the ring, making her look back to it quickly, it was Naruto's voice.  

Naruto had been keeping up a tight defence blocking every high attack, but each block was only angering Sasuke more as he couldn't get a solid hit in. After another failed attempt he had had enough and went low driving his knee into Naruto's open gut making the blond cry out in pain and lowering his arms to clutch his gut before Sasuke capitalized on the opening and rammed his elbow into the blond's face making him cry out again, but still not pass out. Enraged further Sasuke raised his right foot and heel kicked Naruto in the chest hard sending him back and out of the ring with force. But before Naruto could hit the ground Kenta was there and caught his Otōto in a burst of speed before he hit the ground causing further injuries.  

Naruto felt being caught and looked up to see Kenta was the one who stopped him, but the look on Kenta's face made him stiffen. The scowl that Kenta was directing at Sasuke, the one who had hurt his Otōto, was filled with anger and rage that promised pain and lots of it. But as he looked to Naruto it suddenly became a face of concern, "Otōto, you ok?" he asked looking to Naruto worried.  

Naruto nodded shaking off what he'd seen, he knew his brother cared for him and would make anyone who hurt him pay, though sometimes he wished he'd stop worrying, "Hai, I'm ok Nii-chan." Naruto said before looking down, "Sorry I lost."  

Kenta smiled standing his brother up and patting his shoulder, "You've only had a few months training don't let it get to you. This just means we'll have to step your training up a few notches in the next session to really get some results." he said with a smirk.  

Naruto couldn't help but shiver as a chill ran down his spine from his brother's words; the training was already monstrous, what was a step up going to be like, "H-Hai N-Nii-c-chan." Naruto responded slight fear in his voice.  

Kenta sighed, "Now get going I've got my match now." Kenta said gesturing to the others. Naruto nodded and quickly walked to over to the rest of the class, Sayaka quickly rushed to Naruto and started checking him over and Kenta could see her apologising over and over and Naruto saying he was fine which just made Kenta shake his head in amusement before his gaze hardened as he looked to the ring and the smirking Sasuke in it, before he started up the steps.  

As Kenta stepped into the ring Iruka looked watched him with slight worry. The glare he was giving his opponent wasn't the kind you gave an ally, but then again the Uchiha had just went overboard with his younger brother. He couldn't have expected him not to show some anger after the fact.  

But just as Iruka was about to begin the final match Kenta raised his hand, "Hold on a minute Iruka-san." he said stalling the man.  

Sasuke scoffed, "What's the matter, giving up already?" Sasuke smirked looking at Kenta ready to fight.  

Kenta glared at him, "Hardly, I just wanted to see if you wanted something more out of winning this match." Kenta said as he glared.  

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked with slight curiosity.  

Kenta gave a smirk, "Simple a prize for this match that's all, seeing as this is the final. Wouldn't you want something for coming out on top, nothing physical, but a privilege after this?" 

"Get to the point already." Sasuke said getting impatient.  

Kenta grinned, "I say the winner gets another match that will really test their skills and the winner gets to choose one of our Chūnin instructors to fight in a spar. What do you say Iruka-san it would give the rest of the class an idea of where the top of the class stands compared to a trained shinobi such as either of yourselves?" 

Iruka pondered a moment on the idea but just shrugged, "It's unorthodox and not normally done, but I don't see why not, I'll agree." Iruka said before looking to Mizuki, "What about you Mizuki, if you're asked to have a spar?" 

Mizuki grinned, "Sure, it will be educational." he grinned while inside laughing. It was perfect, if he went up against the Uchiha he could give him a fight and make him want more power, while if it was the Kyūbi container's brother he could just beat the crap out of the brat and call it a life lesson.  

Kenta grinned 'Trap baited and set and the dumb idiot has fallen for it and is about to be skinned alive. Oh this will be fun, but first…' Kenta thought before looking back to Sasuke, "There now with that sorted out." he said before moving into a different stance.  

This time his body was facing to his right and his right arm was against his body and his left arm was facing Sasuke only this time it wasn't horizontal for defence it was vertical with his fingers bent to the second joint as he settled his attention on Sasuke waiting for the match to start.  

In the audience Naruto gulped slightly, "Oh crap, Nii-chan is pissed." Naruto said with a little bit of fear in his voice.  

Sayaka looked at Kenta's stance and was slightly confused, she'd never seen him in this stance when they sparred. Normally he was tilted to the left and his right arm was horizontal with his left by his side. Then she heard Naruto speak and looked at him, "What are you talking about, what's that stance?" 

Naruto watched Kenta with a slightly nervous look, "Nii-chan's style has multiple stances depending on what the goal of the user is. Normally when Nii-chan is fighting he always uses the one stance for defending and countering before launching attacks, but the stance he's in now isn't defence orientated it's strictly offensive based. In short, Nii-chan is about to demolish Sasuke and it's not going to be pretty." 

Sayaka blinked before looking back to the ring just as the match was about to start and Sayaka has an inkling of worry for her brother in this fight. She remembered how Kenta had been defensive about Naruto when he defended her from those three boys and how he had beaten them up. Now something was telling her that her brother was about to get the same lesson and it was going to be hard.

Iruka raised his hand, as he looked between the two boys in their stances, before dropping his hand, "Hajime." 

As soon as the word was said Sasuke went on the attack but before he could get even a single step Kenta was in front of him his right hand moving for a strike. It was too fast for Sasuke to block as it came in and lifted so the palm was going to make contact as it slammed into Sasuke's nose at an angle hard.  

The impact sent Sasuke's head back exposing his windpipe which was meet by Kenta's right elbow causing Sasuke to choke on his breath and grab his throat before whatever air he had was knocked out of him as Kenta grabbed both of his shoulders and drove his right knee into his gut hard before Sasuke was pushed back and his head was met by a left front heel kick right to the face sending the Uchiha out of the ring hard and unlike Naruto hit the ground with a grunt coughing as he tried to get his breath back while holding his gut from the knee her received, while his nose was bleeding from the palm and then the foot he took to it. 

Kenta stood in the ring glaring at the down Uchiha as Iruka went to check on him, and frowned seeing his injuries before looking to Kenta, "Uzumaki that was too rough to a spar with a fellow student." 

Kenta looked at him with a disapproving look, "Last time I checked Iruka-san we are training to be shinobi in this academy and the enemy will not go easy on us. A beating now will encourage him work harder and not let it repeats itself. Although you said I was too rough in actuality I was holding back and could have crippled him had I so chose to do so, but that is what I classify as to rough. As for his current injuries, that's what Iryō-nins are for." Kenta said cold tone.  

Iruka frowned at the tone and was about to reprimand him when someone walked around him, he looked and it was Sayaka leaning down to her brother, "Excuse me Iruka-sensei this will only take a moment." she said before running through three hand signs Rat → Ram → Dog as a small amount of chakra gathered in her hand's surprizing Iruka.  

'She knows Iryō Ninjutsu at her age… I see Kenta must have known this in advance that's why he mentioned Iryō-nins. He knew she'd be able to heal him' Iruka thought as he watched Sayaka heal Sasuke's nose like it had never happened but stopped there not healing the rest of him, "What about the rest of him, aren't you going to heal that or is that all you can do?" Iruka asked wondering why she stopped at just the nose.  

Sayaka shook her head, "No, I agree in what Kenta-Kun said it will encourage him to work harder. Besides after the way he's been treating his own opponents he can't complain when one of them treats him the same." she finished standing up and starting back over to the rest of the class.  

Sasuke growled at his sister's words as she walked away. What the hell did she know? How dare she treat him like this? How dark that bastard Uzumaki beat him like this? He was an Uchiha he was an elite. How could he be beaten like this? He'll show, them he'd show them all.  

Ignoring the pain in his gut Sasuke got up and rushed past Iruka at Kenta as he weaved through hand signs Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger. He'd make this bastard pay, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" (Fire release: Great Fireball). Sasuke called out as he fired a fireball in Kenta's direction to incinerate the bastard, but his eyes widened when the fireball kept going and hit the ground on the other side of the sparring ring instead, with Kenta nowhere to be seen.  

"You know you really are slow." Kenta spoke making Sasuke freeze, the voice came from behind him and he looked over his shoulder to see Kenta crouched on the ground behind him with his hands together in what looked to be a seal Tiger. "Seeing as you tried to hit me with a Jutsu I think it's only fair I return the favour Konohagakure Hiden Taijutsu Ōgi: Sennen Goroshi" (Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death). Before ramming his index and middle fingers into Sasuke's behind making Sasuke's eyes widen before being launched forward and into the air and screaming. He then went crashing into the ground after twenty feet the impact of which knocked him out cold.  

The sudden exchange of events left everyone astounded at what had happened, and finally after several seconds of processing the events multiple things happened. Everyone looked to Sasuke with shock of what he had done: attacking Kenta with the Jutsu, looked to Kenta in shock of the speed he had demonstrated dodging the Jutsu with such skill, and then a WTF look at the ass-poke, before bursting into applause overall, with both Ino and Sakura screaming about their Sasuke-Kun rushing over to him.  

Iruka blinked seeing the scene before rubbing his forehead feeling the sudden migraine that was coming on with he felt was going to be a precursor to a lot more in the future years ahead of him.  

Kenta smirked as he stood up normally, 'Never thought I'd ever use that Jutsu, though I'll have to thank Anko for teaching it to me', he thought before turning to Iruka, "Sorry about that Iruka-san, can we continue?" 

Iruka just sweat dropped at the casual request, "Normally, I'd say no considering what just happened, but seeing as no one was hurt"*edit out yells of Sakura and Ino*,"we might as well. So who do you want as your opponent?" 

Kenta turned and glared at Mizuki, "I'll take the silver hair conditioner." he said with a smirk.  

Iruka gave a smirk at the comment and Mizuki had a twitching eye at the comment, "Alright then I'll be the referee." Iruka said as Mizuki walked into the ring the two sizing each other up as they took their stances.  

Mizuki inwardly was smirking, 'you wanted a fight Gaki now you're going to get one. Don't blame me if you get a few broken bones from it��  

While Kenta's mind was clear except for a single phrase, 'Time to pay bastard', as he took his defensive stance. While he wanted to go on the offensive he knew it wouldn't be wise, this guy wasn't Sasuke and likely had plenty of experience behind him, but even so he was only a Chūnin, he was used to fighting at Tokubetsu Jōnin speeds as he had insisted Anko constantly up her speed over the time they training. As well as not forgetting all his sparrs and training with Gai, he knew he had the skills but it was best to play it safe and take his payback as slow as possible.  

Iruka looked between the two raising his hand before bringing it down "Hajime." 

The pair of them stood completely still watching each other as they kept their stances waiting for the other to attack first, the class and Iruka watched on as they waited to see who would strike first. This went on almost thirty seconds before Mizuki shifted his weight on his right leg and Kenta saw the movement and followed it, able to read what was coming.  

Mizuki pushed off his right foot and went for Kenta with a left hook, he was fast and Kenta could easily see that he was putting more power behind the attack than he was meant to a fact that Iruka didn't miss also. But to his shock, Kenta reacted with speed that surprised him. Mizuki's left came in, Kenta's right forearm came up and his outer forearm block Mizuki's inner forearm with enough strength to change its trajectory upward slightly as he moved his body low as he swooped under it as it harmlessly sailed over his head, and moving with the same speed Kenta's left arm shot forward and impacted Mizuki's stomach making the Chūnin flinch from the impact. The attack had been chakra laced to get through his flak jacket and make it hurt.

Feeling the pain Mizuki scowled and capitalized on his and Kenta's position as he brought his left leg around in an attempt to knock the red head on his ass and break a few ribs while he was at it. But Kenta saw it coming and shocking those who saw as he moved his left arm not to block but to steady himself on the incoming leg as Kenta jumped into a mid-air roll as he sailed over the incoming leg, before he put his legs out and stuck the landing and turned quicker than Mizuki could react before Kenta took the offensive and thrust both his chakra powered hands into Mizuki's back, hard.

Mizuki's eyes widened in the pain he felt in his lower back muscles, although his spine had been wide open Kenta had aimed for the muscles instead of the spine so as not to risk permanent injury and cause a scene that would draw too much attention to him any more than he already was going to have by beating the shit out of Mizuki.

Stumbling forward but remaining in the ring Mizuki scowled in pain as he turned back on Kenta and rushed him and started throwing a flurry of punches at him each harder that was meant to and each aimed at the face or crucial areas of the body like the liver and kidneys trying to cause serious damage. But each time Kenta evaded them or changed their trajectory on-route so they intentionally missed, but the onslaught was causing Kenta to back up closer to the rings boundary line.

As Kenta neared the edge Mizuki threw another wide left but as Kenta redirected it, he used that opportunity to instead grab Kenta's shoulder and went to bring him forward into a high knee but instead of it meeting as intended Kenta brought his right arm down and hit the knee to the left so it missed him and in the process brought his own knee up and drove it right into Mizuki's crotch. No chakra enhancement just pure strength and it was enough to make the Chūnin voice jump several octaves to a near inaudible scream as he felt his manhood crushed on impact, as men everywhere flinched before he dropped to his knee's clutching his groin. Kenta moved to behind him his hands together for the second time and called out the attack, "Konohagakure Hiden Taijutsu Ōgi: Sennen Goroshi" (Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death).

The sounds of Mizuki's girlish scream was heard all over the village as Kenta pumped more chakra into his hand than he had with Sasuke and as a result sent Mizuki flying farther and harder as he soared over the academy, over the village and landed in the occupied portion of the woman's hot springs.

The result of which were a series of painful high-pitched screams all from Mizuki as the women set upon the presumed pervert and unfortunately for him it was the day that one Tsume Inuzuka had decided to treat herself to a relaxing day out. The man would never be the same again.  

Back at the academy, Kenta stepped back out of the pose he had taken in the process of the attack, his right leg straight pushing him forward and his left leg bent slightly with both his arms straight up hands still together pointing into the air.

The entire class was gaping from what they had just seen, aside from a few as Sakura and Ino were too busy tending to the still unconscious Sasuke. Naruto was holding his gut laughing his ass off and Sayaka was going her best and failing to suppress her laughs seeing a grown man going from a contralto to a soprano before being sent flying screaming like a little girl. Iruka just stood with his mouth agape, his jaw on the ground and his eyes white over and wide at what he had just seen.

Kenta rubbed the back of his head, "He-he." he faked a chuckle "I guess I went a little overboard on that one." 

In one of the trees of the academy ground was the chuckling form of Anko as she tried her best to keep her voice down as she laughed at the scene, 'Damn it Gaki, that's showing them something, oh if this is what the next four years are going to be like, I think I've found my next off mission pass time show' 

Scene break

After class had ended for the day a few hours later, Kiba Inuzuka growled to himself, with his Ninken: Akamaru on his head as he headed down the dirt road off the main path heading for his clan's compound in the forest area.

Walking through the open gates he headed for the main house, still pissed off over his loss in class at how he lost so easily, what the hell did that Uzumaki do to get that strong, there was no way he trained harder than he did, but yet he didn't even land a single hit on him and yet he was dispatched so easily like it was a game to him.

Akamaru stayed silent understanding his master's anger at losing, but daren't offer any suggestions as they'd likely be taken as pity, something that his master didn't want.

As he entered into the large main house he kicked off his sandals as Akamaru jumped off his head to the floor of the main hallway.

The floor of the main hallway was stone and concrete set with a clear view to the railing on the second floor. Large pelts of bears and wolves hung from the walls of the corridor that had three doors, two on the left and a larger third at the far end.

After placing his sandals to the side he started down the hallway to the final door opening it and entering into the open planned, kitchen and Lounge space.

To the left was the large kitchen space with dark oak kitchen utilities and stainless steel appliances, the countertops were white granite with specks of grey and lighter shades throughout, with the same stone and concrete flooring as the main hall, the two windows were decorated with vertical hardwood Venetian blinds with stainless steel chains, with a larger set pulled to the side of the large set of double glass doors leading to the backyard and training area.

To the right was the lounge area with four large circular chairs each with a sandy brown fabric finish and a full pelt over their backs, with a large fireplace on the far wall.

Entering, he instantly notices another presence, sitting in the lounge area with her partner lying on the ground next to her seat, was Kiba's Kaa-san Tsume Inuzuka the matriarch of the Inuzuka clan.

Turning her head slightly as she saw the door open Tsume greeted her son with a smirk seeing him come in, "Well so you're finally back pup. How'd the first day at the academy go?" she asked with a smirk, which turned to one of interest as she saw, the young pups reaction.

Kiba frowned slightly and looked down with a slight growl at being reminded, but daren't refuse to answer his mother, arguably one of the three strongest women in the land of fire. "It was alright, I think I'm going to need to up my training at home, though," he said hoping that his Kaa-san would drop it but knew she wouldn't.

"Oh, and why's that, training at the academy not up to what you expected?" Tsume asked wondering why he's want to train more at home, not that she'd be against it, training was always good, but she'd supervised his training herself, and she was content with how his training had been progressing.

Kiba walked into the lounge area and sat down on one of the seats Akamaru jumping up onto his lap, "A bit, but that's not why I want to train more." he said before gulping slightly before he spoke again considering his next words very carefully, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Tsume, "I lost in the third round of the Taijutsu tournament today for class rankings."

Tsume raised her eyebrow at the news as the watched her youngest pup with a critical gaze as she let out a small displeased growl of her own, "I see. Were you allowed to have Akamaru by your side in this fight or were you alone?" she asked trying to estimate just why her pup had lost, she hadn't been light on his training in their clans Taijutsu style, but if he was without his partner then she could understand why he'd have lost given the facts.

"I was on my own, it was just one on one." Kiba answered as Tsume nodded.

"I see, well I can understand how you would have lost then against another clan child if that was the case." Tsume said with a frown, "Don't let it get to you, with Akamaru by your side I'm sure you would have won."

Hearing his Kaa-san's words Kiba nodded but winced slightly at the clan comment, "The thing is Kaa-san, the guy I lost to wasn't from any of the clan's." Kiba said as he prepared for the verbal ripping that would lightly follow.

Tsume's eyes widened when she heard that and she let out a throated growl, "I see, so you're telling me you lost to a civilian child. It would seem that my training has either been too lax or you got cocky in the ring. Which is it?" she growled out knowing what Kiba could be like, he was a hot head sometimes always trying to show off and normally failing in the process.

"I wasn't acting cocky Kaa-san," Kiba said his head lowered in a sign of submission not wanting to risk angering her as he explained, "the guy was just too fast for me. No matter how I attacked him he dodged each time I went for him." Kiba explained quickly.

Tsume was starting to lose her patience with the pup as she let out another low growl, had it been a clan child she could have understood him losing, they would have been trained as much as he had been if not more and without Akamaru and their clan Jutsu he would have been at a large disadvantage. But losing to a civilian was bordering on the pathetic, "And just who was this civilian boy who beat you that moves with such speed?" she growled out in anger.

"Uzumaki, Kenta Uzumaki." Kiba said in a low tone with an obvious dislike for the boy having lost to him.

Hearing the name Tsume paused for a moment as she remembered back to the meeting nearly two years prior, which had been about the older of the Uzumaki brothers. But one of the few details that peeked her interest that she remembered. That fact alone lessened her anger over Kiba's loss to the boy; while he may not have been from a clan he had received training. "I see, very well then," Tsume said keeping her eyes levelled on Kiba, "we'll increase your training then given the facts that you were without Akamaru and you couldn't use any clan Jutsu. But you had better not let this happen again and double your training efforts, I won't stand for one of my pups looking weak is that clear." she said in a dark tone leaking a low wave of Sakki into her tone making Kiba shiver feeling it.

Kiba nodded his head still not daring to look his Kaa-san in the eye, "Hai." he responded in a solid voice not daring to let out a stutter of fear, had he it would have only made things worse on him.

Nodding Tsume sighed, "Good, your extra training starts in an hour, I suggest you go to your room and rest." she said leaning back in the chair.

Kiba nodded his head as he stood up as Akamaru followed him out, noticing the scowl of anger on his master's face knowing there was only one who it could be for, 'Kenta Uzumaki'

Scene break

It was the second day in class at the academy and Kenta was getting a mixture of varied looks from his other classmates in the room. Blushing glances from half the girls in the room, most of the guys were likely giving him irritated looks for that reason, while others were looking at him with slight fear and respect after his little performance the other day in training. Though there were two looks that stood out from the others.

Glancing over the scroll Kenta was reading from his seat he could see Kiba was still giving him the same heated glare he had been ever since he walked in that morning, obviously still angry over his loss the day before.

Then glancing down the front he caught Sasuke doing the same. When the last Uchiha male had woken up the day before he had been raging at what Kenta had done to him and would have likely demanded a rematch had Sayaka not cut her brother off before he could reminding him of what their Kaa-san would do should he behave poorly on the first day of the academy which had shut him up pretty quick.

As he glanced he couldn't help notice some of the girls were glaring at Sayaka who was beside him, more than likely because he gave her attention when he wasn't giving them half of it. The entire first day he'd only talked to her and Naruto and barely said a few words to anyone else which he was starting to measure was part of the attraction that was drawing the girls, his mysterious side. Same with Sasuke, only Kenta didn't brood all day.

Kenta sighed looking back to his scroll, "Great job Kenta nicely done, piss off two of the more violent orientated classmates on the first day and trounce a Chūnin instructor. There's no way that can come back to bite you in the ass." Kenta mused to himself in a low voice getting a chuckle from Sayaka who overheard him from her seat.

"It's not that bad, Sasuke-Nii wouldn't dare try anything with me here and dog boy is all bark and no bite, worst he can do is try to pee on you." Sayaka giggled, "And Mizuki-Teme deserved it if you were right about him rigging the matches."

Kenta sighed, "Still doesn't help with all the attention it's putting on me. A shinobi is meant to be discreet and never seen. Yet on the second day I'm already the second thought on everyone's mind."

"Oh and what's the first then?" Sayaka asked.

"Whether Mizuki survived his trip to the woman's section of the hot springs or not. Rumour was Kiba's Kaa-san wasn't impressed with him landing in while she was trying to relax." Kenta smirked to himself mentally giving himself a pat on the back for that one. While he wouldn't have been able to give Mizuki the beating he wanted to, he had no doubt that one of the strongest Kunoichi in the land of fire would be able to do it quite easily.

No sooner had Kenta spoken than the door to the classroom opened and only Iruka walked in looking rather disappointed to an extent as he did.

Although not many of the class noticed him as they were all talking amongst themselves, although they were soon focused on him.

"SHUT UP AND PAY ATTENTION!!!" when his head grew twenty times bigger and his voice turned into a high-powered yell.

The majority of the class sat straight in their seats immediately silenced by the sudden yell and display, Sayaka leant over to Kenta, "Ōkinaatama-Jutsu?" (Big head Jutsu) she asked to which Kenta nodded before they turned their attention back to the front of the class.

Iruka cleared his throat after his yell, "Now that I have your attention. After yesterday's unscheduled demonstration Mizuki-sensei, unfortunately, won't be re-joining us for the next several weeks at the most. He is currently on temporary leave to recuperate from yesterday's events." Iruka explained neglecting to mention the extent of his fellow instructors injuries; which ranged from a fractured skull, twenty broken bones which included all four of his limbs and most of his ribs, a shattered left foot, two crushed testicles, multiple slash, claw wounds, and rectal bleeding due to a perforated lower intestine from the chakra powered ass poke Kenta had delivered.

As the class started muttering and talking about the news Iruka stepped forward again, "Now-now class I know this is sudden, but we can still continue even without Mizuki-sensei and today we'll be starting by announcing the current class rankings. At the top of the boys we have Kenta Uzumaki at the top with Sasuke Uchiha taking second and Naruto Uzumaki taking third. While on the girl side first place is tied between Hinata Hyūga and Sayaka Uchiha after their last match ended in a draw and Ino Yamanaka taking the second."

Once again the students started muttering as Kenta and Sayaka smirked. They had both been training hard and both had their eyes on the spots of rookie and Kunoichi of the year when they graduated. Although Sayaka and Hinata they had both fought their hardest, but neither side could penetrate the other's defences and after several minutes the match had been announced a draw.

While others were talking about the rankings Sasuke was scowling in his seat at losing to a civilian. He was an Uchiha he should have been at the top and to add even further insult to injury his sister had managed to take the top spot along with the Hyūga clan heiress, while he had been beaten by a civilian and then humiliated. To make matters worse on top of all that the bastard that beat him was friendly with his sister. He knew that if his Tou-san was still alive he would never had allowed Sayaka to enter the academy, yet their Kaa-san had given her not only the permission to do so, but helped her train as well. She helped him as well, but what irritated him was that she was training them at the same speed. He should have been years ahead of her, but she was able to keep up just fine. None of this was making sense how could she have been at the same level of training as him; he needed to be stronger that's all it was he'd just train harder. He'd surpass that bastard, then he would defeat that useless bitch of a mother of his, and then he'd kill Itachi for what he'd done.

As class continued on the rest of the day tension seemed to be in the air somewhat due to the heated glares that were going about the room, mostly from Kiba and Sasuke directed at Kenta and a few from Sasuke to Sayaka for over staging him in the tournament. So Iruka was glad when lunch had finally come around and everyone started to head out to have lunch in the yard. It was also Iruka's chance to speak with a student that had drawn his attention the first day.

"Kenta, could I speak with you for a moment?" Iruka called to the red head that was about to leave.

Kenta looked to Iruka and then looked to Sayaka and gave a smile and a nod gesturing to go on that he'd catch up before turning and walking back into Iruka, once everyone was gone they could speak privately.

"I assume this is about yesterday in class and in the ring Iruka-san?" Kenta asked as he crossed his arms. He had been suspecting that he'd be confronted about his abilities sooner or later, but on the second day he really needed to learn a bit more self-control when he was around people. Perhaps Anko had rubbed off on him a bit too much.

Iruka nodded in response, "Yes Kenta, after yesterday it's clear to me that you are more skilled than the rest of your classmates if your little speech in class was anything to go on and the hand to hand you displayed, most civilians don't come to the academy with that level of skill. From what you've said you have already received training in shinobi skills and I suspect you are even holding back in some departments. Hiding your skills like a true shinobi while at the same time not letting others push you or your Otōto around. I was going to propose that I nominate you for early graduation at the end of this year with the skills you showed I have little doubt you'd pass."

Kenta nodded and sighed, "You and my sensei both have no doubt on that and you are correct in your assessment of my skills. I am indeed holding back, but as for your recommendation on early graduation I have to say no. I have a very detailed plan on how I want to graduate and if everything goes as planned I will not be graduating till my final year along with the rest of my age group."

Iruka was shocked at the sudden information, "But why Kenta? Surely you'd easily be able to pass the exam when the time comes for it. Your Taijutsu is top of class, you're clearly well read on relevant subjects and with some training I'm sure you'd have the academies Jutsu down in no time for the exam. Why don't you want to graduate?"

Kenta sighed again, "Do you have a brother Iruka-san?" Kenta asked, getting no reply he continued, "I didn't think so, Naruto is my only family and I care for him deeply. I want to keep him safe but in order for me to do that I need to be close to him and I cannot do that if I graduate ahead of him. While I could pass the exam and become a Genin with little problem and likely a Jōnin by years end I choose to stay in the academy for him. While chances are low that we'll be in the same Genin team at the end of it as teams are made for certain purposes and they try not to put family together. This way I can be close to him until graduation at the very least."

Hearing Kenta's reasoning Iruka nodded, "I can understand your reasoning Kenta. But if I may ask, in yesterday's sparring when you were facing Mizuki why did you chose to fight him and beat him the way you did?"

Kenta looked to Iruka with a neutral look, "Because he set up my Otōto to face Sasuke and get beaten. I'm sure you noticed in our fight that wasn't the kind of strength most would use against a new student. All of his attacks were aimed to do long term damage or perhaps even kill me. For reasons unknown he is bias towards my Otōto and me, just like a large population of this village while I don't know as to why. I am grateful that you do not appear to be one of those who share whatever opinions they have about Naruto and myself and for that I thank you."

Iruka frowned slightly as Kenta turned to leave, he knew the reason why he and Naruto were treated like they were and he had seen how Mizuki was acting towards the blond and his brother. He was going to correct him about it as he was the senior staff member, but Kenta had dealt with him before Iruka had the chance. At least the brothers would get seven weeks without him messing with them and something was telling him that if Mizuki was foolish enough to try it again when he got back that next time Kenta would more than likely deal with him in the same manner as the first time if not more severely. The redhead was definitely one to be trifled with when it came to the safety and happiness of his younger brother.

Seeing his frown Kenta smirked thinking it was about his decision on not graduating early he decided to put the instructors mind to ease, "Don't look so down Iruka-san, staying at the academy for my Otōto is my choice and I know I won't regret it. Think of it this way, you get a student that you already know is Genin level if not higher, that's one less to worry about. Plus I'll be helping my Otōto to train so you'll only have to worry about his book smarts, which I'm also making sure he works on. I've already got him working on bettering his chakra control and I'm drilling the academy Taijutsu into him hard, though apparently not hard enough if the match yesterday was any indication." Kenta said shaking his head, "You can also use me help you better the other students it's like having an assistant that isn't a creep, you can have them spar against me or the like and I'll hand you in a report of where they need to improve and help them work on it. All I ask is seeing as you know how skilled I am, if there's a time in class where I ever dose off from boredom don't throw an eraser at me." Kenta said before giving Iruka smirk that disturbed him slightly, "Cause the next time you do, I'll likely return it the same way, only with several Senbon needles following after it, got it."

Iruka chuckled nervously at the comment and nodded, he was right on what his skills would mean for the class he could be an asset and he'd need all the help he could get with Mizuki out of commission for the next several weeks.

Kenta turned and started walking towards the door heading out, "Oh and one last thing Iruka-san, if I don't turn up for class some days or turn up late it's likely due to the fact I found something beneficial for my own development or towards my studies and training as preferred to sitting in class relearning what I've already learned. It's the same with Sayaka since the two of us train together quite frequently which I'm sure you more than likely suspect. We'll both turn up for the Taijutsu portions as they offer us some form of contest besides each other and it's by far the more enjoyable class."

Hearing that Iruka blinked in shock, "But what about the academy Jutsu, you both have to learn how to do them for the final exam."

Kenta chuckled as he opened the door, "Sorry to say Iruka-san, but I learned those three Jutsu the Bunshin no Jutsu, Kawarimi no Jutsu and Henge no Jutsu in the first three months of my training and I was the one who helped Sayaka learn them so neither of us needs to learn them cause we already do. Although Sayaka's Kaa-san might have her attend more class than myself from time to time, but that's just what Kaa-san's do I guess. Now if you'll excuse me Sayaka-chan is waiting for me to eat lunch with, Ja ne." he said before walking out leaving a stunned Iruka his lower jaw on the floor gaping at what he had just heard.

Scene break

Walking out into the main yard Kenta could feel eyes on him from multiple locations and closed his eyes for a moment and smirked feeling the familiar chakra signature. With a smirk on his face he walked back inside and out of sight for a second before disappearing from inside the academy in a red feather Shunshin.

On the other side of the yard in the tree branches Anko sat with a smirk watching on, wondering why Kenta had went back inside before she blinked feeling his chakra before a familiar voice spoke out to her, "Enjoying the show Anko?"

Anko looked above her to see Kenta standing on the branch above her with a smirk.

Anko grinned, "Yep, just waiting to see what happened in the sitcom that is your life Gaki. Yesterday it was the silver haired creep to get his ass handed to him. Nice job on that by the way, I'm just wondering who's ass's next on your chopping block."

Kenta smirked giving a shrug, "Don't know yet, I'm just playing it out as it goes. I just wanted to stop by and say enjoy whatever show come's next." he said before disappearing into another Shunshin.

Scene break

Kenta reappeared behind a tree and walked around it before sitting down surprizing Sayaka who was on the other side.

"What...where'd you..." Sayaka started looking around in shock at him suddenly coming out of nowhere, "How do you do that?"

Kenta smirked, "You'll learn one day, now let's enjoy our lunch shall we." he said as he unsealed his bento box from a storage seal on the inside of his flak jacket and started eating.

As the two eat, Kenta unsealed a paper pad and a brush with ink as he started plotting out a detailed array on the paper, his stroke's fluid and his hand moved with such skill it was like an art form in motion.

Sayaka watched in amazement as Kenta worked. She was amazed with the detail in the array, while she had no idea what it was for the skill of which Kenta made it was what astounded her the most. After a few lessons she could only make a basic storage scroll and smoke tag, but each took her five minutes to make at most and they were poorly made but worked. Compared to them the design that Kenta was working on was something she doubted she'd ever understand.

As Kenta worked he felt Sayaka's gaze on him and felt his cheeks heat up slightly from being watched by her, but kept his emotions and reactions in check like he had been trained to do. He had noticed it had been happening more and more any time he had been around Sayaka. He had no idea as to why however when he had asked Hiruzen about it the old man had chuckled and simply said he'd find out one day. He'd thought about asking Anko, but decided not to, knowing her she'd have likely laughed her ass off at his question.

As he continued, on the left he could feel other's gazes on him. Some of the girls from his class were watching from a fair bit back in curiosity about what he was doing, those closer were awestruck at his skilled hand movements.

Closer to him he felt some familiar aura's before speaking to one, "Otōto, don't even think about it." he spoke feeling Naruto who was hidden from view looking over Kenta's shoulder on the opposite side from Sayaka, "You still need years more practice before I even consider teaching you how to make this array, but your Tōton Jutsu (Invisibility Jutsu) is getting better."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he dropped his Tōton Jutsu(Invisibility Jutsu) becoming visible, "Sorry Nii-chan, I just wanted to watch you work. That seal looks so cool, but it's complicated. You lost me after the first three inner arrays."

Kenta smirked, "Three? Then you're improving, but you still have a long way to go. There's twenty-one in all in this array, but it's still not working like I wanted. There's a chakra flow problem in arrays seven through fourteen."

Naruto knelt down beside him. While he was nowhere near as skilled as his brother he knew some from his lessons and did his best to follow the arrays, "Sorry Nii-chan, after five I can't follow."

Kenta nodded, "Yea no problem, I'm still years away from finishing it anyway and it has to be perfect."

"What's it meant for anyway?" Sayaka asked looking at the intricate markings.

"It's a large scale chakra disruption array that focuses the effects of multiple arrays into a singular point and spreads the chakra out over a vast area removing all the chakra from the point their focused on. But I just can't get these connecting points to work in this array, each time I try the chakra in the centre isn't pulled far enough and by the time it reaches a certain point it's stretched too thin to be pulled further apart. It's so troublesome." Kenta said scratching the back of his head.

"Hey, that's my line." spoke a voice from above them making the trio look up blinking seeing both Shikamaru Nara and Chōji Akimichi up in the tree branches above them, The Nara lying back lounging around and Chōji munching on a bag of potato chips.

Kenta quirked an eyebrow, "How'd you get up there? Wouldn't it'd be too much effort for a Nara?", Kenta smirked.

Shikamaru sighed, "It's so I can relax in peace without being disturbed."

Kenta chuckled, "More like fall asleep. Don't you sleep enough in class?"

Shikamaru looked to him, "I could say the same to you."

Kenta shrugged, "I hate repetitive lessons, but then such is the pain of learning ahead of the masses. Perhaps we could do something productive in class instead of sleeping? You play shogi?"

Shikamaru seemed to smirk, "Yea I do, what about it."

Kenta grinned, "I'll bring my board tomorrow and we'll see who's better, it would pass the time and give us both something do so besides sleep."

Shikamaru paused for a second before answering as he measured Kenta up before nodding, "Sure why not it couldn't be more boring than the lessons themselves."

Kenta smirked slightly pleased that there was another possible ally. He'd need to be on good terms with his fellow shinobi, he'd already measured the worth of the rest of the class on the first day and could tell without some major improvements that less than half of them wouldn't reach Genin the first time. So the more guys he had watching his back the better.

Looking back to his array Kenta paused trying to figure out the solution to its chakra flow problem, but paused when a shadow blocked the sun and shadowed over him and his work. He recognized the scent instantly and when he looked up it was confirmed: Kiba Inuzuka and his partner Akamaru.

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