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Chapter 10: Chapter nine

The door to Kenta's apartment opened wide as Kenta and Midnight arrived back from their morning run with time to spare. It was the day after the exams and the Mizuki incident, both Uzumaki brothers had gone home to bed knowing the next day would be the official start of their careers as shinobi.

As they walked in they found Naruto already up, dressed and waiting for them.

"Morning Nii-chan, Midnight." Naruto greeted them as they came in tossing Kenta a litter bottle of water as Midnight trotted over to his already filled bowl.

"Morning Otōto." Kenta greeted him before he tilted the bottle back taking a drink before speaking again, "What's up with you waiting, normally you'd always be heading to the academy ahead of me?" he asked before he tilted the bottle up again continuing his drink.

Naruto shrugged, "Yeah, but I figured this being our first day as official Genin, we could walk to the academy for our team placements together." he explained as Kenta finished downing the bottle's contents.

Kenta smirked as he finished, "Sure why not, it would be fitting for our first day, just let me grab a shower and pull on my gear." he said before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

Fifteen minutes later the two brothers and Ninken were out on the street taking the casual root to the academy, both wearing their Konoha Hitai-ates with pride on their foreheads as they walked through the streets.

"Hey, Nii-chan, who do you think we'll be placed with in our teams? I'm hoping Jiji puts you, me, and Sayaka-nee together, we've been training together for so long we already make a great team." Naruto said with a hopeful look in his eye.

Kenta smirked but shook his head, "As much as that would be great to be on the same team with you Otōto, I don't think that will happen. They don't tend to put siblings or even two of the same clan members on the same team." Kenta explained, "Last I checked the teams were based normally on individual purposes, tracking, capture and assault. A team to track the enemy, a team to capture them, and an induvial combat assault team that's an all-around offensive. Then there are the traditional teams amongst the clans like the Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi clans. The three heads of those clans used to make up a team with a wicked set of combo Jutsus, so my money on one team will be Shikamaru, Ino and Chōji being in a team, they're also a set capture squad with the added option of the Nara's Jutsu for interrogation purposes, so we've got the assault and tracking teams to think about after that. Tracking wise the Inuzuka and Hyūga clans both hold that in their skill sets and I also fall into that with Midnight. So I could be put into a tracking squad with Kiba and Hinata seeing as I'm not technically in the Inuzuka clan but I like to think I'm more of an assault specialist, hard to place who could be placed in that category though. Sayaka-chan has power as well but she's also an Iryō-nin so it's a tough call on her and you're the same as me a general assault specialist so in theory we'd be on the same team but it's hard to tell. Plus there's no way I'm asking Sensei to fix the teams so we're together. I've already asked for too much in the past, we'll just let the teams fall as they will and trust in the Hokage's placements."

Naruto blinked as he listened to his brother's reasoning's, "Wow, you really put a lot of thought into it. Hm, who knew there was a system to things like that, I'd have though it was all based on grades and stuff."

Kenta smirked, "Yeah no doubt that's what most think, but there's a system for everything you just have to stop and think about it for a bit." he said as they rounded a street corner on their route.

However, both brothers and Ninken stopped suddenly very aware of the looks they were receiving from the civilians on the street ahead of them.

Naruto felt himself tense seeing the cold angry glares being shot their way as well as the multiple whispers as people noticed his Hitai-ate as he could make out some asking "How could they allow him to become a shinobi", and the like.

Kenta on the other hand narrowed his eyes at the civilians and shot back his own glare and reinforced it with his Sakki (Killing intent), grateful that Anko had taught him how to utilize it years before, while Midnight growled from his left baring his teeth adding to the effect which was instantaneous, causing the civilians to disperse in fear feeling the red head and Ninken's displeasure, before the trio continued on their way undisturbed.

As they walked Naruto caught a few straggling glares from some brave civilians but ignored them as they continued, "It's strange, isn't it?" Naruto voiced, "All this time not knowing the reason behind the looks and now there's no more mystery to it."

Kenta rolled his eyes scowl still on his face, "Yeah some big revelation, the village is full of simple minded idiots, that aren't worth the effort it takes to notice their glares. I swear shinobi that don't know the difference between a scroll and a kunai, and civilians that can't tell the difference between a cup and water aren't worth the air they breathe." Kenta spat out in disgust and anger as Midnight growled in agreement.

Naruto flinches at his brother's tone "Aren't you acting a little bit harsh towards them I mean, I can understand the shinobi, but the civilians don't know any better."

Kenta sighed, "And just how am I supposed to act Otōto? Yes I know the civilians don't know any better, but it's that fact that angers me the most. It was the Yondaime who did it and the Sandaime even confirmed it, but yet they still didn't trust the word of two of the village's leaders on the matter and still let their fear, bigotry, grief and stupidity blind them to the truth. Even sixteen years later. It's that and how it just shows the utter lack of faith they have in the title of Hokage that they'd do such things. And I can't decide what angers me the most." Kenta said in an angry tone, which Midnight snorted with a nod of his head.

Naruto frowned looking down, he could understand where his brother was coming from, while Kenta looked to the Sandaime and Sannin as his idols, Naruto looked to the Yondaime as his, and he could understand how the civilians and even the shinobi under the Hokage not believing two of them showed the utter lack of respect and faith in the Hokage title, it was then that Naruto felt the small pang of anger as well thinking about someone unintentionally insulting his hero as his fists clenched for a second as he uttered, "Stupid idiots."

Kenta blinked hearing Naruto and smirked, "Damn straight." he agreed, as Midnight gave a small bark of amusement before they continued on, neither brother nor Ninken saying or barking another word as they walked on towards the academy and their shinobi careers.

Scene break

As the three arrived at the academy they were greeted by Sayaka who had arrived before them.

"Kenta-kun, Naruto-Nii, you two excited as I am?" Sayaka greeted with a smile.

"You bet Sayaka-nee. Can't wait to see what team I'm in." Naruto smiled

Kenta smirked, "You know it." as Midnight gave a bark of agreement.

"Looks like everyone's here," came Kiba's voice as he entered the room behind Kenta and Naruto with Akamaru by his side, and his grin widened seeing Naruto with his Hitai-ate, "So you did manage to pull it off, congrats Naruto." Kiba said as he and Naruto high-fived, "I knew that Mizuki-Teme had to have screwed you over somehow, damn I want to punch that silver haired Teme's face in."

Kenta smirked, "Too late, Otōto here and I beat you to it."

Kiba raised an eyebrow at that, "What ya mean? You tracked the bastard down and made him confess?"

Kenta shook his head, "None, the idiot turned out to be a traitor and came up with this lame ass excuse of a re-test for Naruto after sabotaging both his written and Jutsu exams. Which involves details I won't go into, but the end result was of the traitorous variety and Otōto and I had the privilege of giving him a Kage Bunshin beat down that left him bloody before he was turned over to the I&T division to pass on whatever intel he has after he ran his mouth about some things that had Hokage-Sama concerned. I think Anko-chan was having fun with him last night."

Sayaka giggled, "I don't think she'd have much left to work with after you two got through with him, she'll have to wait till he's healed before she can do some damage herself."

Kenta shrugged, "Can't say he didn't deserve it after the stunt he pulled and don't misjudge Anko-chan, she can still inflict plenty of pain even if you're already in a world of it. There are plenty of places still painful enough to have Senbon needles stuck in you."

Kiba winced, "Damn, I wish I'd have gotten a few good kicks in. He was always a pompous ass, but I didn't think he was a traitor, guess you never can tell."

Kenta shook his head, "I never got a good vibe from him and from day one I always suspected something. I guess it just goes to show, never trust a guy who uses that much hair conditioner." he said with a smirk as the others laughed at the joke.

Scene break

After everyone had settled down and taken their seats the door opened and Iruka came in with a clipboard under his arm and a proud smile on his face as he looked up at all of his now former students.

"First of, let me say congratulations to all of you for passing your Genin graduation exams. I'm proud to have taught each of you in your years at the academy and today marks your first day as Genin of Konoha. I hope each of you wear your Hitai-ates with pride, you've all earned them. Now as you all know you're all going to be placed into three man cells with a Jōnin-sensei who will be taking over your training from here on out." Iruka said as he took the clipboard out from under his arm, "Listen for your squad number and teammates, team one…" Iruka started reciting as he ran through the team lists before finally reaching the last groups, "Team Seven Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, your sensei will be Hatake Kakashi."

That got varying results, when Naruto heard his placement his head immediately hit the desk in front of him with a thud as Kiba patted his back to console him on his placement with his worst possible pairing, while Sakura cheered "Love conquers all!" getting placed with Sasuke who was sitting at the front not really reacting at all.

Meanwhile up a few rows with Kenta and Sayaka both blinked hearing the pairing with different expressions, Kenta took his head in his hand shaking his head, 'I just had to call it didn't I, that's an all-around assault team if I ever saw one. Naruto's large chakra reserves and high wind affinity along with his handful of Jutsu, add in Sasuke's potential Sharingan and his fire affinity and you've got a combination for a devastating combo there. Sakura has the book smarts and the small chakra reserves to be trained up to be a decent medic or Genjutsu mistress; it's a classic all-rounder assault team. While on paper it works, I don't know what Sarutobi-sensei was thinking. Naruto will work with them sure, but him and Sasuke will be at each other's throats in five minutes and Sakura is a Sasuke fan girl, this team is going to have some friction. Hatake will have his work cut out for him' he thought before he leaned over to Sayaka, "Let's hope our brothers don't kill each other before the end of their first mission."

Sayaka nodded while rubbing her forehead as she glanced down between Naruto and Sasuke, 'Of all the people to pair together it's had to be Sasuke-Nii and Naruto-Nii.'

"Team Eight, Inuzuka Kiba, Hyūga Hinata and Aburame Shino, your sensei will be Yūhi Kurenai." Iruka continued to list off.

Kenta nodded hearing the team, 'Interesting, there's the tracking team with the Hyūga and Inuzuka combo. Plus the Aburame's insects make for good reconnaissance and patrols for the additional tracking potential. I can see what Sensei was thinking there and Yūhi if I remember right she's good friends with Anko-chan and the Genjutsu mistress of Konoha, an interesting sensei.' he thought as he looked to see their individual reactions, Shino was as always neutral about any outcome not showing any real emotion, Kiba looked to be smiling happy enough with his placement, while Hinata had a sad smile which Kenta would have to place the reason for not being on the same team as Naruto, before he looked back to the front as Iruka continued on down the list.

"Team Nine is still in circulation so, Team Ten Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chōji, your sensei will be Sarutobi Asuma." Iruka announced.

Which got an immediate reaction as Ino seemed to groan in displeasure finding out who here team mates are, Shikamaru didn't look troubled by it at all as he lay with his head down, Chōji looked like he expected it as he just munched on his potato chips.

Kenta smirked from his seat, 'and there's the next generation of the Ino-Shika-Chō formation. Sensei you're anything if not predictable and you even have your son teaching them, well that is promising.'

Iruka took a pause for a moment as he read the last line on the list before clearing his throat, "Team Eleven Uzumaki Kenta and Uchiha Sayaka, your sensei will be Mitarashi Anko."

Kenta and Sayaka paused hearing their names before they looked at each other with grins on their faces hearing that they'll both be on the same team was the best result they could have hoped for, and with Anko, as their Sensei they'd have no problems.

There was some muttering around the room at the last announcement and Sakara put her hand up in confusion, "Iruka-sensei, I thought you said that we were being put into three man teams with a Jōnin-sensei. Why are Kenta and Sayaka on their own with a sensei, shouldn't there be another member of their team?" she asked as others nodded in agreement.

Iruka sighed, "Yes normally that is the case Sakara, but given the numbers in this graduating class having a full eleventh squad isn't possible. Now normally in this case if it was just one student that student would be held back and wait for an opening in another team or graduate with the next class. But seeing as there were two students left over Hokage-Sama decided to make an exception to the rules and make Kenta and Sayaka a team all to themselves, judging that they'd be capable enough to pick up the slack for their third member until one becomes available. Given the fact that both Kenta and Sayaka got the highest marks in the exam making them both the rookies of the year, with Naruto and Hinata taking second place and You and Sasuke taking third in the class rankings." Iruka explained getting a nod of understanding from Sakura understanding how things were working now.

But the announcement hadn't sat well with one Uchiha in particular as Sasuke stood up enraged, "How is that possible, how could both Uzumaki have higher scores in the exam than me, and how could he be the rookie of the year that title should be mine."

Sayaka groaned in her seat out of embarrassment from her brother's stupidity as Kenta rolled his eyes listening to Sasuke gripe.

"Skill and practice, that's how." Kenta answered loudly from his back seat as Sasuke turned and glared up at him, which Kenta ignored.

Iruka rubbed his brow trying to soothe a headache he was getting due to the male Uchiha, "Because Sasuke not only did Kenta get full one hundred for one hundred marks on the written exam, you barely got over ninety, Kenta got full marks on the kunai and shuriken something that hasn't been achieved in close to seven years, you pulled off just under that, in Taijutsu you fought the whole time with Mizuki and never touched him, while Kenta beat him in less than ten second flat, and in Ninjutsu Kenta outperformed you again, using each Jutsu flawlessly demonstrating near perfect chakra control for each and even performing some without the use of hand signs and demonstrated an equal level of control in is bonus Jutsu. Sayaka also outscored you on each and every aspect as well in the written exam she also pulled full marks, scored hire on you in the target exam, actually landed hits in her Chūnin spar and demonstrated Jōnin level chakra control or higher when she performed a B-rank Iryō Ninjutsu as her bonus Jutsu, even Naruto after his points were re-scored was found to be higher than you in everything, both of them are deserving of their spots as rookies of the year, now sit down Genin Uchiha."

Sasuke seethed as he heard how he had been outdone not only by both Uzumaki but also his little sister, 'How is this possible, how can she be better than me, I'm older, stronger and the rightful heir to the clan, how can she possibly be better than me. I'll make them pay for this, this isn't over.' Sasuke seethed as he reluctantly sat down and crossed his arms his fists balled.

Iruka nodded to himself as Sasuke sat down before clearing his throat, "Okay then, now normally you'd all be given an hour to get to know your teammates better before you'd meet your sensei, but Hokage-Sama is pushing things forward wanting to get things moving more speedily to get you all out there and into your shinobi careers faster, something I know some of you are grateful for, so as your sensei's come in you will go with them and they will take it from there, good luck"

As Iruka finished the classroom door opened and different Jōnin came in and one by one the teams left with their sensei's. Kenta watched as two more distinguished Jōnin walked in.

One was a tall man, with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard. His clothing consisted of the standard Konoha ninja uniform with the sleeves rolled up half way, flak jacket, regular black sandals and Hitai-ate. He also wore a sash that had the kanji for "Fire" marked on it around his waist, a pair of black bangles, and bandages wrapped around the arms of his sleeves.

Kenta instantly recognised him as Asuma Sarutobi, the Hokage's son, they'd met a couple of times in the past when he'd come to see his father in his office, although Kenta knew that the two of them didn't get on so well that their relationship had been strained ever since Asuma had left the village against Hiruzen's wishes and joined the Shugonin Jūnishi, to guard the Fire Daimyō instead of staying in the village. But their relationship had slowly been improving over the years but it still had a long way to go.

Next to Asuma was another that Kenta recognised, a friend of Anko's, she was a fair-skinned woman of slender build with long black untamed hair reaching her upper back. She possessed unique eyes that were red in colour, with an additional ring in them and wore make-up consisting of red lipstick and purple eye shadow. Her attire consists of a red mesh armour blouse with only the right sleeve visible with a very broad material that resembled bandages with a pattern on it similar to those of rose thorns that covered the rest of her body down to her hands and upper thighs with the Konoha Hitai-ate and regular shinobi sandals.

Kenta recognised her as Kurenai Yūhi, the Genjutsu mistress of Konoha, and one of Anko's close and personal friends, from what he remembered she'd only just been promoted to Jōnin rank some months prior to that, and Kenta could tell she was slightly nervous but that she was hiding it very well.

"Team ten with me." Asuma spoke out as he looked up into the students.

"Team eight follow me." Kurenai followed up as she did the same.

Kenta watched as the two teams and their senseis left the room, Kiba giving a wave to Kenta, Sayaka and Naruto as he walked out with Akamaru by his side. Leaving just teams seven and eleven in the room with Iruka waiting on their sensei's.

It was another couple of minutes before they all heard the sounds of someone complaining coming down the hall and another familiar voice telling the previous one to shut up.

"Is this really necessary, I can walk by myself you know." complained the first voice.

"Oh shut it Kakashi, you know as well as I do if I wasn't here you'd be off somewhere reading that smut you call a book, and wouldn't show up for the next three hours, while your team did nothing, now stow it and get in there." Anko's voice sounded before the door to the classroom crashed onto the floor with a tied up man on top of it who looked slightly irritated at the boot mark on his ass, before Anko poked her head in the door rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, "Hehe, that was an accident I swear." she said as everyone there bar Sasuke and Sakara sweat dropped at the scene.

With a displeased groan, the bound man stood up as the ropes fell off him as he dusted himself off, "Yes I'm sure it was Anko." he said sarcastically as he fixed himself up as Kenta finally got a good look at him.

He had spiky silver hair spiked to the left side, the right eye that he could see was dark grey but the left eye was covered over by the man's Hitai-ate, and the rest of his face from his nose down was covered by a blue face mask. The rest of his outfit consisted of the standard Jōnin attire that of a green flak jacket, a dark blue long-sleeve shirt with fingerless dark blue gloved with metal backs, dark blue pants and blue shinobi sandals.

Kenta raised an eyebrow at the man, 'He was able to get out of those ropes the whole time, he let her bring him here if he had wanted to escape he could have easily have done it. Hmm, late twenties maybe, around five feet ten or eleven inches tall, ten maybe eleven stone in weight. One eye covered possibly missing, blind spot, but yet still a shinobi so he's still capable… Hatake… where have I…, of course, Hatake Kakashi, Sharingan no Kakashi, son of the Konoha no Shiroi Kiba, Sakumo Hatake… and student of the Yondaime, well I don't think Otōto could have gotten a better sensei if he tried, although I wonder why Anko said he wouldn't be here for the next three hours if she hadn't brought him?'

Anko looked up to Sayaka and Kenta with a smirk, "Hey you two, did you hear who you're sensei is yes, I hear she's damn good and sexy to boot."

Sayaka sweat dropped at the comment while Kenta chuckled as they both got up and started down to her while Kakashi looked over his team with his one eye before sighing, "Okay, my first impressions on you three… you all suck." he said blatantly making the three face flaunt at the bluntness.

Sayaka and Kenta sweat dropped hearing the comment as Kenta looked to Anko, "So why'd you have to drag him here, he not want to come or something?" he asked keeping Kakashi in his line of sight.

Anko smirked, "That's partly it, the other part is that it was a direct order from the old man, Kakashi here makes it a habit to not turn up to anything short of an A-rank mission on time, if it was left up to him he'd have left those three waiting here for the next three hours doing nothing and wasting time. After the teams were announced to the Jōnin I was told to make sure Kakashi got here on time for once and did something."

Kakashi sweat dropped at the comment, "Hey now come on, I'm not that bad am I?"

Anko rolled her eyes at the Cyclopes, "No you're worse, now come on everyone to the roof, we're doing our introductions together so that they actually get done." she said as she turned and headed for the door as Sayaka and Kenta followed her with Midnight by Kenta's side.

Kakashi sighed but nodded as he followed suit with team seven following behind him.

Scene break

With everyone now up on the roof, Kakashi and Anko leant against the ledge while the Genin sat down on one of the seating areas in front of them Naruto on the far side with Sasuke and Sakura between him and Sayaka with midnight between her and Kenta.

"Ok, even though I already know my team, let's get through these introductions as quickly as possible" Anko said as she leant back, "Who wants to go first?"

Sakura looked confused for a moment, "Um what do you mean by introductions, like our hobbies and stuff?" she asked for clarification.

Anko shrugged, "Sure whatever, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future and that kind of stuff, here I'll go first then" Anko said as she cleared her throat with a smirk making both Sayaka and Kenta grin, "My name's Anko Mitarashi, my likes include torturing and interrogating traitors and scum bags, eating Dango and drinking sake, preferably all at the same time." she grinned making Sakara and Sasuke pale while Naruto shivered, Sayaka and Kenta looked normal and Kakashi looked unfazed, "My dislikes include, but are not limited to, stupid people, fangirls and a certain traitorous snake. My hobbies include researching poisons and training with a pair of kick-ass little Genin who with any luck will be Chūnin before too long." she grinned looking to Sayaka and Kenta, "My dream is to find and kill a certain traitorous snake and see both my students make it to Chūnin and then to Jōnin rank." she smirked before elbowing Kakashi, "You're next Cyclops."

Kakashi sighed, "Fine, my name's Kakashi Hatake, my likes are… you're too young to know that, my dislikes are… you don't need to know that, and my dreams for the future... Never nearly thought about it." he rambled off looking out into space while the others sweat dropped.

Kenta shook his head before looking to Anko, "May I do it?" he asked openly.

Anko smirked, "Sure go ahead." she grinned as Kenta took out a small black book from his pouch before clearing his throat, as the others looked to him and Kakashi raised an eyebrow recognising the book as the Konoha Bingo book and wondered where a newly minted Genin had gotten his hands on one.

"Kakashi Hatake, twenty-six years old, male, known titles are "Kopi Ninja no Kakashi" and "Sharingan no Kakashi". Former ANBU captain, lost his left eye in the third shinobi war and was replaced by a Sharingan eye, hence his title. Thought to have copied over a thousand Jutsu, although he had a strong Raiton (lightning) affinity and is the creator of the Chidori, an A rank Raiton assassination technique, and holder of the Hound contract. Former student of the Yondaime Hokage and only son of Sakumo Hatake, Konoha no Shiroi Kiba." Kenta rounded off from the book, "Threat A-rank, approach with extreme caution, recommendation flee on sight, if under A-rank or alone."

As Kenta listed off Kakashi's shinobi details they got varying results from each of the Genin, Sakara and Naruto looked at Kakashi with awe and respect, Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the mention of the Sharingan, Sayaka just smiled as Kenta listed the details off having already been informed about Kakashi by her mother before as the only other Sharingan in the village.

Kakashi blinked and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as Kenta finished, "Well there you go, I don't even need to introduce myself again. Although I have to wonder," Kakashi said getting serious, "where did a newly minted Genin pick up one of Konoha's bingo books, they're usually only given out to Chūnin?" he asked raising an eyebrow as Kenta put the book away.

Kenta smirked, "A shinobi must always be prepared, that included knowing your allies as well as knowing your enemies. I got the book a few months ago, it was an older edition, but its Intel is still good."

Kakashi nodded in understanding, "Fair enough, now how about you five introduce yourselves." he said before he turned his gaze to Sakura, "Let's start with you pinkie."

Sakara's eye twitched at the nickname but brushed it off and started her introduction, "My name's Sakura Haruno, my likes are…" *Looks at Sasuke and giggles*, "My hobbies are…." *looks at Sasuke and giggles*, "My dislikes are Ino-Baka and my dreams are to…" *looks at Sasuke and squeals to herself*

Anko pinches the bridge of her nose more and more at every word with a pissed off look on her face, Kakashi sweat dropped hearing her, while Sasuke remained oblivious to what it all meant and Naruto, Kenta and Midnight all sighed in some form shaking their heads in disappointment while Sayaka rolled her eyes at the fangirl.

"Okay then, your next Mr Doom-and-gloom." Kakashi said pointing to Sasuke

Sasuke growled at the nickname before speaking, "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I have few likes and I dislike many things. My hobby is training and my dream isn't a dream it's more of an ambition, I will kill a certain someone and then restore the Uchiha clan to its former glory before going even higher."

That little introduction got much the same responses from the others as Sakura's did, while Sakura was swooning over Sasuke the whole time he was talking.

"Okay, you're next blondie." Kakashi said as he gestured to Naruto.

Naruto smirked, "Name's Naruto Uzumaki, my likes are ramen, Nii-chan, Sayaka-nee, training and Fūinjutsu. My dislikes are fangirls, dumb people who don't know the difference between a cup and its contents, and anyone who badmouths my family and my dream. My hobbies are pranking, Fūinjutsu, training and enjoying ramen, and my dream is to someday be Hokage."

Kakashi nodded in approval glad to see he had at least one student who wasn't delusional, Anko smirked at Naruto's ambition, while both Kenta and Sayaka smiled in approval, Sasuke scoffed at the whole thing while Sakara didn't seem to care.

"Ok, you're up mini-me." Anko smirked to Sayaka.

Sayaka smirked back and rolled her eyes at the pun before speaking, "My name's Sayaka Uchiha, my likes are Anko-sensei, Kenta-Kun, Naruto-Nii and Midnight. My dislikes are those who are too arrogant to see their ambitions will never happen *glares at Sasuke*, and stupid fangirls. My hobbies are training with Kenta-Kun and Naruto-Nii, practicing my Iryō Ninjutsu and learning new things. My dream is to find someone and ask him to tell me the truth about what happened a certain night a long time ago before I can move on with my life and have a family."

Anko, Kenta and Naruto nodded in understanding to what she mean, while Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the last statement but nodded all the same, Sasuke completely ignored her while Sakara blinked not understanding the first part of her dream, but didn't speak up about it.

"Alright then, your turn Red." Anko smirked pointing to Kenta.

Kenta smirked, "Name's Kenta Uzumaki, my likes are my family, friends, Sayaka-chan and Midnight here, and Pocky of course." he said as he fished one of the chocolate sticks out of his flak jacket taking a bite, "My dislikes are arrogant people and those who don't believe what their leaders say and doubt their actions. My hobbies are training, Fūinjutsu, reading and playing Shogi. My dream… well to be honest I've never really thought much about it, I guess living a good life as a shinobi before I settle down and have a family at some point is as good a dream as any, but first I have to help a few with their own dreams so that I can have my own."

That got welcoming smiles from Naruto, Anko and Sayaka, with looks of intrigue from Sakara and Kakashi while Sasuke scoffed and looked away.

Kakashi cleared his throat then, "Okay then, now that we've all introduced ourselves, I think it would be best if we explained what's going to happen now, you see, seeing as you technically all pass your exams those were more of a testing period to make sure those of you who passed were actually capable of becoming shinobi, can't waste valuable Jōnin's time when they could be out earning the village funding and completing missions now. So now here comes the good news bad news part, you've all got one more test to take, I'll be taking my team and Anko will be taking her team and we'll both be giving our teams one final test to make sure you're ready, the bad part is that our exams have a sixty-six percent passing percent so that means at least one or more of you will be going back to the academy after this," Kakashi smiled through his mask.

The Genin stiffened hearing this, Kenta narrowed his gaze on Kakashi trying to tell if he was lying or not, which was the hard part seeing as he only had his eye and the general shape of his face to go off.

Anko scoffed on the spot, "Speak for yourself Kakashi. Unlike you I already know my two are up to snuff, they both pass my test without even taking it, I know they have the right stuff, that's why my team will be there watching your team to make sure you actually perform the test right."

Kenta and Sayaka high fived hearing that with Midnight giving a bark in celebration, while Sasuke growled in anger at the pair getting ahead of him again.

Sakara frowned, "But Anko-sensei, how is that fair, if we have to do a test shouldn't they have to as well?"

Anko smirked, "That's the breaks bubble gum my team my rules. If I say they pass, they pass. Hell if it was up to me Naruto would be passing too, but seeing as he's on Kakashi's team it's his call. So how about it Kakashi, let's get this test started to you can pass'm already."

Kakashi sweat dropped, "Actually Anko I was planning to perform the test tomorrow morning. You know give my team time to get to know each other and all…" Kakashi started to explain only to stop when Anko groaned.

"Not a chance Kakashi, Hokage-Sama said for me to make sure you actually do some shit today so, you're doing the test today and failing or passing them today, no arguments." Anko said pointing at him with a smirk.

Kakashi sighed, "I'm not getting much of a say in this am I?" he asked sarcastically.

Anko smirked, "None what so ever." she said before looking to Sayaka and Naruto who were on either side of Sakara and Sasuke, "You two, bring the Emo and bubble gum to training ground seven. Cyclops and I will catch up.�� she ordered as the two nodded.

Naruto placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder before the pair disappeared into a yellow leaf shunshin while Sayaka did the same to Sakara in a violate shunshin, while Kenta knelt down and put his hand on Midnight as they followed suite in a crimson leaf shunshin.

Kakashi blinked seeing the teams disappear "Those three Genin know Shunshin at their age, impressive."

Anko smirked, "Oh you haven't seen nothing yet cyclops, now come on." she said putting her hand on his shoulder making sure he couldn't run and disappeared in the same manner with purple leaves.

Scene break

Thirty seconds later one by one the group arrives by Shunshin in the middle of training ground seven, Naruto takes his hand off Sasuke's shoulder who immediately turn on him glaring.

"What the hell was that, how did you do that, show me." Sasuke snarled angrily at Naruto, enraged that Naruto could do such a thing and he couldn't.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Training and hard work, Baka. That's how, not my fault you're too slow to pick things up on your own."

Sasuke gritted his teeth in anger at Naruto and was about to swing for him when Sayaka spoke after arriving with Sakara, "Don't even try it Sasuke. You're a Genin now, attacking a fellow Konoha shinobi will get you in a mess of trouble with the Hokage." she warned as she tried to steady Sakura who wasn't used to moving so fast.

"Plus," Sounded Kenta as he arrived with Midnight, "then you'd have to answer to me, and we both know that I can kick your ass around the village and back, so do us both the favour and cool off before I boot your ass in the river." He finished as he stood up putting just a small amount of Sakki in his tone making the Uchiha freeze up as their eyes met for a moment before Sasuke looked away lowering his fist, seconds before Anko and Kakashi arrived in their own shunshin.

Kakashi looked and Naruto, Sayaka and Kenta with a curious gaze, "Ok colour me impressed, three Genin knowing how to use the shunshin to such an extent where they're able to take a passenger each, very impressive, that's a Chūnin level technique."

Kenta smirked, "Thanks for the compliment, Kakashi-san, but I've been using it since I was eleven years old, and Sayaka since she was twelve, same with Otōto."

Kakashi blinked, "Indeed and who taught you?"

Kenta shrugged, "Learned it myself. Not so hard if you think about it for a bit, all it is really is chakra speed with a small Genjutsu to hide your departure as you use your chakra speed to travel to your destination."

Kakashi smiled under his mask, "Indeed."

Anko smirked, "Hey cyclops quit drooling over my team and go train your own. You've got one more than me so better get started." she said with a sarcastic undertone.

Kakashi sighed, "Hai, Hai." he said as he reached into his pocket and took out two bells.

Kenta blinked seeing them, 'Bells… wait didn't Sarutobi-sensei say he did something similar with his last students?' Kenta asked himself as he tried to think back to some of the lessons he'd had with Hiruzen years ago before his eye's widened, 'That's it the bell test, a test of teamwork… crap, this team will never work together, shit, too bad I didn't tell Otōto about that test beforehand, he's on his own here.' Kenta realised as he watched the test unfold.

"Alright you three," Kakashi said as he let the bells jingle, "the object of this test of yours is simple, you just have to get these bells from me, using whatever means necessary. Come at me with the intent to kill otherwise you won't have a chance of getting them, got it."

The results of Kakashi's words were varying amongst the three Genin, Sasuke narrows his eyes on the bells, Naruto crossed his arms as he went into thought on the words and Sakura gulped nervously before she realises something.

"But Kakashi-sensei, there are only two bells, and three of us how's that supposed to work?" she asked a little confused.

Kakashi eye smiled, "Well I would have thought that'd be obvious Sakura, there are only two bells so that way, it's guaranteed that one of you will be going back to the academy. Those with a bell pass, the odd one out fails, it's that simple."

Anko smirked as she turned on her heels, "Come on you two, let's get out of the way, something tells me this is going to be fun to watch." Anko said to both Kenta and Sayaka who nodded and followed, Midnight sticking close to Kenta's side.

Once out of hearing range Kenta smirked, "I can't believe it, that's the same test Sarutobi-sensei used on the three Sannin when they were Genin. Guess it must have been passed down the line, and Kakashi picked it up from the Yondaime."

Sayaka giggled, "I guess so, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around you being a student of the Sandaime. I asked Kaa-chan about it in private last night and she told me he'd been training you for years, how come you never told me? It's like your one of the three Sannin! How can you not mention that?" she asked looking at him in awe.

Kenta smirked and shook his head, "Yeah I'm sorry about that. I didn't have much of a choice there. Sarutobi-sensei is the Hokage, and so we thought it would be seen as favouritism if it was discovered he was training me so we had to keep things quiet. Only a few knew about it and it's still very sensitive, and as for me being one of the Sannin, as much as I would love to think that I know I'm not. They were given those titles when they fought Sanshōuo no Hanzō in the second shinobi war and survived, unless I do something great like that I don't think I'll ever be worthy of title like that." he said with a smirk.

Anko smirked hearing the statement, "Eh you never know, you might pull something like that off one of these days." she said before looking back to the test, "Now come on the fun's about to start." she said as the others looked back as well.

With team seven

Naruto exhaled as he thought through what he had just been told, Kenta had taught him to always question everything he heard, especially when it came from another shinobi, words always carried hidden meanings when things sounded simple they usually weren't, there head to be another meaning to the test.

He started to divide down what he knew, Konoha Genin teams were always in groups of four, one Jōnin-sensei and three Genin, at that he knew what Kakashi was saying was completely wrong, he couldn't send one of them back to the academy, not once in Konoha's history had there been a different type of team, well that had been the case until team eleven in this graduation group but that had been on the Hokage's discretion so it was unlikely to be allowed any other way, the only other team was when a Jōnin decided to take a single student, but even then those had to be approved by the Hokage.

'It doesn't make sense. If he's bluffing about being able to send just one of us back to the academy what's the purpose of making us fight over the… that's it the bells, he wants us to fight over them he'd trying to divide us so that we won't work together and turn on each other to make one of us fail, or if this was a real mission die. Obtaining the bells is the mission objective not passing, he's testing us to see if we can work together.' Naruto realised as it clicked with him before he mentally winced, 'Just great, out of all the team tests ours had to be one on teamwork, when neither of my so called team mates will want to work with me.' he mentally groans before shaking his head, "This test isn't going to work Kakashi-sensei." Naruto spoke bluntly.

Kakashi blinked seeing Naruto shake his head, "Oh and why won't it work Naruto, are you so unsure any of you will get the bells off me without even trying?" he asked giving an eye smile.

Naruto shook his head again, "It's not that Kakashi-sensei, the test won't work because this team will never be able to complete the hidden purpose behind this test." he said bluntly again.

Both Sakara and Sasuke looked at Naruto like he had grown a second head, Kakashi looked at him with some shock while each member of team eleven smirked seeing Naruto figure out the test before it had even begun.

Kakashi blinked wide eyed for a moment, "So you mean to say, you've already figured it out?"

Naruto nodded, "I know how to look underneath the underneath, the second I heard your words I could tell they had a double meaning, and after thinking it through I realised what you're trying to do, and I can say with absolute certainty in this test this team will fail cause there is no way this team can do what your test actually requires, not its true objective anyway."

Sakura blinks owlishly, "What do you mean, what true objective, all we have to do is get the bells." she said not understanding one thing at all.

Sasuke, on the other hand, had just stopped listening not considering what was said was in any way important, all he had to do was get the bells by any means necessary. If that means he had to go through his so-called teammates to get them then so be it.

Kakashi sighed and frowned looking at the team in front of him and weighed up their individual reactions before frowning, "Do you really think that Naruto?" he asked wanting to be sure, when Naruto nodded Kakashi sighed again, "Alright then, but I'll have to see it for myself, so we'll continue with this test anyway and I'll judge afterwards on basis, now you each have one hour to get the bells." he says taking a small egg timer out of his pouch and turning the dial and putting it back in his pouch, "You time starts now."

At that last comment, the three Genin leapt backwards with speed as they took to hiding in the treelines and bushes keeping out of sight like they had been trained to do.

Kakashi stood still and glances around the clearing with his one eye, 'Impressive, they at least know how to hid themselves properly and keep out of sight, I can only just about make out Sakura's hair and I can't even see Naruto anywhere very impressive but I wonder where…' Kakashi thought to himself before his eye widened as he felt a chakra signature close by to him and moved on instinct turning slightly and reaching out with his right hand and grabbing at what he sensed as his hand wrapped around an invisible forearm before the air shimmered and Naruto came into view behind Kakashi reaching out to try and swipe the bells, Kakashi smirked, "Nice try with the Tōton Jutsu (Transparency Jutsu) Naruto, your stealth is good but against someone like me it won't be that easy."

Naruto smirked back, "I didn't think it would." he said before he quickly took in a deep breath which made Kakashi's eye widen before a blast of air came out of Naruto's mouth laced with chakra and moved with speed catching Kakashi in the gut.

Kakashi sent skidding back several feet his eye clenched shut as he groaned in discomfort rubbing his gut where the impact had hit, opening his eye he could see Naruto at the ready with his Ninjatō drawn with a smirk on his face as he lowered himself closer to the ground.

"I've been looking forward to this Kakashi-sensei, to see how I stack up against someone of your calibre, would you do me the favour of grading my skills. I want to know where I stand." Naruto said as he twisted his blade in his hand.

Kakashi smirked as he reached for his pouch and took out a kunai, "Sure I don't see why not, show me what you've got Naruto." he said as he slipped into a stance.

Hearing the challenge Naruto's grin widened before he disappeared into a wind shunshin only to reappear in front of Kakashi as their weapons clashed and sparks started to fly as the two met before Naruto disappeared again in another shunshin and Kakashi turned fast blocking another Ninjatō slash, this repeated several times over as they clashed with varying speed, before Naruto touched the ground and in an upward slash from below went for Kakashi who just had time to deflect the attack before Naruto pushed forward on his heel lunging at Kakashi who sidestepped just in time as Naruto went past him only for a kick to swing at Kakashi's head which he blocked with his forearm as Naruto touched the ground before spinning on his hand and threw another kick which Kakashi blocked again and leaped back out of Naruto's range as the two took stances again.

Kakashi smirked taking a breath, "Not bad Naruto, your speeds excellent and you're a fast thinker moving on your attacks not giving your opponent time to think, and your skill with that sword of yours is also not to be trifled with, if the team passes I might be able to give you some pointers on where to improve on your technique."

Naruto smiled, "And I would gladly accept Kakashi-sensei, it would be an honour to learn from Kopī Ninja no Kakashi the son of the legendary Shiroi Kiba."

Kakashi's eye widened, "You know of my Tou-san, and of me? How? Do you have a bingo book also?"

Naruto chuckled slightly with a nod, "That and, I always do my homework Kakashi-sensei, when I first took up my blade Nii-chan had me do research on all shinobi from this village who'd used formidable style and techniques in Kenjutsu, your Tou-san and another were the styles I focused on and researched on in greater detail, as well as the men themselves. Your Tou-san was a great man who valued the lives of his teammates over the mission. He was honourable to the very end, regardless of what people say, he's the kind of man I respect."

Kakashi's eye widened at Naruto's word and he smiled under his mask before the two of them started to clash again the sparks flying from their weapons.

With team eleven

Anko whistled impressed, "Damn looks like blondie's Kenjutsu has come a long way, Kakashi actually looks like he's having some trouble there."

Sayaka smirked, "Well with such a good teacher like Kenta-Kun I'd be surprised if he didn't. I remember the few lessons he gave me, my arms were sore for a week after them both."

Kenta chuckled, "I wasn't that bad, and to be honest I didn't do too much in Naruto-Nii's Kenjutsu training, I only helped him find the styles on which to form his own out of while I was working on my own."

Sayaka blinked, "Then who did he choose to try and copy with his style other than Kakashi-sensei's Tou-san? I feel like I recognise that style from somewhere."

Kenta smiled, "I thought you might. It was actually one of your clan he based it off, a Shisui Uchiha if I remember correctly, he was known as Shunshin no Shisui. Naruto liked his style because it combined raw speed and attacking power, and then he combined it with the flow and style of Sakumo Hatake the Shiroi Kiba of Konoha."

Sayaka's eye's widened, "He's using Shisui-Nii's style?" she asked in shock.

Kenta blinked, "You knew him personally?" he asked a little shocked at the familiar honorific.

Sayaka nodded her head, "Yeah, growing up he and Itachi-Nii were best friends. Most of the time they were inseparable, but he went missing a few days before the massacre happened." she said looking down feeling a pain of pain talking about that day.

Kenta frowned and moved closer to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "Hey it's alright, I'm sorry I brought it up, I know it's still painful for you." he said feeling like an ass for not thinking about her beforehand.

Sayaka shook her head, "It's ok Kenta-Kun, I'll be fine, I'm just a little shocked is all, I'm sure that Naruto-Nii will be able to learn his style and use it well."

Anko smirked seeing the pair of them like that and decided to help change the subject slightly, "So speaking of Kenjutsu style's how's yours coming along, you almost had it complete last I checked?"

Kenta smirked and nodded once, "Yeah it's almost perfect, but I haven't really tried it out much on many opponents so I don't know how it will fair. But any style can be improved with practice, hopefully, I'll be able to master and perfect it within the next year."

Anko smirked, "Well when you do let me know, I know just the two you can fight to really test your style on once you do."

Kenta nodded before looking back out to the testing area as both Kakashi and Naruto were at a standoff again. Before Naruto ducked down and threw himself into a backwards summersault kicking out at Kakashi forcing him back just as Naruto threw a combined slash at him as the pair broke apart.

But before Kakashi could press his advantage as resume the attack, several kunai and shuriken came flying out of the tree tops heading right for Kakashi, who saw them coming and turned starting to deflect them with his weapon.

Naruto took advantage of the distraction and went for his own attack only to skid to a halt as he deflected two kunai that went for him just as Sasuke burst from the tree line running through hand signs.

Naruto saw him and recognised the Jutsu, and leapt backwards just as the Uchiha stopped on a tiger hand sign and took in a breath, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" (Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique) he called before spewing forth a large fireball at both Kakashi and Naruto.

Naruto gritted his teeth, pissed about being interrupted, before forming a hand sign and shunshining out of the way as the fireball looked to hit Kakashi head on as an explosion roared out leaving a large crater on the ground a couple feet deep.

Midnight growled from beside Kenta as the red head growled in anger as well, "Yeah I saw it too." he voiced to his Ninken partner, "That Teme didn't even wait for Naruto-Nii to get out of the way properly before he attacked, and he sabotages Otōto's attempt to take advantage of the situation by throwing kunai at him also, their trajectory was too far off to be a mistake."

Sayaka clenched her fists not saying anything, she had seen it too and was as always appalled with her older twins' actions.

Sasuke approached the crater and smirked as he slid down and started to look around to see if he could find the bells hoping he hadn't melted them with his attack but frowned not finding anything at all.

It was at this time that Sakara came out of the treeline from her hiding spot, part of her worried about Naruto not seeing if the fireball had hit him or if Sasuke had actually managed to kill Kakashi with that attack, while she and Naruto had never really spoken much in the academy, she didn't want him to die like that.

As she approached the crater and looked down into it, she saw Sasuke looking around but before she could speak up the ground erupted from below Sasuke's feet and a dust cloud filled the crater, Sakura covered her eyes from the dust and dirt that hit her, only to look back into the crater as the dust faded away as her eyes grew wide, seeing only Sasuke's head in the crater the shock made her scream before fainting on the spot.

The next second Kakashi erupted from the ground a meter away from a Sasuke who was currently buried up to the neck, before smiling, "And that would be the Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu)" he said before looking over at the unconscious Sakara and sweat dropped, 'Did she really just faint?' he thought before his eye widened feeling a fast approaching chakra signature and leaped to the side just as Naruto appeared in the air above him out of a mid-air shunshin his Ninjatō glowing as he slashed the air.

With the slash the air rippled as a slash of air raced at Kakashi who just about dodged it and the attack carved a nasty gash in the ground, Kakashi sweat dropped, "Ok I know I said come at me with the intent to kill me but don't you think a Shinkūken (Wind style: Shock Blade) of that power is pushing it slightly?" he said before reaching for another kunai and blocking Naruto as he appeared out of another shunshin and attacked with another downwards slash, before the two of them pushed apart and leapt back, "All the same though. I'm impressed, your timing is perfect, and you waited for just right moment to attack, you're definitely on the right path to becoming an excellent shinobi." Kakashi complimented him.

Naruto smirked, "Oh you haven't seen anything yet Kakashi-sensei." he said forming a cross hand sign as six plumes of smoke appeared to his left each faded to reveal another Naruto each with their Ninjatō drawn with grins on their faces, "We're just getting warmed up." they all said in union.

Kakashi sweat dropped as he raised his kunai, "I'm not going to catch a break with you am I?" he said chuckling as the seven Naruto's shook their heads before all seven disappeared one after the other in shunshins and Kakashi immediately went on the defensive as slash after slash was launched at him and he only barely deflected one before the next came and he had to move with speed just to keep himself from getting carved up.

Anko whistled again watching the repeating attack, "Damn when the blondie goes all out he's got some serious skills, look at him go don't think Kakashi can keep up with this for much longer."

Sayaka was wide-eyed "Wow, look at him go, it was hard with just one of him now there's seven, I can't keep up with their movements never mind telling which one is the real one."

Kenta chuckled, "You're not supposed to, he's been busting his ass working on his clone's teamwork, and now it's paying off. Otōto is pulling out all the stops for this one, but something tells me this would have been shorter if Kakashi was actually going all out, he hasn't even raised his Hitai-ate yet to use his Sharingan eye, if he used that, he'd have no bother keeping up."

Anko smirked, "Yeah, no shit, but I don't think Kakashi would use that against a Genin, he'd be the laughing stock of the Jōnin-sensei's if he had to resort to his trump card on a Genin." she finished just as the sound of the egg timer sounded from Kakashi's pouch.

Hearing the timer's bell, Naruto and Kakashi stopped clashing and Naruto leapt backwards and skidded to a halt releasing his stance and sheathing his Ninjatō as Kakashi put away his kunai. This was also when Sasuke finally got himself dug out of the hole that Kakashi had buried him in, hearing the timer he did not look happy.

Team eleven smirked as they came over, Sayaka knelt by Sakura and put her hand on her channelling chakra into her when she woke with a start looking around not sure what had happened.

"Your test is over Sakara, you passed out after seeing only Sasuke-Nii's head above ground, I assume you thought he'd be decapitated, but he's fine." Sayaka said as she helped Sakara stand, "I'd suggest you try and strengthen your resolve, passing out on a mission would endanger the lives of your teammates or get you killed."

Sakura frowned hearing that and looked disappointed in herself as she moved to join the rest of her team as Sayaka stood beside Kenta, Anko and Midnight over to the side.

Kakashi sighed as he looked over Sasuke and Sakura shaking his head, "Well it looks like Naruto was right about this team, neither of you got what this test was actually about, and the only one who showed actually promise of being a shinobi was Naruto, you other two should just quit the academy all together, I have half a mind to make that recommendation to Hokage-Sama and request to take Naruto as my apprentice after seeing this sorry team in action."

Sasuke raged at the statement as he pulled his kunai, "How dare you I'm…" he started to say as he ran at Kakashi ready to stab him but before he could even get two steps he found himself, face slammed flat on the ground his arm twisted behind his back with a second kunai at his throat with Kakashi kneeling on his back a very unimpressed look in his eye.

Sakura gasped seeing the scene while the others rolled their eyes with a single thought, 'When will this Baka learn?'

Kakashi scowled down at Sasuke gripping the teen's wrist hard making him wince, "You just don't get it do you Sasuke. Who you are dosen't mean shit in the shinobi ranks, only your skill and rank does, and right now I outmatch you in both, Genin. So just stay down and shut up while you listen to my explanation, did you even realise what Naruto was hinting about earlier, the true purpose of this test?" he asked irritated by the male Uchiha.

Sakura gulped slightly afraid for Sasuke at that moment, "W-What do you mean, we just had to get the bells?" she stated.

Naruto sighed shaking his head, "No Sakura, the hidden meaning behind the test was teamwork."

Kakashi looked over his shoulder at Naruto with an eye smile, "So you did get it after all. Could you please explain it to these two for me?" he asked with a mildly happy tone.

Naruto nodded, "The bells where the mission objective, all we had to do was obtain them, but the wordplay you used made it seem like we were meant to compete in order to get the bells, you purposely pitted us against each other in order to see if we could put our differences aside and complete the mission given to us and work as a team. That's the whole purpose behind putting us into squads, one Jōnin and three Genin, the test was rigged right from the start. If we had gone up against you one on one you'd demolish us, the only chance we had was if we worked as a team… well that was the norm anyway."

Kakashi eye smiled, "Correct Naruto." he said giving Sasuke one last hard wrist squeeze before letting the Genin back to his feet as he took his place back in line.

Anko chuckled, "So Kakashi what's the verdict on these sorry two then, it would be a shame to toss Naruto back to the academy along with them just because they screwed up the test."

Kakashi nodded, "True, and I wasn't joking earlier about dropping them and taking Naruto as an apprentice, or I could just drop them back and see about Naruto joining your team, that way we'd have a complete team, and I could still help teach, but something tells me there would be a few who would voice against that." he finished with a sigh.

Anko groaned, "Let me guess, the so-called voices from on high are pushing you to pass the Uchiha heir and train him to get him to Chūnin faster so he can start his CRA responsibilities sooner," he said with a fed up look.

When Kakashi nodded, Sayaka looked at Anko confused, "Anko-sensei, what the CRA and what does it have to do with my Nii-san?"

Anko sighed, "The CRA stands for the Clan restoration act, it was a law passed by the Nidaime Hokage, in the event that a clan's numbers drop dangerously low to near extinction. It permits shinobi of the rank of Chūnin or civilians of the age of eighteen, to take on multiple wives or spouses in order to repopulate their clan, back about three years it was the rank of Genin that the law applied to. But there was a vote called for by Mikoto-sama calling for the rank to be raised, guess she didn't think it was right to force anyone to do that as young as some graduation ages are so Chūnin makes it easier on most. It was also her way of protecting you I'm guessing, so that you don't have to go through that till your older, because it would mean that you'd have to have a minimum of four children before you would be given the option of continuing or not under the law, which she also had lowered as well, it used to be six, and she's been denying every call for you and herself to be put on the CRA but she has the right as Clan head to deny them all, but once your Chūnin or eighteen she can't anymore as the law calls for it unless your already in a serious relationship." she explained and towards the end sounded disgusted with the concept of that happening to Sayaka.

It got a varied of reactions from some, Sakura was completely shocked, Naruto looked disgusted at the very fact, Sasuke himself had a smug look already having been made aware of the law years before.

Sayaka for her part was shaking slightly afraid, knowing now what a possibility of her future might be. Kenta saw this and took her hand rubbing it gently to help calm her, she nodded to him in thanks but still looked worried.

Kakashi sighed, "Yeah that's about the height of it, I was hoping that this team would be up to some form so I could at least not feel bad about passing them and pass them normally, but with the pressure from the council I have to."

Naruto chuckled before tossing something at Kakashi, "Well at least you have one out of three that you don't have to feel bad about." he said confidently.

Kakashi grabbed what he was tossed and looked at it eye widened the two bells, before looking to his waist and seeing the strings cut, before looking back at Naruto, "When? I was so focused on the fight I never checked."

Naruto shrugged, "When you closed your eye after I hit you with my burst of wind, I pulled my blade and cut them off as you were flying away and then snagged them before you could see. I wanted the fight to continue so I kept my mouth shut."

Kakashi eye smiled, "Well then, looks like this team can pass after all."

Kenta and Naruto shared a smirk as the two of them bro fisted while, Sayaka giggled and Sakara let out a breath of relief for passing, Sasuke just gave a grunt of approval.

Kenta smirked looking at Naruto, "Looks like we're both Genin now, and now you can finally start climbing the ladder to be Hokage."

Naruto smirked back, "You know it, just you watch, I'll become Hokage and then I'll keep my promise and beat your sorry butt."

Kenta chuckled, "Is that before or after you're finally able to get through a training session without getting a Senbon in your ass." he laughed as Naruto grumbled in annoyance.

Anko smirked at the two brothers before she gave a whistle getting everyone's attention, "Alright then, seeing as the test's over I say we all go out for a meal, Kakashi's buying." she said with a laugh

Kakashi blinked, "What! Why do I have to buy?"

Anko smirked, "Because you actually let a Genin get the bells off you, and if it wasn't for me your Genin would still be in the academy for the next two hours." she called back with a snort of laughter, while Sayaka, Naruto and Kenta chuckled in agreement, while Kakashi just slumped in depression and followed.

Sasuke scoffed and started to walk off, Sakura ran after him, "Hey Sasuke-Kun, would you like to…" she started to say only to be cut off by the Uchiha with a one-word answer.

"No." Never breaking his stride.

Sakura stopped on the spot with a frown at being rejected again looking crestfallen and sighed she was about to walk away in another direction before Kakashi looked over his shoulder to see her, "Hey Sakura, come on or you'll miss out" he called back.

Sakara seemed to smile at the invitation and started running to catch up with the rest of the group, maybe being on the team wouldn't be so bad after all.

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