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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

  A year ago I met my ex boyfriend, his name is Franco James. He used his charm on me and everything was fine, or so I thought. Till one day I found out that he cheated on me with not only one or two. With more than fifteen women. 

When I caught him I made his bodyguard tell me how many, and he said eight at the time. Well I had to plan something didn't I? Well i sure did.

I stole a key that opens a box. And inside that box theres an artifact that its self is a key to his little bank. He has everything stored in a secret room. Nobody knows where its exact location is.

Everything you could think of, his best drugs all of his money and any weapon you could think of.

What I didn't know was that he was like the mafia prince. He ran this town and I didn't even know it.

He offered me a job and I accepted it. I thought he worked for them, never really thought he IS them.

He paid me very good. Thousands for one mission. And I'm  sure you're wondering what exactly was my job.

I was a spy, a sniper, a thief and an assassin. All in one.  He gave me a mission and I completed that mission no questions asked.

But before he and I actually became an item. As I mentioned earlier, i thought that he only gave out the missions to people like me.

When they offered me THE job it was him who asked me.

How did we meet? Thats simple.

I was ending the miserable life of Louis Garitte. My other ex boyfriend way before Frank. To my surprise I didn't know worked for them and when they caught me ending his life. They showed interest on the way I finished him.

They where looking for him because he owed money. Of course I always dated the wrong guys. Just dated there to be exact.

What can you expect coming from a person who was never loved. The only person who loved me died. And I plan to find the reason why he was assassinated.

I have a few leads and when I find the person responsible they will pay. I know who one of the guys who were part of the killing but sadly not the whole group.

Long story short, I just work for them but as I mentioned before I stole his precious key. Not the first key, the artifact.

Yup he cant make another copy theres just one.

And now I'm running for my life to one of my safe houses. And I plan on moving to Europe so I can work with the competition on a little agreement.

But before i go there i have an issue from my past. When i solve that mission i will take over and end Frank's life.


I rode my bike to an isolated area then checked to see if they put on a tracker. And by they I mean Hot Head, I don't know his name so that shall be his name for the time being.

Who knows what Hot head over there did while I was fighting his men down. One thing I cant take off my mind is his face, his eyes, his lips all of him. He was just so gorgeous, delicious and addicting.

I parked and scanned every inch of the bike.

Nothing, it was clean, but why would he mark me as his territory if we're never going to see each other again? 

I decided to make a stop before going any further to my safe house.

I hid my bike at the back of the club so it wouldn't be noticed. The boss owes me money and of course he doesn't know I'm coming. I didn't take my glasses off since I left my helmet back there.

And I didn't want to be exposed even though my crazy curly hair, dyed extra blonde would definitely give me away. But I don't care right now. All I want is a drink and then ill get my money.

I entered the club unnoticed and sat at the bar. I relaxed into my seat and scanned the area for anyone who looked familiar.

Nobody seems to be familiar or a threat so I decided to loosen up a bit.

'What can i get for ya?' A blonde bartender asked from the other side of the counter. He reminded me of someone I used to know. The sight of him brought so much memories. Sad memories.

"The strongest thing you got." I said and a tear escaped my left eye. I didn't bother wiping it off,  just left it run down my face.

He handed me whatever it is thats in this glass cup.


'Anytime.' I finished my drink with one swing. And about to head upstairs when I heard the door open.

You would not have guessed who it was.

The crew that attached me really knows how to find people. This club is dark and you can barely make out people's faces. Most of them where practically having sex in the dance floor. This club never sleeps open 24/7. And all that time its on full swing.

Hopefully they don't see me. I picked up my glass to an angle where I could see the reflection.

There he was "Hot Head." I noticed from the daylight that he was wearing black jacket, black boots dark jeans and a black shirt. His outfit made his sexy neon pink hair stand out, now that I see his hair properly I see that he has red on the ends of his hair. I just want to touch it, run my fingers through it. Grab his face and-.

'Hey babe, haven't seen you in a while.' My dirty thoughts were interrupted by..

"Hello Eric, I have to go talk to Joseph it will only be a few minutes, do you mind waiting for me here?" I've known Eric for a while now, we aren't dating or anything. I stopped dating a while ago, we are simply friends with benefits.

'Sure thing ill just get something to drink, you want something else?'

"Yeah. Tell him to give me the same thing as i had earlier."

With that I walked off and went upstairs made a right and went to the last door. The two guards already know me so were cool.

"Hello, Steve and Dave. Joseph there? He wanted to talk to me."

'Hello Drew, how you doing kid? Yeah he's in there.' Steve greeted me.

"Im good." I said smiling.

'He's not expecting you is he?' Dave asked his gazed focused on my face suspiciously. Dave was always the serious one while Steve the cool jokester type of guy. 

"Why do you ask?" I said with an innocent smile.

'You only smile like that when your up to no good.' They known me for a long time. We go way back. I mean since I was fourteen before I became into this. Im nineteen now so that makes it five years.

"Well you caught me, but he owes me money so I came to get it."

'I know kid. Go ahead, but only because I know that he needs to pay up.'

"Thanks boys, now if you excuse me I have some fun to do. " I said with an evil smile. They just smiled and shook their heads.

I entered the room only to see him in his chair behind his desk, stacks of money on his big ass desk with two hookers on his lap.

They where laughing but soon ended when I stepped in the room. Their eyes winded and their mouths fell open.

"Leave." I said between grind teeth. They stood up and left with their drinks in hand.

"Is this my money joseph?" He didn't answer my question instead looked at me with a death glare.

'Why are you here?'

"For my money of course." I said sarcastically.

"You do remember you owe me ? Right?"

'How can i forget ?' He said with a sarcastic smile.

"Well I just came by to remind you. Oh and that I want my money now. I want you to put it on my private account. I don't want it in cash this time."

'Alright.' He answered typing something on the computer. His gaze flashed between the monitor and me.

'Done.'  I took out my phone and I got the notification of the transaction.

"Good. Now if you need anything you know I'm your girl." I said with a smile and gesturing to myself.

'I know. Now if you excuse me I have some business to do.'

I nodded and left the room.

"Bye Steve, bye Dave ill see y'all later."

'Take care kid.' Dave said while Steve nodded.

"I will."

I walked downstairs to see Eric talking to a brunette. Well I feel like having fun so why not?

I approached them walking slow and sexy, with my hips and my curls bouncing on my back.

I leaned on the bar between them and faced the brunette.

"Scram now." I have history in this bar and everyone knows to stay away.

She sigh and left without a word.

'Whats up with you?'

"Nothing I just want to have some fun what do you say?" I said taking off my glasses and putting them inside the pocket inside my jacket. Giving him a smirk.

'I like the idea of fun.' He said as he pulled me towards him grabbing my waist and brushing his lips on my neck.

I pulled his hair and slammed his lips to mine. We began a hot make out session and he grabbed my ass carrying me and setting me on the counter.

Before I could wrap my arms around him. Someone pulled him off of me and knocked him out. I covered my mouth with my hand in shock. I did not see that coming what the hell?!

Before I could look who the attacker was I was being pulled out of the club out the back door.

When I looked up it was the one and only Mr. Hot Head. In all his sexy glory.

He shoved me to the wall grabbing me by my sides.

'What the hell was that?!' Wow his voice is so smexy. And was he jealous? I kind of wanted to kiss him right there but I have to stay in control.

"What are you talking about?!" I snap at him. Who does he think he is?! Im not his property

'Why where you kissing him. You belong to me now!! Do you understand?!!?' Did he just say I belong to him? Oh hell nah'

"I. Belong. To. No. One" I said said looking at him straight in the eye. Giving him a death glare. His anger left and he now seemed amused giving me a smirk.

'Well now you do.' He said looking at me head to toe licking his lips.

"Correction, you think i do. I never belonged to anyone and never will." I said licking my lips.

That must have triggered something because he slammed his lips against mine. Trapping my body with his muscular one.

He carried me and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. His hands traveling from my thigh to inside my shirt.

We where fighting for dominance and he won slipping his tongue inside exploring my mouth.

He tasted so sweet and I became addicted to him. He carried me to inside the club to one of the private rooms. Se laid me carefully on the bed. I trailed kisses from his mouth to his neck. When I liked his neck all the way to the back of his ear he ripped my shirt. Leaving exposed with my nude colored bra. He eyed me from my face to my six pack then went and stopped at my breasts.

He trailed kissed from my stomach to my breasts. I let out a moan when he began to suck on my skin. I arched my back when he reached my neck. He was driving me crazy.

I flipped us over me on top, now my turn.

I ripped his shirt and there it was a glorious well defined eight pack and a delicious v line. I liked my lips then ran my hand thorough them starting belong the belly button then trailed wet kisses. Working my way up sucking on his skin. He took off my red leather jacket and my now ripped shirt, then flipped us over. I was losing control very badly and I need to make my escape before im in too deep.

He felt so right to be with, so addicting and intoxicating. Before he could unclip my bra. I pushed him off and jumped up. We where both breathing heavily.

"Hope you enjoyed it because thats all your getting Hot Head." I said with a smile on my face.

'Hot Head hu?' He said smirking. It seems thats the only way he looks at me.

"Well its not like I know you're name so thats what I'm calling you."


"Because of your hair." I said picking up my jacket.

'I don't know your name ether so my nickname for you is "My Girl".'

"My girl hu? Why?" I said mocking his tone from earlier and putting my jacket on.

'Because.' He stood up and slammed me to the wall crushing me with his hot body.

'You're mine.' He said grabbing my waist and brushing his nose and lips along my neck. That felt so good.

"Why do you want me?" I said closing my eyes enjoying the feeling.

'Because ever since I saw you I knew you belonged to me. And only me.' He said looking at me intensely with his gorgeous eyes.

"What is Frank gonna say when he finds out that you marked me? What then?"

'I don't care what he says.'

"How did you find me?" I asked without a breath.

'Cant say princess.' My god im going to give in again if I stay any longer.

"Well alright." then I shoved him off and grabbed my shirt off the floor then threw it at him.

"Here, thats a souvenir because you'll never see me again." I said with a smirk.

'No matter where you go ill find you and I will make you mine.' 

"Well just have to see about that

wont we?." I said with a smirk, winked and left the room and ran to my bike. I pulled out my glasses and drove off.

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