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Chapter 37: Second Steps (1)

Killsman woke up with a cold sweat, looking at his sleeping wife next to him he lightly brushed her hair aside and kissed on her forehead and got out of bed. Slipping on some trousers and a light coat Killsman walked down the stairs towards the front door.

Slipping on some shoes he quietly exited the estate, walking towards the center of Forgemire his steps seemed to echo. Dimming street lamps shone illuminating the road in a warm but threating glow.

At the center of Forgemire was the royal family's palace. It belonged to his majesty John Adamant, the 4th husband of the empress. He of course was only husband in name, in reality he was the empresses concubine who was allowed to have other wives.

John had 7 children 4 of which were now of age while the other 3 were aged from 6-15. Currently those 3 were the only ones still staying in the palace, the rest were all out in Peirstone or enlisting in the military.

But Killsman was not walking to the palace at this ungodly hour of the night to visit the 3 royal children. Reaching the front gate of the palace the guards looked at him coldly.

"All hail our majesty and one lord."

Hearing those words the guards nodded curtly and opened the gate top let him through. Walking forward quickly he was greeted at the front door of the palace by the butler. Following the butler through the hallways the reached a staircase leading under ground.

"You know the drill Killsman."

Nodding weakly Killsman placed a blindfold over his eyes at stepped forward. Upon feeling the sensation of magic flood around him he waited for it to fade completely before removing his blindfold.

In front of him was a large rectangular table with various people sitting at it. Of course most of them were officials and high status nobles of Forgemire. Taking a quick glance over the table Killsman walked to one of the 4 empty seats and sat down.

Not after too long the final three people entered the room and sat down in their respective seats. Seeing that all the chairs were filled everyone's attention turned to the figure at the head of the table.

Sat there was a beautiful but cruel looking woman, with dark brown hair and shocking green eyes, if Jack was there he would recognize her as Cassandra.

Noticing that everyone's eyes were upon her she snorted before drumming her fingers on the table.

"I am sure you all are wondering why our lord has commanded for this meeting tonight. Well there is several reasons, one of them is to cleanse our Brotherhood of some rats lurking."

Upon saying that her eyes glowed and lifted two people into the air. Waving her hand she brought them too her side as she turned to look down on them.

"Speak of your crimes."

Clearly panic stricken one of the men quickly pounded his head onto the ground making it bleed.

"Please forgive me your holiness it was a mistake I made while I was drunk it will never happen again. I will not touch alcohol ever again, juts please spare me."

Leaning forward Cassandra put her hand underneath the man's chin to make his eyes meet hers. Smiling innocently she pulled him close and whispered into his ear.


An with that she snapped her fingers and his veins started to pop out, pulsing black fluid ran through them as he screamed in agony before finally going silent. Turning to look at the other poor soul next to her she repeated her command.

"Speak of your crimes."

"I... I... I prayed to another deity because I would've been discovered as a member there was no actual faith involved. Please your holiness I only had the best in mind for us."

"The fact that you are still alive to speak of your crimes is a privilege. You may now speak your last words."

Defeated the man slumped to the ground.

"Hail Luxuro."

As soon as those words left his mouth he burst into green flames, but the brutality of his death was not what was disturbing, what was disturbing is the fact that he made no expression while he burned. Seeing this sight all the members at the table shuddered as the image of a defeated man excepting his cruel fate and etched into their minds.

"Now the second reason for me to call you hear is an update of the times. The first step of enlightenment has gone fairly well. But because of the surprising amount of attention brought to it we need to lay low for a while longer so that his lords presence is not discovered."

Smiling sweetly Cassandra crossed her legs and leaned forward looking at each of the members in the eye.

"But more importantly we have gained a new member as of late, come on out sweetie."

Stepping out of a hallway on the side of the room was a young looking man with dark hair. On his hips were 2 daggers and his face was calm despite seeing the 2 men's cruel deaths. Upon closer inspection one might even think that he was amused by it.

"This is our newest Brother, he is known by the name of Specter. I hope you all treat him well."

Clapping her hands she gestured to one of the empty seats left by the 'rats'. Once Specter sat down Cassandra began speaking once more.

"Finally I have ordered this meeting to put forth an order. I want to eliminate Jack Axter, I have investigated him myself and have come to the conclusion that he is a threat."

Has she said this she looked at three individuals in particular. They were Specter, Killsman, and Daniel Hildegard.


Everyone at the table spoke in unison. Receiving the response she wanted she giggled and wave her hand.

"Begin the free discussion."

Hearing this several people began discussing deals between each other. Several minutes past by before a woman sitting closer to Cassandra turned her head and asked a question.

"How strong is this Jack Axter fellow for your Holiness to regard him as a threat?"

Many people nodded in agreement as they all had the same question in mind. Whenever Cassandra told them to kill someone she would usually regard to them as a pest or something less than human. The last time she ordered for someone's death and referred to them as more than a dog was an army commander capable of killing 50 elite soldiers by himself.

He wielded both magic and swordsmanship making him an extremely deadly opponent. But even he was only referred to as a 'brat' by Cassandra. But now she was call this Jack Axter fellow a threat? It made them wonder just how powerful Jack was.

Smiling coolly Cassandra looked at everyone's curious gazes lingering on the three before.

"Why don't you ask these fine gentlemen, seeing as they have seen what could be considered the tip of the ice burg."

Hearing this Specter took a deep in take of breath, he was not experienced as all the other members but he recognized Cassandra was far more powerful than him. So the fact that she was saying that Jack was only showing the bare minimum against him in his battle shocked him greatly.

Killsman took the chance to speak up first.

"Lambert was unable to see through the extent of his magical prowess. Nor has he ever been caught while appearing in the residence. He has always showed up when called with no warning, despite setting up more security and Mana sensing he is still able to just appear."

"But that doesn't mean much, sure if he's prepared then he can elude high security but if we catch him off guard it should not be a problem."

A portly man spoke up in objection.

"No he is also good when caught on unawares. After the incident with the Jack of Spades he was able to avoid the bullet from my gun. Not only that but he can also elude the detection of my estate, and similar to Killsman's Lambert, Jamar cannot see through his prowess."

With Daniel's interjection the table grew silent. Seeing that everyone was quiet Specter coughed once and spoke up.

"Not only that, but he is able to pull of feats of extreme acrobatic prowess, and can also attack with the strength of 10 normal men. Not to mention he could avoid and counter attack me whilist I was at full speed. I don't know how fast a bullet is but I could run from this end of the room to the other in around a second."

Although Specter was a new member some of the people present had hired him through the Assassins Guild and knew of his killing capabilities. Hearing Specter speak Killsman decided to speak once again.

"But the most threatening thing about him was that he was able to save my son."

Seeing that several people were looking at Killsman with confusion, including Cassandra, Killsman continued.

"You might not know but Reginald was one of the witnesses to our lord might. But due to the efforts of Jack Axter, he was purged of the Death Clouds and made a full recovery in a little under a month."

With that laid out into the discussion the table was absolutely silent. Everyone was reeling in shock from the revelation that Jack was able to cleanse the Death Clouds. Well everyone except for Cassandra who simply started giggling.

"I take back what I said earlier, he is not just a threat, he is a plague that can be brought upon us if not nipped in the bud."

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