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Chapter 29: Tectonic Shift (1/5)

Part 01: The Nirvana Team

Although physically exhausted from everything that happened earlier in the day, Aiden wasn't able to fall asleep, his mind preoccupied with a number of things, which was triggered by his unexpected encounter with AJ and JJ. For some reason, their relationship seemed to have had an impact on Aiden as he began to start questioning things he hasn't questioned before – mainly his existing relationship with Min.

Aiden wasn't particularly sure what Min's true motives and intentions are, since he was having trouble reading his body language and expressions – a first since he's usually able to easily read other people. Although Min did confess after the welcome party, there was doubt in Aiden's mind about the legitimacy and the sincerity of the confession, since they've only known each other barely even a month, and it also suddenly came out of the blue.

There was even confusion in Aiden's mind since he doesn't know what there was to like about him, given that he somewhat made Min's first few weeks rougher than the other students. He was also aware that although he had a lot of fans, it was only because of his looks and his mysterious personality that people see in him, not his actual self that members of the student council are privy to – ironically, his current personality isn't even his true self to begin with.

While Aiden's aware that he can be extremely crude, boring, witty, sarcastic, straightforward, serious, and a chronic workaholic, it was nowhere close in comparison to Monica's personality - at least what she tends to project towards the International students – which are not exactly the kind of personality someone would actually fall in love with. Interestingly, Aiden wasn't the kind of person that can be considered an expert when it comes to socializing, since that was something that he doesn't actually do outside of his official capacity sa Student Council President, more so in regard to questions about love – areas in which he wasn't particularly good at – a direct consequence of the incident, and the lingering after-effects of his closely guarded childhood under the Labrador Family.

Aiden struggled to get a full grasp of his somewhat complicated relationship with Min, which was built on successive embarrassing and awkward situations, and started in a bitter-sweet and cold encounter. While he wanted to directly ask Min about his intentions and motives, he was hesitant to do so since he might send the wrong signal and further escalate the cheesy advances that Min has been making on him – a worst case scenario that he didn't want to happen since he had no effective countermeasures against it.

There was also a brief moment that Aiden seriously considered asking Mingyu for advice, since he sees him as an expert on the matter and holds his socializing skills in high regard – a fact that he keeps a secret. Though he considered it, he quickly scrapped the idea when he realized that it might be something that Mingyu could use against him in the foreseeable future – blithely unaware that Mingyu's a part of a group that has been actively working in the shadows to bring him and Min closer together, supported by a Cadet-Captain, Min's Best Friend, and his own Student Council Chief of Staff, and Public Relations Officer.

The encounter with AJ and JJ not only forced Aiden to question the things around him, but it also had a small impact in his subconscious mind, albeit something that he was not aware of. When he started questioning his relationship with Min, the seal that his mind forced on his subconscious as a result of the trauma from the incident momentarily weakened, causing some microscopic cracks to appear on the impregnable walls he built around his old self in the form of Yukiya Aiden Kurosawa Labrador.

The cracks on the wall he surrounded his old self, which he had considered long dead for almost a decade, breathed a small flicker of life into it, incrementally bringing it slowly back to life. Although the events that had transpired made positive impacts on Aiden's subconsciousness which had remained dormant since he lost his mother and younger brother, it was still too small of a change to completely destroy the wall he surrounded his old self with and break the seal that would unlock his lost memories.

The strength of the trauma, coupled with the years of not having a deep and meaningful relationship in the form of strong bonds, was still too strong to overcome. The iron grip that was holding his past hostage was still too overwhelming and continues to be an obstacle that's preventing Aiden from reverting back to his old self and unlocking the memories that he had lost. Although it still seemed like a herculean task, the small deviation was a small glimmer of hope, the positive effects however are not significant enough to manifest in his conscious mind for him to notice.

"What the hell…" Aiden whispered as he stared at the ceiling, "Why am I even bothering to think about something so mundane… That Thammasat Kid too of all people.." he sighed as he turned his head towards his side table, getting a glimpse of the time on his phone.

"Shit.." he sighed when he realized it was already 4:00 in the morning, "I ended up not sleeping again.." he continued as he forced himself out of his bed.

"I guess today's going to be a drag as well" he continued before getting out of his bed, dragging himself to the bathroom to get ready for school.

Since he left his condominium early like he did yesterday, the cafés around the area where he lives were still closed. Although disappointed and really craving a dose of caffeine, he didn't want to return to the McDonald's he went to yesterday since the hot cappuccino he ordered ended up upsetting his stomach, but mainly because he did not want to be inconvenienced by any staff that were too distracted eyeing him instead of properly doing their jobs.

The lack of both sleep and caffeine were the worst possible combination for Aiden as it was one of his very few triggers that actually causes him to be extremely moody. When he enters that mode, he becomes increasingly witty, sarcastic, cold, and indifferent, a fact that's well known by his Praetorian Guards since they've been on the receiving end of it during their days at Mount Charlotte – one of the main reasons Katrina, Mingyu, Jasper, and Aaron keeps him supplied with caffeine.

As Aiden boarded the train he put his earphones on and turned the volume to the highest setting as he listened to "Daechwita" by Agust D. The music was loud enough that anyone who was in close proximity could hear what he was listening to. Aiden had this serious look on his face like he was about to punch someone, the aura he was emanating was strong enough to trigger the flight-or-fight response of anyone who got close – something that anyone who is rational, and who could read the atmosphere can sense.

When Aiden arrived at Mount Juliet he immediately made his way to the Student Council room to find something to do and keep his mind from thinking about AJ, JJ, and Min. He needed a distraction to help him clear his mind and hopefully tire himself enough that he'll be able to get some sleep after he finish his shift at Café Confiture later that afternoon.

The maximum that Aiden can function without sleep was 96 hours - a feat he accomplished during his later years at Mount Charlotte. Although he can physically and mentally do it, he didn't want to push himself too much since his performance as the Student Council President could be severely affected, and he was aware that any mistakes or slip-ups on his part could have reverberating and lasting consequences for the student body as well as the university.

When Aiden entered the Student Council room, all he could do was close his eyes for a few seconds before giving a frustrated sigh. In front of him was his Attorney-General Beatrice Ocampo, flanked on either side by Cadet-Major Amy Del Rosario to her right, and Cadet-Captain Rebecca Francisco to her left, the latter holding a large cup of cappuccino in her hands.

"You've got to be kidding me right? Two days in a row, really?" Aiden sarcastically said, the coldness in his voice was pronounced, "This better not be something that ends up happening more often than not".

"Apologies for disturbing you so early in the morning President Kobayashi, but we do have updates on the errands you had us do yesterday" Beatrice reported, internally feeling anxious after sensing the kind of mood that Aiden was in but remaining completely calm and unfazed externally.

"Also, we got this for you sir" Cadet-Captain Francisco added as she walked towards Aiden and handed him the warm cup of cappuccino.

"Fine" Aiden said as he took the cappuccino, "Since all of you 'coincidentally' brought me some caffeine, I'll let this slide for today" he continued before taking a sip of his drink, his mood immediately improving as soon as the caffeine entered his system.

"So? Where are we on the matter with requisitioning the Mount Charlotte ROTC?" Aiden asked.

"Are you sure you want to jump right ahead? We could give you a few minutes if you'd like" Beatrice offered as Aiden shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I could use the distraction anyways, now that you provided me some caffeine, it pretty much crosses out one of the things I need to do today. Besides, I rather get this over with and not drag it longer than it should be" Aiden responded before taking another sip of his drink.

"Understood. I spent the entire afternoon reading through the By-Laws and Constitution of the university, as well as re-reading the By-Laws and Constitution of the Student Council and I think I have found a clause that we can exploit" Beatrice revealed. "Amy? How did it go with ROTC Command?" Aiden followed up.

"ROTC Command was a bit indifferent about the request sir, they pretty much told me to have either the Student Council or the administration clear this with Mount Charlotte before they could officially send the requisition request for their ROTC Companies" Cadet-Major Del Rosario reported.

Aiden gave out a frustrated sigh after hearing what Cadet-Major Del Rosario said, "Well, I didn't think this was going to be easy anyways, not that ROTC Command was going to make it easy for us in the first place" he continued before walking towards his office.

"He's definitely not happy that we ambushed him again this morning" Cadet-Major Del Rosario whispered as they followed Aiden with their eyes.

"One thing's for sure, he wasn't glad to see us so early in the morning" Beatrice replied, "It's a good thing I consulted with Katrina and Aaron yesterday about something that could placate President Kobayashi in case something like this did happen" she continued before the three of them followed Aiden to his office.

When Beatrice, Cadet-Major Del Rosario, and Cadet-Captain Francisco entered the office, Aiden was standing in front of his desk, waiting for the three of them to arrive, holding the cup of cappuccino.

"What was this clause that you found, Beatrice?" Aiden asked as the three girls took their seats on the chairs in front of him.

"It's an arcane clause embedded within the University's Constitution, which was added as an amendment after the establishment of Mount Charlotte 30 years ago. The clause stipulates that either institution can request assistance or requisition manpower, materials, or equipment from each other should a situation necessitate it, though there are requirements put in place for us to be able to invoke it" Beatrice explained.

"What would those requirements be?" Aiden asked before Beatrice pulled out a folder from her bag.

"According to the clause, we must first obtain a written permission from the current sitting Principal and Student Council President of Mount Charlotte before we could requisition anything" Beatrice replied.

"What about on our end? Do we have to run this through the administration?" Aiden further inquired.

"No sir. According to the clause, the requesting party must either be a member of the Student Council or the administration of either institution to submit an official request for assistance" Beatrice responded.

"That will make things easier for us then" Aiden commented as Beatrice nodded in agreement.

"Who's the current Principal of Mount Charlotte High School?" Aiden asked before Beatrice looked at the file she was holding, Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco listening attentively.

"That would be Dr. Marites Quiambao" Beatrice responded.

"Things are just getting easier and easier for us" Aiden commented, "What about the Student Council President of Mount Charlotte High School? Do we have information on that?" he continued.

"Unfortunately not. Usually that would be public information posted on Mount Charlotte's website, but their system seems to be down, and any searches for the incumbent Student Council President nor the rest of their Student Council members has turned up nothing" Beatrice explained.

"You know what. Never mind, I take back what I said about things getting easier for us. I feel like I just jinxed us by saying that prematurely" Aiden sighed in regret.

"Does that mean they don't have an elected Student Council or something? It seems weird that something important like that is not accessible through Mount Charlotte's website" Cadet-Captain Francisco said.

"You're not wrong about that, and that could be a possibility, though I rather not go with assumptions" Beatrice responded, "The most plausible explanation I could think of is since it's still early in the academic year, they haven't updated their system to reflect the newly elected Student Council".

"That would be a more plausible explanation" Cadet-Captain Francisco admitted.

"Sir, what do you mean by 'things are just getting easier and easier for us' when Beatrice mentioned the Principal of Mount Charlotte?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked out of curiosity.

"President Kobayashi more than likely knows the Principal on a personal level, since he graduated from Mount Charlotte High School along with his Praetorian Guards" Cadet-Captain Francisco quickly replied, surprising everyone in the room.

"You don't disappoint Cadet-Captain Francisco, but then again, that's to be expected from the commander of the 1st ROTC Company Intelligence Detachment" Aiden said as he slowly leaned on his desk, impressed by how much Cadet-Captain Francisco knows, unaware that she got that information directly from Jasper and Mingyu when they visited the Thai Students' suite.

"Yes, as Cadet-Captain Francisco has said, I have a personal relationship with Dr. Quiambao, it shouldn't be a problem discussing this matter with her. Our problem now is finding out who Mount Charlotte's Student Council President is" Aiden continued.

"I'll work on it right away. I'll reach out to our assets within the university and see if we have anyone that has any connections to Mount Charlotte. I'll let you know as soon as I have something credible" Beatrice responded before taking out her phone.

"Prioritize this Beatrice, I need an update by tonight" Aiden ordered, "I rather get this situation taken care of sooner rather than later" he added as Beatrice took some notes down.

"If I may suggest something, Beatrice. I think we should concentrate our efforts in asking the freshmen that graduated from Mount Charlotte, they'll probably have more information about this matter than anyone else, plus it would be faster than relying on our assets" Cadet-Major Del Rosario suggested.

"Amy has a point, that could significantly expedite our search for the identity of Mount Charlotte's Student Council President" Aiden concurred.

"Wouldn't it be easier if we called Mount Charlotte and ask them directly?" Cadet-Captain Francisco suggested, "It'll be more efficient and quicker than our current option".

"That's actually the first thing I did, but when I called I was told that they cannot release any information about their students or any other information pertaining to the internal affairs of the school that hasn't been made public yet" Beatrice explained.

"I figured as much, Mount Charlotte does follow the same policies that Mount Juliet has when it comes to safeguarding their students and staff's information" Aiden commented.

"Then I guess, we have no choice but to do this the hard way" Cadet-Captain Francisco sighed.

"Nothing is ever easy when it comes to the work of the Student Council" Aiden responded as Beatrice slowly nodded her head in agreement.

"You could say that again" Beatrice sighed.

"What about the situation with the MGs and AGs? Have we had any new developments on that end?" Aiden asked as he pivoted the topic of their conversation, turning his focus towards Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco.

"Sir, there have been no new developments regarding the MGs. To that end, the AGs are still maintaining their radio silence, and we haven't received any new information from our HUMINT sources or student assets imbedded within their ranks" Cadet-Major Del Rosario reported.

"Sir, I have the detailed report about the MGs as well as several intelligence reports for both the AGs and MGs for the past week" Cadet-Captain Francisco added before taking out a black binder with the insignia of the ROTC Intelligence Bureau, as well as several folders with the same insignias.

"What else can you tell me about the MGs, as well as their presumptive leader, Rose Cristobal? Aside from what Cadet-Major Del Rosario has already informed us yesterday?" Aiden further inquired.

"Yes, sir. Apparently, not only does Ms. Cristobal have the support of the entire Fujoshi and Fudanshi bloc within the MGs, but she appears to also have the support of the other Fujoshi and Fudanshi outside their organization. Accordingly, there's a sizeable amount of them here at Mount Juliet, with over half of their members belonging to the LGBTQ+ community. As far as we know the rest of them are unaffiliated with any other groups or organization" Cadet-Captain Francisco reported.

"Do we have any assets or HUMINT sources embedded in those groups?" Aiden asked.

"No sir, the FujoDanshi community is not considered to be a threat to the stability of the student life here on campus, so we haven't actually invested any assets to monitor them" Cadet-Captain Francisco replied.

"Would you like us to transfer resources and assets to monitor them? I don't think it's a bad idea to have eyes and ears on those groups – we can never be too careful " Beatrice suggested as she joined in.

"No, that won't be necessary. We'll maintain our current surveillance operations, unless this FujoDanshi community poses a significant threat akin to some of the members of the Gang of Eight, I won't sign off on expending our limited resources" Aiden explained.

"Sir, if I may say something impertinent" Cadet-Captain Francisco said, "The probability of the FujoDanshi community becoming a threat is extremely low, and more than likely, they would align with you more than anything else, given that you and the International Student Representative serve as their symbol of unity and the raison d'être of their community" Cadet-Captain Francisco explained.

"That is quite impertinent, but it seems these are the facts, unfortunately" Aiden reluctantly admitted.

"Because of MinAiden?" Beatrice asked, "Is that really a credible assessment Cadet-Captain? It sounds like it's more of a conjecture than an objective analysis of the FujoDanshi community" Beatrice countered, doubtful of what Cadet-Captain Francisco just said.

"With respect Madam Attorney-General, this assessment isn't based on conjecture, but based on research and personal exposure to the FujoDanshi culture" Cadet-Captain Francisco responded.

"Expand on that Cadet-Captain Francisco, you seem to be extremely knowledgeable about the FujoDanshi community as well as their fandom" Aiden replied, internally petrifying Rebecca who herself is a Fujoshi.

"Yes sir. According to our research and investigation into the FujoDanshi community, we have uncovered that they tend to have a tribalistic mindset, which makes them extremely loyal to their fellow Fujoshi and Fudanshi, as well as their fandom in general. The source of their unity and strength lies squarely on the passion that they all share, but most importantly the symbol that holds their community together. In the case of the MJU FujoDanshi community, the MinAiden ship. Since it's their Raison d'être, they would zealously defend and protect it with everything they've got" Cadet-Captain Francisco explained.

"What's interesting about this community is that their classification lies between loyal fans and a cult-like organization. This gray-zone that they inhabit allows them to act like a cult amongst themselves but be civilized with what they call 'normal people' a classification they use for individuals who has not been exposed or converted to their fandom" Cadet-Captain Francisco continued.

"Normal, huh? That's an interesting way of labeling people outside of their fandom" Aiden commented.

"If they border a cult-like mentality, wouldn't it be considered a red-flag as prospective threats to the student life here at Mount Juliet?" Beatrice added.

"Yes, sir. They call it normal in a sense because the Yaoi/BL fandom is full of taboo topics, ranging from Incest, M-Preg or Male Pregnancy, as well as extreme graphic depiction of sexual and homoerotic activities that may be too much for the uninitiated to see or even watch. It's pushing the boundaries between a work of literature and actual pornography. Also, to answer the Attorney-General's concern – No. The FujoDanshi community isn't the type to be aggressive, although they are territorial and protective of their fandom, especially the 'Old Guards', colloquially known as 'Senpais' they wouldn't resort to any disruptive or violent acts, unless provoked. According to our research, they tend to do their activities underground, where the general populace can't see the contents of their fandom, hence a majority of them, if not all, have secondary accounts on social media where they can freely share sensitive contents of their fandom without the fear of judgment, criticisms, and backlash from our more conservative society – sort to speak" Cadet-Captain Francisco further explained as everyone cringed at what they just heard.

"Do people like this really exist? And seriously? Male pregnancy?" Aiden said, his face somewhat blushing.

"I can't believe you can actually explain all of these things with a straight face Cadet-Captain" Beatrice cringed further, unable to fully comprehend what she just head.

"I did have a friend back in High School who was a die-hard Fujoshi, so I've had exposure on the subject. Furthermore, our research required us to delve deep into their activities – no matter how disturbing the contents are for our eyes" Cadet-Captain Francisco said, trying her best to remain calm, as to not expose her double life to her commanding officer and senior members of the Student Council present in the room.

"I'm surprised you weren't 'converted' into their fandom Cadet-Captain, given that you were exposed to their culture through your friend in High School" Aiden replied as nervousness started to take hold of her.

"A-ah, yes sir…" Cadet-Captain Francisco stammered, "Their fandom wasn't really my cup of tea, and I really didn't have time to entertain my friend's explicit attempts at trying to 'convert' me since I was also a part of my High School's ROTC" she continued as she expertly dodged a bullet.

"How do you even get involved in this Fandom?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked, her face still cringing.

"Although this is somewhat disturbing, I'm curious how this fandom gain followers. This is a good way to learn how they share their unusual passion, so we can somehow create an effective countermeasure so we can prevent and resist any attempts of conversion" Beatrice added.

"There are actually a lot of avenues in which you could stumble into this forbidden fandom. Our research indicates that there are four different generations of Fujoshi and Fudanshi. The first being are those who were exposed through the Anime Fandom, which accounts for 40% of exposure to the Yaoi/BL Fandom; the second is the J-Pop Fandom, which accounts for 30% of exposure; the K-pop Fandom which accounts for 10% of exposure, and lastly the dark horse, the Thai BL Fandom, which accounts for 20% of the exposure. I also would like to underscore that the former is starting to become the biggest source of exposure of them all. As I've included in the report that I submitted to Cadet-Major Del Rosario, the sudden influx of Thai BL series, and the sudden spike in interest of the genre in the Philippines as well as other corners of Southeast and East Asia has swelled the ranks of the Fujoshi and Fudanshi community in the Asian region. The success of the Thai BL series has prompted both Japan and South Korea to produce more BL series in response, which has been causing a rapid rise and exposure of the Yaoi/BL Fandom in the mainstream media" Cadet-Captain Francisco continued.

"According to the statistics that you just laid out, the majority of exposure to the Yaoi/BL Fandom came from Japan? Is that correct?" Aiden asked, his face still blushing.

"Yes sir. The Japanese Yaoi/BL Fandom is considered as the origin of all BL/Yaoi content, hence it's also known as the Progenitor Fandom. Over the years, South Korea, China, and Thailand has created their own versions of the genre to a surprisingly resounding success. Almost 85% of the current Fujoshi and Fudanshi were exposed via the Progenitor Fandom, and the remaining 15% from the other sources of the genre" Cadet-Captain Francisco responded.

"I guess at this point, all we can do is to leave them be. If we go by what Cadet-Captain Francisco reported, then the FujoDanshi community wouldn't be a problem for the Student Council down the road. Though I have a feeling that if they do have a tribalistic mentality as the 1st ROTC Intelligence Detachment research suggests, their community could become a very powerful voting bloc and could wield significant influence within the university – if they choose to wield it" Beatrice said, analyzing the possibilities that could happen, an assessment that Aiden and Cadet-Major Del Rosario agreed with.

"That does sound like it's something to be concerned with, given that they have the ability to tilt the balance of power within the student body" Cadet-Major Del Rosario commented.

"That also wouldn't be a problem" Cadet-Captain Francisco responded, prompting everyone to look at her with a curious expression on their faces.

"Explain, Cadet-Captain. What do you mean by that?" Aiden ordered, his curiosity piqued.

"Even though Rose Cristobal may have complete control and authority over the MGs if she does take over as their first leader, it's a completely different story for the FujoDanshi community as a whole. Although Rose Cristobal is seen as their De Facto leader, and their fandom has a tribalistic mentality, she cannot freely instruct them to do something. Her orders to mobilize or even act on something must be legitimized by either President Kobayashi or Representative Nontanakorn or even both of them for it to be considered as a legal order. Think of it as a constitutional monarchy, Rose Cristobal is the Head of Government, and both President Kobayashi and Representative Nontanakorn are the Head of State. Although Rose can give out orders, if it's not legitimized or signed-off by the Head of State, it cannot be considered legal, hence it cannot be carried out, especially for consequential and important actions on the part of the FujoDanshi community as a whole" Cadet-Captain Francisco explained.

"Basically you're saying that although President Kobayashi cannot dictate what the MGs can do, he and Representative Nontanakorn has some sort of authority and control over the FujoDanshi community by extension as the symbols of their fandom?" Beatrice asked for clarification.

"Correct. Although I would like to point out that President Kobayashi and Representative Nontanakorn has indirect control over the MGs as well, given that the largest bloc of that fanbase is made up of Fujoshi and Fudanshi, and all they need to do is to give out an order to reign in any moves by the MGs that might threaten the security and stability of the student body and student life here at the university" Cadet-Captain Francisco replied.

"But wouldn't that be tantamount to a coup against Rose's leadership of the MGs?" Beatrice asked.

"It might be for the non-Fujoshi and Fudanshi members of the fanbase, but for the members of their community, the survival and preservation of their fandom and symbol is of the highest importance, and not one person is worth more or even above that" Cadet-Captain Francisco replied.

Aiden scoffed after hearing what Cadet-Captain Francisco had to say, he crossed his arms before he spoke again, "If what you say is true Cadet-Captain, then we could pull out most of our assets imbedded in the MGs and redeploy them to areas that are of higher priority".

"That would be the most logical way moving forward, if what Cadet-Captain Francisco says holds up" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said.

"That would free up some of our assets and resources and we can redirect them to bolster our current personnel currently monitoring the other members of the Gang of Eight" Cadet-Captain Francisco agreed.

"It might be, but I strongly advise against pulling our assets out too soon until we can ascertain that what Cadet-Captain Francisco is true. If it does turn out to be true President Kobayashi, you could wield a whole lot more influence than you already have. This could make you the most powerful and influential Student Council President in the history of the university" Beatrice argued before Aiden walked towards behind his desk and sat on his chair.

"Have you all heard of the Sword of Damocles?" Aiden asked as he leaned towards his desk, his voice and demeanor turning serious.

"That's the story about Damocles who had a sword dangling above his head, correct?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario replied, "I think we discussed that topic in our Military Science class".

"That's correct. 'There can be no happiness for one who is under constant apprehensions' as the saying goes in that story" Aiden continued.

"Just where are you getting at President Kobayashi?" Beatrice asked.

"It may seem that it's a wonderful thing that I'll be wielding such a large influence over the student body, however, that much power only invites enemies, as you've already seen with the small insurrection that the opposition tried to pull at the Student Senate. Power is a double-edged sword, it may keep the peace for now, but that very power will eventually become a threat to the peace that we are all trying to maintain here at the university. Power, if used unwisely, gives birth to dictatorships, and dictatorship is a malignant force that corrupts everything it touches" Aiden said as everyone else listened in silence.

"There's a reason why our Student Government was designed to have separation of powers, and that is to prevent one branch from gaining too much power over the others. The three of you should understand this better than anyone. It is my sincere wish that the day that I would be forced to wield this awesome power at my disposal may never arrive, lest it upend decades of democratic traditions and customs that my office has preserved and defended" Aiden continued.

"I will not use my influence to bend the will of the student body, and if there are things that the MGs do that might go against the policies and rules of the university, it would be handled through the proper channels as this office and the Student Council has done since its inception. I strongly detest and abhor anything and everything that authoritarianism or dictatorship stands for, in addition, it goes against my principles and conscience to even entertain the idea of bending the rules or abusing them for personal gain, whatever shape or form it may be" Aiden added.

"To that end, the topic that we discussed today is to remain between the four of us. Beatrice, any and all reports, documents, and materials regarding or pertaining to the FujoDanshi community, as well as the influence and authority that I or the International Student Representative may hold over them is hereby classified as Top-Secret information, do I make myself clear?" Aiden concluded as he ordered his Attorney-General to classify the topic of their conversation.

"Understood, President Kobayashi" Beatrice replied before Aiden shifted his attention to both Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco who both stood up and rendered a salute.

"That's it for today, all of you are dismissed" Aiden said as he leaned back on his chair.

"Sir!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco said in unison, clicking their heels as they saluted before leaving the office. After the ROTC officers left, Beatrice collected the binder and folders that Cadet-Captain Francisco left, before walking towards the door.

Before she could leave the office, she stopped and faced Aiden, "Just so you know President Kobayashi, I wasn't encouraging you to abuse your new found influence and authority. I was just trying to see how you would react to that kind of temptation".

"It seems like you are more principled than I initially thought, anyone I know would have quickly jumped and used that influence and authority right away. It goes to show what kind of person you truly are" Beatrice continued. "Which is?" Aiden responded as he looked Beatrice directly in the eyes.

"An incorruptible and wise leader" Beatrice responded as Aiden scoffed in response, "To be honest, it's quite surprising to find a person like you in this kind of university, which has an elite class that abuse their privilege, influence, and authority to undermine the less fortunate students" she added.

Aiden scoffed again at what Beatrice said, "Sometimes I find your comments insulting. I'm not even sure if you're complementing me right now" he added as Beatrice gave a wry smile.

"I must confess President Kobayashi, the only reason why I accepted this position is because I found you interesting in a way, I did have some regrets after accepting this position, but now that I know that you're not one of those entitled and elitist individuals, I can now say with pride and confidence that I have no regrets serving under your administration" Beatrice said as Aiden gave another scoff.

"You may be cold on the outside, but in reality you really do care and have legitimate concerns for the well-being of the students here, as well as your subordinates" Beatrice added.

"I still find it insulting that you would group me with those entitled and spoiled individuals who only uses their parents position, influence, authority, and success to act superior, when they themselves have no accomplishments to brag about. But I guess, I can accept your unorthodox compliment" Aiden responded before Beatrice lightly scoffed.

"You seem to have a deep hatred towards privileged individuals. I sense a personal grudge against them" Beatrice commented.

"You assume too much Ms. Ocampo" Aiden casually dismissed, as Beatrice looked at him with a bit more intensity than usual.

"Am I? Your voice says otherwise" Beatrice pressed, "It's not exactly a bad thing, it's further reassurance that you're not going to end up like them".

"You're crossing a very fine line Ms. Ocampo. I'm quite fond of you, I admit that much, but be careful now, you're entering dangerous waters here" Aiden warned in an ominous tone.

"Apologies President Kobayashi. I didn't mean to pry into your personal business" Beatrice apologized.

"As long as you're aware of the limit into which you can inquire. But let me tell you now, this will not happened the second time, am I clear on that?" Aiden sternly said.

"Of course, we all serve at the pleasure" Beatrice replied, internally feeling dread and fear from hearing the change in Aiden's tone of voice, sensing a completely different aura than before.

"As long as we understand each other on that matter" Aiden said, his voice returning normal

"I'll work on classifying these documents. I'll give you an update regarding the Mount Charlotte Student Council President as soon as I can. I'll get the ball rolling on that matter" Beatrice replied before she started walking towards the door.

But before she could leave the office, Aiden spoke again, "Also, you can stop with your futile attempts of trying to tempt me to abuse my power and authority as Student Council President. Every action I take has a purpose that serves the best interests of the Student Body and the University".

Beatrice stopped after hearing what Aiden had to say, but did not turn to face him, instead, she gave an approving smile before walking out of the office.

"Rolling the ball huh?" Aiden whispered to himself, "Wait.. Ball.." he continued upon realizing something.

Meanwhile, Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco were walking through the still empty Quad, their minds still preoccupied by what Aiden said in his office. The two ROTC officers were trying to process the fact that Aiden was quick to resist the temptation of gaining even more power and influence over the student body, considering that an opportunity to attain both is what everyone in the university was vying and competing for – most especially those at the top of the social class pyramid.

"Permission to speak ma'am?" Cadet-Captain Francisco suddenly asked as they made their way to towards the ROTC Quarter.

"You don't have to be formal, it's just the two of us" Amy responded, surprising Rebecca by the casualness of her superior officer, "I'm guessing what President Kobayashi said earlier bothered you?".

"I wouldn't say it bothered me, I was just a bit surprised by it" Rebecca admitted as Amy lightly chuckled.

"Were you not surprised by what President Kobayashi said earlier?" Rebecca asked as she looked at Amy.

"Although I was completely blindsided by it, I wasn't surprised at all that President Kobayashi would say something like that" Amy admitted.

"What do you mean by that?" Rebecca asked, "Has he done something similar in the past?" she continued, keeping her focus on Amy.

"He did the same thing yesterday during our impromptu meeting" Amy revealed, "What was interesting about that was it was also Attorney-General Ocampo who initiated it as well".

"What did President Kobayashi do?" Rebecca asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It happened when the members of the Student Council were giving their reports, Chief of Staff Sato said something about Oscar asking about a promise that was made to him by President Kobayashi weeks ago" Amy explained as Rebecca listened attentively.

"President Kobayashi was hesitant to reveal the details of the agreement that he had with Oscar, however, he was also pressed by Vice President Manalo. It was then that Attorney-General Ocampo revealed that the Student Council President had the ability to restrict any and all information that he deemed necessary" Amy revealed, causing Rebecca to raise a brow.

"I thought President Kobayashi was going to consider it, but he quickly rejected that idea in the end, saying 'No. I rather not set a bad precedent on this matter. As you've said, invoking the classification system is necessary to protect the dignity of my office – not the office holder'" Amy added.

"Notwithstanding his attitude and personality, I really believe he has the potential to accomplish a lot of great things here. He has the power and ability to do so, plus he makes it all looks easy" Rebecca replied.

Amy laughed in response to what Rebecca said, "It may look easy from our point of view, but I'm sure that the weight of responsibility and the enormous pressure is taking a toll on President Kobayashi privately".

"How do you know? Did he say something to you?" Rebecca asked.

"I don't know for certain since he's extremely private about his personal life. But think about it, not only does he rank at the top of his class, but he also heads the Student Council which has an enormous impact to the entire student body and student life here at the university. Additionally, he also has extracurriculars other than the Student Council. Anyone who has that much responsibility is bound to feel a heavy burden and pressure both physically and mentally" Amy explained as Rebecca agreed with her reasoning.

"Do you think we could somehow help him?" Rebecca asked as Amy smiled at her response.

"I don't think President Kobayashi would let us do that. Besides, we're already helping him by carrying out our duties and responsibilities to the Student Council and the University" Amy replied.

"You seem to know him pretty well considering you've only met him during his inauguration at the end of the previous academic year" Rebecca said, confused as how Amy is able to read him.

"I've worked with President Kobayashi long enough to know. Like Katrina, Mingyu, Aaron, and Jasper says, you have to get to know him to be able to tell" Amy explained.

"Though I wouldn't presume to know President Kobayashi as well as his Praetorian Guards, but I've seen enough to be able to get the gist of how he operates" Amy continued as they entered the ROTC Quarter.

"Can't say I'm surprised, you are extremely skilled at reading people" Rebecca smiled.

"It may seem like I can, but I'm not able to read everyone though" Amy responded as Rebecca grinned.

"Are you talking about Joshua?" Rebecca said as Amy slightly blushed.

"Wh-what!? What are you talking about!?" Amy stammered, surprised by what Rebecca said.

"Come on Amy! Did you forget that I'm the commanding officer of the 1st ROTC Intelligence Detachment? Although, even if I wasn't, most of the senior officers within the ROTC knows about your crush on the ROTC Commander" Rebecca teased as Amy's face became flushed, "Such a forbidden romance between a mid-level ROTC Officer and the commander of the MJU ROTC!" she continued as she mildly flailed.

"I-I mean, who wouldn't fall for him? He's somewhat handsome, plus he's a prodigy when it comes to military tactics and strategy" Amy reluctantly admitted, her face still flushed.

"I didn't think he's your type, I was actually surprised when I heard that you liked him, you didn't strike me as someone who would crush on anyone" Rebecca chuckled.

"Do I look that serious to you? I'm still human you know" Amy laughed.

"A little bit, you're probably one of the more serious ROTC officers other than Cadet-Colonel Belarmino. I'm actually surprised that they didn't offer you the command of the 21st and 22nd to be honest" Rebecca commented as Amy lightly scoffed.

"Even if they did, I wouldn't want to be placed in-charge of the Special Forces since they're the hardest ROTC companies to command, even if being in charge of them is the most prestigious and coveted position that the MJU ROTC Officers could receive" Amy responded.

"To be honest, I was surprised when President Kobayashi chose me to lead the 1st and 2nd since it was already my first pick of the companies I wanted to be considered for command" Amy continued as she and Rebecca stood in front of their barracks, the cadets on guard duty standing at attention.

"In any case, let's follow up on President Kobayashi's request. Have your team track down the Freshmen who graduated from Mount Charlotte, I need a report before 15:00 this afternoon. That would be all for now Cadet-Captain Francisco" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said as she gave Cadet-Captain Francisco a salute, the latter returning it before the former walked towards the entrance of their barracks. As Cadet-Major Del Rosario was about to go up the steps, a cadet came running towards her, holding a folded piece of paper in his hand as Cadet-Captain Francisco watched with curiosity.

"Cadet-Major Del Rosario!" the Cadet called out before giving a salute, "Message from the Commandant!" he continued before handing the piece of paper he was holding. Cadet-Major Del Rosario took the paper before dismissing the cadet. As soon as the cadet left, she unfolded the paper on her hand and read the contents, Cadet-Captain Francisco walked towards her, curious about the message.

"What is it Ma'am?" Cadet-Captain Francisco asked as Cadet-Major Del Rosario finished reading.

"The senior officers of the 1st and 2nd ROTC Companies are being summoned to the Commandant's office" Cadet-Major Del Rosario replied, her face serious. "Cadet-Captain Francisco, with me" she continued as she started walking towards the ROTC Headquarters.

The ROTC Quarter is a designated area within Mount Juliet University which houses the entire MJU ROTC Brigade and their facilities. The area is closed off to the rest of the student population and only members of the ROTC, Philippine Armed Forces, University Administration, and Student Council are allowed to enter.

The ROTC Quarter has two entrances which are guarded by ROTC Cadets during the day, and by university security at night. Major ROTC facilities such as the ROTC Headquarters, barracks, equipment warehouses, armory, motor pool, obstacle courses, urban warfare training center, drill yards, shooting range center, rappelling and zipline towers, the Military Science Building, and fitness center among others.

Most of the ROTC equipment are also kept within the ROTC Quarter, specifically in the armory, such as the Paint Ball Guns, M4 Carbine Airsoft Guns, M17 Airsoft Guns, M110 SASS Airsoft Guns, SIG Sauer MPX Airsoft Guns, M249 Squad Automatic Weapon Airsoft Guns, Improved Outer Tactical Vests, Advance Combat Helmets, and Night vision Goggles which are primarily used for combat training exercises within the ROTC Quarter. The ROTC are also equipped with multiple HUMVEEs which are only used within the ROTC Quarter, Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System for radio communications, and drones.

The nerve center of the entire ROTC Brigade is the ROTC Headquarters, a five-story building which houses the Administrative Division, Operations Division, Intelligence Division, Logistics Division, Medical Division, Special Operations Division, Central Command Center, Communications Center, Military Faculty Office, Philippine Army Field Office, and the offices of the ROTC Commandant and ROTC Commander.

The ROTC Commander who is the highest-ranking ROTC Officer commands all of the MJU ROTC personnel within the university which includes the cadets that runs the daily operations of the ROTC Headquarters and the ROTC company commanders. The ROTC Commandant is an active military officer who commands the Department Supervisors, Philippine Army Field Office, and the Military Faculty within the university – all of which are also commissioned officers and active military personnel of the Philippine Army.

Like their civilian counterparts in the university, the military officers assigned at the ROTC Quarter does not meddle with the affairs of the MJU ROTC but is there to oversee and supervise the military training aspects of the ROTC. The only time that they can intervene is when a serious breach of military protocols and policies happen, and a court-martial proceeding is necessary.

Overall command of the entire MJU ROTC Brigade falls squarely on the ROTC Commander, who has full authority and jurisdiction over all the ROTC cadets but is still subordinate to both the ROTC Commandant who has a supervisory role, and the Student Council President – the latter ensuring the civilian control of the military, hence the title of Student Commander-in-Chief within the university.

When Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Major Francisco reached the 5th floor of the ROTC Headquarters, they immediately headed towards the Commandant's Office which was located at the end of the hallway, a few feet from Cadet-Colonel Belarmino's office.

The large window panes to their right-hand side were providing natural light as they walked down the carpeted hallway, which was decorated by portraits of the former ROTC Commandants illuminated by LED lamps above each portrait, and upholstered benches that leaned against the marble wall. The entrance to the Commandant's office is a large double door made out of walnut and has hand-carved design adorning it. On either side of the door are two cadets on guard duty, and above the door is a plaque that reads "Office of the Mount Juliet University ROTC Commandant", illuminated by lamps below it.

As Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Major Francisco approached the double door, three ROTC officers who were sitting close to the Commandant's office quickly stood up and rendered a salute. The two cadets standing by the door clicked their heels and also rendered a salute before opening the door.

Like all of the offices of important university officials, the reception area for the Commandant's office was nothing but impressive, the floor was made out of marble while the walls were made of mahogany. The room was lit by a large chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, and on the floor below the chandelier was a large circular mat bearing the MJU logo.

On either side of the mat were large white sofas leaned against the walls. Each side of the two sofas has a glass end tables, with several neatly stacked magazines on top. On the left-hand side of the entrance- there's a small corridor that leads to the bathroom, while the right-hand side was a large bookcase that was adorned by several books relating to military science, strategy, and tactics.

On the other end of the room is a large desk which belongs to the Secretary to the Commandant who also happens to be an active military officer. The desk has two monitors on each end, and a nameplate on the middle which reads "Major Farrah Tanjuakio". Behind the desk is a marble wall which holds the logo of the MJU ROTC, it was large enough that the motto engraved on the logo can be seen from the entrance which reads "Dum Vivimus Servimus" translated in English which means "While we live, we serve".

In front of the Secretary's desk were two other desks across from each other, both positioned next to the sofas on either side of the room. These desks belong to the 1st and 2nd Assistants to the Commandant who are also Junior Officers of the ROTC. Their desks also have two monitors and a nameplate in the middle which reads, "Cadet-Lieutenant Geraldine De Castro" and "Cadet-Lieutenant Paula Ongtaco" respectively, behind them are large filing cabinets, piles of neatly stack folders, and binders.

After entering the reception area, Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco immediately walked up to Major Tanjuakio's desk. Cadet-Lieutenant De Castro and Cadet-Lieutenant Ongtaco on the left-hand and right-hand side respectively immediate stood at attention before saluting the two senior officers that were passing in front of their desks.

"Cadet-Major Amy Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco from the 1st and 2nd MJU ROTC Companies here to see the Commandant" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said as they gave a salute to Major Tanjuakio.

"As you were" Major Tanjuakio said as Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco lowered their arms, "The Commandant is waiting for you in his office" she continued before gesturing towards the opening on the left-hand side behind her.

Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco made their way to the opening that Major Tanjuakio gestured to, which brought them behind the marble wall revealing another double door that was adorned by a more intricate hand-carved design. As they stood in front of the door, they made sure that their uniforms were in order and that they looked presentable. After making sure that they looked their best Cadet-Major Del Rosario knocked on the door twice before entering. As they entered, two cadets standing on guard duty on either side of the door inside the office clicked their heels and rendered a salute.

The Commandant's office was almost on par with Vice Chancellor Gutierrez's office in terms of the interior design and spaciousness. The floors of the office were made out of marble, while the walls were made of Walnut, like the reception area there is a chandelier in the middle of the room which provided lighting.

The Commandant's desk is located on the other side of the room, the desk itself was made of mahogany and there were four monitors on top of it – two on each side. On the middle of the desk and in-between the monitors are a nameplate that reads "Colonel Emmanuel Yasay – Commandant Mount Juliet ROTC".

Behind the Commandant's desk is a wall where the insignia of the Armed Forces of the Philippines was mounted, illuminated by lights attached on the ceiling. On either side of the wall are bookcases that spanned the length of that side of the room. In front of the Commandant's desk are two chairs that were facing each other, and a few feet in front of it were two sofas divided by a long coffee table.

Behind the sofa on the left-hand side is a large glass case built into the wall which stored the various awards, commendations, trophies, and medals that the MJU ROTC has received that spanned decades since the establishment of the ROTC program at Mount Juliet. Behind the sofa on the right-hand side is a conference table that is able to seat at least twelve people at a time.

After they entered the Commandant's Office they were surprised to see Vice Chancellor Aurea Gutierrez. Also present were Cadet-Colonel Joshua Belarmino, Commander of the MJU ROTC; Cadet-Major Athena Francisco, Commander of the 21st and 22nd MJU ROTC Companies (Special Forces); Cadet-Major Christina Del Mundo, Commander of the 23rd MJU ROTC Company (Intelligence); Cadet-Major Alexis Montanillo, Commander of the 3rd and 4th MJU ROTC Companies, and his Executive Officer Cadet-Captain Shun Torio.

Colonel Yasay was sitting behind his desk while Vice Chancellor Gutierrez sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk. Cadet-Colonel Belarmino, Cadet-Major Francisco, and Cadet-Major Del Mundo where standing behind the Commandant, on his right-hand side. Cadet-Major Montanillo and Cadet-Captain Torio were standing at attention in front of the desk, a few feet away from where Vice Chancellor is sitting.

Everyone's attention was focused on Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco as they walked towards the Commandant's desk. Although they were internally feeling anxious and nervous since a senior member of the university's administration is present in addition to their superiors in the ROTC, they still maintained a professional and composed exterior.

Cadet-Major Del Rosario knew the moment she saw who was in the room that this was something big since the Vice Chancellor, ROTC Commandant, ROTC Commander, the Commander of the Special Forces, and the Commander of the Intelligence Company are always never in the same room unless something serious has happened or was about to happen – something not seen since the 'Daebak Incident'.

When they got closer to the Commandant's desk Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco stopped beside where Cadet-Major Montanillo and Cadet-Captain Torio are standing before clicking both their heels and rendering a salute to their superiors.

"Cadet-Major Amy Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Rebecca Francisco of the 1st and 2nd ROTC Companies reporting as ordered sir!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said as Colonel Yasay, Cadet-Colonel Belarmino, Cadet-Major Francisco, and Cadet-Major Del Mundo returned the salute.

"As you were Cadet-Major, Cadet-Captain" Colonel Yasay said as he lowered his arm, followed by Cadet-Colonel Belarmino, Cadet-Major Francisco, and Cadet-Major Del Mundo.

"I apologize for summoning you so early in the morning Cadet-Major Del Rosario, but there's an important matter that we need to discuss with you" Colonel Yasay began.

"It's no problem sir, we were just returning from our meeting with President Kobayashi" Cadet-Major Del Rosario replied as she and Cadet-Captain Francisco removed their berets.

"You seem like you're close with President Kobayashi, Cadet-Major" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez said.

"I wouldn't say we're close on a personal level Vice Chancellor, but since I serve directly under President Kobayashi and the Student Council, I guess you can say that I work with him closely on a professional level." Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded before Vice Chancellor Gutierrez gave a chuckle.

"That's good Cadet-Major Del Rosario, this should make things a whole lot easier" Colonel Yasay added.

"What do you mean sir?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked, puzzled.

"Cadet-Major Del Rosario are you aware of the unofficial designation of the 1st and 2nd ROTC Companies?" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino asked.

"You mean the 'Unofficial Presidential Guards'? Yes sir, I'm fully aware of my unit's unofficial designation" Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded albeit confused as to where the discussion was going.

"It won't be an unofficial designation anymore" Colonel Yasay interjected, surprising Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco, "Although it's not on paper yet, your unit will be officially designated as the 'Presidential Guards Company' and its formation will be officially announced during the Foundation Day celebration" Cadet-Colonel Yasay continued.

"Colonel, is there a particular reason why we're officially establishing a Presidential Guards Company?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked, confusion all over her face, "This all feels too sudden and out of the blue".

"The ROTC Intelligence Division has been reviewing the Intelligence reports that Cadet-Captain Francisco has been submitting to President Kobayashi. Although the situation with the AGs and MGs are still being considered as fluid, we can never be too careful when it comes to President Kobayashi" Cadet-Major Del Mundo interjected, catching both Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco's attention.

"What do you mean by that ma'am?" Cadet-Captain Francisco asked.

"I think all of us here agree that President Kobayashi is unique. Mount Juliet has never had a Student Council President with such an immense popularity and following, and with the AGs numbers growing by the day, and the establishment of the MGs with overwhelming support for both the International Student Representative and the MinAiden couple, we can never be too careful with the safety of the Student Council President, lest we end up with another 'Daebak' incident" Cadet-Major Del Mundo explained as the memory of that infamous incident once again flashed in everyone's mind – an infamous affair that has sullied and stained the reputation and pride of the MJU ROTC.

"The AGs was conceived almost a year ago, and they have grown to be the most powerful and largest fanbase here at Mount Juliet. Although that in itself isn't considered a threat to the stability and peace here on campus, the creation of the MGs that has a different ideology and is projected to equal or surpass the AGs in less than a year unintentionally tilted the balance of power and has violently upset the status quo within the Student Body. If a heated rivalry is borne out of this, the end result could be equally violent and upsetting" Cadet-Major Del Mundo added.

"All of us here are aware that this is how the K-Pop Club originally fractured, when the Old Guards of the K-Pop Club clashed with the ARMYs within their ranks, which eventually led to the 'Daebak' Incident. That affair led to dozens of students being injured, four of which required hospitalization, not to mention the massive property damage on campus that the incident left on its wake, and the eventual fallout and stain on the university's reputation" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino chimed in.

"Although the K-Pop Club fractured because of different beliefs and opinions on who was the best and most popular group, the principle is basically the same for the situation that we're facing now. Although we're not dealing with K-Pop groups, the fact that the source of possible conflict is the Student Council President increases the risk on his safety and well-being and could very well lead to another university-wide incident equal to or worse than the 'Daebak' Incident" Cadet-Major Del Mundo further explained.

"With that in mind, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ROTC Companies shall be reorganized into the first MJU ROTC Presidential Guards Company. Cadet-Major Del Rosario will be in command of this new company with Cadet-Major Montanillo as the Executive Officer. Cadet-Captain Francisco will serve as Aide-De-Camp, Intelligence Officer, and Chief Security Officer for President Kobayashi's protection detail. Cadet-Captain Torio will serve as Quartermaster, Chief Medical Officer, and Operations Officer." Colonel Yasay ordered.

"Furthermore, we will be transferring additional personnel and equipment under your command, which will include medical, and intelligence units to reinforce your unit" Colonel Yasay continued as Cadet-Major Del Rosario, Cadet-Major Montanillo, Cadet-Captain Francisco, and Cadet-Captain Torio rendered a salute.

"In addition to the formation of the Presidential Guards Company, a designated team needs to act as President Kobayashi's personal guards under the command of Cadet-Captain Francisco. This protection detail will remain with President Kobayashi at all times while he's within university grounds, there will be no exception to this rule" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino added.

"Sir, with all due respect, President Kobayashi is protective of his personal space and privacy. I don't think he would agree with this kind of arrangement" Cadet-Major Del Rosario protested.

"Cadet-Major Del Rosario, you are aware that President Kobayashi is the most important student here at Mount Juliet University. Not only is he the President of the Student Council, but he is also our Student Commander in Chief, not to mention he holds several other important positions, his safety is paramount for the continued stability of the student body. It would be a disaster if something happens to him, just imagine how the AGs alone would react to that kind of news" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino responded.

"Although the AGs are disciplined when it comes to approaching President Kobayashi, there are always those who would go rogue and approach him. It's bad enough that his very presence almost always starts a stampede when he shows up in an area with high student concentration. It could be worse than a riot if he is seen together with the International Student Representative in the open, the AGs, MGs, Hunters, and the LGBTQ+ community would have a field day" Cadet-Major Del Mundo added.

"I understand where all of you are coming from, but I still vehemently oppose this. We've never had any incidents that has placed President Kobayashi in any kind of risk or danger, and he knows well not to be seen by the AGs. This is the reason why his every move is pre-planned and calculated to mitigate the risk of him being swarmed by his fans and followers here at the university" Cadet-Major Del Rosario voiced her concerns, surprising both Cadet-Major Montanillo and Cadet-Captain Francisco.

"Don't worry Cadet-Major Del Rosario, I will talk with President Kobayashi. I'll try and convince him that this will be for his own protection and safety" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez chimed in, reassuring Cadet-Major Del Rosario who has reservations about having a protection detail following Aiden closely.

"But ma'am-" Cadet-Major Del Rosario continued to protest before Colonel Yasay cut her off.

"This will be the end of this discussion Cadet-Major De Rosario! These are your orders, and you will follow them regardless of what you personally feel!" Colonel Yasay ordered.

"Apologies for speaking out of line Colonel!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario apologized but was still reluctant to openly violate President Kobayashi's personal space and privacy without his consent.

"I'll compile a list of candidates that would act as his personal guards" Cadet-Captain Francisco interjected.

"There's no need for that Cadet-Captain Francisco, we've already selected the perfect candidates that will act as President Kobayashi's personal guards" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino said before he nodded his head to one of the cadets standing by the door. The cadet radioed something and after a few seconds the three ROTC officers that were sitting on the benches outside entered the Commandant's office. The cadets by the door clicking their heels and rendering a salute as the officers entered.

"Cadet-Major Del Rosario, let me introduce you to the newest addition to our ROTC" Colonel Yasay said as the ROTC Officers stood beside Cadet-Captain Francisco as they gave a salute.

"This is Cadet-Captain Hyun-woo Kim, Cadet-Lieutenant Alice Shin, and Cadet-Lieutenant Ji-hu Heo – the elite team that will serve as President Kobayashi's personal guards. They are the exchange ROTC Officers that came from our partner university in South Korea – a byproduct of the International Exchange Program" Colonel Yasay announced as the three South Korean ROTC Officers lowered their arms.

Cadet-Major Del Mundo and Vice Chancellor Gutierrez eyes sparkled as soon as they got a good look of Cadet-Captain Kim who stood at 185cm, slim, fair complexion, handsome, and a smooth supple face – he was literally and figuratively standing out in the room. His companions didn't disappoint either, Cadet-Lieutenant Shin, the only female in their unit stood at 153cm, she also looked slim and has fair complexion, her hair looked soft and silky even though it was tied in a bun and was mostly covered by her beret. Finally, Cadet-Lieutenant Heo stood at 177cm and was almost similar to Cadet-Captain Kim, albeit shorter.

"Cadet-Captain Kim, Cadet-Lieutenant Shin, and Cadet-Lieutenant Heo. The three of you will be assigned to the Mount Juliet University ROTC Presidential Guards Company and will be charged with the protection of Student Council President Aiden Kobayashi. Your unit will report directly to Cadet-Captain Francisco and Cadet-Major Del Rosario" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino ordered as they clicked their heels in unison.

"Sir!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario called out, "I respectfully request that you reconsider the selection of Cadet-Captain Kim's unit as President Kobayashi's personal guards!" she continued to the surprise of everyone in the room except for Cadet-Captain Francisco who understood where she was coming from.

"I beg your pardon Cadet-Major!?" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino quickly reacted, peeved at the offensive and borderline insubordinate attitude of Cadet-Major Del Rosario.

"I mean no disrespect, sir! But assigning Cadet-Captain Kim to President Kobayashi will only increase the risk that he'll get swarmed and will be counterproductive to our objective of keeping him safe!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario protested.

"I agree with Cadet-Major Del Rosario's assessment on this, sir" Cadet- Captain Francisco joined in.

"You have your orders Cadet-Major Del-" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino was about to openly chastise his own officers when Vice Chancellor Gutierrez intervened.

"May I ask why you're protesting, Cadet-Major Del Rosario?" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez calmly asked.

"Permission to speak freely ma'am?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked as Vice Chancellor Gutierrez looked at Colonel Yasay who gave an approving nod.

"Go ahead Cadet-Major Del Rosario. We want to hear your reason for vehemently opposing Cadet-Captain Kim and his team's assignment as President Kobayashi's personal guards" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez asked.

"Ma'am, with all due respect if I sound impertinent, but I believe I'm speaking on President Kobayashi's behalf when I say assigning this team as his personal guards would only paint a target on his back. The reaction you and Cadet-Major Del Mundo had just now after seeing Cadet-Captain Kim is guaranteed to be the same reaction the student body will have once they see him, and given his height, if he's to be at President Kobayashi's side at all times, he could act as a marker that would let everyone know that he is also nearby, presenting a risk to his safety!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario passionately argued.

"Furthermore, not only will President Kobayashi abhor the fact that there's someone following him, and especially in very close proximity at all times will make things a lot more complicated than it needs to be. As Cadet-Major Del Mundo has said earlier, President Kobayashi's presence alone almost ends up with a stampede, just imagine Cadet-Captain Kim and the International Student Representative being present as well, forget about a stampede, we'll have a full riot in our hands!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario continued.

"I would also like to add that if you're thinking of restricting Representative Nontanakorn from interacting with President Kobayashi, it would put unnecessary disruption to the Student Council's work especially in regard to the International Students. Additionally, if word comes out that the ROTC is restricting any kind of interaction between President Kobayashi and Representative Nontanakorn, just imagine the backlash we'll receive from the MGs. Cadet-Major Del Mundo, you yourself said that the MGs have 'overwhelming support for both the International Student Representative and the MinAiden couple' even a hint or sign of obstructionist action on our part could turn the MGs against the ROTC, and with their growing numbers it'll only be a matter of time before they overwhelm us. Furthermore, if the Intelligence Division has been reading the reports I've been submitting to President Kobayashi, you should also be aware that the MGs have the support of the Fujoshi and Fudanshi Community, with over half their members belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, while the rest of them are unaffiliated. That in itself will double, if not triple their numbers, not to mention the possibility of turning the LGBTQ+ community against the ROTC as well, and might I also remind everyone that their leader is also a member of the Gang of Eight and has enormous influence and reach" Cadet-Captain Francisco added with the same passionate spirit as Cadet-Major Del Rosario, adding weight to her direct superior's argument on the matter.

The compelling and impassioned argument that Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco made had an obvious effect on Cadet-Major Del Mundo who was moved by their argument and began to contemplate the decision that the higher-ups made, albeit hesitant to voice her concerns. Cadet-Major Montanillo, and Cadet-Captain Torio also realized that their argument made sense, and it'll be them who would have to directly deal with the fallout if the reasoning they just made turns out to be extremely true. It did not, however, seem to faze Cadet-Colonel Belarmino, Cadet-Major Francisco, Colonel Yasay, and Vice Chancellor Gutierrez, who were already dead-set on pushing through with their decision.

"You made a very compelling argument Cadet-Major Del Rosario, however, our decision remains the same. Inform the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ROTC Companies' Junior Officers and NCOs about the Presidential Guards Company, but do not let the other cadets under your command know yet. Cadet-Captain Kim and his team will assume their posts immediately, provide them with any and all information that they will in regard to President Kobayashi. They've also been briefed about the university and have a good gist of the campus " Colonel Yasay ordered to the dismay of Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco.

"Do we know where President Kobayashi currently is, Cadet-Major Del Rosario?" Colonel Yasay inquired as Cadet-Captain Francisco looked at her commanding officer.

"He should be in class at this time, sir" Cadet-Major Del Rosario reluctantly responded.

"What class is he in right now Cadet-Captain Francisco?" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino asked as Cadet-Captain Francisco looked at him, before looking at Cadet-Major Del Rosario who reluctantly nodded her head.

"He should be in his World History Class, HU-317" Cadet-Captain Francisco revealed.

"His class should be over by 9:15 then. Cadet-Captain Francisco, you will escort the Nirvana Team to the Humanities Building close to when President Kobayashi's class ends" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino ordered.

"The Nirvana Team, sir? Cadet-Captain Francisco asked.

"Yes. We're using Cadet-Captain Kim's unit's codename back in South Korea as their official codename here at Mount Juliet. They will have a special status that allows them to operate outside of the regular chain of command so that they could have the flexibility to carry out their mission. Of course, his team will still report to you and Cadet-Major Del Rosario" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino explained.

"What of President Kobayashi's Praetorian Guards?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked, prompting Cadet-Captain Kim to shift his eyes towards her direction.

"Are you talking about Mingyu Park, Katrina Tolentino, Jasper Hernandez, and Aaron Keeling?" Cadet-Major Del Mundo interjected as Cadet-Major Del Rosario nodded her head.

"What about them Cadet-Major?" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino asked.

"They have been responsible for protecting President Kobayashi since their High School days, are we going to sideline them because of the Nirvana team's presence?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked.

"That's not going to be a problem Cadet-Major Del Rosario. The Nirvana team's duties only applies when President Kobayashi is on campus. Mingyu, Katrina, Jasper, and Aaron can still continue doing what they have been doing, albeit outside the university grounds" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez replied.

"Then I would like to request permission to read-in President Kobayashi's Praetorian Guards so that we can better coordinate the protection of President Kobayashi" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked as Colonel Yasay, and Cadet-Colonel Belarmino looked at Vice Chancellor Gutierrez.

"Granted Cadet-Major Del Rosario. It would be better if this is a coordinated effort, that way we can avoid any confusion and tensions between the Nirvana Team and President Kobayashi's Praetorian Guards" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez agreed.

"Thank you ma'am. I'll personally brief them as soon as I can, I rather they hear it directly from me than hear this from someone else, they at least deserve this degree of respect" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said.

"Colonel, if I may. Shouldn't we leave President Kobayashi's security to the ROTC rather than civilians?" Cadet-Captain Kim interjected, although his English was fluent, his Korean accent can still be heard.

"If he really is an important individual, should we really risk leaving his security outside the university at the hands of regular students?" he added as Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco subtly reacted with disapproval and disdain on the comments made against Aiden's Praetorian Guards who has kept him safe longer than anyone in the ROTC.

"That does make sense Cadet-Captain, but since you're exchange ROTC Officers, I rather not overburden you with that kind of responsibility." Colonel Yasay replied.

"With all due respect Colonel, we are highly trained Cadet Officers who will eventually be stationed at the Korean Demilitarized Zone. We have also been assigned alongside active military personnel from both our country and the United States. As soldiers, we are fully committed to doing our duties no matter how inconvenient or burdensome it may be. We consider this as training too" Cadet-Captain Kim responded.

"I understand your point of view Cadet-Captain, while the current situation warrants an extra protection for the Student Council President within university grounds as a precaution, there's no intelligence report suggesting that there are any risks outside the university that calls for further protection from your team. As Cadet-Major Del Rosario has already pointed out, President Kobayashi's Praetorian Guards have been protecting him since their High School years and have been successful in doing so. But as you said, they are civilians, and there's only so much that they can do, that's why we're leaving his protection to your team inside the university to be sure" Colonel Yasay explained.

"How capable are his Praetorian Guards, if I may ask?" Cadet-Captain Kim further inquired.

"For so-called civilians, they are more than capable Cadet-Captain Kim" Cadet-Captain Francisco wittingly responded, earning her a cold and piercing stare from her older sister.

"Obviously, you haven't met President Kobayashi. I must warn you, he might make your mission more difficult than you'd expect – especially since you're invading his privacy" Cadet-Major Del Rosario added.

"All of us here are aware of President Kobayashi's personality, and I expect that you ensure that Cadet-Captain Kim and his team would not be heavily inconvenienced by this. I leave it to you Cadet-Major Del Rosario to make sure that it doesn't" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino ordered.

"I can't make any promises sir, but I will try my utmost to carry out your orders. President Kobayashi isn't exactly the type to be forced by anyone to do something. He is extremely independent and does not like being constrained by any means" Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded as Vice Chancellor Gutierrez smiled.

"I'm impressed that you know as much Cadet-Major Del Rosario" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez chuckled.

"I have been working with President Kobayashi for a while now, so it's really hard not to notice ma'am" Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded, "Also I would like to apologies in advance for my bluntness, but if you already know that about President Kobayashi, why do you keep on insisting this course of action?" she continued, shocking the other officers in the room.

"Cadet-Major Del Rosario! You are way out of line!" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino called out but was stopped by Vice Chancellor Gutierrez.

"I can see now why President Kobayashi personally chose you to take command of the 1st and 2nd MJU ROTC Companies, you make it hard not to be impressed by you" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez commented.

"Ma'am?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded, curious as what she meant.

"You catch on pretty quick, can read people easily, and you're straightforward. President Kobayashi might not say it himself, but you probably impressed him enough to the point that he chose you to be the person he would work with as his liaison to the ROTC – in short he trusts you" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez continued.

"Mind you President Kobayashi doesn't get impressed easily, so whatever it is that you have been doing Cadet-Major Del Rosario, keep it up. I'm entrusting you with his safety. Also, to answer your question, as a parent I would do anything and everything to keep my own child safe, regardless of how they may feel. It's the same thing that we're doing for President Kobayashi. I hope you understand where we're coming from, and why we're doing this" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez explained in his usual motherly tone.

"Of course ma'am! We will continue carrying out our duties and serve President Kobayashi to the best of our abilities, and I apologize for my offensive line of question. I'm prepared to accept any punishment for my impertinence and crudeness" Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded.

"There's no need for that Cadet-Major Del Rosario. As long as you understand why we're doing this, then all is well and forgiven" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez replied.

"Thank you ma'am. We'll do our utmost to carry out our orders and keep President Kobayashi safe!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said before she clicked her heels, followed by Cadet-Captain Francisco, Cadet-Major Montanillo, and Cadet-Captain Torio in that order.

"Before we end this meeting, I need you to review this Cadet-Major Del Rosario" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino said as he gave a black binder to his Aide De Camp, Cadet-Major Francisco.

"That's Nirvana team's file, which also includes information regarding the members of the team. Since they'll be under your command starting today it would be best if you familiarize yourself with your new team members" he continued as Cadet-Major Francisco walked towards Cadet-Captain Francisco.

"Understood, sir" Cadet-Major Del Rosario replied before putting her beret on as Cadet-Major Francisco handed the black binder to Cadet-Captain Francisco, giving the latter a not-so-subtle death stare, who was still peeved by the way she responded to the question that was asked by Cadet-Captain Kim earlier.

"Notwithstanding your surprisingly insubordinate side Cadet-Major Del Rosario, I fully expect that you'll work together with Cadet-Captain Kim's unit. That's all I have to say" Cadet-Colonel Belarmino added.

"That's all that we have for you Cadet-Major Del Rosario, you are all dismissed" Colonel Yasay said before giving a salute, which the officers of the Presidential Guards Company returned before leaving the office.

After leaving the Commandant's office, Cadet-Major Del Rosario, her retinue, and the Nirvana team made their way to the 1st and 2nd Companies' barracks to brief the newest additions to their unit about President Kobayashi, and anything else that they need to know to carry out their duties.

As they were heading back, Cadet-Major Del Rosario was in deep thought, still uncomfortable about the new orders she was given. Although she appreciates being given command of a new unit – an extremely prestigious and honorable one as well – she was bothered by the fact that her superiors were adamant about assigning a team that would be counterproductive to what they were trying to do. What was more frustrating for her was that she failed to protect Aiden's privacy, and that she's still following her orders despite her personal misgivings about it instead of resigning her post in protest.

Although Cadet-Major Del Rosario agrees with Cadet-Major Del Mundo's assessment on the situation in regard to the MGs and the AGs, and the need to increase security around President Kobayashi, she was vehemently opposed to the assignment of the Nirvana team. Since Cadet-Captain Kim is someone who would literally stand out, more so if he's in close proximity to both Aiden and Min – the main recipes for a perfect storm that even the Presidential Guards Company wouldn't be able to withstand – a fact that both Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Captain Francisco were fully aware of and pointed out during their protestation against the assignment of Nirvana team to their unit and as Aiden's personal guards.

What was surprising even for Cadet-Major Del Rosario was her explicit vocal opposition to her new orders, an uncharacteristic reaction for her since she usually accepts her orders without question even for those she felt uneasy about. Her outburst at the Commandant's office came as a surprise to every ROTC Officers in the room, most especially Cadet-Major Montanillo and Cadet-Captain Francisco who has known her for quite some time, and they have never heard or even seen her openly opposing an order that she doesn't like in front of their superiors and even a senior member of the university administration.

Both Cadet-Major Montanillo and Cadet-Captain Francisco have been privy to Cadet-Major Del Rosario's personal misgivings and opposition to previous orders that she finds questionable or counter to her own beliefs and principles and had always confided to the both of them about it in private. Hence it came as a complete shock and surprise when she openly and vocally opposed her latest orders.

It was even more of a shock and surprise to her superiors and peers who had an impression that she was the type to follow her orders without question. Since she's also the daughter of a highly respected and decorated General in the Army, her insubordinate conduct and impertinent line of questioning completely blindsided them as it was the very last thing they expected from her.

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