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Chapter 42: Coup d'etat (2)

It's been 10 minutes now, and the Carriage has been moving non-stop, I'm not familiar with the geography of this place, since I recently popped up here, quite literally, but this will be a problem if this doesn't stop.

"..." Aster groans.

"Aster?" I called out, but she didn't wake up.

I pursed my lip and looked at the door, if I made a move would he do something? But If I don't do anything, then we'll be far away from the Capital, and we'd be lost.

Unless, Aster knows places, when she wakes up.

"Let's just do something*

I laid Aster down on the seat, and went to the door, I kicked it several times, until the kidnapper noticed and shouted what I was doing.

He noticed!

"You better stay put, or I'll-"

The Carriage suddenly rattled and shook hard, I bump at the walls of the Carriage, Aster slips from the seat, but before she falls on the floor, I caught her.

"What the hell is going on?" I said to myself.


Zeno's voice shouted from outside. I couldn't believe what I'm hearing, did my prayers get answered?

"Zeno! We're here!"

"Hold On" he yells "Pyrus!" The door exploded leaving the Carriage open, I held Aster tight in my arms, Zeno was on a horse, he smiled when he saw me.

"Shouldn't you be manning the Carriage?"

He shakes his head.

"The Horses won't obey a stranger, you need to jump," He says sternly



"Aster and I?"

"I will not let you fall, I promise"

He reassured me, I held Aster Tightly and nodded at Zeno.

I trust you.

"At the count of three jump,"


"Two," we both said in unison


I jumped out of the Carriage towards Zeno, he was ready to catch both Aster and me, when a shadow suddenly darkened my vision, his eyes glowed when it became dark.

What I thought was going to be safe was the opposite, something large caught my waist, I looked up to see a giant bird monster. I screamed, not just because of the bird but because of how high of an altitude we were at the air already.



Zeno and I called out to each other, Aster and I were being carried away by this giant bird, I wiggled from its grip but the more I struggle the tighter its claws got wrapped around my waist.


Just when I thought, that there's no hope of someone saving us, the giant bird stopped and shrieked, I was getting nauseous at all the shaking.


I couldn't see, but I definitely heard it, Fries is here! But what is it doing?!

While I was pondering what was happening in front of me, a blast of blue flame came towards the giant bird. I felt the grip of the bird loosen until it released us.

We are now falling at a high altitude, for sure if we land on rocks we're dead, we are going to go splat.

I screamed once again, and called out for help, I looked up and saw the giant bird up in flames, it provided a bit of light, I didn't want to look at where we were falling, but I needed to make sure that we won't fall at the ground or if we do, I'm going to say my prayers again.


I got distracted by Fries' cry, and looked up as it was heading towards us, my eyes widened when I saw it all bloody and battered up, I felt awful seeing it in a horrible state.

Fries bit my dress and tried to slow the fall, but it looks like it didn't have the much energy needed to flap its wings harder, the flaming bird disappeared in thin air, and it was dark again.

My ears picked up gushing water, it looks like we're going to fall on a body of water, I grabbed fries and held him tight in my arms along with Aster's form. I braced myself for the impact.

The three of us submerged into water, a strong current carrying us away, I swam up, holding Aster's body up as well, so she could breathe, I was having trouble holding Aster and Fries, the cub noticed and climbed on my head.

Thanks, Fries.

I inwardly thanked the lion cub, but we weren't out of danger yet, I can't see whether there are rocks that we are going to bump into, I was just thinking about it when I felt a sharp slam on my body, I hate it when my thoughts are right.


I screamed, Fries also cried out, I felt the cubs' wings flap, a small light came from Fries on top of my head, I can now see the rocks, I swam away from the rocks managing to dodge a few, but the current is too fast to grab onto a rock, not to mention that my hands are full.

"Dammit, this would be easier if my powers just activated!" I shouted frustrated.

I bumped at a few rocks until I heard a loud crash of water, my expression dropped.

I-Is this the end?

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to feel angry.

But my emotions are just stuck into a blank expression, the only thing I did is to hold Aster in my arms as tightly as I could, close my eyes, give a bit of prayer to not die. Before I felt gushing water throw us down the waterfall.

3rd Person POV;


Not far from the location of the waterfall, two male siblings are scouting for wild boars in the forest.

"See them?"

"I see it"

The elder sibling nodded, just when the younger sibling was about to release the arrow from his bow, a bright light shone making both of them shut their eyes close and the wild boar ran away, startled at the sudden light.

After a few more minutes the light dissipated, both of them opened their eyes.

"What was that?"

"Our dinner ran away" the elder male sibling groaned annoyed.

The younger sibling looked at the direction of the waterfall, he ran to the edge of a clearing and climbed a tree.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you think it's unusual to have a bright light at this time of night?"

"What are you suggesting?" The elder sibling shrugged.

"Let's look at it"

"We need to get food on the table, not go and a have a treasure hunt"

"What IF it is treasure?"


"Come on!"

The younger sibling beckoned, he climbs down and goes towards the light emanating from the body of water.


The elder sibling had no choice but to follow, both of them arrived at the edge of the stream.

"There's something washed up"

The younger brother said, the older one sighs and follows the sibling towards the glowing object.

"Don't touch it" The elder sibling warned.

The younger one looks around to find something to poke it with, he snaps a bush branch and then goes cautiously towards the glowing object, he proceeds to poke it.


Both of the male siblings jumped at the sudden sound, the glow started fading out, and it revealed the object of their interest.

"Are this?"

"People?!" The younger sibling added, "They look like important people…"

"They look like princesses," The elder sibling said.

"They are just dressed fancy, I don't see any crowns"

"But what if they are?"


"We need to help them"

"I know you're a kind person, but-"

"Come on brother, I know that you aren't that cold-hearted" the younger sibling pleaded, "and they are hurt, we can't just leave them here"



The older sibling stared at his younger sibling, he then looked at the two princesses as well as the lion cub. His eyes go back to his pleading brother.

"Don't look at me like that, it's creepy"

He proceeds to walk towards the unconscious princesses.

"I knew you were going to agree"

"Shut up"

(Back at the Sun Empire Palace)

-Sun Palace: Drawing Room-

"It finally settled down," Emperor Cailum says.

"The nobles are all unhurt but-"

"Crowned Princess Aster has been captured" Queen Maegara of the Terra Queendom went forward.

"No news of Princess Seraphine yet" Commander Raulyn reported.

"I hope she arrives safely to the Moon Kingdom," the Emperor says 


The person who was kneeling, his hands tied behind his back, laughed. Queen Maegara, Emperor Cailum and Commander Raulyn looked unamused at the person.

"Both of the Crowned Princesses are on their way to our Empire already, this Empire has no chance now!" Commander Raulyn raises his sword.

"Wait, Raulyn"

The first commander stopped, and looked at the Emperor, Cailum took the black mirror at the waist of the man.

"I told you earlier that our Emperor wanted to negotiate with you, am I right?"

"He negotiates like a child," Emperor Cailum says annoyed.

"Don't you want to talk to our great Emperor?"


"It's a trap, your majesty"

"I know"

The Emperor was about to destroy the black mirror when it started glowing, a voice suddenly spoke.

"That's quite rude of you to just break one of my treasures"


The Emperor clicked his tongue in dismay and looked at the black mirror, a man sitting on a throne, his head resting on his knuckles, his eyes glowing red, a sly smirk on his lips.

"Seeing your face sickens me"

"I doubt that, I have a charming and handsome face," the enemy Emperor says.

"Why did you even appear?"

"Will you hand your Empire to me willingly?"

"NO," Emperor Cailum says firmly.

"How stubborn." The enemy Emperor says his smirk disappears. "Savannah" he calls out "you and the others failed in this mission, how disappointing"

"Y-Your majesty?"

"I expect you to succeed in your death-"

Emperor Cailum breaks the mirror, cutting the sentence of the enemy Emperor off, Cailum then looks at Raulyn nodding to him, Raulyn understands and brings down his sword, he cuts off the head of the enemy named Savannah.

"Where's Queen Aelisia?" Emperor Cailum asks

"She wandered around the palace to look for the Crowned Princess, she's very upset."


The broken mirror glowed, a laugh came from it, Emperor Cailum gave an annoyed look at it.

"I wanted to negotiate before you destroyed the mirror, to hand over your Empire or your precious daughter dies!"


"Kill her!"

The broken mirror showed the sleeping princess room, a silhouette hovering above her, a weapon raised in the air.

"Phoebe!" Emperor Cailum screamed frantically.

"Not on my watch" Queen Aelisia's voice spoke, a slash could be heard from the mirror, and a loud thump on the ground followed "you filthy Emperor kidnapped my eldest daughter, I will never forgive you."

"Nuisance," The Enemy Emperor says, before the glow disappeared.

"Damn that Emperor"

"Your majesty! Look out!"

Queen Maegara shouts needles from the blood of Savannah shot towards the Emperor, Cailum didn't have time to react nor his powers to activate.

"Your majesty!"

Cailum fell from where he was standing, Raulyn caught him before his body touched the ground. A black butterfly, a Reaper, rested on the chest of the Emperor appearing suddenly.

"No! His majesty cannot die!"

"Raulyn...Maegara…" The Emperor pants, blood gushing from the wound Savannah created, that pierced his back, a pool of blood already forming from the ground.

"Your majesty…" Raulyn's expression turned grim.

"It looks like this is where I fall…"


"Call the Royal Doctor!" Maegara ordered the Knights and servants, they rushed out of the room.

"...Raulyn...Please make my son Aeilus the Emperor, no matter what happens."


" not take the...throne"

"I will carry out your will, your majesty"


Cailum's body becomes limp, the black butterfly hovers above the Emperor's body, it turns into a wisp and the black butterfly absorbs it into its tiny necklace.

Raulyn looks at the black butterfly, his eyes stained with tears, the butterfly flutters around the room until it goes to the window becoming transparent and exiting the palace, flying away.

"Where's his majesty?!"

Doctor Edgar and Queen Aelisia just arrived along with the Knights that fetched the doctor, but they were too late, the drawing-room's atmosphere is heavy.

"His majesty has passed"


"Damn those Reapers, they're moving quicker than they should be," Doctor Edgar says irritated.

"His last order is to make Aeilus the Emperor no matter what happens, and take care of the nobles not to have the throne."

"When will he be back?"

"I do not know, but we must do the last of his bidding." Raulyn firmly says.

"...Commander Alfonso also fell, Commander Raulyn" Queen Aelisia informed them, 

"He fought the beast that was at the Empress Palace, when I arrived I already saw a massive amount of blood on the floor of the hall, I recognised the scent to be the second commander, the Monster has been severely wounded before I dealt the final blow"


"We need to take care of everything first." Queen Maegara says "we will need to clean the Palace" Queen Maegara sees the crown that Seraphine wore on her coronation and picks it up. "Prepare the wake of his majesty and the ones that fell from this Coup d'état."

"What about my kidnapped daughter?!" Queen Aelisia asked.

"Aster most likely escaped, since the enemy Emperor said that this mission failed, we need to focus on the Empire, Queen Aelisia, I'm sorry to say, but Aster is temporarily on her own."

"I will still dispatch my Knights to search for my daughter."

"Alright, after that help me come up with something to keep the nobles at bay"

"I will prepare the wake, the servants that are still alive clean the Palace spotless."

Raulyn stood up from where he was standing.

"May the Sun shine upon your soul, your majesty."


Cailum wakes up in a beautiful dark place filled with twinkling stars, the shallow water that he was standing on reflected the stars.


"Welcome dear"

Cailum turns around to see his beloved wife, in a white dress smiling at him, her red locks flowing in the wind.


"Your journey is done, now rest with me"

"I...I-I'm dead?"

"You are now in the plain of the stars…we are now part of the stars my dear"

"I see…"

"Do you have any regrets?"

"The paperwork that I never finished."


"Aeilus is going to have a hard time"

"He will handle it, he is our son after all"

"...I didn't see Phoebe wake up"

"She isn't here, you do not have to worry" Rosana walked towards Cailum and caressed his face, Cailum smiled at his wife and held her hand.

"I want to tell you everything that happened."

"Alright...hahaha, we have all the time to spend here, we are now watchers of our children and predecessors."


-Sun Palace: Phoebe's Room-

"..." Phoebe slowly opens her eyes, she focuses her vision, the stench of iron tickling her nose.

She wanted to get up, but her body is weak, she wanted to speak, but her throat is too scratchy.

She was weak, and very pale, the only thing she did was to close her eyes again. But this time sleeping with a guarantee that she will wake up the next day.

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"Goodbye, I will watch the prophecy unfold, I will always be with you and I will provide the light that is needed to guide you, Seraphine"

-Emperor Cailum Agathangelos Allerick Armaclei

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