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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Princess's Mission

"Me?" She stood up and composed herself before giving an answer. "I am the second daughter of king Gieve of Natagiwagi. I am Princess Aoi Natsumi Something Something Something Godai!" She then gave an impressive pose of victory. In the dim light of the library a halo seemed to form around her and her eyes and hair had a sparkle to them.

She winked at Soichiro. "But you may call me Princess Natsumi!"

Soichiro merly lifted one unbelieving eyebrow. "Aoi Natsumi Something Something Something Godai?"

"Wow, you remembered my full name after hearing it just once." Natsumi gushed.

"I've a quick mind and good memory. What is with your name including "something" in the middle three times?" Soichiro inquired.

"Ah, that." Natsumi seemed to deflate slightly in embarrassment. "It is a tradition of Natagiwagi's royal family to have at least 6 names, but my parents couldn't think of and agree on my full name. Then the words used as a place holder became part of my actual name. It would be great to just introduce myself as Princess Aoi Natsumi Godai of Natagiwagi." She put both palms of her hands up in the air as a gesture of surrender. "But rules are rules so what can I do?"

Soichiro decided to move on from the name issue and suppressed the urge to clutch at the back of his neck like a grumpy elder. But there were some things he just couldn't ignore. "There's no such place as Natagiwagi, it sounds like something a child would make up."

Natsumi's face vaulted. "That's what everybody says!"

"So why do you say it?"

"Because it's true. Why else would I say it?"

Soichiro shook his head. "Look, I don't have time for any games."

"But this isn't a game, it's a matter of life and death!" Her voice was infused with so much conviction and authority that it gripped Soichiro's attention.

"..." He didn't even blink as he stared into Natsumi's eyes and waited for her next words.

She stared back and didn't seem to know what he was waiting for. "Did I mention the great prizes?"

Soichiro grabbed a book and began to read.

"I haven't answered the first part of your question, you asked what I'm doing here."

Not sure what induced him to do it, Soichiro looked over the top of his book at Natsumi. "So...?" He felt relief at the return of his icey voice. At least something was back to normal.

Natsumi smiled delighted at the opportunity he had given her. She began to dramatical pace in front of him as she launched into her explanation. "Two of my country's secret agents have gone rogue, and I have to bring them down with the help of four deputies. I'm here in this school looking for someone smart to be one of my deputies." She paused all movement and words as she locked eyes with Soichiro.

"And?" he inquired, his feelings of interest safely hidden behind his aloof mask.

"And you're real smart, I can tell. So how about it? Would you like to be a hero and stop an evil duo bent on the destruction of the world?"

"Tempting…" He tilted his head as though he would actually consider it. "But no. I'm too busy to help you."

Natsumi's eyes brimmed with tears, the light from the room glistening as one larger tear threatened to roll down. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

Soichiro fought the urge to ponder how girls manage to do that, and closed his own eyes as he replied. "I told you, I don't have time for games. I need to finish studying before it gets too late."

Soichiro razed his book, this time he used it to shield his face from Natsumi's teary eyes. When he felt it safe he opened his eyes and returned to reading.

Natsumi moved to lean over his left shoulder, she attempted to regain eye-contact. "How late is too late? Is it really really late at night or just kinda late?"

Soichiro rotated to make her face only his back. "It's Really, really, really late."

Natsumi moved so as to be leaning over his right shoulder this time. "Like after 10 O'clock?"

Again, Soichiro rotated. He gave up on being aloof and expressed his irritation. "Yes!"

Natsumi returned to her chair on the opposite side of the table. "Too late!"

He gritted his teeth, Soichiro ignored her.

Natsumi frowned at the book cover Soichiro held between their faces. "I said it's too late."

Conceding his defeat Soichiro lowered his book. "Too late for what?"

"Too late for you, it's already ten thirty." Despite the way she smiled sweetly, there was an obvious edge of triumph in her voice.

Soichiro's eyes bulged as he jumped up and looked at the clock on the wall. It really was ten thirty. Quickly Soichiro gathered his books into a bag. "You have to go."

"But I just got here, why can't you just leave?"

Tired and annoyed, Soichiro slung his book bag over one shoulder.

"It is my job to clear out this library and lock up at night. It is against the rules for you to stay here."

"You must be a very upstanding young man for the teachers to trust you with this responsibility. I could really use your help-"

"No. Now get out."

Natsumi followed Soichiro to the door without another word.

The previous night Soichiro had returned home safely, although later than usual. His parents had been too busy to notice that their son had broken curfew. The Koishikawas were a family of doctors that believed in a place for everything and keeping everything in its place. They had strict rules and maintained routines. Soichiro had been raised in that environment and was similar in his parents temperament, thriving in the peace provided by structure. He'd never been tempted to see what would happen by stepping out of line for even a second.

His transgression going undetected was a relief to Soichiro and he was able to quelch all sense of guilt by the time he was done with his nightly routine. Snuggled down in his bed he was prepared to forget all about swooshing red hair, bright eyes, and ridiculous questions that caused the library to become loud.

Soichiro would have been the most shocked if he had seen the smiles on his face as he slept that night.

When morning came, Soichiro was groggy as he pulled himself out of bed. An hour behind his usual bedtime was having an impact on his morning routine as he dressed for school. He usually woke up feeling bright and alert, but this morning his eyes didn't want to open and his hands fumbled. He was able to get up at the usual time and he could hear the sounds of the rest of the house as his parents were down the hall getting ready to leave. For everyone else it was a normal morning.

He sighed. 'Routine really is the best.' he thought as Soichiro decided to keep this as a life lesson and not stray from the right path in life ever again.

Regardless of Soichiro's renewed convictions he couldn't resist the chuckles that bubbled up. "Natagiwagi, what a joke." with a smile he wondered if Natsumi had made it home safely. Before his thoughts could linger on the girl a soft knock on his bedroom door called him back to life as usual.

It was his mother's morning reminder that breakfast was on the table. He looked at his watch, her timing was precisely 6am every morning without fail. While his lips returned to their natural flat line, a genuine sense of peace and calm settled on him as he opened the door. With his mother, Soichiro walked down the stairs in silence.

They sat at the table and enjoyed a nutritious breakfast in silence. His father was already at work.

Soichiro's thoughts were focused on his classes, upcoming homework, and practice tests.

The silence was broken at the exact time it was every morning by Soichiro and his mother telling each other goodbye. He then was off to the subway station to start his thirty-five minute trip to school.

Soichiro's mind firmly remained focused on what he was doing and reviewing study notes all the way to school.

It was only as he arrived and was heading into Akino high school that swaying bright red hair caught his eye and caused his mind to stop.

For just a second he saw Natsumi's back and her hair swaying as she moved among the students heading to change their shoes into indoor slippers.

Soichiro blinked and she was gone like a dream.

Another student bumped into Soichiro and apologized. He mumbled his own apology and went to change his shoes.

E_J_Works E_J_Works

My update schedule for now is every Thursday or Friday. It will only be one chapter per week as I build up chapters.

Hope you've enjoyed meeting Soichiro and Natsumi, please leave me feedback!

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