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Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - "Why is my gaydar going off?"

"Bye love," his mother kissed him on the cheek, and Alex sighed, watching her enter her vehicle and drive away from the parking lot.

And leaving him at a dormitory six hours from his hometown. Yes, he had done some bad decisions in the past, but someone should have told his mother that he wasn't a bad person. Not that bad to be placed in a boarding school seven hours away from home.

"Your little sister will follow in your behaviour; I don't want that to happen."

To be fair, maybe he had gotten a bit too comfortable with drugs, specifically cocaine and weed but those were not as bad as heroine. At least he wasn't shooting up into his arm, and he for-sure believed his mother needed to relax. Alright, he had gotten involved with the wrong people and did participate in a robbery that none of them had yet gotten caught, but his mother didn't need to know that bit.

Even so, since he knew that bit, although he did not agree with his mother, moving six hours away from the people that were driving him in the wrong direction, was the best decision for his future. He was failing from school, never showed up to class, had altercations, yelled at teachers.

Okay to be fair again, Alex chuckled, I am a bad kid.

As Alex made his way inside the dormitory, wearing the school uniform and his bag clamped over his shoulder, he walked with his two big suitcases following behind him. Entering the building, he was shocked to find a woman walking past him with barely any clothes.

Then, their gazes met, and she screamed so loud he thought his eardrums would crack. A few more girls escaped their bedrooms, and yelled as well when they realized a man was standing by the entrances.

Alex, confused as ever, raised an eyebrow and said, "None of you have seen men before?"

He was in the girl's dormitory.

"Already getting in trouble and it's your first hour?" The principal of Kingsville School shouted as he handed Alex a detention paper. He had been escorted to the principal's office by security guards that scoffed at him.

Alex sighed, "I didn't know it was the girl's dormi—"

"And saying 'none of you have seen men before'. Pathetic, Alex. Your mother and I discussed; such behaviour will not be tolerated in this building, and unlike other schools, we will refine you to become a better person."

Alex rolled his eyes instinctively, which made the principal shout, "Double detention."

He was escorted to his dorm room with two security guards scrutinizing his features, and rolling their eyes when he entered his bedroom. However, he instantly rushed out when he found his roommate with a girl on top of him. He waited a few minutes, scratching the side of his head before the woman opened the door and left the bedroom, narrowing her eyes at him.

Alex entered the bedroom, "Sorry, I didn't know that th—"

"It's cool," his roommate replied, unbothered. As he was putting on his shirt, he faced Alex, and Alex could not turn away from the lines dividing those toned abs his roommate had. He gulped, and his roommate eventually pulled down his shirt and extended his palm, "I'm Hunter."

"I'm Alex," he replied quietly. Hunter's droopy light blue eyes appeared tired, and he pulled his palm away, ruffling his already messy dark brown hair. He had large broadened shoulders, was tall of height, and a lean physique.

Unfortunately, that was Alex's type. Yes, Alex was hundred percent gay. Women did not turn him on, he perceived them as annoying and their private parts disgusted him. He did, however, sometimes use women to make other men jealous, which was not his nicest attribute.

A bad guy, yes.

The dorm room had a bunk bed, two desks and two closets for each of them. There was also a bathroom that they both needed to share, and from the looks of everything, Hunter did not seem like the cleanest person. Although, to be fair, the bathroom was quite clean, comparing to the piles of clothes on the end of his bed and on his chair.

"I have the top bunk," Hunter said, which made Alex frown because they were having sex on the mattress from the bottom bunk.


"Yea," he nodded his head.

"I'll help you find your classes in the morning, lectures are done for today but you can go to the study hall or gaming room. Diner is served in an hour, I'll go with you."

He did not seem like a bad guy.

"What's your story?" Hunter asked, pushing open the window and to Alex's surprise, he pulled out a cigarette and lit the end. When he realized Alex was eyeing him strangely, he raised an eyebrow, "If you have a problem with it, let me know."

"No, it's fine I just...didn't know it was allowed?"

Hunter snorted, "It's obviously not. I'll have you beaten if you snitch." Alex shuddered — Hunter's voice was quite deep for his age. "Yea, what's your story?"

"What do you mean, my story?"

"Yea, all the kids that come here either came here to be saved since they were bad kids or did one thing bad and were sent here instead of juvie. Of course a few come here since it's proclaimed to be good, but we on the inside know it isn't."

Alex shrugged his shoulders, "I did some bad stuff."

"What bad stuff?" He seemed to be interrogated.

"Got into a few fights, did drugs and I was referred here by a cop," he said quietly.

Hunter laughed, "That's it?"

"What's your story?"

"Breaking and entering, and possession of a firearm. The only reason I'm not in prison is because it happened when I was fifteen," Hunter shrugged his shoulders, "I would've rather being sent to jail. I've been here for four years now, this is my fifth year of school. I'm turning nineteen in a few months."

"Fifth year?"

"I failed a few classes last semester so I'm retaking them."

Alex nodded his head, "I'm a senior too."

Hunter paused for a moment, before suddenly asking, "Are you gay?"


"I asked are you gay?"

Alex rapidly shook his head, "No."

He watched as Hunter's face frowned from confusion, and he muttered to himself, "Why is my gaydar going off?"

"Maybe it's broken."

"No, no," Hunter squinted his eyes, "it's always right."

Alex gulped.

"Anyways, I'll let you get yourself sorted. I have to go meet up with a few people." He threw the cigarette from the window and left, causing Alex to exhale a long breath, feeling as if his heart had stopped beating.

That was close.

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