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92.85% Newborn King

Chapter 13: Time skip :) and an old ‘’enemy’’ appears

3rd POV

Raijin found the entire academy boring though he was pretty good at everything yet excelled in hakuda and stealth with everyone else having at least one thing they where quite good at like Minnie she was a great healer starrk and Lilynette where great at long rang kidos Harribel and Neil where both all rounders with Nelliel being better in zanjustu than Harribel yoruichi and kisuke where also quite good at many things ( we all know what yoruichi and kisuke are good at so no use in saying )

Also yoruichi gained a younger brother a few days before they graduated and sayori and yuri had grown at an unusual pace though no one knew why though raijin did have an idea why 'could it be us the shenhua our reastu is affecting the younger children to grown faster ' they where even beginning to walk and talk although they weren't very good it was still very cute

Eventually when everyone graduated Miu stepped down from the clan head and yoruichi became the new clan head also becoming the new captain of squad 2 raijin had kisuke had also joined squad 2 Minnie went to squad 4 Nelliel joined squad 13 Harribel joined squad 5 and starrk and lilynette joined squad 8

Raijin had gained quite the reputation during his time in squad 2 though he didn't do maggot nest patrols often he was still quite good at being a squad 2 members though he was docked points as he was playful often teasing soi fon or other members of squad 2 including yoruichi and kisuke and lazy when it came to paper work often finding ways to put his work onto others though it was only for normal paper work when it was important he did it himself

And so it went on like this for many years the shenhua always found time to visit ms.kubo Miu and of course the kids sayori was bright and cheerful and she was very easily distracted though very good at multitasking while yuri was calm and collected while also being shy and smart Yūshirō was quite polite and cares for his elder sister though he can be oblivious sometimes which is when raijin often strikes with his pranks

Raijin had also found out about contracts in his vault it was special pieces of paper which could be used for a number of different things he used if for the souls that he found whilst exploring the vault he made contracts with a few of them just to try it out he'd also been having really odd dreams of blurry faced people with what seemed to be captains haoris


Currently the 13 court guard squads are quite busy as there have been a lot more hollows appearing around the soul society than usual raijin had a bad feeling and as the days went by he felt worse and worse yet he didn't know what was coming

Then a patrol was attacked and the survivors spoke a name" Arturo plateado" hearing this got raijins blood boiling as he was immediately sent back to that memory of Minnie laying in a pool of blood the other shenhua wondered why raijin was acting like that to which Minnie explained why to which they all understood especially Harribel

1st POV

I could feel my heart pumping when I first herd that name again I felt nothing but hatred for him yet I'm a lot stronger now so I know I could finish him off now I looked at the paper work that I have and I quickly finish it ' no one would take ..I mean help me with this paper work ' I thought to myself then I hear the alarm and I felt soi fons reastu coming quite quickly she then burst through the door breathing heavily " raijin ... he's attacking the soul society lady yoruichi already fighting him with urahara " I understood immediately I got up " don't worry soi fon "

I see the battlefield I see kisuke and yoruichi are the only ones standing there are multiple captains laying on the ground in pools of there own blood I then enter the battlefield I stand in front of Arturo he didn't recognize me at first yoruichi try's to stand up yet I knock her down along with kisuke whos also slowly been getting up " you both trying to die faster huh " I say to them " sit and rest for I am here " I then flare my reastu to which he seemingly recognizes

" oh why hello there little fox it's been awhile huh and now your hiding among these despicable soul reapers hahahaha what a joke a hollow working with soul reapers hahahaha" he laughs I just look at him I sense the other shenhua approaching as well as the other captains including head captain Yamamoto

I look at him with hatred I then grab my zanpaktuo and simply say " sit apon your rightful throne kitsune " with that he looks surprised I have all of my tails out in this form " what's wrong " I ask " you can't take me " thunder clouds begin to come in and the earth shakes I then summon [ edens guardian] then I ask " try to last at least a few minutes " then I point to the ground " gyaku shomei "( reverse lighting ) I whisper a lighting bolt goes into the ground then a line begins to be drawn towards Arturo as this happens I send a few cero degarrador ( ripper blade basically a cero buzzsaw ) which distracts him long enough for gyaku shomei to hit him once it dose lighting begins to go upwards from its path that it made to get to him he gets burnt badly

Then I use [ edens guardian] and use tengoku no arekuruu nami ( heavens raging wave ) and a massive waterfall comes from the clouds on top of him which he doges partially as his leg does get hit making him slower he's gotten very pissed yet I could care less then I bring my fingers to a snapping motion then I snap causing a eruption under him and a massive lighting bolt above him when I see he's still standing I snap again and again and again until finally he falls on his knees then I create an illusion that makes it seem like where in eden Arturo looks up at me eyes filled with hate then I make the trees and plants roots come out of the ground under Arturo and go into his bloodstream sucking both his blood and reastu causing him immense pain I then decided to finish him off using the trident scythe axe side of [edens guardian ] I cut him in half with a stab even now as his life fades from him he tries to flee like before yet I grab his head he looks at me in anger I look back at him " what an joke destroy the soul society I knew someone who actually could though it seemed they failed your nothing but a fool that clings to a false hope you aren't even strong enough to be considered an enemy in my eyes now rest in hell you bastard " I then cause one last eruption under my hand which held his upper body burning it to ash's

I then look back to the captains and other shenhua who arrived while ago Yamamotos eyes open straight at me he and the other captains ready to strike yet the shenhua are beside me also ready to strike I see a noblewoman with a mirror yet I feel no danger come from it in fact it's shaking just from being near me at least that what I think ' must've wanted to use it against that fool what a waste that would've been ' I think to my self

TheDragonKing32 TheDragonKing32

Hope you enjoyed cya all next chap:)

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