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Chapter 7: Ball of Fire


A.N.: Warning, ahead of time, things will get a little R-18 in this chapter. Also has anyone noticed I'm naming all the chapters after old Hollywood movies yet? 😏 Okay, enjoy and let me know if you like it whether it's through votes, or comments, or whatever :)


Angelo chuckled lowly at Sofia responding to him asking where she can't touch him with, "everywhere". He really never knew what expect with her. Just this morning she was telling her not to touch her and now she wanted just the opposite. He must have been a better kisser than he thought, but then he had to admit he'd never experienced a kiss like that in his life.

"Okay, my doll. Let's see what I think of the little show you've given me with this", he said placing his hands on her thighs, then without lifting them, moving them up to her waste.

"Your body was made for this", he said squeezing her waste making her squeak from being ticklish. He shook his head laughing slightly.

"And thank you for letting me see these", he said his voice sounding even more velvety than usual as he traced his forefinger over her breasts. The action gave her goose bumps and cause them to harden and he delicately moved his finger over them. Her breath quickened as he peppered them with kisses before leaning back to see her reaction. She was surprised he could hold himself up this long and couldn't help, but notice his large biceps.

"You can touch them you know", he said with a mischievous smile after catching her staring, "I mean you can always touch me in general."

"Really?", she said placing her hands on them and feeling them.

She sat up propping herself on her elbows, making their faces inches apart.

"You lay down", she whispered causing his eyebrows to raise.

He wanted to see where she was going with this, though, so he complied and lied down next to her. She go back into her knees, staring down at his still bare chest, looking deep in thought.

Then in an instant she through one leg over him and was straddling him. He was in shock, if he hadn't see how she was earlier he would have thought there was no way this girl was inexperienced. Her breasts were perfectly angled above him and it took so much restraint to let her take the lead. Still it was so hot that she was bold enough to do this. He had never experienced anyone like Sofia since the moment she walked in.

She placed her hands on his chest and ran them down to his stomach. He sat up more wanting to get a better angle. This Sofia's body to shift down to where she without meaning to landed sitting on his lap, where she instantly felt something hard touch her most intimate area, then twitch. She squealed, lifting herself up immediately, with terrified eyes. As she instantly rose up to her knees again she hugged herself to Angelo not realizing she'd grabbed head to be nuzzled right into her breasts. All of this happening within two seconds caused Angelo to moan loudly.

"Oh my god, did I heart you, I'm so sorry", she said leaning back.

She noticed his eyes had changed color as if his inner wolf had come out and she gasped.

"Quite the opposite, actually. You really don't know what the little temptress you are, do you?", he said with a look she didn't recognize.

She wasn't stupid, she realized what she had accidentally had touched. She just didn't know if the force hurt or not. Clearly it didn't, which made her blush.

"You want to take off these for me, sweetness? It's getting kind of hot in here" he said with his eye color becoming even more intense, letting her know his personality was going to be changing real soon. See, when a member of the packs inner wolf starts to come out, it doesn't necessarily mean they will be violent, like movies and most books make it seem. A wolf has complete control over their action it just makes all other feelings more intense, causing them to become much more intense.

She did as she asked, but to Angelo's surprise, she didn't crawl to the bottom of the bed like most girls would. No, instead she shifted herself around so she was straddling him from the other direction, bending down as she pulled down his sweats, and giving him a perfect few of her lace covered ass. Her inexperience made her more exciting then any other experienced girl he'd been with. Or maybe it was just a personality thing, he questioned. Either way he thought he was going to lose it with anymore of this temptation she wasn't even putting an effort in trying to induce.

As she pulled off his pants he heard a growl from behind her, and felt a fast smack to her bottom. She instantly sat up and gasped, as her head shot back to look at him.

"That's what you get, you little vixen. Who told you to pull them down this way", he said causing her to blush profusely.

She quickly got off of him, full of embarrassment.

"No need to be embarrassed, doll", he said crawling towards her slowly with the same inner wolf eyes showing through, making her scoot further back nervously until her back hit the pillows against the head board.

"You want to know a secret about you future husband?", he continued now inches away from her face. Without waiting for a response he kept going. "If you come around me in a pretty little dress and lean over anything giving me a view of your pretty little ass, like you just did right now... I'd do anything you want." he finished his eyes somehow getting more intense.

Gasping, she tried to look away, but his eyes were piercing.

"Are you ready for your first lesson, Sofia", he said with an up to no good grin.

All though he was so intimidating right now, Sofia felt like she was under a spell and slowly nodded.

"Well, let's start with the art of kissing",

He didn't know how much of it was that he was never used to women giving him a challenge or just that she was naturally intoxicating. He now felt like he had to give this woman everything she'd seen in those old black and white films and it ignited a fire within him. He knew exactly what kind of kiss she wanted based on seeing them himself. To be kissed like the world depended on it and their bodies glued together. He remembered how she moaned in his mouth earlier and couldn't help himself.

He leaned in and tried to give her his best kiss. He wasn't used to trying to be tender when kissing. He went further with the kiss this time letting their lips dance together. He thought she would have to fumble around a little since she was new to this, but she was quick to follow his lead. After a bit of this he let his tongue slip in, causing her to moan again. He backed up with a growl staring at her with almost terrifying intensity.

"Did you know kissing is made to be done other places too, my sugar lipped temptress?"

She had trouble doing anything but stare at him with doe eyes when he asked questions, but was grateful he'd just keep going.

"Let me teach you, darling. So I can kiss you here...", he said leaving sweet kisses on her cheeks and forehead, "or here...", he grabbed her hand kissing the top of it, then flipping it and leaving kisses from her wrist to all the way up her arm.

"And I think you've already learned one particular area besides your lips I am fond of putting my mouth on", he said laying soft kisses on her cleavage.

Sofia's back arched in response causing Angelo to smile big at how much of a reaction he was already getting out of her. 'If she liked that she'll love this', he thought humorously before moving up and leaving opened mouth misses on her neck, stoping once he found her sweet spot, the sucking.

"Oh my god", she whimpered as she felt heat rise within her. She'd never experienced this feeling before.

After tormenting some more with his teasing and feeling her writhing beneath him, he realized just how much of a reaction he could get out of her with the simplest of actions. It actually made him more so not want to make these experiences of firsts over in one night. He wanted to take his time and have some things they could look forward to. Plus, he wanted to make sure she was taking her time when deciding what she wanted. Although it was so difficult to tear himself away from her, he did.

He smirked at the purple mark he left on her neck before speaking.

"I think that's enough teaching for today. You've had a long day, you should get some rest.

Sofia nodded, understanding, but felt so frustrated and still burning all over.

She thought for a minute before saying in a soft voice, "Can I have a good night kiss?"

He chuckled shaking his head, "Haven't you had enough kissing?"

She blushed looking away, but he cupped her face, turning it to look at him.

"You can have whatever you want, sweetness", he said leaning down and giving her a gentle kiss. In truth, he could never tire of her soft lips, and wouldn't mind tasting them all day. Usually all of his kissing was fueled by lust, so this was different than anything he'd experienced and he definitely felt like he had been missing out.

He pushed himself off the bed and Sofia pouted in response.

"It's cute how eager you are, but there will be time to play with my doll tomorrow", he winked before continuing, "now if you will excuse me, I need a cold shower".

"But you just showered", Sofia said confused.

He looked up at ceiling finding so much humor in how much she had to learn.

"You're right, silly me I must have forgot", he said with a smile, humoring her because he didn't feel like explaining right now.

"Remember, there's a pack meeting tomorrow, and oh my god, I almost forgot!" he exclaimed reaching into his pocket.

He pulled out a ring box and Sofia's eyes widened as she sat up. He opened up the box and their sat a huge ring. Sofia thought she had never seen anything so sparkly in her life. Her mouth dropped.

"I wish I did this in a more romantic way, but I forgot you're supposed to have it on at the pack meeting. I appreciate you doing this for me so much, Sofia. Thank you for being so willing to make this work, I promise I'll make sure to appreciate you and take care of you every step of the way", he finished as he took her left hand and slipped the engagement ring on.

He tried to read her face for a reaction, but she just started at the ring in awe.

"Well", he swallowed, actually seeming nervous, "I'll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams."

He smiled and gave a small little wave, leaving and quietly closed the door.

He sure was cute when he was nervous, she thought. It was such a funny sight to see this big, god like man, who was supposed to be incredibly intimidating get awkward and shy. She found it so endearing and found this version of him adorable. She stared at the ring on her finger. This was insane. On one hand, she couldn't believe she was going to get endless time with this ruggedly handsome man, but on the other hand she felt in no way ready and was so uncomfortable with all the luxuriousness of this lifestyle.

She slumped down into her pillow and replayed everything that happened during this very long day. If every day was like this, she was in for a heck of a ride.

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