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Chapter 2: The Change

It happened. The change happened, it was sudden, quick, and unforeseen. The people of earth were surprised, out of nowhere, a screen appeared in places all over the world. Some screamed, some ran, but, it was everywhere. Chaos ensued in many parts of cities, towns, and villages. The screen was wide, in it, was pitch black darkness. Then, a person appeared. Not an ordinary person, almost mystifying, beautiful in fact, then he/she spoke. "People of Earth", he/she said, in a melodious and sweet-sounding. " I have decided your world", many murmurs were heard around the world. Many were thinking ' who is this person?', or ' who does this person think he/she is?'. But he/she spoke again. "You have destroyed your own world. Polluted the nature I gave to give you life. Killed my creation to the point of extinction". Many gasped, many reached da conclusion, that the person on the screen was God or the Creator of this world.

"I am not petty enough to just erase you off of existence, but I will change the laws of this world, change that I think would make it harder for your kind to destroy it more. But before that, a purge must happen". Many turned pale at what the "God" said. Purge? does this mean many were going to die? this was the main thought of people around the planet. " This purge will not kill who I think is innocent, but those that I deem deserving to die will die." Then chaos happened all over the world. Many just collapsed to the ground. Children, Parents, even the elderly were not spared from this "God". Those that collapsed died on the spot, those that didn't run in fear.

Then, at the center of every major city around the world, a pillar of light bursts out of the ground, and along with it, an aura surrounded the remaining survivors that the "God" deemed innocent. This aura changed those it encompassed on a genetic level. It was not a painful change but a change nonetheless. The people were not the only changes that occurred, along with them, nature and the fauna around the world also did a drastic change. Some more dangerous than others. It was becoming a wild world indeed.

Now, let us go back to our Main Character, . . . . . .

Where did we last leave him, okay, I didn't really say any specifics of where he lived, so let me clear up some things then? The MC's full name is James, that's it, he was an orphan, what did you expect. Anyways moving on, the orphanage where he was staying in a village near South Carolina. The orphanage in question is a two-story building out of red bricks. Some of the facilities are old, some are not, really, this building is one hit away from being abandoned. The caretakers are also understaffed, one of the reasons why James is always neglected aside from Madeliene.

The change happened right as when James was just saved from his bullies by Madeliene. When that happened, the three boys that bullied James, dropped dead. Then a light glowed inside of James, he felt pain, but that was negligible, what caught his attention was the screen floating in front of him.

"The One Who Has Risen" is shown on screen. 'You have been chosen to uphold this Title' a voice in his head told him. James felt a chill that told him that this was just the beginning of something great. He immediately went to check on his bullies, upon arrival at their corpses, he noticed that they did die. He then checked on Madeliene to see if she was okay and breathed a sigh of relief when she just passed out of fear. James then carried Madeliene inside the building and put her on a sofa. He then went to the medicine cabinet to look for something to help the unconscious woman. Suddenly the ground shook and rumbled. He looked outside and saw a horde of people running in fear. Chaos was in the streets of the village. Many bodies were strewn all over. James was in turmoil about what to feel, on one hand, he happy that those who ridiculed him got what they deserved, on the other, he was disturbed that he was happy about their deaths. But, his mind was not stable enough to comprehend, but in time, it will.

The horde of people running outside came to a stop. They were encompassed with a pressure that made them pale. The pressure was overwhelming, it was coming from the outskirts of the village. Then, a powerful roar was heard, it sounded big and dangerous, something not like the common animals that usually reside in the forest. The creature then slowly came out of the underbrush, it was big, twice the size of the biggest bear that lived in the forest. It had horns similar to a moose but had a face mixed with a bear and a mountain lion, it's feet were huge and covered in burly muscles. The fronts paws had long claws, looked so sharp that it might cut steel. The pelt of the creature was brown but had blood splattered all over it, it had looked like it just finished its prey.

James never felt fear like this before, sure he felt fear, but that was the fear of being abandoned or experiencing pain, but this fear was like there was nothing but death that awaits even if you run. This was the first trial for James to overcome, then suddenly, as if time was stopped, everything became grey, the same screen appeared like the one before. "The One Who has Risen", 'this is your first trial, overcome this and you shall receive a gift that will help you for the upcoming future. James was shocked, this was his first trial, how can he overcome such an abomination? It was impossible, this creature looked invincible, there was no chance that James can beat this. Then, the text change and shocked him. "Tame this creature and make it your subordinate".

bluebladebookworms bluebladebookworms

A second chapter for those that waited, if you're still here reading this, I thank you and hope that you'll stick around till the end.

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