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Chapter 2: Birth of a monster

"Okay uncle Gaver, I hope it is harder than the animal styles," said Monsuno smiling. Gaver is in disbelief, this kid can master the animal styles in one glance.

"Monsuno, I use external Qi, external Qi allows the user to project a ranged Qi attack that can deal a lot of damage," said Gaver gathering some Qi into his hand. "Watch this," said Gaver as he blasts a Qi attack at the tree that was shaped like a blast, the tree shook a little.

"Wow! That was amazing, uncle," said Monsuno in astonishment.

"Now, can you demonstrate what I just did?" asked Gaver curiously. Monsuno gathers Qi into his hand and shoots it at the tree, the Qi dissipated in the air.

"What was that?" asked Gaver but before Monsuno could answer the tree broke in half and went flying, hitting another tree in the process. Gaver rubs his eyes and realizes Monsuno just broke the tree in half with Qi. "Alright I have nothing to teach you," said Gaver walking away.

Monsuno was confused, why were they leaving? Did Monsuno fail? "Why did uncle walk away?" asked Monsuno.

"Don't worry about them, I guess it's my turn," answered Freya Korp, she was the younger sister of Gaver and Shin.

"Okay aunty," said Monsuno smiling. Freya demonstrates a sword martial arts called: Shadowless form. Monsuno does it on the first attempt, and Freya walks away like Gaver and Shin.

Next were grandpa and grandma, they demonstrated 2 martial arts. One was called: Shock, which allowed the user to bypass durability and hurt the inside of the human body, the second one was called: Air step, which allowed the user to push off the air and fly essentially.

2 months pass and the Korp family already left, but before leaving they sealed Monsuno's Qi after a sparring session gone wrong with Gaver. Monsuno's eyes turned red/blackish and the bloodlust that came out of him was demon-like. He beat Gaver to the point of near death, and he seemed like he was enjoying it.

It took everybody to subdue Monsuno in his rage form, he was so strong even though he was 3 years of age. They eventually knocked him out and sealed his memories of him almost killing Gaver and the memories of learning martial arts.

They sealed his Qi also then they all left the realm, they all wrote a letter and put it beside Monsuno. He woke up and read the note, he understood they left the realm, Monsuno moved to the forest and lived in the forest for 9 years.

Monsuno is now 12 years of age, he is built lean, and strong because he began hunting animals and even killed a bear. Monsuno is the ace predator of the forest, this was cemented after he killed a dragon.

It was a brown dragon but it was a dragon nonetheless, the fight between the dragon and Monsuno took 10 days. Monsuno had poisoned spears that he would throw at the dragon, he repeated this for 10 days and the dragon eventually died.

Monsuno woke up to birds chirping, he looked out of his cave to see the beautiful sun shining, he looked down and saw the huge forest below. "It is a beautiful day, is it not?" asked Monsuno looking at the tiger cubs.

"I am so sorry I killed your mom, it was life or death, you have to understand," said Monsuno looking at them with pity in his eyes.

The cubs roared at Monsuno, this made him laugh, he then set the cubs free. Monsuno then jumped down from the cave that he was in, making a huge rumble that shook the whole forest. He entered the forest and began hunting, he hunted for 60 seconds and caught 5 bunnies with horns.

He ate the bunnies raw because he found out building a fire wasted time, raw was fine anyways because his stomach was fine after eating raw meat. "The horn is the best," said Monsuno chomping on the horn.

Every time Monsuno hunted, the forest went silent, they did not want to become his next meal so they shut up. One time the birds kept chirping so Monsuno ate them, this made the birds scared so they would only chirp when Monsuno was in the cave.

"Where are the bears?" asked Monsuno jumping from tree to tree, he sniffed the air and smelled blood. "Something smells amazing," said Monsuno. He pinpointed the location of the blood and saw 10 people, 7 dudes with 3 girls. They were fighting the bunnies with horns, it was honestly funny to see.

"Heal me!" said one dude asking the healer. The healer heals him but then the bunny tackles her down. Their formation was very weak, Monsuno was watching from the tree, and the other healer was on the ground praying.

After she was done praying she used a high-level spell called: Healing Circle which was a healing spell that encompasses a big radius. But the problem was that it healed the bunnies also, this was so funny Monsuno began laughing very hard. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" said Monsuno laughing very hard.

The bunnies heard Monsuno's voice and ran away, the other people that were fighting were scared because the bunnies were strong and ran away from this voice. "Who is that?!" said one dude who had a spear.

They tried to locate Monsuno and looked up at the tree. "Look! Up there!" said the one dude with a book. Monsuno jumps down *Thud* as he hits the ground, the whole forest shakes, this scared the humans.

Monsuno was very tall and very muscular, but overall he did not take a bath in over 9 years so he looked very dark and muddy. The leader of the group said, "Hello human?" Monsuno laughs and looks up to the sky, it was clear.

"Whenever I hunt something who can talk, I look up to the sky, do you know why?" asked Monsuno licking his lips.

"Why do you look to the sky?" asked the leader of the group gulping.

"I look up to the sky to determine if the gods allow me to eat you all or not," said Monsuno releasing blood lust. The leader of the group signaled the other humans to get in formation so they can face Monsuno.

The humans were scared, Monsuno walks slowly to the humans, and the man with the book cast a fireball spell and threw it at Monsuno as he walked. "Take that!" said the man with the book. The fireball hit Monsuno in the face which gave the humans hope.

Monsuno laughs, the smoke clears and the humans saw that the fireball did not even leave a scratch on his face. "Fireball...interesting," said Monsuno smirking. He points one finger at the man with the book and casts a fireball spell.

A fireball shoots out of Monsuno's finger and fires at the man with the book. The humans feel the danger and dodge out of the way, as the fireball reached the man with the book it enlarges bigger and bigger.

The man with the book was confident he can tank the fireball, which is why he did not get out of way. The fireball is 6 feet away from the man with the book and was now 2x the man's height and size. He casts a barrier spell and moves out of the way as the fireball connects with the barrier making a huge explosion.

The dust clears and all the humans see is a huge crater the size of 2 elephants. "What the hell?! We cannot defeat that! We have to run for our lives!" said the leader of the group casting a speed boost on himself and running away.

The other humans start running...

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