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Chapter 2: Sister of the Heart

Three centuries have passed since the death of Sarah Good. Time has now resumed its usual course. Twenty generations had passed on each side of the family. The blood of the Parrises still flowed through the veins of Lucy Magenta. As for the witch's, it was passed on from generation to generation through Dorothy her daughter, then Ibliss her great granddaughter, Genesis her great great granddaughter... until Sofia Blacks. The two girls condemned by fate to be enemies are best friends today. But the karmic cycle will soon fall upon them.

Paris city of France!

Our story continues in Paris, where we find Lucy and Sofia. Indeed, in the evenings in the Parisian capital everything was glowing. Bars and restaurants were full of people, giving the impression of being in the middle of the day. You could hear laughter from the people sitting on the edge of the terraces. Passersby were bustling about, going from left to right. Paris was a dream destination. The fantasy of every young American was to spend time in the city of fashion and eternal youth. From the balcony of her hotel room, Lucy Magenta could be seen.

Viewpoint of Lucy Magenta

A light breeze caressed my face, ruffling my hair. With a quick gesture of my hand, I removed the hair that was left in my face. I was wearing a small waistless top and leggings on the bottom. I was starting to shiver on the balcony so I went back to sit on the warm sofa. I think I forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry. I'm Lucy Magenta, I'm 24 years old. I'm a brunette with hazel eyes. I have very long hair that goes down to my back. I have a small pink heart shaped mouth and a small nose. I would describe myself as a very quiet and sweet girl. I am patient and very slow to anger. I like to read a lot and I love science mainly chemistry. I am 1.64m tall and weigh 80kg. I have a rather generous shape. It must be said that nature has spoiled me a lot with my curves a little too generous especially at the level of my hip and my buttocks. I don't like to say it but I find them a little too big. My body has always made me a lot of demands from men. I remember for example that I was always favored because of my physique in class. Whether it was my classmates or my teachers. They always offered to tutor me. But then they were always surprised that I had a higher than normal intellectual capacity. Yes, appearance is really deceiving. I may have an attractive body, but I can think on my feet. On this point I have been favored once again. It's called natural selection I think. I have a photographic memory and a great capacity to assimilate very quickly.

On the sofa I lay down and put my head on my best friend's legs. Her name is Sofia Blacks and the two of us are inseparable. When I think about it now, we have been friends since kindergarten. Sofia is a beautiful blonde with brown eyes. She has very neat and long hair. We are the same size except she is more of a model than I am. I love her very much I would give her my life without hesitation. We never leave each other. So you can imagine that to come to France it is obligatory to move together. The city of Paris is one of the most beautiful in the world. We have visited many beautiful places in the five years we have been here. Tomorrow we're going back to Oregon as a pharmaceutical engineer. Yes, I know you'll say that coming to Paris just to study is a pity, but we still took the opportunity to go shopping. Sofia finally broke the silence first feeling surely the weight of my head crushing her legs since a few dozen minutes already.

- "What were you looking at on the balcony?" asked Sofia, stroking my hair.

- "Nothing. Just a little sad at the thought of going home. I've gotten so used to Paris." I replied.

- "I have to admit, these things what do you call them again... French pastries right? I'm going to miss it so much." said Sofia fiddling with her smartphone.

- "But so much. Especially the smell of warm croissants in the morning that literally melt in your mouth." I say as I straighten up and tuck my spilling hair into the corner of my ear.

- "Speaking of just leaving, tell me Lucy, what are you planning to do with Alain?" asked Sofia abruptly as she dropped her phone and glared at me.

- "I'll probably end the relationship. Can we really call it a love relationship? You know I feel absolutely nothing for him. Unfortunately. I've really tried everything but it's not coming. I just accepted his advances last year because I felt sorry for him," I admitted, looking at Sofia.

- "Running after one person for almost five years is huge. He must really care about you, the guy." Sofia retorted wryly.

- "No I don't think he's in love. He's just attracted to my body. His friend told me so. In fact, he is also after me. It's a little complicated." I said, turning my eye.

- "Wow a love triangle." replied Sofia with her face ready to burst out laughing.

- Let me laugh! Anything, yes." I said with a smile.

- "Good thing we're flying tomorrow. You'll be able to breathe a little." replied Sofia with her eyes riveted on her screen again.

I get up to serve me some juice to drink. I open the fridge to serve me when a sharp noise resounds. It was the ringing of our apartment. I drop what I was doing to go and see who it was. When I open the door to my surprise it was him.

Viewpoint of Alain Dulac

I'm not used to listening behind the door. But what I just heard sent me into a rage. I heard everything, and I didn't miss a single minute of their conversation. So she wants to break up with me? I'm not going to wait five long years for nothing. Little bitch. You're not getting away from me tonight even if I have to abuse you I will. Your body will be mine. But for my plan to work I must not let anything show. I would make a fist to contain my rage before putting a fake smile on my face. I would take a deep breath before pressing the buzzer. After a few minutes of waiting behind the white door, Lucy finally came to open the door. Luck was on my side tonight. Usually it's that bitch Sofia who comes to open the door for me.

Lucy was terribly sexy. She was wearing a little top that reached just to her navel and drew perfectly her generous breasts. You could see the divine curve of her hips and her shape. She greeted me with a soft voice and turned her back to me inviting me into the apartment. My eyes couldn't help but watch her big buttocks vibrate and wiggle as she walked. The bitch was wearing leggings. At the sight of this spectacle my body automatically responded. I could feel a warmth coming from deep inside my jeans. I was already erect. It gave me a little trouble to move forward but I finally did violence on myself to stop imagining things. There is no need to rush. Once relaxed I entered the apartment still with my fake smile on my face. The feminine color was dominating everywhere. The apartment was painted in dark purple with one or two decorative pictures here and there. You could hear the notification rings coming from the cell phone of that viperous tongue of Sofia. She was lying on the sofa and glaring at me. I can't stand that girl at all. Besides, she was an obstacle to my plan and I had to quickly look for a way to get rid of her. I start by making conversation.

- "Hi girls I see I'm disturbing?" said I with an innocent air while looking at the two.

- "Yes, you're really bad timing" replied that viper of Sofia curtly, staring at me.

- "Why do you come here at such a late hour Alain? Did something bad happen?" Lucy asked me with a rather worried look.

- "Lucy can we talk alone for a few minutes please?" asked I, glaring at Sofia from the corner of my eye.

- "Can you give us a moment alone Sofia?" asked Lucy.

- "No I won't" retorted the viper with a sulky look on her face.

- "We can go for a little walk outside and talk peacefully instead of disturbing Sofia, what do you think Lucy?" I said with my little idea in the back of my head.

- No! I'm really cold tonight. Plus I have to pack. I'm going home tomorrow." Lucy spat in my face.

- I wanted to talk about this more calmly," I said with the most serious face in the world, but inside I was boiling with rage.

-I'm going downstairs to get a truffle pizza and some ice cream. What flavor do you want, Lucy?" Sofia finally said.

- Chantilly." said Lucy.

Viewpoint of Sofia Blacks

My name is Sofia Blacks and I am 24 years old. I am a blonde with brown eyes. I wear corrective lenses only when I want to study if not usually I get drunk. I'm 1,64m for 70kg. I have hair that cascades down to my back, kind of like Lucy, but the only difference is that I'm blonde and she's brunette. I have small lips and a small nose. I am often told that I should do modeling except that my studies don't really give me the time. Many agencies are courting me but I hesitate. I have a slightly generous curve and a slightly rounded buttocks. I have a large chest which makes me not wear a bra. In short I pass you these details. I'm a little bit quiet but you shouldn't look for me too much either. My relationship with Lucy goes back to kindergarten. From the first glance we clicked right away. We went through the whole school together. I must say that I always wanted to be like her. I always wanted to do what she did, which is why I chose the same field of study as her.

Our arrival in Paris was wonderful. We visited a lot of famous historical monuments like the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles etc. We immediately fell in love with the French people. In five years we were able to make correct sentences in French. Lucy helped me a lot to revise. Everything seemed so easy to her. It's thanks to her that I finally got my degree because I wanted to give up but she always encouraged me. She is such a nice girl. I try to look out for her as best I can. Especially when we go out at night in clubs. It's true we are the same age but I'm still six days older than her.

Tonight we were packing our bags when Alain showed up. He insisted on talking with Lucy in private but I didn't feel it. I decided to go downstairs to buy a pizza but this bad feeling didn't leave me. I had worn jeans and a hoodie. I was hurrying to take the elevator. When I got to the front of the elevator, I pressed the red button and waited for the door to open. I was standing there like an idiot waiting when finally a tall bearded man measuring 1.86m and dressed in a plaid shirt with a big belly approached me. He was clearly overweight. He was even struggling to walk.

- "Miss it doesn't work the button." exclaimed the stranger in a female voice.

- "No shit! How do we do it now?" I let out, grumbling.

- "Let's take the stairs. That'll give us some walking." said the stranger with his weird voice.

- "I hate walking." I said annoyed.

- Smile, beautiful lady. It looks so good on you" said the stranger with a flirty look.

- Thank you!" I said with a mocking smile. Actually he's not my kind of guy at all.

- "I want to go get some pizza for my little family so I could go a little ways with you. If you don't mind." he said with sincerity.

- "That's good because I wanted to get some for my best friend and I." I said serenely.

We started to walk up the stairs, me first. Only a few steps and the stranger was already running out of steam. It wasn't funny but he was walking like a zombie. Probably because he was overweight. He was still a sight to behold. The drops of sweat were already beading on his forehead. He was breathing heavily. And I had to wait for him on every step I took down. I was not yet at the end of my troubles, I said to myself inwardly while looking at the sky.

Viewpoint of Alain Dulac

I finally found myself alone in the room with Lucy, my prey. I couldn't hold back the gloating inside. It was so exciting and enjoyable at the same time. She was finally inviting me to sit on the sofa in front of her. I had the possibility to literally devour her at that moment but I restrained myself first. I first sat comfortably on the sofa, one foot on top of the other, staring at her. I had a narcissistic smile from the corner of my lips. I was sure of one thing tonight. She would be mine, willingly or not. The silence became almost embarrassing and she finally offered to serve me a drink, which I did not refuse. On the contrary it was a golden opportunity for me. She got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. While I was watching her big ass wiggle, I jumped over the sofa to go lock the door. This is going to be fun.

In the heat of the action I found her in the kitchen but from behind she didn't see me yet. I contemplated once again her beautiful pairs of well rounded buttocks. She was wearing black leggings and no panties on the bottom. I went forward in silence and with my right hand I pressed her big pairs of buttocks and sniffed her strongly in the neck. I had been dreaming of doing this for over five years. She smelled divine. Her buttocks were nice and firm at the same time. I had never touched anything so unique, which gave me a rush of adrenaline throughout my body. In panic and to defend herself, she turned around and spilled the fresh water in my face.

- "But you're completely crazy, Alain. What are you doing?" said Lucy, escaping from my embrace.

- Yes, I'm completely crazy. I'm crazy about you. I'm crazy about your body and your big ass. Since the first time I laid eyes on you I've been dreaming of taking you from behind and in every orifice." I said with my eyes full of desire.

- "Please get away from me." said Lucy completely frightened.

I grabbed her firmly by both arms to prevent her from making any movement. With a physique as imposing as mine and my height of 1.86m the difference in strength was more than obvious. She burst out in tears and begged me not to hurt her. I took the opportunity to put my lips on hers by force while keeping firmly her feverish forearms. She spat in my face which had the gift to excite me even more. She was now struggling in all directions but it was useless. I took her by the waist by force to the bedroom. I ended up pushing her briskly onto the bed. While she was falling on her stomach I was already astride her big butt.

Viewpoint of Lucy Magenta

Sofia finally left us alone so I take advantage to ask him to sit down so that we discuss. He was really weird that night. He is always weird but even more than usual. He kept staring at me with a psychopathic smile. I kept looking away so I wouldn't have to face him. The silence was getting really awkward for me so I offered to get him something to drink. He nodded. I got up quickly to go to the kitchen and open the fridge. I suddenly felt the warmth of a hand on my buttocks and an embrace. I almost had a heart attack. By reflex I turn around and spill water in his face. Now furious I asked him what was wrong with him and why he was behaving like that. No sooner had I asked than he was already grabbing my forearm firmly. I couldn't move and he took the opportunity to put his drooling lips on mine. I didn't know when I had spit in his face. In this frenzy he lifted me by the waist to the bed. As I struggled and screamed to beg him to let me go he giggled. It was a game to him and nothing else. He was much stronger than me. I was about to be raped. I had no hope. I told myself that it was finally my fault. If I had listened to Sofia none of this would have happened to me. I had always trusted her blindly and today more than ever I was angry with myself. I was now resigned to the idea of being defiled by this individual. I never imagined that my first time would be a rape. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I signed up. He was literally crushing me with the weight of his body as he sat astride me.

With force he tore my top off which would surely leave me with bruises on my back. I now had my breasts in the air. Eager for my body, he licked my entire back with his tongue all the way down to my hips. He then tore my leggings and opened the fly of his pants. I was psychologically preparing myself now to lose when a deafening noise gave me hope again.

Viewpoint of Sofia Blacks

We were finally served. In fact, he is rather nice the unknown. I asked him to hurry up under the pretext that I had finished. In reality I was worried for my best friend. On the way back, thank God, the elevator worked, so we went quickly. The stranger being a perfect gentleman he insisted on opening the door for me, which I really appreciated. When we turned the wrist of the door we realized that it was closed from the inside. I pretended to listen at the door and heard nothing.

- "Shit! That's not a good sign" I say as I put the pizzas on the floor.

- "What's wrong?" the stranger asked me.

- "There's a man who's locked himself inside with my best friend. I'm afraid he'll hurt her. Please help me break down this door" I said with a panicked look on my face.

- "Are you sure about this?" he said.

- "Sure!"

Viewpoint of Alain Dulac

I lape her whole back until the birth of her hips. I also tear her leggings with a sharp and abrupt blow. At the sight of her intimacy and her well-trimmed hair my member hardened to the depths of my bowels. I was so excited that my testicles were now aching. I pulled out my long, hard penis. I feel her resigning herself more and more to this situation which was great. I rubbed my penis against her sex and to my surprise she was still a virgin. Definitely the gods are with me. I am happy to be her first. I was about to enter her when I hear a deafening noise. The front door has been kicked in shit! I quickly jump to get my member back to safety while Lucy quickly grabbed a blanket to cover herself. She was now crying her eyes out and loudly. I quickly run to the living room to look and who do I see? Sofia and a man I didn't know.

- "You bastard.Where's Lucy?" yelled Sofia.

- "Sofia is that you? Thank God you came. He was abusing me." said Lucy running into Sofia's arms with tears in her eyes.

- Come here a little bit, my good man, I'll teach you to respect women." said the stranger.

- I'm waiting for you," I said.

Viewpoint point of Sofia Blacks

A lightning punch broke Alain's jaw and his nose was now bleeding. I didn't know that the stranger was so athletic. In an excess of rage Alain got up and gave a violent kick to the unknown on his genitals. Taken of pain the unknown fell on his knees and was writhing in pain. Alain took advantage to give him a second kick in the face what will throw him on the ground. Defenseless he did not leave him any respite. He continued to roll him with punches. The stranger was bleeding in his turn subscription. If he continues like this, he will really kill him. To help him I grabbed the first thing that fell under my arms. It was a chair that I hit him on the neck and he fell unconscious.

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