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Chapter 3: The death of a brother

It been 2 years since Diego ment Shisui and they have been training alot together. Shisui been teaching teach some techniques like body flicker and fire style flaming sword. They also checked Diego chakra natures with the chakra paper and he had fire,lightning, and water natures. Also Diego unlocked his third tomo and been progressing well.

Over the last 2 years Diego has grown to like Shisui very much he calles him big bro and they act as family alot. Diego has also ment Itachi as he also became his big bro. Diego and Sasuke became rivals as they both wanted to be better than eachother. Diego could walk on walls but he couldn't walk on water it had seemed to difficult very difficult so he safed it for when he is older.

Diego didn't practice his taijustsu as Shisui didn't want to effect his body growth. Diego and Naruto also became closer than they were before and would go around the village together and play pranks all the time. They became to be known as the demons of the leaf but the kids didn't know that.

It was the first day of the ninja academy. Diego and Naruto headed to school with Sasuke walking with them too, but Sasuke and Naruto fought the whole way. When they arrived they chose to find seating somewhere close to eachother because they friends. As people started to walk in Naruto noticed Sakura as stared at her with googly eyes. Diego picked up on it and smacked him in the head.

<<Why you do that for it stings>> Naruto said angerly.

<< Because bro if you just stare at her like that, then she thinks your creepy, I mean your not even trying to make it less obvious>> Diego said

Naruto thinking about what Diego said only gave her glimpses but still liked her alot. Diego would have stop Naurto but thought about and decided not to. Diego didn't really pay attention in class cause he already knew everything he, He only stays so he can be with Naruto and Sasuke . So Diego sleeps. It finally hit break time so the kids could walk around and talk Sasuke and Naruto didn't get along but stayed to hang with Diego. Saskue had one fan girl but that it so they didn't pay attention. Break time ended and they got back to school but like that it end in a flash.

Diego went to where Shisui and him normally trained. Diego spoted Itachi there and they just talked a bit while waiting for Shisui. While waiting they saw Shisui coming with a bunch of stab wounds and a kunai close to his heart. He had purple poison on his arm spreading. Shisui explains what happend to him and how Danzo trying stealing his eyes but got away. Shisui was near the cliff and he pulled out two tubes with liquid in it. He proceeded to take out his eyes and put them in there and gave them to Diego.

<<Diego I want you to find someone that had vase knowledge of medical justu, and transplant them in your eyes when you eventually go completely blind. Itachi I have failed my mission in stopping a war against the Uchiha and the leaf. Give them this note ok>>Shisui said

Itachi nodded while Diego was confused what was going on it sounded like his big bro was gonna die.

<<Big bro where are you going is sounds like you're leaving us. but that not possible and why you rip your eyes out and give them to me there no need you will live right.>>Diego said with tears going down his face

Shisui looked at him and gave him a smile and said.

<<Diego I remember it was like yesterday when you were hiding and telling me why you were there. It made me happy to have a little brother in the last two years. Itachi please take care of Diego for me. Goodbye Diego>> Shisui final words were

And with those words Shisui walks backwards of the cliff and dies. Diego could be seen with massive hurt and when you look in his eyes his sharingan is active, But if you look closer you can see the tomo in his eyes move rapidly in a circle then start to form 4 line on each side of his eye. Itachi looks at Diego and sees his eyes evolve and relies it the mangekyou sharingan. Diego soon passes out due to the strain from having the mangekyou. Itachi takes note of it and relies if danzo ever finds put Diego has the mangekyou he will take his eyes.

Itachi bring Diego back to his house and talks to his father.

<<Father I need you to do something>> Itachi says

Fugaku looks at his son and agrees to it seeing that Itachi in pain he listens to Itachi.

[Few hours later]

Diego wakes up

<<Where where am I !!!>> Diego screams hoping what he remembers is a dream.

Diego hopes all of what he just saw was a dream but when he lookes down he sees Shisui eyes in his hands. Diego startes crying but that sadness in his heart slowly begins to morph. Diego sadness morphs into hate, hate for Danzo he want to kill Danzo so bad. But before Diego could think more Itachi walks in.

<<Diego your awake good to see you made a recovery. you passed out shortly after well you know>>Itachi said with softly trying to hold some tears in.

Diego askes Itachi if that really happened if Shisui really died. Itachi said yes. Diego askes Itachi to train him more for Shisui and to kill Danzo.

Itachi agrees but under a condition that Diego doesn't kill Danzo. Itachi will help Diego train for Shisui but if to kill Danzo then no. Diego angery asking Itachi why not, he killed Shisui.

<<I know you wanna kill Danzo and so do I but killing him won't solve your problems. Killing him may satisfy you for a bit but you will be hunted down by the leaf for killing him. You need to take him down by gathering dirt on him so he will be locked up.>> Itachi said

Diego lookes at him and thinks about it and agrees since it probably would not be what Shisui wants.

And with that Diego goes home as to not worry Naruto and can't wait wait to get train by Itachi.

ChronoDragon ChronoDragon

This chapter is probably not good but I enjoy writing it so thank you for those who enjoyed reading it.

Also if you liked go to my YouTube Channel called [Slap Yo Ham] me and friends play videogames and i record them so ya thank you

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