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Chapter 2: Aliah (2)

Stepping off the plane at Incheon International Airport thirteen hours later had transported me into what felt like a new world. Everywhere I looked I saw people who all seemed to at first glance to resemble one another but who would, after taking another look, become individuals. The low hum of the airport had escalated as I'd left baggage claim until it was its current level of clamor. Voices speaking multiple languages, airport announcements and the sounds of elevators and TVs blended together until there was little distinction between it all. But not only were my ears assaulted, my eyes were as well I had never seen so many people before, some moving with intent and others not. Every shop in the airport was filled with people buying both food and products. Large y-shaped columns held up glass walkways that made up a second floor and the architecture of the building itself was one giant curve, the artwork positioned in open areas similarly were circular. Modern and in beautiful condition, I couldn't help but wander away from the path that would lead me out of the terminal and to the taxi area, feeling entranced by the spectacle of it all.

Having lived in small towns all along the east coast for most of my life, it was a brand-new experience for me to be around so many people at once. It made it difficult to spot anyone in the crush, and I wandered around for what felt like forever until I saw a familiar set of bangs over a heart-shaped face. When I'd first decided to move to Seoul and had secured a teaching contract, I had downloaded an app to improve my speaking and reading skills in the foreign language. During the process, I had met many native Koreans who lived in Seoul and in particular I had become close friends with one girl until we had even been using Skype together in preparation for when we would meet in person.

HyoWon was just a year younger than me but the despite the small age difference, she insisted on calling me Unnie, her tone she used to say older sister incomparably sweet. I managed to get along with her much better than most of my friends back in North Carolina and the younger girl had been very eager to help me transition to my new life in Korea. HyoWon had told me she would be waiting at the airport, but she hadn't told me anything about the huge black cardboard sign she was holding up that read 'Welcome to Korea, Unnie' in bright pink letters. It was embarrassing but in the best way and I felt a smile come to my lips unbidden.

"Annyeong, HyoWon-ah! How are you?" I exclaimed reaching out to grab the girl into a hug.

"Unnie, pangawayo! I'm so happy to finally see you in person. Ah, you're so beautiful…and so tall!" She said as she swept long hair away from her eyes that fallen out of place when I hugged her.

In fact, compared to HyoWon's barely five-foot two frame, I towered over her at five-foot seven. As I looked around and took in my surroundings, I quickly realized I was not only taller than a lot of the females I was currently seeing in Korea, but also some of the men as well. While many people here looked at me as they passed by, I knew it had more to do with me being an African-American foreigner than for being anything else. And if we were talking about beauty, I firmly believed that I wasn't too shabby. From head to toe I was a brown similar to that of cinnamon, a yellow undertone turning me slightly paler in the colder months. With high cheekbones, an average nose and bow-shaped lips, my looks were cute at best but I'd never been drop dead gorgeous and I was ok with that.

My eyes were so brown that they looked black unless I was in a well-lit space and then people would always say they could see a ring of blue in them. It wasn't often that people saw my eyes up close as I wore my glasses at all times and had a pair for everyday of the week in case I got bored. Today I wore a black and red pair of Ray Bans that framed my face and rested higher on my nose, the position ensuring a snugger fit. I'd worn my hair naturally for five years now; currently it was in the twist out style I favored and it flowed just a little past my shoulders. I had always been slender and had almost no breasts or butt to speak of but I liked to think that I compensated for that in style. My skin-tight black faux leather pants were paired with a light pink chiffon top that ran down the length of my arms. Black booties completed the look along with some rose gold bracelets that decorated my wrists.

"HyoWon-ah you're even cuter in person! How's my dongsaeng? Have you eaten yet?" I asked her eagerly, secretly dying for some food while I resisted the urge to pinch her chubby cheeks.

"Anieyo, I was waiting for you. Come on, I set up your apartment and got some groceries. You can fix me some American food, ne?" she asked while looking up at me adorably. Even though I was tired I could hardly say no to such a look of expectation.

"Of course! Let's go."

As the two of us began walking to the entrance of the airport, we held both my large suitcases between our bodies. I was walking easily enough but HyoWon struggled with the luggage since it was almost the same size she was. As I teased her affectionately about the picture she presented, I was suddenly bumped into and knocked sideways. I tried to right myself but my heels got tangled in each other, causing me to lose the little balance that I had. I let out a loud unladylike sound as I met the unyielding hardness of the floor.

The fall hurt enough to send tiny black spots dancing in my vision. When they had cleared I looked up from my position on the floor and locked eyes with one of the prettiest men I had ever seen in my life. For the first time in my twenty-six years, I was speechless at the sight of a man. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at the stranger and a weird feeling invaded my stomach.

He looked at me with kind eyes, the color of them tinted blue due to the colored contacts he wears. The depth in them is penetrating but saved from being harsh by the tilt of them in the inner corners. His brows draw into a frown of apology and he pulled off the mask structured black mask he wore. It should have been a crime to cover up so much handsome; he was gorgeous with jet-black hair that was styled messily on his head. Without the mask obscuring his face I can clearly see the outline of his high cheekbones and thick, pouty lips. His nose is straight and in his ears are two black earrings that glint in the light. The man's clothes are outlandish; he's wearing a tan trench coat that's way too big paired with denim shorts, but he wears them well on his slim body and with a model's confidence. My heart seemed to stop in my chest the longer he looked at me.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized in lightly accented English.

Surprised, I didn't think for a moment but when I could again a sharp bite of pain went through my hip and I couldn't stop the slight gasp that left my lips.

"Could you help me?" I asked him and reached my hand forward. He took it quickly and helped me to my feet gently, his hand hovering behind my back in case I fell.

"I'm sorry, I should've earlier. I wasn't thinking and-" His ears were bright red and he ran his fingers through his hair, with frustration maybe?

"KiYoung-ssi, we're late," a panicked voice said from somewhere behind him in Korean and like a bow being drawn tight, the man in front of me rose to his full height and snapped to attention.

"I'm really very sorry, but I have to go. Will you be ok?" His look was full of concern and the slight smile on his lips sent fizzing bubbles straight to my head.

"Oh, yes go ahead. I'm fine," I lied. Heart still thudding he gave me one last glance as if to assure himself I spoke the truth and rewarded me with a dazzling smile. He was simply heartbreaking.

"Aliah unnie, gwenchana?" HyoWon asked quickly when I stood staring after the man who had gone.

"I'm fine," I whispered still in shock.

As the man sped off through the terminal, I tried my best to shake myself awake. HyoWon began to chatter about the rudeness of some people and though I gave approving nods and murmurs, my thoughts stayed on the man and where he had been going to in such a hurry. If Korea was full of guys like him, there would be little time left over to ever think about my ex again.

redergurl redergurl

AH! The first meeting is always the best,I hope everyone enjoyed it.

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