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Chapter 13: Who Let The Dogs Out

After three weeks of traveling, Zack finally saw the Land Darkness that were said to be infested by all kinds of sorts of Grimms.

"Whoo, that was a long road trip but I'm here at last" Zack said as he stopped for a while to take in the view.

In front of Zack was can only be described as purgatory. The soil in the ground looked like it was doused with black blood, all the trees in here are all dead and sky, dark clouds covering the entire area as it was scared to the light.

"Well, let's do this" Zack said as he took out Azaroth from Fenrir and placed it on his back and drove in.

Two weeks have gone by and nothing worth mentioning happened except for encountering and fighting endless hordes of Grimms but with help of his new weapons, it was easy.

*sigh* "Where is it? This is so confusing. Why is it I always feel that it's close nearby every time I encounter a Grimm, especially its disintegrating body like something is waiting for me to do something to it" Zack exclaimed stressfully.

Zack's senses always bring him into large hordes, but as always after he kills every Grimm it disappears and then he senses it again leading him in another horde only bigger than before.

What Zack didn't know, that his action of killing hordes gained the attention of the Queen of Grimms, as she is currently inside of a huge sophisticated castle watching a young man in his weird-looking motorcycle with a big sword in one hand and killing every Grimm he encounters but as he mowed down everything on his way, he never slowed down and it looks like he can sense whenever there is a horde of them, it almost looked like he was searching for something.

"Well, let me assist you then in giving a challenge" The Queen muttered as she commanded a sleeping gigantic Grimm from miles away to awaken and bid her bidding.


"Go... kill this young man for me" She commanded.

*GGRRRRRRR* *Swooosh*

The Grimm growled then went towards the young man she commanded him to kill.

Zack was unaware of this as he was still resting on his motorcycle and trying to figure out just what exactly he was looking for as he looked at the map but it's very hard to decipher as there are no roads in here.

Suddenly he felt something coming, something big, and following it are numerous little ones compared to the one leading them. He felt like they were coming to his location, rapidly.

… *thud* … *thud .. *thud. *thud* *thUD* *THUD*


The Grimm he saw a giant, It stood on all fours but its height was still five meters but as he looked on carefully the Grimm stood up on its hind legs like a Beowolf with a height of ten meters but now that he noticed it, it looks like a Gigantic Beowolf, on its shoulder, knees, elbows, and back spine was covered in big bone-like spikes.

Its eyes were just blood-red lights on it and its full head covered in a bone-like mask like any Grimm but what is different from your normal Beowolf as its hand including its claws were also covered in it as well.

But what it did next even shocked him more as it…



It spoke, as he took notice of this Queen of this thing, he felt that he should find to uncover this Queen but that didn't matter now as he should focus on this thing first.

"Oh yeah, then," Zack said as he took his First Tsurugi fully assembled from his Fenrir and took his stance "what are you waiting for, COME ON!!!"


As the Grimm roared and moved at an incredible speed despite its size, it swung its right hand at Zack in an instant.

Zack being shocked by its speed, he hastily blocked with his sword but he didn't expect the power behind it as he was thrown 50 meters away but luckily he recovered quickly and righten himself but what he didn't expect was the Grimm was in front of him instantly as it clenched its fists and punched him, fortunately, he still managed to block it but it still made him fly.


As Zack touched the ground and made a small crater, the Grimm walked over to him and spoke again but this time it was full of disdain.


/HUMAN… ALWAYS… WEAK… HA… HA… HA.../ The giant Grimm said mockingly as it approaches Zack one step at a time.

Zack who heard this froze for a moment then chuckled and then turned to full-born laughter.


His laughter brought a confused gesture from the gigantic Grimm and stopped.

/… WHAT.../

Zack who was immersed in his laughing stopped slowly then stood up properly as he brought out his sword on his shoulder.

"You claim that humans are weak," Zack said as he walked closer at the Grimm.

"I knew someone before, a man, he alone almost destroyed the world once"

"But he was stopped and defeated by another human"

"Your Queen, I'm a 100% sure she once a human, cause I know you Grimms, you don't care about shit"


Zack said as he stopped only ten meters away from the Grimm. He stood fearlessly in front of this colossal thing as he said one more thing.

"And guess what, the one who's gonna come out of this alive is this HUMAN STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU! NOW, LETS SEE IF CAN DEFEAT THIS HUMAN OR THIS HUMAN CAN KICK YOUR ASS!!" Zack yelled but his voice at the end decided was mixed with another voice as willed his Aura, colored in greenish-blue and his cat-like eyes shining in the same color, to come fort signifying he was serious in this fight.



They yelled at each other as they both clashed again but this time it was different from before.

The Grimm was getting cut as the human weaved through its attacks while increasing his rate of countering every move that the Grimm does.

As the Grimm swung again with its right claw, Zack jumped towards it then skillfully rotated through between its claws then he dug his sword at its arm and ran through it up until its shoulder.

Zack jumped after reaching its shoulder as he twirled his sword again but this time his sword was also coated with his aura and dived bombed towards it.

The Grimm cried out as it felt how deep the wound Zack cut through but it suddenly looked up, widened its eye then hastily dodged another attack.


As the Grimm successfully escaped, the human smashed into the ground.


Zack's attack easily created a crater but as the clouds of dust were covering his body.

He didn't let up as he sprinted again towards the Grimm. His sword was shining again as he slashed multiple times while still running its way, even though the Grimm was much further away but what surprised the Grimm and Queen that was secretly watching was that Zack created blade beams the same color as his aura and big enough to cut through one of its limbs.


The Grimm gritted its teeth as it crossed its arms to block the attack but it didn't expect that one blade beam could already breakthrough its defenses and dug in deep towards its body.


It was pushed back every blade beam that connected and left a large gash of black blood in its wake.

But Zack didn't let up as he used this chance to get behind the Grimm while still recovering from his last attack and he spun his sword again then attacked it at its back.



The Grimm didn't expect that the last one as the force of that attack threw away a few meters and landed on its face as in its back was a larger gash from before.

The area was quiet for a moment but it was broken immediately by a sound of running.

Everyone can see Zack as he still didn't let up and took a massive jump towards the downed Grimm. He controlled his sword to pop up one sword as he reached his jump's highest peak, reached for it, and then did a nose-dive towards the Grimm but this it was faster than before.

He readied his two swords at his sides as he was preparing to stab the Grimm through.

The Grimm, feeling the coming attack, tried to move its body but it was still weak after Zack's last attack, and this time it knew it couldn't evade it so it brought out its hands to cover its neck believing that it was the target.

But it was wrong as Zack reached his initial target.




Zack finally backed away as he stood in front of his opponent while his swords were in his shoulder.


The Grimm would've stood up if it could but Zack made it impossible as the target of that attack was its feet' tendons and thus, effectively cutting away its feet.

"So, still think humans are weak? I don't think so" Zack grinned excitedly.

But the Grimm didn't want to give up just yet,


It produced an almost dying cry as it let out a deafening call.

"Huh, what are yo-" Zack was confused by this but suddenly he felt the horde that came with it earlier was moving toward him now.

It felt like thousands of Grimm coming his way, Zack widens his eyes as he has never faced this many before all at once.



The Grimm grunted as it knows its brethren that it called will be here any moment.

Zack who showed a shocked face suddenly grinned at that remark.

"Heh, if you think your numbers mean anything, then... let me show you... despair/~despair~"


The thousands of Beowolves that came pouring out finally made it out his way as they all lusted for his blood.

Zack readied his two swords as he faced the first few in the lead with no fear or hesitation on his face, only an eager grin.

The Queen and the Giant Grimm stood in awe as they saw a single human go up against thousands of Grimm but contrary to their belief, the human they thought would run away or die in the first few hundreds, didn't.

Instead in this carnage, he stood tall as he killed anything that came his way, with one slash, he could kill three or more Grimm depending on their positions.

The massacre lasted for five hours until finally, the last Grimm fell.


Zack was tired at this point but he still has that grin of his as he faced the Giant Grimm.

"I told you, I'll show you despair... now revel in it"

The Grimm watched him as he brought out his sword that shines greenish-blue as he spun it again but this time the swords in it are shining in golden hues.

"I never tried this move before, I only saw from a friend but it's time for you to be just a memory"

"OMNISLASH!!" Zack yelled out as he brought down his sword.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

I wrote this while listening to Sephiroth's theme,

I don't know why but it felt right

٩( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง

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