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83.33% Rumina

Chapter 10: Chapter IX: Family at once

"Bunny go to the other room, and read some of your books ok" Zach with his face losing color and an exhausted version of him rose up, while Angelika stared at him trying to locate the problem

"Jelly, would you help me to that room?" Zach asked while his knees turned frail and weak, the pain grew a bit harder on him to just bear it, when she advanced toward him she notice this rigid heavy smell of iron that usually comes with blood, at the touch of his shirt she panicked as a fear travelled her body at the discover of the red dampness, 'It was blood, he is shot'

"You are hurt!" Her eyes winded as he managed to put his hardly active hand gently on her mouth, they walked to his room. A dark lifeless space, dark gray walls, and a big black sheeted bed, there was hardly any decoration for a room well furniture other than some crazy abstract art paintings on the walls and some were put down on the wooden floor, Zach lost conscious the moment he touched his bed, leaving this clumsy young lady in despair, a blizzard of these strange emotions kept playing with her heart. Under this situation she felt useless, even the little Dahlia was able to take care of herself when she is only 4, Angelika found herself by the side of this guy unable to move a finger afraid that something might happened to him,' Please don't leave'

"Let's go to the hospital" She whispered to him, tears flowing. He hand was lost under those sheets trying so hard to find hers

"No, Ander is on his way here" All he could say before losing his conscious again

"Miss Blackwater, if you may" Ander arrived his face as calm as always, perfect well shaped suit and his muscular body, who sees him would believe him to be a model yet his cold attitude was more than enough to bring the worst of you

"Dr. you are a doctor right, please please save him" Angelika at the sight of Ander she rose up from the ground that she sat in near Zach's head praying for the God she always questioned for the sake of this man

"Calm down miss, everything will be just fine, but first I need you to go outside" With his blank gaze and tranquil words he replied to her pleading

"No, I will stay. He got hurt trying to save me, it's all because of me" Angelika said with this broken voice, blaming herself for what happened, Ander who was already cleaning the wound stopped for a moment when he heard her words and continued his work, he knew enough of those problems between the Russian Mafia and the Blackwater household, more of that he knew that other than Zach, Vladimir the head of the Russian and his weird obsession

"Jelly, wait outside. Though you hate me, this ain't a proper scene for a lady" Zach with a fainting voice managed to warn her, it sounded more like a begging than a demand

"Ok" She answered as her way out of the room that seemed long enough to bore her the feeling of uncertainty, yet refuged

"Only few hours, and she is well tamed" Ander said stitching the cut, luckily the bullet didn't go deeper or touched any of his vitals, but he surely lost a lot of blood

"Blame it on my charm" Zach replied with a small grin yet feeling all pained and bitter about the stitching

"What are you planning to do next? " Ander asked this time looking more serious and focused, "You know the consequences" Ander added when he didn't get any answer from Zach who dozed in his wild and scary thoughts

On the other hand Max and Antonio arrived with grocery bags and boxes of Pizza some fancy packed food

"Dahlia, what about coming with me tonight ?" Ander asked gently a sight that you don't get to see every day, as he lowered himself to her level

"Okay, Uncle Ander. Jelly won't be coming, she'll take care of uncle Zach" Dahlia answered with a little smile holding her bunny doll in between her arms, she went to Zach's room and kissed him slowly, "Zach, I'll be going now, Jelly will take good care of you" She said as she winked to him, brushing her small little finger through his curly all messed up hair


"Mina !" Jasper whispered her name tenderly, he felt the longing for her more

"I'm here" She replied, moving her body closer until she felt his warmth, she put her head on his board solid chest

"What would I do, if you are not here anymore?" Jasper asked brushing her hair with his finger, touching her skin lightly like if he was touching egg shells afraid it might broke

"You'll survive" She said as her expressions got more serious before she rose up leaving him with a weird sensation that he couldn't tell its meaning or source

Rumina entered the bathroom making sure that the door was already closed, as she fell to the marble freezing ground, her heart ached and a trenching pain spread through her soul and body, tears streaming out, swinging down her face thinking only of him, Jasper Blackwater, she touched her stomach and asked" Who shall win this war?"


"Aunt Norah what are you doing here?" Dahlia was surprised to see Norah in her PJ's at Ander's suite

"Hello little one" Norah replied trying to think of an excuse to justify her presence at this late hour, "Well me and uncle Ander were working" She said with a silly smile that rapidly exposed her lie, When Dahlia checked her out she realized that her wrist was bruised black and blue

Both of them knew how smart their little niece is, so they tried to change the topic, afraid she might actually come to a conclusion to her perfect questions

"Dahlia, it's late, shall we go to sleep together?" Norah asked as she handed Dahlia her hand. After cleaning up, the little one climbed the king sized bed and hid under the white comfy sheets hugging her rabbit doll so tight

"How was your day bunny?" Norah asked

"As every day I would spend with Uncle Zach, amusing" Dahlia replied with a small grin, "Uncle Zach is a bit sick, but there is someone taking care of him, so I'm not worried" She added all smart and cool about it

"Are you sure?" Norah asked unable to bear the amount of cuteness Dahlia is showing

"Tomorrow you'll tell me everything about this okay, now close your eyes and sleep"

Norah added

A half hour later Ander came in mesmerized by the scene in front, Norah holding the little baby in her arms and sleeping, he kept looking and looking at this wonderful view, he approached Norah and caressed her smooth skin, hoping that this night would never end .

Few hours later

Norah has woken up by her dry throat, on her way to the mini kitchen to find something to drink, she caught a glimpse of Ander who were still working on his laptop in the other room

"It's five in the morning, aren't you going to sleep?" Norah who couldn't get any further from the door, questioned Ander, leaning on the wall and looking innocently through him

"Sleep, a luxury that I haven't enjoyed for quite some time" He replied to her slowly removing his glasses and rubbing his tired eyes, Norah approached him

"You better try though, c'mon, I'll tell a bed time story" Norah held his hand and smiled to his wasted face making him stand from his chair.

Ander followed every small step of hers; she slowly led him to the other chamber and removed the cover nodding for him to lie down, similar to a little kid he did everything she ordered like always…

"Please, stay" When she was about to get out of the room, Ander jumped from his place and asked her to stay

"Okay" She replied

"I'm sorry for the other day, and your wrist" Ander managed to spell these words that were stuck down his throat, after long observing the bluish marks on her wrist, yet all she did was smiling back and nodding at him

No nightmares nothing, probably this was a moment of peace that he enjoyed in her embrace, smelling her fruity perfume, feeling the warmth he longed for, he slept with the thought of her finally being his


Back to Italy where Senior Ilyas and his wife spend a sleepless night thinking of their kids being away from them…

"Ilyas, I want them back, I want my kids back home" Isabella pleaded her cold hearted husband, sometimes she couldn't understand his silence, sometimes she wished he would say more

"Don't you worry my love, they'll be here soon" He replied while reading his usual work paper, he wasn't just a Mafia boss, he was one of the biggest business man in the whole European continent

"Ilyas, I don't feel well about all this, specially about Bunny and Norah" Isabella had only two daughters, but she raised them all, even the little Bunny was raised by her, she couldn't help but to get worried about those whom she felt to be the weakest

"Bella, everything its good, when it's time" He replied again keeping the calm gesture, and then he added. "Bella, I think we might receive some guest tomorrow"

"Okay, always glad to do so" She said, not bothering to ask who they were actually


The next morning

(Jas, It's me Ange I'm somewhere near New York, two days ago on my way from the Airport we were attacked, when you get this message. Call me)

Jasper woke up late that morning, surprised by the sudden message, Rumina was next to him startled by his hasty movements

"Hello, Ange where the hell are you?" Jas climbed out of the bed and dialed the unknown number that sent the messages

"Jas calm down, I'm safe I'm with Zachariah Marouikous" Hardly able to reply to his question, Zach who was just by her side really waited to see how her big brother would react, as he and Angelika exchanged tensed looks

"I told you to stay away from him, didn't I?" Jasper screamed in the phone loud enough for Zach to hear

"Relax, he saved me, if it wasn't for him Vladimir's men would have had taken me away" Angelika explained more, "He got shot because of me" She added once more this time with a calm voice

"Where are you? Gabe and I will come to you" Jasper asked ignoring everything she said about Zach

"At his house, I already told mum and dad and they agreed" She replied

"Will I didn't" He smiled at the situation sarcastically said

"Wait, Dahlia is she okay, I think I've heard her last time saying she'll be coming with Zachariah to visit" Jasper asked out of fear that his new lovely step daughter might be hurt

"What, Dahlia, something happened to my daughter, answer me?" Rumina who heard his words literally jumped off of her place

"She is fine, not even a scratch" Angelika replied to the noise that was coming from the other line


While in Italy

"Carlisle, dear friend welcome" Senior Ilyas with wide open embrace welcomed the Blackwater's, they were always close friends things got complicated when they had families of their own

"Isabella" Lady Catherine said with a look full of inferiority and challenge

"Catherine!" Isabella replied to her the same, both were from royal families but the grudge between the two returns the a long dark history of competition

"This way, please feel free, this is your home" Ilyas said glancing at his wife whom he feared to most, this meeting was something bigger than both those ladies old argue, it was about their kids future

"Well if you care to know, I am not approving of any of your plans" Catherine said avoiding their judging glares, "I think that we are able to protect ourselves and our kids too "She added this time staring back at Isabella

"Cathy, please listen to what he has to say" Lord Carlisle pleaded her, his persona changed this time he is more dim and bleak she could tell that he has something in mind

"Cathy, think even for once of the kids rather than yourself" Isabella added to what Carlisle said putting her into the spotlight, "My son got shot trying to protect your daughter, my grandchild was there in the car too, so please let's put our arguments aside and think this through" She again added this time with more weight to her words and a mass of feelings clouded the area, her eyes watered and her heart clenched for what she said

"Lady Catherine, this game it's bigger than all of us, either we kill or get killed!" It was kind of weird what Senior Ilyas said as he remained tranquil when all of their emotions splashed out, "It's not for you to decide, don't take my act of Chivalry as a pressing point, I am still the Mafia man you always knew. I'm telling not asking" Senior Ilyas said, he knew what he meant, everybody did, except for Lady Catherine who was too prideful to look around

"Let's calm down and think this through, the danger is still undefined" Carlisle said after he was the first to get agitated now he is the trying to calm these two mothers


Back to the other side of the globe, where Norah found a way through his little world, as the blur is slowly getting clearer, while she was still dozed in his embrace the morning has arrived yet they still unable to open their eyes, love is something that's sweet but dangerous when you get addicted to it

Slowly feeling each other, slowly knowing what it felt like being away, the damages that were caused by the years and tears by their fears of not having a tomorrow, she stood their admiring his sleepy face that looked more innocent, hoping that this morning would never end, she would spend an eternity laying right next to him

"There you are!" The little Dahlia with her Pj's on and a bunny doll in her hand pushed the door opened and said not slightly surprised by the view

"Honey, oh you are awake, can you wait for me in your room, I'm coming" Norah who was dragged from her lucid dreams by the little one got caught in a situation when she couldn't think more, shocked and scared that her little secret might got out

The moment turned from embarrassment and surprise to something more when the banging on the door suddenly happened, a thing was certainly going on

"Dahlia! Where are you?" On the other side of the door hysterically screaming and banging the door, while the anxious Jasper stood there in a state of shock watching his woman with a different face

"Ander, open this fucking door" Jasper added, Ander who was still asleep startled, swiftly he pulled this cold silvery gun from down the pillow, a side that he never wanted to show to her, yet the reflex of an old training is still working against his well

"Honey, close your ears" Norah said to the little Dahlia that got scared because of all the noise that was coming from outside, although she acts cute and stupide sometimes but she is way too smart just like her parents, at the orders of Norah she hid her ears using her small little hands and went to the bathroom closing the door behind. The shirtless Ander hurried to the door when he recognized Rumina's voice, didn't have the time of wearing something on, his board shoulders and bare chest was certainly something to die for

"Rumi calm down, She is fine" Norah opened the door trying to tranquilize her down

"Where is my daughter?" Again she ignored her and went further in the suite to look for her

"Man how could you do this to her" Jasper asked with confusion

"Rumi, look at me calm down, she is in the bathroom" Ander approached her and hugged her slowly trying to relax her she was going through a panic attack and Ander out of all people knew how to deal with her case, slowly patting on her hair, Jasper found that a bit strange, he felt jealous but he knew to whom his heart belonged, and that Rumina wasn't more than a sister to Ander

"Uncle, called he wants us all back home, even the Blackwater's did, something is happening and before that Angelika called" Rumina said gasping for air as she was unable to speak

"Yes I know Zach was attacked and I brought Bunny with me, I'm sorry Rumi I should have told you" Ander still hugging replied to her

"Everything will be just fine, let's pack our bags and go home" Ander added looking at Norah who begin to sense the insecurity

"Mummy, I'm fine don't worry" Dahlia who came out smiled at both Jasper and Rumina as she was hugged by both of them tightly, somehow she managed to look back at Ander and Norah and grinned


Back to Zach and Angelika

Zach was still suffering with his injuries, yet he was suspecting the orders of both families, having them two under the same roof, what were they really planning?

Zach woke up unable to move his body paralyzed by this strange mass on top of his chest, still attached to his IV serum, with a fresh wound that's still bleeding…

"Pretty, pretty girl" Zach whispered as he played with her golden locks, gazing her baby face that haven't change at all, moments like this surely don't last forever. The door of room in which Zach was staying opened and one of his subordinates came in, ignoring the whole situation as it didn't change a bit of him

"Boss, El senior called, he has given his orders" Max delivered the orders as he went directly to the clothes and pulled everything useful to a black leather bag, money, guns, and some spare clothes

"Ok, do as you were told and follow the protocol" Zach replied, yet the weight of Angelika on his chest wasn't really helping, it made things worse, the newly stitches wound was bleeding, Max realized it and when he was about to remove her head off of his chest, Zach declined and even gave him a dangerous glare

"Don't touch her" Zach said

"But Zach your wound, you are bleeding" Max replied in shock for his boss was always a spoiled selfish cry baby. A few moments later the sleeping beauty woke up, gladly the sheets were black colored or else the view wouldn't be very pleasant for a princess type

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize the time yesterday till I snoozed" Angelika all flushed ashamed more like shy of the situation she found herself in. She always thought of him to be a cold blooded gangster, a playboy; but now she is more confused about this guy in front of her

"Never mind, you spent the past two days nursing me" Zach replied but somehow this time his is colder toward her, like if he is trying to avoid something that he suspect to happened

"Time to clean the wound" She said trying to change the subject

"Oh, how about this, Antonio will help this time" Zach suggested, he didn't want her to see the pool of blood that she caused, his face already pale and yellowish

"Ok" She replied feeling more awkward maybe he said what he said because he discovered that she wasn't a beauty when she sleeps that what on her mind, 'Maybe my hair?', ' or maybe my breathe' On her way out

"Hurry up, let's clean up this mess before she returns" Zach asked Antonio to hurry up, sadly their secret couldn't last, when Angelika wanted to use Zach's phone, she returned and as she was just about to open the door she heard their little dialogue although both men were hissing yet she managed to hear the part when Zach wanted to clean the mess, although she misunderstood the whole thing

"Miss blackwater, where leaving this night, please be prepared" Max who realized what she was doing came closer and told her that extra information that she didn't need to know, just to inform the two others that there is someone who is ear dropping on them

"Ah, okay thank you Max" She thanked him all spooked, it took a few minutes later before the arrival of others, Rumina's was on her phone, Jasper also, Ander on a conference call with some colleagues, Max and Antonio and the rest were checking the security of everyone, and preparing what's ever needed for the night…

At night all of them were prepared, expect for Norah who was clueless and Dahlia

"You still have that gun?" Rumina asked Jasper who nodded with a smile

"Norah! No matter what happened don't leave my side" Ander said also before entering the big SUV

"Jas, Gabe is still unreachable; I tried to call him, but no use. Are we just going to leave him here?" Angelika asked, she was already anxious about all of this, thinking that it was her fault

"He'll follow us in two days, don't worry" Jasper answered, more worried about their brother, and the tree ladies that he'll have to protect all by himself

"Dahlia, you go with Zach okay" Rumina sensed the tension in his eyes and sent her daughter to her uncle

"Do you think that, he'll protect her more than us?" Jasper asked more annoyed with the situation, he never liked Zach anyway

"Yes, even better than me" She replied blankly

"What makes you think that way" Angelika asked Rumina who gave them an answer and more questions to ask

"Family, Dahlia is his daughter more she is to me" She answered

"Family?" Angelika said, yet more like if she was questioning what Rumi had declared

"Family always and forever" Said Max who came to escort the little Dahlia to Zach's car, while he smiled at her and the rest

"Always and forever" somehow they all whispered the same sentence, Norah holding Ander's hand, Rumina touching her stomach, spreading warmth to her baby inside, Zach holding little Dahlia, and Ander looking at Norah, 'Always and Forever'. Even Angelika held Jasper's hand too and said family always and forever, as something changed whithin them that night the two families that had so much prejudice toward each other now they are a one strong family, a family at once...

Inanna99 Inanna99

I'm sorry that this one here had taken too much time to be published

well, I was pretty much depressed, unable to write or even think, yet this story holds something very special to me and I won't stop till the last chapter I promise

all the love I.L.Sanchez

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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