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Chapter 3: Chapter two

Amelia's POV

The first thing I noticed was that I was in my own body. We had finally shifted and it was amazing to finally be able to see out of my own eyes, smell through my own nose, hear with my own ears, and so on. Though, I had not expected to be drowned in an amazing scent after our first shift. With careful movements, I got up from where I laid on the stone floor. My sharper, clearer, and unhindered eyes searched the cave for the source of the scent. When my eyes met his grey ones, it felt as though all time stopped. I felt the air get stuck in my throat as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Hello… mate…" I called out softly, glad to hear my feminine voice. He smiled softly at me as he slowly walked over to me.

"Hello there, you aren't Killian are you?" he asked as he ran the back of his fingers across my cheek. I shook my head 'no' and he nodded in understanding.

"What might your name be?" he asked as I nuzzled into his hand.

"My name is Amelia." I answered and he smiled. He stepped back and I watched as he slowly shifted into a gray wolf with long fangs and red eyes. If he was not my mate I would have feared him by his size alone. His muscular and well built body towered over mine. However, what caught my attention was the humanoid qualities his wolf had. He was a Vardiya, just like me.

"Mate…" I heard him say in a deep and masculine. It sent shivers down my spine as my eyes met his crimson ones.

"Yes?" I responded and he did the same as his host. He gently dragged his knuckles across my cheek before he cupped it. I couldn't help it as I released a purr like growl and nuzzled into his hand.

"You are beautiful, my Amelia." he answered and pulled me to his chest. I gave a shy wolfish smile as he looked down at me. I reached up to put my paws around his neck but stopped when I noticed the colors of my once blonde fur. I looked down at my body to notice it was not just my arms. Half of my body was covered in black fur while the other half was white. I stepped out of my mates hold and pulled my hair to the front. It was the same, half black and half white.

"What color are my eyes?" I asked my mate as I looked up. He pulled me back into his hold as he looked into my eyes with concern.

"Well they are a brilliant gold. It almost looks like liquid gold. They are quite stunning my dear mate." He replied and I felt my face heat up, glad for the fur that covered my blush.

'What the hell happened to my fur? To my eyes? And why the hell do I have fangs?' I demanded internally as I freaked out. I curled further into my worried mates embrace as my gums ached. I could feel the fangs as they pushed my canines out and replaced them.

'Don't fear Amelia, these are just the physical changes that represent us finally becoming one being. After tonight we will all look different, having taken on some aspect of each of us. The only thing we will share for sure is the Golden eyes." Selene answered and I calmed. She was my Goddess and if she said it would be fine then I will put my faith in her. Instead, I turned my attention to my obviously worried mate and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Sorry to worry you but I didn't know what was happening. I used to have blonde hair and green eyes but now I don't look like me anymore. I also just grew fangs and that… that hurt like a bitch." I answered his silent question to my well being. He nuzzled into my neck as his hands held me tighter. I wondered for a brief moment if he would reject me but it flew out the window the moment I felt his teeth graze the spot his mark would go. I couldn't stop the needy whimper that escaped me as he nibbled up my neck.

"I am glad that you are alright, Amelia." he mumbled against my furry cheek as he loosened his grip on me. I moved back so that I could see his face better.

"Will you tell me your name?" I asked as my eyes met his. With everything that happened, neither of us thought of it until now. He nodded as he pushed some of the black hair away from my face.

"My name is Heath, I also share this body with Christian. However, our host will have to explain that. It is not my place." he replied and I felt the bored Jun get excited when he mentioned the name Christian.

"I am glad to have finally met you, my mate, my Heath." I purred as I cupped his cheek. He seemed pleased with the action as he nuzzled my paw.

It was sudden, one moment I was wrapped up in my mates arms. The next I had pushed him away as my stomach growled loudly and I understood this hunger. It was not for food, it was for the hunt. I had to get away from my mate before he became my prey. I knew that with all of our abilities unlocked, anyone would have a hard time against us.

"I am sorry but we must go for now. We will see you soon though." I said as I jumped from the mouth of the cave to the deep waters below. I swam to the edge and climbed out of the cool water. Without a second thought, we ran away from our mate.

'Don't worry, Amelia, he will understand. If he doesn't, then we will figure it out together." Killian encouraged as he embraced my consciousness with his own. I said nothing more as I tracked various smells to a secluded spot in the vast forest. Another wave of hunger hit me and I sniffed the air. A sweet but metallic scent filled my nose and I followed it deeper into the forest. I had no idea where I was but all that mattered was the doe that staggered in front of me. I could see the cut that ran down the side of its body. It was as if another animal had tried and failed to capture it. With no more thoughts of my mates, of the pack, of my changed appearance… I shot out of the brush and landed on the does back. I sank my claws into its neck and ripped out its jugular. It collapsed to the forest floor and I moved around to face its fear filled eyes. I rested my forehead against its own and let it know it was not hunted needlessly. I watched as the fear in its eyes turned to understanding and when the light finally went out I ate my meal.

Killian's POV (the next morning)

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was my enhanced senses. I could see so clearly, hear things from far away, and smell everything. It was intense to be in the middle of the forest. As I took in my surroundings, there were three things that were made perfectly clear. One, I was very naked and covered in blood. Two, I had no idea where I was. Third, I was completely alone inside the cave Amelia found for us to sleep in the night before.

"What have you gotten us into, Amelia?" I questioned more to myself but I could still hear her as she laughed. I walked out of the small den and looked around for a body of water. If I was to go home I would not do so naked AND covered in blood.

It took awhile for me to find a water source. When I found it, I ran straight in and cleaned off the sticky red substance. However, as I reached the water, I noticed my reflection. I looked so different than I did twenty four hours ago. I was taller by at least a foot and a half, my black hair was now half white, and my different colored eyes were almost the same. The only difference was there was now a thick gold ring around my pupils. Though the biggest contrast was the muscles that stained against my skin. Unable to do anything about it, I walked farther into the water. I was in heaven for almost twenty minutes, cleaning myself off in the warm water, until I heard a branch snap. I had seen enough movies and read enough books to know that this was not good. I got out of the water and listened carefully to my surroundings. I ducked just in time for a wolf to fly over my head. It landed about a foot away and I got into a fighting stance. When it turned around and I looked into its eyes, time froze. I could feel its emotions, hell, I could smell it's emotions. It was not malicious but curious and excited.

"Shift!" I demanded with all the dominance I possessed. I watched as it whined before the wolf changed into a grown man. A man that I had seen many times in my childhood. One that I had thought was dead.

"What the fuck is with all my loved ones coming back from the bloody dead?" I yelled as I scowled at my father.

"So it is you, Killian?" he asked with watery eyes. I looked him over and he looked tired. I gave him a nod and he wasted no time and pulled me into a hug. However, I kept my arms at my side. If he was alive, I didn't have to go through everything the fulkturts put me through.

"I have so much to explain! I have to tell your mother about this! She will be so happy to see you!" he rambled and my jaw dropped. They both had been alive for all this time and never came for me.

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