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Chapter 3: The Ugraz continent

The Ugraz continent is an Super continent, divided in 5 country's, each build by one of the five kings:

°Kingdom of Lutherin, built by Alex Lutherin, it has a mountainous terrain and many considere it the kingdom of Boulders. It's abundance of rare metal and magical crystal combined with the rivers of Lava that surround it made it a perfect place for races like the Thaurjar or the Arrangir to settle down. It is a natural fort and many I consider it impossible to invade.

°Queendom of Servrig, built by Jolene Servrig, it has a paradisiac tropical forest , filled with lushfull plants and a warm climate it is a Preferred place to Scalings and Meryweres. It's jungles make it a natural maze, almost impossible to navigate without the aid of the locals.

°Kingdom of Armrain, bu-


*knock* knock*

Mark is forcefully stopped from reading the rest of the book by someone knocking on his door. He looked back at it, the semi-brocken door almost fell from the strength of that knock.

He never got visitors before, no one ever wanted to come to his house, not even his friends would come unless they absolutely had to, usually he was the one to go to theyr houses.

He got up and picked up a Rusty knife from his bed, he forgot it there that morning. He shouldn't do it again, its dangerous to go to Pedro's place without a wepon.

He quickly readied himself and put his hand in the knob.

*squeeze*He felt his hands hurting from squizing the knife with to much strength, he was scared, it was weird for him, hes not one to get easily scared yet he got scared twice just today.... He couldn't understand it.

Maybe a part of him knew what was going to happen or maybe it didn't, but it doesn't matter, what matters is that in that moment he did a thing he shouldnt have... He opened the door... And he lost his life

He didn't know what happened, it was to fast, it was to sudden, all he saw was a man with a mirror, the man pointed the mirror toward him and hit it, but instead of the breaking what broke WAS MARK!


He waited, and waited, and keeped on waiting, but nothing happened, when he opened his eyes, that he unconsciously closed all he saw was a black room and a drawing...

'Are those shoes?'he thought

Yes, in the middle of the black room was a drawing of a pair of shoes, comical in appearance and with stupid drawn mouths on their toe caps.

' Wtf, that shit is ugly as fuck, who made it? A kid on his phone? '

[{If you're going to insult people you should make sure they can't hear you first}]

'... Did you answer my question? Whait! I read about this in my fathers book before! Is this telepathy? '

[{It seems your father was a wiser man than you, well seeing you now, being wiser than you isn't that hard}]

[{I AM ONE OF THE <ARTIFICIALIA DE REGIBUS>, the embodiment of freedom, the representatiove of king Alex Lutherin THE WALKING SHOES and I saved your life!}]

'Hahahahhah, th-the walking sh-*fuu* hahahah'



Just as Mark started laughing again he felt a force, a force so incomparable big that it made him fell like a bug.

[{Now that there's silence, I'll tell you why I saved you}]

[{A few years ago, when I was looking for a owner I stumbled upon you, don't misunderstand you usually wouldn't have enough qualifications to own me.... but your "sinc rate" is one of the best I've ever laid eyes on and I probably won't find someone else like you in the time that I have left}]

[{Afterwards I watched you for a while and realized that due to your.... Circumstances, of near slavery, your understanding of those that are oppressed is satisfactory, and in the lack of a better host I've chosen you}]

'... what do you mean with freedom? I've never read anything about <Artificialia de regibus> representing freedom.'

[{That's because they don't}]

'But you sa-'

[{I know that, before you start questioning let me finish my explanation}]

[{All <magical artifacts> have a meaning, it all comes down to what the creator of said artifact wanted during its creation, my creator made me while wishing to bring freedom to himself, to his people and to all those that do not have it, that is why my true <affinity> is <freedom>}]

[{I don't know the <affinity> of the others}]

'So... You saved me to tell me all that?'

[{I saved you because my <life force> is only enough to live 3000 years, although it may look like much for you, it's actually very little}]

[{Just the act of saving and bringing you here use more than 2500 years of my life and binding with you will expend at least 400 years}]

'Don't misunderstand I'm happy with how things are going, not only did you save me, but Im sure that with your help I'll be able to free myself from Pedro, but why? Why didn't you look for someone else, even if my <sinc rate> is as hight as you say it is, it shouldnt be hard to find someone better in 3000 years.'

[{Hahaha foolish, even if everyone in theory can become a <Singularity>, why do you think they don't?}]

[{You don't need to answer, It's because something we call <Rebound>, the higher the <sinc rate>, the easier they connect with the <life force of the world> in paper this is good, but what they don't tell you is that the higher your <since rate> the more pain you'll feel during the enlightenment.}]

[{Those incapable of withstanding that pain will die the most painful way possible, by having their existence rejected by the universe itself.}]

'... If I want to bond with you'

'what should I do?'

While looking at those shoes mark couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine.... Even though he didn't have a body at the moment, that THING mouths were smiling

[{Just say "I accept this vow of mine, I accept to be free"}]

[{An you'll be reborn back in your world 3 months before your death, but this time, with a brand new choes on your feet}]





While saying this Mark couldn't help but think of the pain he had to go through for the last 10 years.... And a thought occurred to him

'If I had a body right now, would a smile like the one the shoes have, be on my face?'

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