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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Familiar Voice

The mysterious lady looked over the sleeping beauty over the hospital bed and caressed its face she didn't even realize that a tear was already had fallen down from her right eye. Her eye has a battle scar from a sword but what forced her to wear a mask was an acid burn that almost took her cheek and partially made her right teeth shown. She looked more hideous now than she used to be.

'Find me, my beloved knight.'

"I already did, my queen. Please, wake up. I am here now." The mysterious lady held the hand of the unconscious lady as the tears never left her.

She kept holding the unconscious lady's hand who had the name Gwen while waiting for her to wake up and maybe be reminded who she was once though she knew it wasn't the case. But what the mysterious lady didn't leave within her was a prayer.

"Dear God, please keep her safe. Save her from any harm that's she dealing with right now. Please." She prayed with her bleeding heart as her tears couldn't be stopped from falling.

"I couldn't hold it anymore if I lost her again. Please…" she kept pleading in her prayer which she didn't know she was being heard by the person she was holding on to.

The young lady might be unconscious but she slowly could hear things more clearly and felt everything that was surrounding her. She could tell where she was just by the scent of her surroundings but what really caught her attention was the warmth that was familiar and kept holding her hand. Yet, there was something within that warmth, she could tell how broken the person who was holding her hand was. Something inside of her began to ache and wanting to console whoever was this person. She wanted to hold this person in her arms and say some soothing words to calm this person. Overall, she wanted to meet this person. She has to wake up. She must!

'Please, be safe.'

The same voice from the same lady echoed to Gwen's hearing and her heart suddenly stirred up as if she knew the person really well. The eagerness to wake up was getting intense just to meet the person who owns those caring voices. It really sounded familiar to her as if she's been with that person.

"I might have no idea who was this lady but let me meet her. Let me be with her. I don't want her to cry…please, God…let me…she needs me." Gwen suddenly prayed with her all night to the point her body began to move.

Gwen was struggling inside as she wanted to get up and hold whoever this person was but she couldn't move at all. There was something was stopping her from doing it until she heard a door open and the hand that has been holding her parted slightly. But the presence of that lady who owns those hands was still beside her.

Meanwhile, the mysterious lady beside the unconscious young lady, looked by the door since her team finally made it in time.

"Boss, how is she?" Tacker asked as soon as he opened the door of the hospital room of the young lady that they rescued after he knocked.

"Doing good. Got anything for me?" she asked them as soon as they got inside the room.

"Your favorite, tuna sandwich with hot cocoa." Yui answered as she handed a box paper bag and the hot cocoa to their team leader before she went to the other side to look carefully over the sleeping lady on the bed.

"Great for late breakfast. Anything else?" their boss and team leader asked before she took as sip from her hot cocoa and went to the couch.

"You removed your mask." Tacker noticed that the masked lady just rolled her eyes as she ignored his comment and looked seriously at Irina.

"Here's what I've got from the orphanage…" Irina took notice of the seriousness of their leader and handed over what she gather from talking to the people around the orphanage.

"Let's hear it then." She took the hand written note and waited for Irina to talk about it while she started eating her late breakfast.

"Gwen Natsrisperi Daae was still a baby when she was left at the front door of the orphanage. They tried to look for a trace of where she came from or her birth parents but they found nothing. She was growing up and no one dare to adopt her even though she was very kind and helpful around the orphanage." Irina answered as she went closer to the edge of the bed and took a seat there.

"Did they tell why?" their leader wondered before munching again her sandwich and reading it.

"Not until the Daae family did. From then they heard nothing besides that they were traveling a lot and she wasn't a difficult child. She was just full of life that brightens the life of the Daae couple that's why they sent charity money to the orphanage and Gwen was delighted with the idea. She was thankful to them as well as to her adoptive parents. From their free time, they came to visit and play with the kids and even help with the renovations which the orphanage kept growing." Irina kept continuing the information about the young lady that they took in.

"Her adoptive parents what happened to them?" Yui wondered as she was looking around the room this time.

"Their last trip took their life away when Gwen couldn't come with them because of her work as a model." Irina answered as she was studying carefully the sleeping Gwen.

"So that's why she stopped her modeling career…" Tacker guessed as he kept his spot leaning over the wall beside the room's door.

"Exactly, but she catches some rumors that she was being pregnant or something because she suddenly vanished and only her agency knew the reason and that's because she just lost her parents." Irina answered as she scowled over Gwen's sleeping figure. She was noticing something revolving around the young lady.

"She grieving and she doesn't want it to be shown in the photo." Their leader answered the reason that the young lady might be thinking when she stopped her career.

"True. But Boss, there was something revolving around her. She was the cause of the burn - well, it was according to what I've gathered." Yui added about what she got from the burned orphanage earlier.

"She wasn't the cause of it. Something else." Their leader answered that she was exactly done with her food.

"Care to tell us." Irina was curious about it since there was indeed something different from the lady that they'd just rescued.

"She has those memories from the past." Their leader only manage to say as she stood up from the couch that she was sitting on and went closer to the hospital bed.

As the mysterious lady and their leader went close to the bed, the sleeping body of Gwen started to twitch. Then a sudden warmness began to steam out from the body which their attention. Irina stepped away from sitting at the edge of the bed but their leader didn't. Instead, she held it hand and the sudden heat that was steaming out went to its calm state.

"What's going with her, boss?" Yui sounded like a frightened child as she hid behind Tacker – her mate.

"She's trying to wake up but her body could just yet." She was answered by their leader whose hand was caressing Gwen's hand in a soothing motion.

"How's her healing capacity?" Irina wondered as she could see the steam was still radiating around Gwen's sleeping body. She could see the flow of air around there.

"Remarkable one. Within two to three days, she'll be out here." She answered Irina like what she learned from Irina's husband a while ago.

"What should we tell the orphanage?" Tacker wondered because the young lady won't be able to go back to the orphanage like she used to. There were some changes that were already happening to her.

"Let's wait for her to decide before we could take her with us." Their leader told them that they understood completely the process since all of them went through that kind of change apart from their leader.

"Hope once she learns things that everything will be different for her, she won't run away from it." Irina added as she released a sigh before she went to the window to calm down from what she saw around Gwen.

Silence took over the room as they wait for another twitch from Gwen's body because they want to be one who she'll be meeting since there was something she has to know. Speaking of, the deepest part of Gwen's mind, she already heard them and she couldn't understand everything that made her uneasy as she wanted to tell them wrong or argue with them. But her body was preventing her from doing that yet there's a calming motion suddenly erupted throughout her entire body. She could feel the same touch that has been holding her throughout the day and a broken voice suddenly echoed into the darkness where she was locked up.

'Wake up, my queen…'

She kept hearing them and aimlessly she followed where it was leading her through the madness of this darkness that has been blinding her sight. There was something in that voice that calmed her as if she was at peace around that voice and she also could tell that the person who was holding her and speaking to her was one. She might not have any proof of it but her heart and her feelings were telling her the same thing which she believed in.

'...please, wake up.'

Slowly she was getting some glimpse of light that she has never seen before. It was faint but the more she was getting close to the light, the it was small but brighter light than she ever knew. It could give such warmness that she never thought of seeing or even feeling in the midst of this darkest she was.

"…" Gwen stuttered as she tried to reach out to the warm light she didn't realize that her body was doing the same motion and voiced out what she's been trying to say to the broken voice.

Her eyes were still shut but the will she has was already making her body move in a short period of time. As her hand was in reaching motion, a gentle hand grabbed it yet, Gwen knew who owns it.

"You." Gwen's weak voice caught the mysterious lady's attention.

"What about me?" she asked while still holding Gwen's hand ever since she couldn't remember which formed some threatening tears that were waiting to fall.

"Name." Gwen directly commanded as she wanted to know the name of her savior.

"Slavica Baldisimo but you can call me whatever name you see fit on calling me." She finally heard the name of the person who possessed the familiar yet broken voice ringing through her ears. Gwen wanted to chuckle at the tone that she used but she sensed something coming from the lady beside her.

"Hey, don't cry…Slavica, don't cry." Gwen out of the blue reached for Slavica's face which took her off guard. Slavica was suddenly frozen to her spot.

"I'm here. You found me." She added not minding the feel over her palms when she touched the side of the face of Slavica that has hideous scars.

The mysterious lady named Slavica Baldisimo couldn't find her words as she couldn't believe that the person she had just rescued had the guts to touch her broken side. She couldn't help it anymore what was a warming of her heart as soon as Gwen managed to touch without hesitation the broken heart that she has.

"Yes, I found you." Slavica was totally glad as her tears once again fell down from her eyes. She even holds the hand of Gwen upon her broken cheek before kissing it with such tenderness.

Gwen felt the heat form over her cheeks but what really burns her was her heart. She feels some heat suddenly being ignited from within and the cause was this lady who was holding her dearly. There was something around Slavica that made her fully trust the lady as if her soul found its half. She felt not just comfortable around her presence. She could feel that she could do everything without thinking of a doubt. With just that feeling revolving around her chest, slowly and carefully, she began opening her eyes to see the lady that was keeping her feel safe and secure. But before she could manage to take a look or even just a glimpse, Slavica quickly turned around and anger was over the top of her chest.

"DON'T LOOK!" Slavica suddenly shouted that making everyone in the hospital room jolt and looked worried about what made her react like that. She just quickly went into her defensive mode as she also tried her best not to unleash the madness that she was keeping at bay.

"Vica…" Gwen carefully and softly called her out of the blue which stirred something in Slavica to calm down.

"Don't ever look over the creature of the night…it will haunt your dreams." Slavica continued her warning as if she feared that Gwen will be frightened her.

For Slavica, she's already a hideous monster that haunts anyone who sees or touches that part of her face. But Gwen did something that made Slavica taken back a little when she sneak a touch over the scarred face that she was hiding from her.

"I've seen countless hideous and haunting nightmares that I could barely get out from. It was surprising that I've still alive after having them…so seeing one or maybe even more in person, won't be that surprising anymore." Gwen softly told Slavica with her kind heart that she always had in her but there was coldness wrapping around them which her mysterious savior sensed.

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