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Chapter 2: Meeting new people

I woke up when I feel the shaking.

'When did... I fell asleep?'

"Ah, are you awake? I was just about to wake you up. Guess, there is no need then."

I look around, there are plenty of chairs gathered in a circle with me on one of the chairs. I stare at the man beside me.

"How am I here? Where are we?" He chuckles and changes glance with the person next to him, who wore a blue suit.

"You are sitting on the same chair before you fell asleep." I look at him in confusion. He's wearing a white suit, so he was the person who sat in the front row. I want to ask how but he beats me to it.

"While you were sleeping, all the chairs here move slowly and line up in a circle as you can see. It's not that long, you woke up right after it stop moving."

Now, it all makes sense to me. I check the device again to see if he is telling me the truth and yes he is because the device shows we are still on the launchpad. The only thing different here is the arrangement of all the chairs.

"This device is very helpful. It shows us the direction and detailed information of the map. This way we won't get lost, right?" He continues talking.

"Hey, let's get out of here. Others already leave us and go outside. They are probably checking this place out." The guy in the blue suit says.

"Yeah, let's do that. How about you, black? Sorry, I don't know your name. I'm Ridwan. Just call me Wan."

"Rizki..." I say.

"Riz then! What about you, blue guy? Haha, it sounds funny when I just call you by colour." He laughs out loud after he finishes his sentences receiving a glare from the other guy.

"Should I call you white guy? Or better, pale dude?" He sarcastically says.

"Oh no, please don't. I'm just kidding. So, what's your name?"

"Call me Ed. You going to shorten my name anyway, so it's better if I shorten my name."

"Hahahaha, right. Now, let's go Riz, Ed but where should we go first?" He stops his track, turning around with a blank face.

"I say we go to the cafeteria first. I'm hungry."

"Good idea, I'm hungry too after taking a nap. How long since we left earth?" I check the device to see where the cafeteria is located.

"I think about half an hour? Maybe less. We don't have traffic while travelling on air though." He jokes, causing us to laugh.

Once out, we meet with a long hallway. A few doors lining up the whole way. On the map, it says empty bedrooms which I count it and there are ten of them. So, each of us would get our own room if we want to rest.

"Let's see, it should be here," Wan says opening the door open slowly.

"Bingo!" He cheers.

"Of course it is. The map said so." Ed facepalm. I can only laugh at his response.

Inside the cafeteria, there are also other people here. Like us, they are also hungry and... look at their table! Full of a freshly cooked meal. It made me drools a little just from smelling it. Smells delicious!

"If you guys want to eat, go take the tray over there and pick anything you want to eat. The machine will cook for you if you put your tray in that microwave box." One of them says. I'm guessing it's the person with the brown suit that's talking to us based on how he moves. The person next to him, which in lime suit did not move at all but only stare at us.

"Thanks." We all thank him and go to where the trays are. I choose to have grilled meat with rice and salad. Putting it inside the box, the food is being processed in the machine. I watch the timer.

"5 minutes..."

"What are you having, Riz?"

"Grilled meat. You?" I look down on Ed's tray.

"Lambchop. It's been a while since the last time I ate western food. It doesn't seem like we have to pay for it either."

"We never know... What if they charge us after we got home?" I smirk.

"Ugh... then, I'll have Wan pay it for me." Wan who heard his name being mentioned immediately counterattack.

"No! You pay them yourself! I'm not a rich man like you!"

"I'm not rich either..." Ed replies.


"Ah, looks like mine is ready." I take the food out. It's a bit hot so I use the gloves nearby. Carefully, I bring it to the table and put it down.


"Finally! Ouch!" Ed loud cries, startling me and the others.

"Ed, use this. It's hot." I pass the gloves to him.

"Thanks, bro." Once he takes it out, he walks to sit next to me.

"Let's dig in."

"Yeah, let's eat."

"Bismillah..." We both say our prayer as a thank to our creator for giving us delicious food.

"Wow, you two aren't waiting for me? Fine, is this what friends for?" Wan reaches our table a bit later after we begin eating so he's sulking at us for not waiting on him.

"Since when did we become friends?" Ed sarcastically says. I pat his shoulder to stop him from teasing Wan too much.

"Sorry, Wan. Let's eat. What did you get?"

"Fried rice with chicken. I see you two are having western food, huh?" He sits down, still pouting.

We enjoy our food together with laughter and getting to know each other more. Out of the corner of my eyes, I caught lime suit person staring at us again.

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