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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Rani did know how she managed to pull herself out of bed the following days. But every day she forced herself to put her bare feet on the cold wooden floors and get dressed. She started to find comfort in the predictability of her daily life. Wake up, Get dressed, breakfast, The king's council, Lunch, The Queen's court, Dinner, Bed.

Rani was currently in the Ladies court listening to young women gossip and laugh. Reva was on a date with Easton but promised to be here for the last half. Rani was silently counting the minutes.

Eirian Milcah. Verda's daughter was talking to a small group near her when the mention of Reva's name caught her interest.

"I'm only saying that Reva was a maid. Even if she was the princess's maid, how could she make a good adviser for her majesty," She spoke. Ever the sweet refined Lady. Her red curly hair swayed as she used hand gestures to convey her point.

The other girls looked nervously at Rani, she shot Eirian a glare. And continued reading her the papers before her.

Sure she should have defined her best friend, but she wasn't in the mood to argue and these papers. She'd like to get them done before dinner. Besides, Reva always told her she could take care of herself, which was true. The girl could practically stab you with words.

"I mean really, Reva doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut, and she's so provocative." Eirian continued.

"I find Reva's personality refreshing." Said Princess Iris Tatsuya, daughter of King Tybalt of Kalopsia. A kingdom to the west, known for its art and colorful culture.

She had just arrived yesterday. Besides greeting her, Rani hadn't spoken to the princess yet. Though she had been stunted by her beauty and her outfit. Iris was a pale tan, yellow-tinted color, and had caramel eyes. Today she wore ten big gold bracelets, five on each hand, and a bright red two-piece dress. Her lips were painted red and her hair was up in a bun with a small crown holding it in place. Rani had to admire the red dot on her forehead that was common in her culture.

"Well of course you would, I heard your father lets you run wild in Kalopsia." Eirian snapped.

"Sounds like my kind of person," Reva said from the doorway. Eirian Snarled at her. "Your princess Iris Right," Reva said, ignoring Eirian.

"Yes, and it a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reva."

"Wait," Reva looked to Rani, "am I a lady now?"

Rani looked up from her papers and frowned, "To be honest, I have no clue. No, I believe you need lands to be a lady."

Reva shrugged, "Anyway, if you get bored of being insulted," She said to Iris. " Your welcome to join her Majesty and me, There will still be insults, but they'll be funny." She winked at the Princess and headed for Rani.

Rani instantly put her half-finished papers down on the glass table before her. She stared at Reva, waiting. Reva fought a smile, but ultimately failed.

"I thought you wanted to get those done before dinner?" Reva asked. Iris did indeed take up Reva's invitation. They both sat down in the cushioned pale green chairs across from her.

"Work can wait, so how did it go."

"You do realize this is like our tenth date right."

Rani just waited. Reva, being a stubborn ass, just stared her down.

Princess Iris, bless her, asked, "Who was your date with?"

"A boy from the city," Reva sighed, then smiled, "His name is Easton and he works at the docks."

"He's really cute too. Way out of Reva's league." Rani told Iris, who laughed.

"I am not out of his league," Reva said, trying her best to look out ragged but failing miserably. "But yes he is really hot."

"So, what did you two love birds do?" Rani asked. So what if it was their tenth date but it was the first one since Reva brought him to dinner for her to meet and approve of. And it wasn't often that Reva dated at all, of course, Rani wanted the details.

"We went sailing on his boat and had a picnic at sea," She said smiling at the memory.

"How romantic," Iris said.

"Indeed, but the real question is how hot was it at sea today?" Rani Asked. Smirking like a cat.

"Rani, really?" Reva said blushing a bit.

"I don't understand, why does that matter?" Iris asked.

"Because," Rani explained. "When it's hot and boys are doing manual labor, they tend to take their shirts off." Reva slapped her palm on her forehead.

"Oh," Iris said, grinning at Reva's discomfort. "well, when I took a walk this morning, it was indeed a rather hot day for the autumn season."

"I hate both of you." They waited, both smirking. "Oh all right, Yes he did take his shirt off, and yes he does have abs, and yes he is really, really hot without a shirt." They all burst out laughing.

"And, who in their right minds would date a loud mouth bitch like you Reva?" Eirian drawled from her spot at the table near them.

"You mean like your ex-boyfriend." Reva retorted. Eirian growled and turned back to the other ladies at her table.

"You dated her boyfriend?" Iris said, shocked and full of reproach.

"What? No!," Reva Explained. "He asked me out while he was with Eirian, I told him that he was an asshole and to get lost. We were never friends but I would never do that."

"Then why does she hate you so much?"


"Probably because of her father. Or if it is because of that I wish she'd understand that it wasn't my fault. Boys should be held responsible for their actions. You can't blame a girl just because your boyfriend hit on her."

"Agreed," Iris said. Rani decided they should change the subject.

"So how long will you be staying in Lumos Iris."

"Until your coronation is over. Your city is beautiful but I'd like to return home. Our ways are much less" She passed thinking of the right word. "Formal."

"I've heard," Reva said, "Is it true you have pink sand beaches?"

"Oh yes, they are very beautiful."

"Rani as your Right hand, I deem it a matter of extreme importance we take a trip to Kalopsia one day." Reva declared.

"I thought you wanted to go to hell," Rani smirked.

"Our dead kingdom can wait, they're stuck there for eternity after all." Iris gave them worried glances. And Rani remembered her culture took evil spirits very seriously.

"We're not actually the Queens of hell, it's just a joke since people tell us to go to hell a lot," Rani explained. Even if the phrase was mostly directed at Reva.

"I Like to respond with," Reva made her eyes glow for effect. "Where do you think I came from, Don't worry, I'll see you in front of my throne soon enough."

"You shouldn't joke about the underworld, dark spirits are getting restless. You'd do well not to anger them," was Iris's response.

"I can't promise that, but if it makes you uncomfortable we'll refrain from joking about it around you," Reva said.

"Thank you," Iris said. Reva draped her legs over the side or her chair. Letting her head  fall back on the other arm and closed her eyes.

"What do you mean dark spirits are getting restless." Reva opened one eye and gave her a look, but Rani hadn't told her about the dreams. Of waves and dark shapes and her mother and father ship sinking.

"There have been more sightings in the northern parts of the Waist, of dark spirits and evil things."

"That's, on the other side of the world from Kalopsia, how come we haven't heard of it?" Reva asked.

"Tell me, Where were your parents heading, before they died?" Was her response. Reva glared at the princess. Rani pushed back the pain and told the princess.

"To The Easter Islands, to help after that storm." The princess gave her a knowing look that had her wondering if she, too, had powers of her own.

"It's true, King Nero even tried to get me to come, because my powers could possibly stop another storm. Though the Queen convinced him it was too dangerous and I haven't learned those sorts of skills yet. She got rather angry at him." Reva said.

"What, you didn't tell me that." Rani glared.

"Your Mom asked me not to." She paused, "Yeah okay it sounds suspicious saying it out loud, but if they were going to the Waist why bring me."

"I don't know," Iris admitted and studied Reva a bit too closely.

"I'm sorry to say, but I don't believe in gods, and devils, and all that stuff," Reva said.

"No, you don't strike me as the person who would. You like freedom too much. You would not like the idea of a higher power controlling everything I suppose," Iris said. Her dark eyes still studied Reva with unnerving clarity.

"Damn, I see you're also good at reading people," Reva said with forced lightness. Rani knew she didn't like the idea of someone being able to read her so easily.

"Yes, I don't have a specific power like you two." A motion to the both of them, "But my senses are better than most, and I'm rather good at piecing things together. Tell me Reva, Who is your mother?"

"Zemira, She was The Queen's lady in waiting. Why?"

"Where is she now?"

"She died when I was fourteen, from a rare disease that slowly ate away her muscles."

"My condolence," Iris said sadly. "Pregnancy must have been terrible for her, I knew a woman with the same disease and she lost her baby because of it."

"I don't know, she never talked about it."

"And who is your father?"

"She never told me, though I asked many times."

Iris looked intrigued and Reva looked worried. Rani was getting worried herself. What was Iris getting at?

"What does all this have to do with my parents And the evil spirits."

"I'm not sure yet," Iris said.

"Okay this is getting to be a little too carnival oracle for me, let's talk about Kalopsia again," Reva said.

"Oh yes, you should definitely come to the city of Galad, where I live. It is very beautiful and I'd love to show it to you." Iris said as if she had not just asked questions that had Rani's mind spinning.

"I want to Travel so bad," Reva said. Always the good actor but Rani could still see the confusion and worry in her fidgeting hands. Currently tearing up an old receipt she had taken from the pocket of her black cotton pants.

"Me as well, my friend. I have yet to visit many parts of our world and wish to see it all."

"Now you're talking my language." Reva laughed. Rani, who shook her head to free her from the swirling thought. Picked up her papers from the glass table between them.

"Want some help with those," Reva asked.

"No, it's mostly just laws and letters, to respond to." Rani Sighed. Reva shrugged and fell into conversation with the princess of Kalopsia and left Rani to work. 

By the time they headed for dinner, Rani was ready to bash her head in the wall. She had some much work to do, and her parent's funeral was tomorrow. A twinge of pain, Rani ignored it, choosing to focus on her stress and fear. Then her coronation after that.

Her only comfort was the friend who walked at her side. Reva caught her glance and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Just dinner, then I can lose myself in a world of literature," Rani said. As she pushed open the oak doors that lead to the great hall.

"Have you started the ones I suggested?"

"Nope, like any good reader, I chose to reread a series I have already read about ten times."

"I can relate but you have to read them. So I can complain about how I'm in love with most of the characters without ruining the book."

"And what would Easton say if I told him you were in love with a  fae prince."

"Who cares what he thinks, fictional fae worriers are superior."

They laughed as they took their seats at the head of the table.

The great hall had been rearranged for the gathering nobility. Here to pay respects and bear witness to Rani's coronation. The castle workers were kicked out until they all went home. Though there were more guards, a mix from other kingdoms and lords who brought them.

Reva had informed her this morning that Eric had to break apart five fights the past few days. Those who were on their second offense, he made them train with him, Clarissa and Reva.

Eric had claimed that a lot of guards came to watch, wondering what was so bad about training with a few girls. Then Reva had demolished five at once and Clairiss three. They all decide they rather like their balls and none have fought since.

Reva and Clarissa wasted no time being humble about their victory. Two days later they had most of the guards terrified of them. Some even avoided them, going as far as leaving a room as soon as they had entered.

"Those aren't girls, they're spawn's from hell." Rani had overheard one say. When she told Reva, she looked very pleased with herself. Clarissa had shared the feeling.

All the lords -except for a chosen few-  found tables around the great hall with their families. Leaving the royalty and Reva of course to gather around the big oak table in the center. Iris and her Father chose seats near them and Rani didn't know how she felt about it.

"Your Majesty," King Tybalt greeted her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and you Reva, '' he said looking to her, "my daughter has told me so much about you." Reva raised her eyebrows.

"All good things, all good things," he chimed.

"Well, then she couldn't have told you that much if she only said the nice things," Reva replied.

The King of Kalopsia Let out a barking laugh, "You are silver-tongued, aren't you."

"To the annoyance of most men I meet."

"Oh, you should come to Kalopsia, we pride ourselves on having more equality."

"Oh yes, Iris and I were talking about Galad in court today. It sounds wonderful. One day perhaps I will visit."

"Our doors will always be open to you, Reva of the storm." He said

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Reva said even as her eyes brows rose at the title he used.

The kitchen maids came in caring verse trays of food, some Rani recognized others, she did not. Foreign. For her guest from around the world.

She took the calm moment to survey the other Royals at the table. Queen Aarshi Ayanna of Kalon, sat at the opposite end with a very tall headdress and white robes. Her skin was so dark it was like the night sky.

The queen's attention was on Reva, who was talking to Iris about the food from Kalopsia. Rani Couldn't read her face. Though she began to wonder why both the king of Kalopsia and the queen of Kalon had such an interest in Reva.

The queen must have felt her stare because she looked at her and dipped her head a bit. A recognition from one queen to another. Rani returned the gesture. Then looked at Reva who was poking at a weird ball of rice with a sunny side egg on top of it.

"Oh, just try it Reva," Iris said.

"Alright, Alright," Reva picked up her fork and took a bite.

"Well?" Iris asked.

Reva swallowed and looked at the plate, "It's good." She said eyebrows scrunched toward each other.

"See I told you."

"What's it called?" Rani Asked

"Nasi Goreng," Iris said, "roughly translated to fried rice in common tong."

Rani smiled at the princess and grabbed a bowl of weird looking soup. She immediately regretted it, it was disgusting. Not wanting to be rude she forced herself to eat it.

A dark-haired man with a long beard and tan skin, King Theon Payton of Vad sat beside her. He looked a little put out by Lord Nakoa, the eastern islands advocate. Who was unceremoniously eating chicken legs. Sauce running down his light brown face and onto his bare chest. 

Rani ruled the eastern islands, but they mostly governed themselves. Electing a leader to get them what they needed from Her court.

"Your quiet tonight Rani," Reva said, not a question.

"The last time I saw most of the people was that world festival when I was twelve. And now I'm their equals, yet I have no clue what I'm doing." Rani whispered.

Something flashed in Reva's eyes at the mention of the world festival. Rani remembered she had been forbidden from seeing it. For reasons she couldn't remember. She had been so upset she couldn't go.

"Rani," Reva answered in a whisper. "You're doing fine, not everyone can handle everything you've been through in the past few weeks. But you're alive and thriving."

"What would I do without you?"

"Crash and burn probably."

Rani and her turned their heads as the oak doors of the great hall opened. For a second she saw the young redhead boy with a horrible message. She blinked and he had been replaced with a dancing group dressed in dark blue and Ava Ligeia. The most reputable singer in Marmoris. She knew Reva loved her. So when  some of the other ladies and her planned this first night with all the royalty and visitors. She had booked her. A surprise to thank Reva for always being there. Reva was gaping back and forth, between her and Ava.

"You didn't!" She said.

"Oh, but I did." Rani Replied.

"What's happening?" Iris asked.

"That," Reva said Looking back at the singer who began her trek to the stage up front, "Is Ava Ligeai. She is the most popular song artist in Marmoris. I go to see her perform every chance I get."

Reva looked at Rani again, still slightly gaping.

"It's a thank you," Rani said laughing at her friend's face, "for your loyalty and friendship."

"You don't have to thank me for that Rani."

"No, but I wanted to. Besides I just decided seeing you gap like a fish is my new favorite thing."

Reva closed her mouth and gave her a finger that had Iris coughing on her water. Then she turned to watch the performers.

The performance was, well Rani didn't have the words to describe it. It told a story of a forgotten land, of wings and skies that danced with light. Of a warrior queen and king who battled darkness but lost, leaving their home in ruins.

Reva was silently crying at the end of it. Rani was close, and Iris was glancing at her father with something she could not interpret.

When the clapping was done. Reva asked her, "Have you ever heard that story? I feel like I have somewhere but I can't remember.

It was Iris who answered. "It is a long-forgotten story, few know it. I wonder where she heard it from?" Reva shrugged.

Once dinner was finally over. Reva and her walked to their rooms, in the eastern twin towers, that were connected by a hallway made of stone. Rani undressed and fell right into a heavy sleep

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