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Chapter 2: Gone?

"Take a seat." He ordered.

I didn't move from my place and he took out a gun.

"Move!" He shouted. I jumped a little and rushed to my couch. I was sitting across from him and he looked very mad.

"Tae get her phone" He ordered.

Tae came to get my phone and I did hold back. He gave me the look though and I gave it to him. I didn't even want to look up anymore.

"Do me a favor and I won't kill you." He said.

I looked up at him as he went through my phone and I got nervous.

"You called this officer didn't you?" He asked.

I didn't answer him as I smelled death and fear taking over my body. He slammed his hand on the table that was in between us.

"Yes!" I shouted as I wanted to cry.

He laughed and said "You will fix this problem that you caused."

I softly asked "How?"

He said "He will call you and ask why you called. You will say that you saw a guy. The guy that you will tell him that you saw is Tae."

I looked up at him confused and then at Tae. Was he turning in his friend or what?

"Got it?" He said holding my phone in his hand.

I didn't say anything. Tae grabbed my phone and handed it to me.

"If you don't. I will use my new baby on you." He said taking out a rifle like if he was going to shoot a big and full crowd.

Tae said "You'll just say you saw a guy there. It's very simple."

The phone ringed and it was him. My hand shaked as I wanted to pick it up and call for help. He pointed the gun at me and not just him but the others too. This was going to turn into a bloody scene. I picked it up and he whispered "Speaker."

"Hello?" I said trying to stabilize my shaky voice.

"Who's this?" The officer asked.

"It's Poe. The girl from the graveyard." I said as I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Did someone go or do you want to confess that someone went yesterday?" He asked.

I said "I saw a guy come today."

Tae whispered "Tell him you heard him say on the phone that he would be at the graveyard again."

The officer said "I will need you to come by tomorrow to give me a descriptive of the guy."

I said "I heard him say on the phone that he would be at the graveyard again tomorrow."

He hanged up and he didn't even thank me for the information.

"What do we do now?"

Tae said "Jimin you'll still go with Jungkook and Jin."

Jin said "Where is he at?"

Jungkook came out of the kitchen and asked "I'm looking for food."

Tae asked "Why you always looking for food?"

Jungkook said "It's not for me. I'm looking for food for Rm and J-hope."

Rm said "What do we do, Yoongi?"

He said "I'll stay here and make sure this doesn't get out of hand for now. J-hope and you will go do your thing. The rest of you know your spots."

Yoongi took my phone and put it in his pocket. Everyone left and left us alone. I didn't move and he just played with his gun. I just gazed at him and thought how I would die tomorrow.

"Aren't you going to eat and shower?" He asked still looking down at his toy.

I didn't say anything as I was to scared to even get up. What if he hit me and knocked me out.

He looked up at me and put the gun down on my table.

"Poe, I won't hurt you unless if you do something dumb like earlier." He smirked.

I let out a slow sigh and went to shower. After, I was done I went into my room and saw my sliding door. I didn't hesitate and opened my door. I saw a red dot gliding through the grass and was now pointing at my chest. My eyes widen when I saw him come out the bushes.

"What are you doing out here in a robe?" He asked getting closer to me. I tried closing my door but it got stuck. I kept trying to close it shut but it just wouldn't do nothing. He was getting closer but at least he put the gun down. I began to cry as he was right infront of me and I couldn't shut it. He got down and removed a little rock that was in the way. He locked the door and sighed.

"Poe, Poe, Poe, what should we do to you for punishment? Hm?" He asked as he pinned me to the wall and rubbed his gun on the side of my face.

"Please, stop." I whispered.

Yoongi let go and asked "You can't stay still? Should I tie you?"

I looked at him with disapproval and asked "Will you kill me tomorrow?"

"Hurry up and get out. Food is on the table. Jungkook got some for you." He said before leaving my room. I looked towards my sliding door and he came back inside.

"Don't make me stand here and watch your every move. When I say every move, I mean it." He said checking me out. I walked into my closet and changed. I got in bed and didn't go to the kitchen. He came inside my room again.

"Come and eat." He ordered me.

"I'm not hungry." I said turning to my side to sleep.

He brought a chair and adjusted it. He sat right infront of my bed and watched me.

I looked at him and asked "Will you be here all night stalking me?"

Someone knocked on my sliding door and it was Rm then J-hope came in.

Yoongi left and Rm stood by my bedroom door. J-hope stood outside my sliding door and I don't know where Yoongi was at. I fell asleep and woke up the next day by someone's stare. J-hope was looking at me from outside my glass door and he got out his phone when we made eye contact. I got up to change and went to the living room.

Yoongi came in like if it was his house and popped his neck infront of me.

Rm laughed and asked "Rough night?"

Yoongi coldly said "It always is."

Rm stop smiling and went outside with J-hope.

Yoongi came to me and said "Your day will go as any other work day. If you try anything I swear to whatever in this word that I will make you work for a prostitution company. I will have no mercy on you. So, you better be in your best behavior or you will regret this for life."

I got chills on my body when he said that and I believed him. He gave me back my phone but warned me that he could hear everything. I walked right after him and he left in his beautiful car. I walked to the graveyard but I knew I was getting followed. The officer was already there waiting on me and I felt the pressure.

Buke the rude officer said "I'll be out here all day waiting on the suspect. Just call me when you see him or see something weird."

I did my job as the day went by and felt so bad. I was so uncomfortable for having many eyes on me but also for lying. It was getting late and no one was coming. I looked over at Woozi's grave and wondered what happened to him.

Buke said "Just give a descriptive of the person that you saw yesterday."

My eyes widen and said "Him."

Buke turned around and said "Tae?"

I looked at him shocked and Tae heard him. He made his way to us and I didn't know what was going on.

"You know him?" I asked confused.

Buke sighed and said "Tae is a police officer working with me."

Tae said kind of wanting to laugh. "I got information about maybe people being here but I guess it's all of us here."

Buke said "If you see someone else call me. Unless if it's a officer like me."

Tae said "Yeah just let any of us know about any information you get. We're here to protect you and your love ones."

Buke said "Alright, I'm heading back to the station."

Tae said "I'll meet you up later."

Buke left and Tae said "Come with me."

I didn't even want to go with him but I had no choice. He opened up the back door and Yoongi was in the back seat. I sat next to him and he handed me an envelope.

"What's in it?" I asked.

He said "Open it."

I opened it and it was a pack of money. I grabbed his hand and gave it back to him.

"I don't want it. I get my money by working hard here and I love my clean money." I said.

"It's clean." He said.

"I don't care. Go spend it on flowers and fix up Woozi's grave. He gets pretty lonely. Can I leave?" I said putting my hand on the door handle.

Yoongi rubbed his lips with his fingers and nodded. I opened the door and left. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I felt like I was going to throw up for standing up for myself. I really hope that I never encounte him again. I dried my face and I went outside.

"Poe? Are you ok?" Mr. Pac asked me with concern.

I smiled and nodded. I went back to the office and fixed some documents. A few days went by and I opened up the gates from the graveyard.

"Poe, I'm going out of town because some employee got sick and I need to cover." Mr. Pac informed me.

"Oh ok. Don't worry I got this." I said.

I walked around just to see if anything looked weird or out of place but everything was ok. I headed towards Woozi's area and my eyes widen. His tomb was empty. I gasped and called Mr. Pac. He told me to call the cops. I called Buke and told him Woozi was gone. I knew if I told him, Tae would find out and come.

Yoongi came with his gun and pointed it at me.

"Where is he!" He asked aggressively.

"I don't know!" I shouted back at him.

He pushed me against the wall really hard.

"TELL ME!" He yelled in my face.

Tae pulled him back and said "Calm down. Think with the mind. Let's go, to the cameras and check who did this."

Jimin said "Yoongi leave before Buke gets here and sees you. We can't expose you."

Yoongi said "You work here and don't know?!"

I felt like he wanted to strangle me as he had his hands on the side of my shoulders.

"I just got here. I promise I don't know." I said putting my hands over his. Jungkook and Jin pulled him off of me. He raised his gun at them and they raised their hands in the air. I ran into the office and Tae was downloading something on a chip. He gave it to Jimin and then gave it to Rm.

Rm said "Let's go. We'll figure this out at home."

Yoongi pointed his finger at me and Jin pushed it down.

I got behind Tae and watched them leave. I looked around and saw Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Tae stay.

"Aren't you guys leaving?" I asked kind of scared.

Jimin hushed me and I glanced away. Buke came and asked "I guess they thought by taking Woozi's body his brother would show up here."

Buke asked me "So, you don't know nothing?"

I said "I don't know. I just got here and found it empty."

Buke went into the office with all the cameras and looked on the screen.

Buke ordered them all to leave to the tomb to see if there was any evidence left behind. Tae gave me the stare before leaving the office.

I gulped before asking "Why are you obsessed over Woozi's body? Why do you want to know who visits him?"

He didn't take his eyes off the screen as he explained "Woozi was killed by the mafia and his brother left a note saying that he would find the killer and kill him for revenge. We aren't sure if his brother is in the mafia or what does he do for a living. When we find him we will find out who he is. We will know who killed Woozi and then put them all in jail. Get all those motherfuking mafias all in jail once in for all."

I widen my eyes as I couldn't believe any of this and Buke didn't know about Tae, Jungkook, Jin and Jimin knowing Yoongi. These guys were fooling Buke and I knew the truth. I was becoming involved in this situation. I could now get murdered by him or them.

Buke turned back to see me.

"What?" I asked.

Buke said in a very serious tone. "I'm going to have to take you in."

I gasped and asked "Why?!"

Buke said "You were the last one to be seen on camera."

I was so scared now. "But I didn't do nothing." I said with a shaky voice.

He arrested me and put me in his car. Jungkook looked very shocked when he saw me in the car.

We headed to the police station and I was getting very mad. I was put in a room and I knew I was getting stalked from the other side of the window. My lawyer came in and so did Buke.

Buke said "I want to know what you did to the cameras."

My lawyer said "You can't hold her back. You have no evidence that she has anything to deal with Woozi's disappearance."

Buke left angry out of the room.

"Thank you so much." I said as I got out the office.

Tae and the rest of them were sitting in there little spaces with laptops and other paperwork. Buke yelled from behind "I will have my eyes on you."

I didn't look back as I left the building very angry and upset.

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