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Chapter 2: Know Her Story

( G P.O.V)

I am staying at this girl named (y/n) base. It looks like she is the only one that leaves here and also what was she doing out there unarmed and she smells of blood a lot of it. She also said she was not human. How can that be when she look so much like one. I had to get some answers out of her just to be sure that what she says is true.

"So what was you doing out there anyway?' I asked.

"I was throwing a body out so it don't stink up my home" she answered.

"How long have you been living here?" I asked.

"Before the war started" She said.

Why do I get the feeling that she has been through hell. Not just because of the war.Its like she has seen more than she is telling me. But why should i care. I mean I just meet this girl and hardly know any thing about her.But maybe she will tell me why she is alone.I look over to her and she sits down by the window looking out side.

"How long have you been alone?" i asked.

"practically my hole life is nothing to worry about" she said with no sorry or anything.

"why is that?"I asked.

"Cause my life was hell and I don't like talking about it"She said.

"tell me please"I asked.

"Alright if you want to hear a boring life story as mine then I will tell you then"She sighed.

" It would help me understand you more" I said

"Well I will stare at the beginning then. I was abandoned sense I was a baby. About a week after being found. I was taken to a orphanage. But no one wanted me cause of my eye's and Fangs.I was always picked on by the kids just be cause I was different. I didn't know why at the time cause I always thought I was a human and just as normal as they was.Every time they would get adopted they would make fun of me and say you will never be adopted cause you are so weird.Over the years I gave up on wanting to be with a family and hope of being adopted. When I turned 13 I ran away from there and lived on my own for a wail. Cause 1 I found out by myself that i am a vampire that humans have feared for centuries. I only been around for 40 years and I'm 20 years old in humans years. But I seen more then other before me have ever seen in there life time.Humans has gone through a lot this war. This one is no different no matter how much humans want to change them self's they wont be able to change the things they have done.Over the years wars they have among them self's makes me sick. I hate humans and they hate me. I just want to have them all to die and be over with.But there are some good humans I do give them that much. But that is rare to see.But also without the humans I would not have any blood to drink just to survive on well I don't really need there blood that much cause I can eat just like everyone else can.I know you probably don't believe me and I don't blame you for it.Its always hard for someone that don't understand what they have not gone through them self's ." She said.

God she has been gone to hell and back.But not having a home or a family for her to go to let alone have any friends.Gees what away to live kid. I look over at her and she has fallen asleep by the window with her back against the wall. It has to be uncomfortable for her to sleep like that hell I wouldn't have been able to sleep like that.

"How can she sleep like that"I thought.

"ehs is ylbaborp desu ot it"Gaster said.

(shes is probably used to it)

"Probably but she has a bedroom why didn't she go up there and sleep?"I thought asked.

"ehs mees ot derit ot og ouy dlouw evah enod eht emas" he suggested.

(She seem to tired to go you would have done the same)

"True she could be just to tired to go up there" I said.

I got up and picked her up with my magic and took her to her room and lay her in the bed. I covered her up. I walked out of her room shutting the door behind me.I look down the all seeing another bedroom and a bathroom. I went to the bedroom and lay on the bed. I lay here thinking about everything she had said to me.Was she just lying to me or was she telling the truth.But I have a feeling that she is telling the truth even gaster thinks so as well. I then fell a sleep wail Gaster keep a eye on (y/n).

( (y/n) P.O.V)

I woke up in the middle of the night cause my thirst started to grow. I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen.I went to my fridge and grabbed a bottle of blood.I started drinking it.

"How did I end up in my bed room when I fell a sleep by the window"I thought

Then I remember that G is here with me and how it was storming outside yesterday.

"That how I got in my room G must have cared me to the bedroom and lay me in the bed" I thought.

I leave the kitchen and look down the hall hearing someone sleeping.I go over to the spare bedroom. I open the door and see G is sleeping. I close it and went back to my room.I sat on my bed thinking about what to do next. I could go looking for normal food sense I'm running low on it.I drank some more from the bottle. Then set it on my night stand and i lay down and fell back to sleep.


I found my self in a dark void. Nothing new cause i always have this kind of dream.But for some reason I got this feeling that someone is here with me.I look around to see a child about 3 to 6 years Of ages, with a big grin on there face an there eyes glow red.As my eyes glow (e/c) back at them.I keep my guard up. Cause I got the feeling that they are going to try and killed me. Wouldn't be the first time that someone trying to kill me or want me dead.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my dream" I growled.

"well arnt we the bossy one here.I am Chara for starters and the reason I am in your dream because I want your soul so that i can come back and finish what i have started" They chuckled.

"One your not getting my dam soul you demon child. 2 i would love to see you try and kick my ass. I am not human so be prepared to get a ass kicking brat " I sassed

They chuckle and summon a knife and ran to me. They try to hit me with there knife. But I dodged there every attempted to kill me.I kicked her back then move fast and kick her from behind wail still going through the air.Then they came at me again trying to stab me in the stomach. They are being so stupid for taking me on even in my dream I am the strongest one.

"See you can't beat me you scum bag now get the hell out of my head and let me sleep in fucken peace" I snarled.

They did say anything and just left. I knew I would win.Cause there ass is no match for my vampire straight and speed.I would never lose to them or even give them that chance. For the rest of my dream was nice and everything is calm and quiet.

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