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Chapter 3: Peter Maximoff

Y/n POV:

"Were you the one making that chaos?" Charles asked. I began to sweat a little and started to fiddle with my fingers trying to distract myself from my nervous state. He repeats the questions, "y/n were you the one making all that happen?"

I kept myself silent, not daring to say a word. The professor signs and rubs his temples, "look y/n I'm not mad at you. I just want to know if you were the one who created all that, because if you did that then we would need to run more tests. Your powers are growing stronger everyday and so are you. We can't risk anything bad happening to you or to anyone in this school." I only nodded my head. "What happened? Were you able to control it and make it stop, or you just chose to let it happen?"

I finally broke my silence and spoke. "I just kind of lost my temper and got angry. But yes I could have made it stop...but I didn't. It was like I wanted it to happen, I felt powerful and unstoppable... I wanted the table to fall on her. Why? I don't all happened when I felt this strange power surge of energy." I paused then looked him in the eyes. "Did you feel it too?" I questioned. By the look of his face I could tell he was anxious, but for what though? I brushed it off like nothing thinking he was just worried about my powers getting out of control.

"We will speak of this later and don't tell no one." He told me. I nodded my head and that's when he called in that boy with silver hair. "Peter, will you do me a favor and walk her to her room? I have to go and speak with Hank and I don't want her to get into any more trouble with the other students." The boy- or Peter nodded his head. "I am perfectly capable of walking on my own without getting into any trouble, plus I could just teleport there." I rolled my eyes as I argued. "Yeah, tell that to the cafeteria." Peter chuckled. I gave him a death glare, picked my bag up and walked right past him, our shoulders almost touching. I walked out of the office heading towards my room. The weird part is that when our shoulders we're going to touch, I couldn't feel the barrier at all. It was like it was never there to begin with. I could tell the professor noticed too because he had given Peter a weird look and started to head towards where Hank was at.

I began to walk up the stairs at a steady but quick pace since I didn't want Peter to catch up. I turnt the corner to head up the next set of stairs but when I turned I felt a small breeze of wind blow against me,  and there he was standing right in front of me with a smirk my barrier still hadn't come up to protect me. Not that i relied on it but it was still very weird and confusing for that to happen. Has my barrier finally gone away?

"Didn't think you were going to leave me behind now we're you?" He said with that damn smirk still on his face. I rolled my eyes and said, "well that was the whole plan." He just chuckled as I walked right past him. For what felt like years took 5 minutes to reach the top of the stairs, but in the process we had to walk down the hall because stupid Peter needed to use the restroom.

I noticed there were a few kids standing by their lockers talking, and there was the same girl Peter had saved. She had red puffy eyes and had her sweater wrapped around her. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hoodie and leaned against the wall, while I waited by the boys bathroom for him to finish. I kept my focus on the ground hoping they wouldn't spot me and try to start something.

"Hey well well, what do we have here?"

'Welp that didn't work'  I thought to myself.

I didn't pay attention to them and kept looking at the ground. He was taking quite a while in there, but I didn't really care. I just wanted him to hurry up so we could leave. They began to approach me while the girl just stood behind one of the boys with her arm wrapped around him. "What are you doing here all by yourself? Did that silver hair freak leave you?" The guy leading the group taunted. They were now right in front of me and there was another one of the boys that came to stand besides me. "Come on love, loosen up we just wanna have some fun. But if your bodyguard is gonna be in the way then that's going to be a problem." He said as he tried to wrap an arm around me, but my barrier appeared and blocked him from touching me.

'Huh so it lives after all' I joked to myself.

I finally leaned off the wall and looked at them, when my eyes landed on the girl I smirked at her while she just gave me a death glare. I looked back at the boy, "what do you want? I don't have time for your bullshit."

"Ohh she's feisty. I like her." Smirked the boy that was beside me. I rolled my eyes before I began to walk away. I knew I would leave Peter there looking dumb but I did it for my own good. I could get into any more trouble than I was already in. "Hey where do you think you're going? You better get back here and pay for what you did to Sofia." The guy said, huh so that must be her name. (If your name is Sofia, change the name to a different one) I looked over to her and back to him and smirked. "I didn't even touch her so what is there to pay for?" That seemed to have pissed him off a little. "Listen here, I don't care if you didn't touch her. You almost killed her and put her through trauma." I laughed and they all looked at me weirdly. "Let's go this bitch is crazy, " said one of the girls there.

'Oh no she didn't'

"Listen here the shit you guys and everyone in this school put me through every fucking day is trauma. A little table almost falling on her isn't shit. At least she had someone to save her..." A grin made its way over to my face as I continued my sentence. "Before that table could splatter her blood all over the floor." My grin became even wider as I saw the reactions on their faces. That really pissed off the guy as he charged after me. "I'm gonna wipe that grin right off your face!" He yelled.

But before he could reach me there was Peter and he had a grip on the guys arm and twisted it behind his back. The boy groaned in pain as he was comprehending what just happened. I was in shock as well as the others. He got here so fast yet he took ages to use the restroom. "About time" I mumbled. He smirked at me and turned his attention back to the boy in his grasp. "You know you should never lay your hands on a lady." He told the boy.

"She's no lady! She's a freak! Just like you silver head!" The guy shouted. The others backed away in fear and watched in horror as their friends' arm could be snapped in an instant. For some reason it hurt. But it shouldn't have, I've been told I was a freak many times what was so different about this time? Peter must have noticed that comment had hit me because his face softened.  "You're a waste of time" he looked at me, "let's go." He told me as he let go of the boy sending him face first in the ground. The rest of the boys group ran up to him helping him.

Me and Peter began walking again away from the group slowly but quickly. "Thanks" I mumbled. He looked at me and smiled. We had been walking in silence for a while till he decided to break it. "So umm...I never got your name." I chuckled, "that's because you never asked." I responded. "Touché." He continued "I'm Peter by the way, Peter maximoff." He held out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and told him my name. He had started to ask me questions in order to keep the conversation going. But it started to get annoying and I got irritated. He asked me things like, what kind of powers do you have, and do you have any siblings? And where's your family? Or what was up with you and that girl? Why did that guy start to attack you?

It got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore and decided to shut him up. "Look! I only know some of my powers okay?! I barely know half of them either way. And it's none of your damn concern to know what was up with me and that girl or why that guy decided to come after me.  And my family they-" I stopped walking and paused my sentence, I looked at the ground, my eyes filling up with tears. "They're gone. And they're never coming back." My voice broke slightly but still noticeable, I felt a tear slip down my cheek and clenched my fist.

Finally I felt something. I felt someone's hand touch my cheek wiping my tear away. I gasped and looked where the hand belonged to.

It was his. His hand was touching my face, like actually touching without my barrier stopping him. It felt amazing to finally be able to feel someone else's warmth. I heard him mumble something to me but I completely ignored it and put my hand on his snuggling into the warmth of his hand. I was smiling uncontrollably and without thinking I pulled him closer to me. He looked confused as hell but I didn't care, he was so warm and I never wanted to let go. He hesitated but wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer.

'Gosh this feels amazing! I have to tell the professor!' I yelled in my head.

But then I thought the barrier might come back up again without me knowing it, I needed proof and I needed to make sure the barrier was broken for good or at least would let me start to have physical contact. For years I've felt lonely, and cold. But now. Now I feel amazing and... I feel like I can be loved. A slight blush made its way up to my face as I realized what was happening.

I quickly pulled away from his arms and apologized. "Sorry about that. My barrier hasn't let me have physical contact with someone ever since I've lived with my parents...but it's strange though. The barrier only goes down when I'm with people I trust. And I trust Charles and hank yet it still doesn't go down, but for it to go down around you? A complete stranger I don't even know is weird." I paused and looked at him with a bright smile on my face, "I think the barrier is finally broken!" I cheered jumping up and down like a little kid. "Wow I umm... I didn't expect that" he chuckled. But I had to make sure it was gone for good. I quickly pulled out my notebook and shoved it in his hands. He looked at me confused so I explained. "Rip the papers, crumble them into a ball and throw them at me. I need to make sure it's broken" he just stood still looking like a complete idiot. "Just do it!"

He hesitated at first before ripping a paper out, crumbling it into a paper ball and throwing it at me. I closed my eyes praying the paper would hit me. And to my surprise it did. But I needed to be extra sure, "throw another one." He did as he was told and threw about 5 more after, all of them hitting me. I felt a bit Skeptical since they were just paper balls. "Peter hit me." I blurted out. "What? No! Are you crazy?!" I rolled my eyes before taking control over his body. (Almost like blood bending. And if you don't know what that is, search it up :D) "wha- what are you doing?" But I had him running towards me at full speed punching me right in the face.

I flew a few feet in the air and landed on my back knocking the wind out of me. When I landed my head hit the ground with a nasty smack making me black out for a few seconds. Luckily I still had my backpack on so it broke some of the fall. As I regained consciousness I lifted my hand up to touch my head, biggg mistake. I groaned in pain and coughed during my process of trying to sit up. "Y/n!! Your bleeding! I'm so sorry I don't know what happened. I didn't have control over my body!" I looked at him and giggled as I saw how worried and guilty he looked. "What's so funny?" He asked. "It's ok Peter I know you didn't mean to do it. I'm the one who made you."

"What? Why the hell would you do that?" I looked him in the eyes and simply replied, "To make sure the barrier was broken." After saying that I had tasted some metallic liquid in my mouth and felt something trickle down the side of my face, ignored it and Peter helped me up. "Hurry we have to go tell the professor!" I squealed. "Ok, but I think we should really take care of that-" before he could finish I grabbed his arm and teleported us to where Charles was at.

"Or not," Peter said in shock as we appeared right in front of Charles and hank. As soon as I saw them I ran up to them going in for a hug when I felt the barrier form again.


As we came in contact my barrier had pushed Hank and the professor away sending me and Hank stumbling back while the professor rolled away. I let out a frustrating sigh.

'Noo!! Ugh! This can't be happening! It literally broke not to long ago and now it wants to come back?!'

By the look on Charles' face I could tell he read my thoughts and he asked me, "is everything ok y/n? What do you mean the barrier broke?" I gave a sad sigh and looked down. I felt tears come to my eyes but at this state I didn't care to stop them, so I let them run down freely. That's until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I knew it was peters. I turned around and hugged him, burying my face into his chest. 'At least I still have him' This time he didn't hesitate and instantly wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back in a soothing way.

"Wait is your barrier broken?!" Hank exclaims clearly shocked. "No it's not." Charles said coming over to me and Peter. He tried to touch my arm when my barrier formed not only around me, but around Peter also.

"What? But how? Do they even know each other?"

"No they don't" Charles answered.

"So why is her barrier protecting both of them and not just her?" He asked. The professor sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know."

"Can someone explain to me what is happening? Why does everyone keep talking about a barrier?" Peter asked. I laughed and turned to look at Hank and the professor still keeping my arms wrapped around peter. Charles looked and Hank and nodded.

"Sure, Peter follow me please. We have a lot of explaining to do." Hank told him. He nodded his head and walked into a room with Hank, "and make sure you get that cleaned up." He told me pointing at my head before leaving me all alone again. I sighed before turning my attention back to the professor. "Why does the barrier only go down for him? And why do I feel like I can trust him when I only know his name?" I questioned. Charles looked at me, "I don't know I'm just as shocked as you are. But tell me why the hell are you bleeding?!" I laughed at his sudden outburst. "Why are you laughing?"

'This is going to take a while'

 And indeed it did.

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