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Chapter 3: Unnatural Birth

What brings me to reality is my horribly itchy, dry throat. I'm exceedingly thirsty. I turn my head, analyzing the numbness of my body. I feel okay; I feel fine.

I gaze around the room with little interest in a manner that almost feels like Déjà vu, and my eyes catch the multitude of screens implanted into the wall across from me as the glowing of the power buttons attracts my un-attentive orbs. The wall monitors blink in the darkness, and my eyes fixate on the only light in the dim room. They flash slowly and surely, never speeding up nor slowing down. It's sort of a calming light, and it melts the barrier around my heart, just enough for a flash of a girl to appear in my mind. A tremor of unease sprouts through my heart, and the walls close back up, lock and board itself up, and I soon forget the face of the child just as quickly as I had seen it.

Hurrying, almost panicky footsteps from outside of the room break into my reverie, getting louder and louder as they grow closer. A small beeping sound echoes throughout the otherwise silent room before the door creaks open and shines a wave of light into my pitch-black hideout. I almost hiss from the brightness, my eyes having to newly adjust to the beaming strain of yellow. The door sounds heavy and metallic, like the sound a heavy, automatic metal door would make. My eyes widen as I watch the boy from before sauntering across the room and head straight for the window.

He puts his hands out and then flings them to the sides like throwing open double doors that will lead him to his freedom. Peculiar, virtual curtains that had been keeping the dark room open, bathing the room in its bright, warm glow. I cringe against the more brilliant light, my eyes already accustomed to the inky darkness. As my unforgiving pupils newly adjust once again, I catch a glimpse of the boy as he leans against the window and stares out. I hear him sigh a hefty sigh like he has been holding it in for years—the world peaks curiously at me, a strange girl in a strange world.

"I'm back…." He murmurs to himself. "Just like yesterday and the day before…. Are you never going to wake up again?" he questions, his voice carrying through the air. "How long have you been asleep? A month? A year? We really miss you. Aren't you ready to wake up?" he stirs slightly. I can only assume that he's talking to me but, who is he? To go even further, who am I?

He sighs again.

I feel terrible for not remembering him when he obviously cares for me so strongly. And… he sounds so sad. I can picture the tears rolling down his puffy cheeks as he calls out to me in anguish. He's waiting for me. It rouses this painful feeling in me to the point of crying.

I can't bring myself to speak. What good can I do with no memory? I glance up at the bedside table near me, noticing a glass of water placed delicately close to the edge. I don't know if it's for me, but I'm incredibly dehydrated, so I quietly reach for it. The moment I shoot my hand out to go for the glass, I feel the lightness of my arm and the length stretching farther than I remember and overshoot my reach.

My fingers hit the glass, creating a tiny clink of a sound, rather than going over it as I had planned. The glass tips casually, and my mouth gapes open. The cup falls, onto the table, spilling water in every direction. The liquid sloshes onto the floor, the splash loud enough in the meager room. The vessel then rolls off the table and collides with the ground. The shrill ringing noise fills my ears as the glass shatters into a million pieces and scatters off like a mouse on the run.

The boy spins around on his heels faster than I can react to what I have just caused, the tears as clear as day on his chin. He stares, entirely shocked, slowly absorbing the situation. He rubs his eyes with the back of his hand, brushing away any stray tears.

"Sylvia?" he asks as he continues to stare a little too curiously. I awkwardly stare back and smile, sitting up and giving a little wave. He smiles wildly. "Sylvia! You're awake!?" he runs up to the bed, nearly forgetting about the mess of glass now littered about on the smooth, tiled floor beneath me. Once he navigates the accidental trap and is within arms' reach, he hugs me firmly against his hardened chest. As surprised as I am, I don't pull away. I let him hug me and cry into my shoulder about how happy he is that I'm alive and well.

Did he call me Sylvia?

The name clicks into place like I have heard it somewhere. It's odd, though. It doesn't feel like my name. As familiar as it seems to me, I just can't think of the silky-sounding title to belong to me. The boy pulls back, his smile faltering slightly when he sees my lost expression, but it soon comes back in full blast. He must have remembered what I said to him….

"Remember me? It's Dijack!" he continues to smile at me comfortingly. Dijack? This also sounds familiar yet, my ears twinge at how his name leaves his lips. It's foreign to me. I feel like I really have no idea what's happening right now like I am in the wrong one; I'm not supposed to be here. But… why?

Dijack grabs my hands, and I look at him, my head in the clouds. His hair sways lightly from the movement, and I can't help but stare in awe. My stomach curls in excitement at the new feeling; it's strange to think that I have a friend as extraordinary as this one.


My mind continues to doubt itself, bewildered as to what I'm saying and wondering… What am I feeling? Dijack's eyes glint slightly as his cheeks dimple.

It surprises me so harshly that I feel the heat of my face as my cheeks tent. To be stared at with such kindness feels so abnormal. His hands are warm against mine.

"You don't have to answer." he sighs in contempt. I give a jolt in surprise, having completely forgotten about the question. He tilts his head to the side, his bangs sliding smoothly across his forehead. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he murmurs. My cheeks instantly heat up more, and I stammer expeditiously.

"I…uh…I-I… y-your face looks so kind…." In my mind, I'm slamming my head into the wall. Dijack blushes as well, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head. He's smiling, though, making what I said less distressing and random.

"O-oh…. Well, thanks, I guess." I can tell that he's happy, even if he tries to brush it off as if it would be silly for him to appreciate my comment. In the end, I can't help but smile back at him. "You look so… at peace." his voice drips as he stares at me. I raise an eyebrow at him, confused and somehow comfortable next to him.

"Is that weird? What's wrong with me being neutral?" I ask, putting an edge in my voice to sound sarcastic. He clicks his teeth, chuckling slightly.

"It's not weird, per se. Simply different. It's a big difference, though; it's nice." He pokes my shoulder, smiling warmly at me still. His smile really puts me at ease, even though I am utterly disturbed and scared on the inside from being in these unfamiliar surroundings.

"Thank you for coming. I was pretty terrified of being alone." I mutter. Dijack nods somewhat, proud, and just a little bit embarrassed. I don't know why, but suddenly I have this impulsive urge to hug him. Without even thinking about it, I nearly throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his torso and hugging him tightly. He hugs me back almost immediately and rubs my back soothingly as I begin to bawl my eyes out. It's so sudden, the impending sadness that I can't see the end of. There's no reason to be sad, no reason at all. Losing my memory is nothing. It's nothing!

"Are you scared? Does your head hurt?" he purrs in a calming whisper.

"Mm-mm." I hum, shaking my head against his chest as I sniffle my tears away forcefully. "I think I just needed a hug." I pull him tighter into me, stuffing my face into his shirt. His chest is warm, and so are his arms as they give me a tender squeeze. I can still feel my chest vibrating from my quiet sobs as I choke them back, doing my best to restrain myself in my present company.

I pull back, and Dijack lets me go. He gives my head a small pat and chuckles.

"You're too cute." My stomach does mini backflips as I look away from his flamboyant aurora. I can tell that he's enjoying himself, even though he is sitting here and watching me cry like a child, sniffling the gross snot back up into my nose to keep from having an even more embarrassing moment. That thought only flusters me even more. Clearing my throat, I glance back over at him.

"When am I going to get discharged?" I ask, a vague shyness to my voice I try to bury under my words. He looks at me with a strange expression, like he didn't understand my question. "Discharged?" my voice squeaks questionably. My confidence is now wholly lost. His eyes suddenly light up in recognition.

"Oh! You mean partened! I haven't heard anyone say discharged since I was a small child!" he laughs, tilting his head back. Embarrassment flooding my cheeks, I throw my hands up to cover them. Once he finally manages to calm his laughter, he wipes a stray tear and looks directly at me, those red beauties twinkling with wonderment. "Aw! I didn't mean to laugh. I just couldn't help myself, you know?"

I ignore him. His hand tangles itself in my hair and ruffles it. Dijack is so friendly and nice; I know that his attitude puts me at ease more than I think I ever would have been able to accomplish had it been anyone else by my side. I don't know if that was exclusively due to who he was as a person… or maybe some lingering emotions still left in my heart for this boy who seemed like he was once incredibly close with me. I pull my hands away from my softened cheeks and gaze down at my feet as he rubs my head lovingly. A little too lovingly, I note.

"You're going to be…." he pauses, biting his lip. "You're going to be discharged tomorrow," he informs me. He ruffles my hair for the last time today before pulling from me altogether. "Doctor said it's a miracle. You're perfectly healed. I've been cleaning your room, so it doesn't get dusty. You should feel very honored." he winks at me. I bark out a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. I feel so very honored. Thank you." I stick my tongue out at him.

"What about my reward?" he questions while wiggling his eyebrows in an almost suggestible way.

A snicker ripples through my chest as I try to hold back my laughter. "A reward…?" I take a long breath, containing myself. "What would that be?" He shrugs his shoulders, all nonchalant like it didn't mean much.

"I'll think about it." he trolls like I'm the one who brought it up. "Right now, you should probably get some sleep."

"Sleep?" I squeak. "Are you fur-serious? Do You Not know How Energized I Feel Right Now?" I bounce quickly in bed and talk fast to enact its truth. I'm bursting with energy! He puts his hand over my eyes and pushes me until my head hits the pillow. I swipe his hand away playfully and wiggle under the covers.

It's surprising how nicely we are getting along when we just met.

Just met… that rings some bells in my head.

It doesn't seem to be perfectly valid; I know that for a fact. He knew me before… all of this, so we can't possibly be strangers… so why do I think that? I watch him as he fixes the blanket and evens it out. Once he finishes, he gives me one last smile before shuffling out of the room. I let out a stress-infused sigh.

"Why don't I remember him?" I whisper to myself. As if I'm under a trance, I slowly drift off to sleep even though I am nothing close to being tired. I must have slept through the night, too, because when I wake up, light is streaming in through the electronically curtained windows. That's when my ears pick up the humming from beside me. It sounds like an incredibly happy tune, so delighted in the fact that I won't be taken aback if they are dancing along with the song. I stealthily turn my head to see what's going on.

It's a seemingly older lady who looks a lot younger than she probably is. I can tell that she's not the age her face portrays her because of how she upholds herself. A woman who's been through many years and has gained a pearl of wisdom that broadens her shoulders and straightens her back; her posture is elegant and holds tremendous confidence. She's model perfect and has these adorable golden eyes. They are shiny and flaked with a color I would describe as burnt brown. She's so perfectly sculpted from her tight, high cheekbones to her long, silky legs that I can't help but wish we are related. Maybe some of her genes are swimming through my veins. Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't seen myself in a mirror. Not that I need to….

She looks to be arranging a bouquet in a vase just as she peeks over and spots me staring.

"Oh! Good morning sweetie. I was hoping you'd wake up soon!" her voice is overly sweet as she smiles brightly. She's immediately put me on edge, though, now that she's opened her mouth, and I counter whether she is just a nice woman. I must know her if she's here. Suddenly, it hits me. I don't know why it took so long.

I've lost my memory… this is amnesia. Saying it out loud still makes it hard to believe; for some reason, it just doesn't sit right on my tongue. It feels wrong; very, very wrong. But, what else can it be?

"Oh, hey…." I fake a yawn, acting tired. I'm hoping that she'll leave; I don't want to disappoint any more people. It really burns, seeing that look of despair in their eyes. Losing my memory doesn't take away the pain of reality. I see her face twitch slightly, and I tense, re-thinking my strategy. But, instead of intense sadness morphing into her features, her face tears up in what I assume to be joy.

"I'm glad you're okay! I would never be able to forgive myself! I promised your mom that I'd take care of you, no matter what! How could I let this happen?" she cries. I don't mean to be rude since she seems sincere, but the way she's crying, it's like she's forcing herself to look cute, which is weird. Who cries cutely, and why would she need to cause such a thing when spilling her feelings to me?

The word 'mom' that flew out of her mouth makes me scrunch my face in distaste.

"My mom?" I can't contain my curiosity. She stops crying almost instantaneously and stares at me. I flinch once I recognize the rage in her eyes. Why does she look so furious?!

"You little –." Thankfully, at that moment, someone comes in to visit me. The door opens with a sliding buzz, and the woman closes her mouth with a snap, stopping her flow of words short. I glance at the door, avoiding her threatening glare. She turns to greet the newcomer with an overly dramatic smile, a smile utterly opposite of the expression of hatred she had just shown me only moments before. It is almost unbelievable to switch from one face to another so seamlessly, to fake such sweetness when all that's in your heart is pain and a burning, fiery rage.

"Oh! Dijack, it's you? She just woke up; you didn't miss a thing!" she exclaims with fake, obnoxious glee. Dijack walks in, and I gasp quietly as I remember him from yesterday. He gives me a soft smile, and I become flustered immediately. It seems my memory did him no justice.

"You didn't say anything to her, did you?" he turns to the mean lady, still smiling.

"Oh, dear! Of course not! Whatever do you mean?" she honestly looks thoroughly perplexed. She seems too convincing.

"Then, why haven't you visited her besides today if you care so much for Sylvia? And why is she looking at me like that? You think that no one has noticed those looks you give her? I'm not stupid, Vanterra, so you can stop with this little act you're putting up. Now, would you be so kind as to leave little miss Sylvia and I alone?" his voice is soft, sweet, and that makes it even more surprising. He sounds so controlled, so commanding. Now recognized as Vanterra, the lady gasps dramatically before she huffs and storms out angrily without another word. I give her credit for at least keeping up with her act until the end. I look at Dijack, startled but more so pleased.

"Th-thank you…." I mutter shyly. He looks back at me, sort of amazed as well. "Wh-what?!" my cheeks grow hot. He looks away, scratching the back of his head as he mumbles a disconcerting reply.

"N…nothing. Just a little… baffled, I guess." he turns cheeky.

"Oh? How come?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him as he had done to me the previous day. He stares a bit longer than I can handle. I glance away quickly.

He chuckles lowly, and I can feel my ears tickle at the sound. It only flusters me even more. "You've gotten so much cuter." he smiles warmly at me. Now, I really can't hide my reddened cheeks. Why did me thanking him fluster him so? I couldn't understand why that would be anything worth getting so bashful over. As much as it eats at me, I keep my question to myself. I'm sure there's a logical reason as to everything…

Unfortunately, I might never find out due to my current… predicament. "Oh really? I haven't noticed."

His eyes open wide at first and then settle to a softer look.

Uh, oh…. He may have just thought that I remember something… or everything. Jeez! I should know by now that I need to be more careful with the things I say.

…Shouldn't I?

I barely manage to contain my emotions to let them show on my face. I sit up, finally noticing the machines I'm hooked up to. I stare at the heart monitor, listening to the soothing thump of my heart. It's strange hearing my heartbeat resonate in the large room. I look down at my arms, seeing that I'm not riddled with tubes sticking out from beneath my skin. I'm not too sure why I had been expecting that, but I brush the thought aside and try to concentrate on the present. There instead, is a band tightly clamped onto my wrist. It's metal, its' silver gleaming in the light. On the inside, there is a blue light all the way around. It flickers in this fluid-like movement to my heart. Just this tiny little thing has me astonished.

"Where are we?" I can't help but whisper. Dijack looks at me strangely, probably wondering if I've lost my marbles. He leans over and raps his knuckles against my forehead. I glance up at him. "Wha-what?" He smiles at me.

"I'll never understand you." he gives a little chuckle. "It's okay, though; it makes you cute." Him and his poker face. I unclamp the bracelet thing, which isn't too hard to my surprise, and set it down beside me. Dijack lets out a loud and brief shout of shock, a bewildered look on his face, as the monitor registering my heart settles to a high tone. I look at him with a pleased expression.

"What? You said I could leave today." He lets out a small, cute snort, and I can't help but find that adorable. He sighs before smiling down at me.

"You're so reckless." I don't know why, but my heart skips a beat every time he smiles.


We had to go through all this horrible paperwork to be free of the hospital finally. There's all this incredible technology, and we still must do paperwork to get out of that stale, white-tiled building of depression. We have enduringly managed to get everything written that needed to be registered, and we are finally making our escape back out into the real world. I'm excited to be outside after such a long time that it causes my hands to shake like crazy. I'm overjoyed! Stepping out through the clear glass doors, I take a deep breath.

After taking a moment to listen to the soft humming of what I assume to be cars and breathing in the fresh air, I look up.

Where am I?

Who am I?

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