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Chapter 3: Upgrade the weapon!

"Next challenge in 10 minutes"

"6/300 challanges completed!"

The bunny was there again, this time it was nibbling on a carrot. "Hello! How are you, that one should have been difficult. Opening up about your feelings and all that… Hope you are okay."

"It was easy, bunny," John sighed.

"What! And my name isn't bunny, it's Brittany Joyce" The bunny jumped especially high at that one.

"Bunny works for me." John said, "and I don't need a break."

"Fine, but I would suggest you use your Almond points before the next challenge!"

"You said "Almond point," what should that mean?"

"Say "Shop."." The bunny said.

"Shop," John said out loud.

In the middle of his vision a see through blue box appeared. It said, "Had, want"

"What's this supposed to be?"

"Here you can not only strengthen your body, but you can buy new abilities as well as improve your weapon, choose want."

"Weapon, Body, Skill,"

"If I were you, I would choose "body" for now." A happy go lucky, high voice.

"I'll pick "weapon"." John had already chosen.


Ammo - 4 shots - 4 Almond points

Damage - light - 3 Almond points

Weight - medium heavy - 3 Almond points

Poisonous - very light - 3 Almond Points

Knockback - medium - 5 Almond points

Range - Medium light - 4 Almond points

Evolution - ??? - 10 Almond points"

"How many Almond points do I have?" John asked, his feet tapping the floor. As if he was in a rush.

"3," Bunny's happy voice began to fade.

"I'll put it into damage." John said after he had done it.

His guns morphed, a small black line grew out of nowhere. It stretched from the trigger to the exit of the barrel on the revolver. He fired a shot into the air, and he felt his arm kick. He liked the feeling, and his target surely wouldn't.

However, the fact was that he had to be quite close for it to be effective.

"Now start." John said, quite annoyed.

"Okay," Bunny said, slightly depressed.

"Good bunny," a most sadistic voice.

"Challenge 7 has begun." In the most robotic voice


There was two suns. One on the west side of the sky, and the other on the east. One of the suns was small and white, with red light flickering on the edges. The other one was orange, and large. The sun shine wasn't comfortable but rather sizzling. As if he stood in a pan above a blazing blue fire. The air around him vibrated and his head hurt from the heat.

Sand had infiltrated into his shoes. The sand on beaches was comfortable to walk on, it was smooth and warmed the feet. You could jump on it, mould it, be happy on it and even roll around in it. This sand was the complete opposite. It was grainy, sharp, and hard. It didn't warm the feet, instead it burnt.

His legs felt scratchy. and his skin had already begun to sweat. It wouldn't be soon until his clothes became sticky, and his entire body scratched and screamed. To his right there was giant mountains, they were a mellow orange and rocky. Like high walls, with a curved top filled with sand.

To his left there was a village. There were multiple small rocky buildings, the type were your hair scratched the roof. They were closely together, providing small alleyways to navigate through. John walked towards it.

"Find and kill the cult leader inside of the village." A most robotic voice said.

This had been the first time the system gave him a more detailed mission. It made John jump at first. then he ogled the village. A cult. His hands intuitively got closer to his guns, and he walked. He walked cautiously, but that did not slow, he walked quickly hoping to get into some sort of shadow.

From his angle, he could see two different shadows of the same building, both sides were equally as lit up. Provided, one shadow was a lot taller than the other. His eyes felt… disconnected from the reality in front of him. He reached the houses and simply slid into the village. There was no kind of defense.

He saw movement. He grabbed his guns, and whipped them out instinctevely. It was a man, one with bandanas covering everything but his mouth and eyes. A mummy that walked. His eyes swayed over John, stopped for a moment as if deliberating something, and then continued over to a building.

He walked away like everything was normal. The man's mouth had been in a giant grin the entire time, his eyes stretched out so that only eyeball could be seen. Soon, John saw another man, then a woman, then another person. Every single one was covered in bandana.

'Some type of mummy cult…" John murmured to himself. John started walking through the village, his hands not leaving the guns for a second. There was quite a few stone houses, but aside that there were sharp spikes built everywhere. The type of spikes that pointed straight up. There were stone monuments that pointed upwards, covered with unintelligible script.

Almost everyone would see him, acknowledge him with the faint stop of the eye, and then walk past him. Nobody talked to him.

He saw a building that was actually a transformed cave. The roof had books shoved into them, the walls were cramped with different books, thick and thin. The floor was strangely the only spot without any books, there a red carpet lay.

Further down in the library there was a man, the man rested his legs on the table in front of him. He had a book opened and stared at it. The man had no smile. John felt it intriguing, and his clothes had become sticky. He wandered into the faint darkness provided by the cave.

"Hello?" He asked wearily, probing a response. The librarian jumped when he heard a voice, his previous still eyes moved towards John.

"Hello?" The librarian responded.

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