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Chapter 1: March 14th

- Jeon Jungkook Point of View -

Today's the day. The love of my life is getting married someone else.

Her soon to be last name doesn't even sound nearly as good to me as Jeon Y/n does.

I looked back at my reflection, thinking myself to be pathetic after pushing the last button of my dress shirt in it's correct slit.

I looked...ok but, that I needed to look perfect. Enough to make Y/n realize what she was missing out on. But who was I kidding? She wouldn't ever look at me the same way she does her fiancé.

Yep, she would never look at another guy, much less cheat. Making her the perfect wife for any guy, me included.

~ *.'~

I got there 2 minutes late because I wanted to look good and then I realized...


Sure I wanted to be a good friend for both him and Y/n but it's still gonna hurt a whole heck of a lot to see Y/n beautifully dressed in white, getting married to someone other than me.

Oh and did I forget to mention that I'm also the best man. Their idea, not mine.

"Jungkookie! You made it!"

The familiar high pitched voice belonging to the bridegroom called.

He is never going to let me live that down, is he? And only Y/n can call me that!

"Wouldn't miss it for the world,


His bright smile slightly dimmed.

"What's wrong, Kook?"

I sighed, frustrated that my best friend couldn't even tell after all these years that he was the reason for my dejection when it came to my first love, his bride. I mustered up another one of my regular fake smiles when it came to this and replied.

"Oh nothing, Jimin. Take care of her."

His radiant returned, love clearly evident in his eyes, making me sick with jealousy.

"I will, I promise!"

Mr.Park walked past me to wait in front of the double door, which lead to the beginning of the aisle.

~ *.'~

A short time passed when Jimin began walking to his (should be mine) place (in Y/n's heart) near the priest.

He walked confident with a huge smile on his face but I mean, who wouldn't be smiling if they were going to marry a girl like Y/n.

She's a freaking angle!

Her smile could kill and don't even get me started on her precious eye smile.

She's simply perfect.

I have liked, no, loved her for years! ( 2 years 9 months 1 day to be exact ) And before you say I'm a stalker, I'm not. I'm just very...observant.

But for what, to be the best man at her wedding?

I can't believe I came to this terribly beautiful wedding when I can't even look at Jimin in the eyes. Not 'cause I hate him, actually, that's debatable. But he got what he wanted, Y/n. Yet I know it's my fault for being so shy back then. This life is what I got, a life without Y/n. Okay maybe that's a little dramatic but it's not a life I wanted with Y/n as my wife. I started walking down the aisle after the bridesmaids and the groomsmen and I was walking down the aisle with the title of,

'Best Man.'


Soon enough, Y/n's little cousin came down as the flower girl. And then...


Jimin's bride.

And as if the goddess of depression and misery, Oizys heard my negative thoughts, the melody I wanted to hear on my wedding day sounded on the piano.

I watched Y/n walk down the aisle, her father by her side, arm linked with her's.

'Jimin, your one lucky man.'

~ *.'~

Well, after that long crabby yet slightly nice day, I of course was a complete wreck. Crying any time Y/n's face came to mind. So, I did what practically any sad 22-year-old man would do,



To drown my sorrows away and think things like, Y/n loves me and is married to me, NOT some handsome beach with a perfectly chiseled jawline named, Jimin.

Yes, I know I sound like a four-year-old whining about a sissy fight I lost, but when it comes to Y/n, I'd fight anyone or anything for her.

So, there I was, in a small bar, trying almost every liquor available, until I got kicked out for singing and dancing on the counters of the bar, drunk as can be.

After I was kicked out, I found myself singing in the streets. I don't remember what I sang, but what I do remember is that whatever I sang, it was off-key and loud.

The night might have brought a chill to some people, but because the liquor was so strong and had sent my throat through flames, I was as hot as my looks.

I then somehow made my way to an old abandoned looking place with a beat up wire fence, in front of me.

I made it over the fence, maybe cracking a few ribs but looking back, I think there was already a hole in the fence.

I made it over to what I believed was the entrance. The doors were made of some kind of metal but it was dented, barely holding on to the entrance, with wires coming out the ends, sparks flying off of them. It was dark but strangely lukewarm inside.

I started walking into the darkness and then...

I ran into a wall.

"Fudge muffins! Who put a pole here!"

I punched the wall for giving me a bruise on my forehead, only to be met with more pain in my knuckles.

"Oww! Why did I do that!?" I said shaking my hand like I could shake away the pain.

"Maybe because you were feeling a little indignant with that pole there? Don't fuss over your past mistakes. Besides, you're not the first to do so."

A small light turned on, with it's luster flickering overhead. A voice spoke out into the tepid darkness, beyond the given light. A steady rhythm of footsteps followed the echo of the unknown voice.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dr.Kim, but you can call me, Namjoon."

I heard footsteps come closet to me and light. A intelligent looking male, dressed in a lab coat, stepped into the winking light.

"What's your name?"

" . . . The real question is, what's your name?"

"Ah, so your drunk. As usual. You reek of misery. People usually don't come here in their right mind. Well then, accompany me, boy. I have something to show you."

The curious man turned and the sound of his footsteps getting further away.

"Wait for me!"

And then the light went out.

I stepped cautiously in the direction I believed was the way, only to be meet with another wall.


And then the lights came on.

"Oh come on! You couldn't have turned the lights on 5 seconds ago!?"

"Hurry up kid!"

"I'm not a kid!"

I said my voice echoing off the walls.

"I'm the best man for Y/n and Jimin's wedding!" I said, emphasizing the word 'man.'

" Oh, were drinking from a..break up?"

"No! I never even got the chance to date her! I mean it was my fault I never made a move but Jimin did and took her away from me!"

The smart looking man seemed to ponder my words, nodding his head slightly a few times.

"What if I told you there might be a way for you to have a second chance to make this, Y/n girl of yours."

My eyes that had been sleepy until this, instantly were now awake and waiting.

How long I had been waiting to hear those words, only I would know and now they were finally being said. This was the kind of moment I would only dream of.

"What, how?!'' I said, grabbing the man partly because I was angry I hadn't heard of this before, gripping his fabric shirt to feel and see if this all was really just a dream.

And let me tell you, it was made out of 100% cotton.


I would have expected him to be at least somewhat sacred of a drunk man yelling at him but, he only chuckled, rubbing the places my fingers had put pressure on his shoulders once I let go.

"All in good time, lover boy."

I sighed.

'Of course, he wants something.'

"What's your price? I cautiously asked.

A scoff came from him.

"What makes you think that I want something. All I want is to help a sad boy in love and help him get what I never could, a girlfriend."

"...right. And I'm the sad boy."

"What I'm trying to say is that, I just want to help.''

I looked at him weirdly, eyebrows raised for a second.

"... sounds good to me!"

"Excellent! This way."

Was I foolish to follow an attractive stranger that looks like an evil genius, drunk?


Was I in my right state of mind?

Hardly in the slightest.

Was it smart of me to take girl help from a nerd?

Heck nah.

But I was so desperate and thought nothing could possibly go more down hill, when I was already at the base.

And maybe I made it worse, for me, for everyone.

But I was too selfishly blind to see that.

We walked into a handsomely large room, tech everywhere. I saw ten times the amount of computers I had myself, with Namjoon hunched over one of the tables.

"These are the keys to the door of your future." The nerd said turning to me and holding up a pair of glasses to my face with a proud smile and dimples that I didn't know were there, made themselves known.

"These?!" I asked.

His smile dropped.

"At least try to contain your excitement."

"I can't, there is just too much."

"Just try them on!" He demanded impatiently.

"I ain't putting those glasses on my smooth, slightly chubby, ache free, beautiful face!," is what I would have said if I was in my right mind. What I actually said was...nothing. Instead, I grabbed the glass and shoved them on my face.

But...nothing out of the ordinary happened.

"Well, what do you think?" Namjoon asked with a smile that brought back his dimples.

"Uh, nice glasses?"

"What?...Oh right!"

He stepped closer to the side of my face and pressed a little button located at the end of one of the legs of the glasses near the lens. As soon as he activated the glasses, the lenses started to glitch until they faded into black, making so I couldn't see anything out of the glasses anymore.

'What's happening?'


I heard him shuffle away from me to another part of the room and accompanying those noise some clicking noses, typing on a keyboard.

It was complete silence, then the lenses flashed back on, lenses filled in with a clear turquoise color.

"I can see again!"

"Good afternoon, Jeon Jungkook sir. My name Eun."

A loud female artificial voice boomed in my ear.

I flinched.

"WTFudge! Namjoon, d-did you hear that? H-How do you know my name..Eun?"

"I know everyone's name sir.'"

"It's an artificial intelligence coming from the glasses, Jeon," Namjoon stated frankly with a mocking tone when saying my last name.

I saw him leaning over a computer, his fingers dancing across it's poor worn down keys. He also now had a type of headset with a mic on.

"Can you hear, her?"

"Only through," he took in some air, -"HERE!" he boomed, voice clear and loud.

"Ugh, that hurt like Charles Dickens!" I said irritated now taking a chance to look around. Everything I looked at words would pop up next to them. This would happend to object I looked at.

He sighed, a slapping sound was heard, probably from him slapping his forehead.

"Jungkook, I will now be speaking to you through the glasses," he said calmly although I could tell there was some frustration hidden.

"Ok, ready to go get your girl?" he said, his cheerfulness sounding forced.

This got my attention.

"Always have been."

"Great, now I'm going to need you to say, 'Eun,' in a demanding voice."

"Um, Eun?"

"Yes Sir?"

''Okay, I guess that works too...Now when do you think you first messed up with this Y/n girl you speak of."

I only thought for a second.

"When we met."

"That bad, huh?"

"Hey! You're supposed to be helping me!"

"And I am, aren't I? Now where, when did you meet?"

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