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Thin Strings

Author: lilacinthesky

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The First String

Paris, France


Friday 20:15

"N'oubliez pas Je vous aime n'importe quoi. Il ne signifie rien si vous êtes ici ou quatre mille sept cent quatre-vingt-trois kilomètres." he said softly into her hair as he hugged her.

Nett just nodded her head not knowing what else to do. She knew that they were just words. Both of them were only teenagers who fell in love nearly a year ago. Teens who fell in love and lived in the same place broke up easily, so how would long-distance end? It would destroy the bond they have created.

She did not want it to end, but God. How can they last when they are oceans apart?

She needed to face reality.

He tightened his grip around her waist.

Tears started to go down her cheeks and a sob made its way from her throat when he whispered,"Je t'aime."

New Orleans, USA


Sunday 10:47 am


Nett glanced at her father. She was exhausted, not only from the flight. Jetleg and her thoughts about Yanis did not let her sleep.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

Her father, Elijah Delacroix, let out a sigh. He had missed his daughter these past months. If it weren't for her determination to leave for the Paris-American Academy for Arts and Design, he would have made her come back sooner.

"I asked how was it at moms. Did you have fun?"

Marinette raised an eyebrow. "For me to have fun with her would mean I actually had spent time with her."

"You were a year away." He argued, clearly remembering Marina telling him she was going to take Mari on a spa weekend.

She just nodded, " Yeah and I was in boarding school. Plus madam couldn't take a day off to see me. You know her. Fashion over kids."

"Hey now," He stopped for a second " You know that is not true. Your mother loves you and Toby very much."

"Mhmm", she rolled her eyes, " That is why she didn't come to see me in a year that I was in the same city as her, and that is the reason she doesn't call anymore."

"Marinette."He said sternly.

She did not want to listen to this. Like a broken record. He would always defend her. Getting up from her chair she said, "I'm gonna go see if Toby is up, I'm not hungry anymore."

New Orleans, USA


Friday, 2:19 pm

She was in deep thought. It was a once in a lifetime chance.

Not everyone gets accepted into the Paris-American Academy. The percentage is really low. Of course, she thought that maybe her being the daughter of Marina Leveque, had something to do with it. But she chose not to accept that theory. Nett gave her all for that portofolio, she spent nearly a year making it. Gave the summer prior her freshman year up, to take amazing shots. Traveling around America with her brother and father.

But still, the thought of leaving her friends and family was terrifying.

'How can I leave Rue and Callia?" she thought.

Who would tell Rue to chill and look sometimes outside her window? She would miss all of her debates and she would have to replace her at the school newspaper as the photographer. She always gave 110% and would always forget to take a breather.

Callia was another story.

She needed someone to keep her in line. The girl was the sweetest being on the planet and would do everything for you. But when it came to partying and alcohol her best friend did not know where to stop. It was the same with her art. It can get really intense.

Nett opened her locker and took her camera out and put it around her neck. Her father told her to tell him by the end of the day if she wanted to go or not. They have to arrange everything. And when he said everything, he meant her mother.


She didn't see her, in what? Three? Four years?

No text, no call, no letter. Classic mother.

She missed her. There was no denying it, it was biological to miss the woman who gave birth to you, who taught you how to braid your hair and apply lipstick.


She hated to admit it but her trademark has been inspired by her. It made her feel closer to her when she left. Wearing the same Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet. Carefully she took the little stick and turned to the mirror in her locker.

In two swipes, she applied it. The perfect move as Rue liked to call it.

Like always the familiar feeling and smell hit her. But it wasn't just nostalgia. It was like power. It made her feel...


Suddenly she felt two hands grip her shoulders and she jumped a little. Callia wore a bright yellow dress that shined nearly as much as her smile.

"How do you make it look so effortlessly?" she asked.

"Yeah, well it was a fair trade," she joked " No sports skills whatsoever, but applying lipstick under five seconds."

"Yeah, better something than nothing."

"True that," she said closing her locker.

Linking their elbows together they started to walk down the hall. They had History of arts and the classroom was on the right corridor.

"So I had just the most iconic idea ever, like five minutes ago," said Callia.

Nett let out a snort, " Let me guess, it involves a party some cheap as fuck alcohol and at the end of the night a doner?"

"Bravo!" she laughed,"Well not quite it is not just a party it is Alex Vyhovsky party!"

Rolling her eyes Nett,"Okay Birdie, when do you start begging me to go?"

"What? Why would I beg you to go?"

"Because honey this is how it always goes. I do not want to party if I don't Rue won't and the fact that we are talking about the party of no other than Alex makes it even worse."

Sighing Callia nodded," Fine, you are right but come on. It is the last day of school as sophomores we need to go out with a bang!"

"You said that last year when we were freshmen too." Nett reminded her.

She just shrugged, " So? We need to celebrate these milestones, honey. This will go into our memory book, what we will tell our grandchildren and what they will their children and so on and so on."

"You do realize if you tell these stories to your grandchildren they won't respect you, right?"

"They won't respect me either way so why not make it fun?"

"Good point Birdie.Good point."


Nett looked down at her camera for a second and thought of the possibility of not being able to see her friends for the next year.

"Fine, but no blackout drunk which means vodka and bourbon are off limits."

"Yes!"Screamed Callia, "You are the best."

New Orleans, USA


Sunday 10:59 am

Nett quickly went up the spiral staircase that leads to the bedroom sections of the apartment. The beautiful combination of steel and wood made her appreciate her father as an architect even when she was annoyed at him like now. The whole penthouse was built on his idea and it was simply iconic. From the polished wooden floors to the grey-brown bricked fireplace. Simply amazing. What made it, even more, better was the fact that her father let both children design their bedroom. Well tell him what they wanted and he drew it. To this day Toby was fascinated with everything his dad did, and the fact that he played with legos and just built skyscrapers and houses made Nett think he will step in his shoes in the future.

As she reached the mahogany door on which had Toby spelled in a bright green color, she softly knocked on the door and opened it ever so slowly.

The first thing she saw was a mess of brown curls that stuck out under the spiderman duvet.

Nett found herself smiling as she walked to the bed and sat down. She let her hand go through the mess of curls and softly started to wake him, " Toby. Come on breakfast will get cold if you continue to sleep."

He let out a soft grunt and just turned to the other side.

Grinning she started to poke him, " If you do not wake up now I will have to give someone else the lego limited edition Taj Mahal."

Still nothing. The kid was just like her, loves his sleep what she respected.

"Fine, I will just have to book another flight to Paris seeing that you do not want to spend time with me." Getting up she was about to walk to the door when two small hands started to grip her arm.

"Don't go, you just came back!" He cried out, his small voice still filled with sleep.

She quickly pulled him into a tight hug, " Just kidding Toto." Resting her chin on his head, " I missed you too."

"When did you come back, I tried to stay up but dad made me go to bet at ten." He whined.

Nett chuckled, " I appreciate it kid, but I came sometime in the morning dad picked me up from the airport. It was a really long flight, you know."

Her brother just nodded. The last year had been quite rough for him. He missed his big sister terribly. It was kind of lonely with just him and his dad. Of course, he tried to make to every soccer game and art show, but something still didn't feel right. He wanted his big sister to cheer him on and then after the game to take him for victory ice cream. Dad did try to continue the tradition, but without Nett it didn't feel right. On so many occasions he wanted to tell her to come back, but he didn't. Every time they face timed she looked so happy, so he tried to be happy. He wanted to do what a grownup would.

Now everything should be fine. His big sister is back so they can go back to normality. But he couldn't help but wonder, " Did you see mom when you were in Paris?"

New Orleans, USA


Friday, 7:12 pm

"So what do you think classic blue or grey skirt?" asked Rue.

"How about neither, it is a party Rue. Long skirts are a veto." Said Callia.

" So? It is back in fashion," argued Rue.

Callia snorted, " If you are a woman in your thirties, yes."

"I think it's cute."

"I do too but, but will Carter?" asked Callia. And she knew she got her. When it came to Rue and her crushes you could make her do anything. Normally she was this confident strong female, but when it came to boys her head went to mush.

She couldn't help it. Rue tried really hard not to get nervous, but there was no way to control it. Sometimes she would wish she was more like Callia. Her best friend could charm anyone or anything without trying, or Nett whose dry humor always made a good icebreaker. Rue was only good on when it came to arguing or running. It didn't matter what kind of running. May it be physical or running from her feeling.

Giving up she sighed, " Fine. What do you suggest?"

Callia squicked in delight and went right to Netts closet to find the mini dress she knew would make Carter Millees head turn.

As she watched her two best friend bickering about what to wear, Nett felt her heart starting to break. A year without this. How will she survive it? They have never been apart for more than two weeks.

The girls giggled together over the lilac colored dress that had a matching small belt. "See, hot yet classy. It screams a lady in the streets but sexy in the sheets."

"Good God, Callia." Rue groaned. She took her beats and put on Shamir - On the regular." We aren't even half done and we have to leave in twenty minutes. Nett you aren't even dressed yet. Let's get going."

Laughing Nett went back to the mirror to apply her lipstick. The wall had a large mirror in the center while it had photos from parties, camping trips and many more as a frame. She took a look at few of them. They were mostly the girls and herself, and her father and brother. Nett started it as a Pinterest inspired DIY, thinking she wouldn't continue it, but she did. And the grey space of the wall was slowly going away. You could hardly see it.

Callia threw a pillow at her, " Slowpoke, come one we are dressed already!" she yelled at her while finishing her side braid, taking a bright yellow string and intertwined it with her hair.

"Really? The string thing again?" Nett asked.

"So? It is original. At least I'm dressed normally." said Callia.

It was true. Callia usually wore some bizarre pieces of clothing. Today though? She wore a denim skirt with a lacy pink crop top and some strappy pale blue heals. She looked amazing.

"Marinette!" yelled Rue.

She put her hands in the air and said," Give me a minute, I know what to wear. Sheesh." Quickly pulling out some high waisted jeans and an off the shoulder white blouse." Cal. Before you say anything. I'm wearing this and end of story no right to vote either one of you."

"You are no fun," grumped Callia. Rue just smiled and took her phone out to check the time. For a second she was astonished when she saw who texted her. Tyrone Demelo sent her a message asking her if she was coming to the party. She was about to replay when Nett pulled her the door," Let's go before she kills me."

"If there is traffic Nett I'm gonna murder you," said Callia.

Rue sighed. 'I guess the text is not that important.' she thought.

New Orleans, USA


Sunday, 11:17 am


Toby nodded, " Yeah, did you see her?"

She looked at her brothers light green eyes that were the same grass shade as hers. How can she tell him that their mother didn't even try to contact them? Nett always hated to lie to him.

Giving him a small smile she said, " No, sorry kiddo."

His face fell a little, the sadness clear in his eyes. Quickly thinking about what to do she said, " Mom had a lot to do, but she called and asked me how we are. Especially you."

Toby grinned, " Really?"

'Thank God,' she thought.

"Pinky promise and I told her all about your games. She was really proud."

At this point, Tobias was jumping up and down from happiness.

"Now less talking. You mister have to eat and then we can build the Taj Mahal." quickly trying to change the topic.

"You really got it for me?" he beamed.

She gave him her thousand-watt smile, " I did promise you, did I not?"

He jumped at her and gave her the tightest hug," You, sis are the best."

New Orleans, USA


Friday, 9:43 pm

Marinette had already enough and they weren't even two hours at the party. She kind of expected it, when she told the girls she will be the DD for the night. Parties, in general, were not her thing. It wasn't that she didn't like the fun time. It was just too many people, and when that was the case she knew she'd fade into the walls like always.

She was used to blending in. This situation, in particular, was perfect seeing that she hoped not to be spotted by the Preps. At the moment, where she had to decide if she wanted to leave or stay, the last thing she needed were bitchy assholes.

Bored, she decided to look around the house. She had always known that Alex must be rich, with his father being a senator and his mother a journalist, but she did not expect a modern villa. From polished Marmor floors to some amazing art pieces the home was simply magnificent. She knew if Callia was here with, well, sober mind she would drool at the sign of the paintings.

She traced the hair of the woman in the painting. The swirl of gold and amber was simply mesmerizing.

"It is beautiful?" asked a deep voice behind her.

The voice was rich and easily sent shivers down her spine.

Nett nodded her head in response not even bothering to turn around.

The voice continued, " The artist wanted to showcase how sometimes we can get mesmerized by beauty even if we do not see the face person."

"I can see that." she agreed. " But isn't that shallow too?"

"How so?" asked the voice.

During their conversation, with Netts back turned to the stranger, a brunette was watching them. Glaring at Nett, who was oblivious to her surroundings as Rihanna's song Russian roulette played for the third time tonight. The brunette could feel herself shake with rage. Taking her phone out she quickly sent a text to Sebastian. A smirk played on her lips. No one comes near her boyfriend.

"Well, beauty in the world is usually combined with the facial structure and hair together. That is why for example in the Muslim religion, woman cover up their hair, which represents their crown, their beauty, to show that they are more just than their looks. That they have more to offer to the world."

The voice was quiet for a few seconds, " I never thought about it like that."

Nett smiled but when she turned to see the source of the voice she froze. No other than Alex Vyhovsky stood right beside her.

"Hello Firecracker," he said showing a perfect set of pearly white teeth.

At that moment Marinette understood the full meaning of the word 'Fuck'.

"Vyhovsky ." she said in a flat tone," What did I tell you about calling me that?"

He hasn't stopped smiling, "Hmm. Let me think." said Alex scratching his chin lightly."Not to?"

"Exactly," she said as she tried to go around him. But to her surprise, he stopped her.

"Hey, we just started having a conversation."

"Yeah we did until I saw it's you," she said glaring at him.

He frowned, " Come on. I'm not that bad."


"No, really."

He sounded nearly sincere.

"I'm really sorry about before. We were kids." he tried to explain.

"Yes we were, but you didn't see me bulling a nine-year-old."

She could have sworn she saw him wince.

"Okay, you get a point for that, you are right."

Nett nodded and tried to walk around him, but without luck. He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her a little to him.

"Now you are being rude. I'm trying to apologize," he said.

"Not interested." she shot back.

"Please." she thought about him on his knees begging. It was an appealing image.

"Do you know even my name ?"

"Of course I so!"

She wasn't convinced, " Fine, you are Marinette. "

"Great and you are Alex so if you excuse me." Another try another fail.

"We are not done Firecracker." his grip tightened around her forearm.

"What more do you want. And FYI it's Nett." she was getting even more annoyed. Where were the girls anyway? If Callia took another jello-shot the girl will get it. " I have to go find my friends they are probably worried."

"I wouldn't be so sure. I saw the little blonde dancing with Jacob and Rue was by the pool I think, so they are fine and so are you."

"You have an answer for everything, don't you?"

"I try," he answered sheepishly.

"What will it take for you to let me go?" she asked.

"How about we talk a little?"

She looked up for the first time to actually see him. Nett knew he was quite handsome. He was always the number one topic to talk about with the girls. But now? With the proximity of their bodies, she realized how attractive he really was.

"Fine." she agreed." But not here it is too.." she couldn't find the word for a second, "Oppressive."

Like a candle, his whole face lightened up," Yes, okay. How about by the pool. Cool air and I could get us drinks?"

"I don't drink."

"Why am I not surprised? How about a soda? Cherry flavored?"

She nodded. Alex said he will join her in a few minutes and that she could go just down the hall there was a sliding door that leads right to the pool.

She thought why not. She could also check on Rue while she was out or even ditch him f she felt like it. Nett went down the hall and stood right by the door. To her horror, she saw that her cheeks were flushed on the glass. 'Did Alex see this?' She thought.

Nett slammed her hand on her forehead. 'Great.' She thought sarcastically. 'Now he will think I like him.'

Opening the door she let out a breath. The fresh air hit her and it felt so good. Skimming around she spotted Rue in a corner smiling and talking to someone. She couldn't tell who it was. It was too dark. Nett decided not to interrupt her friend. Rue did look like she had a grant time.

So Nett went to the pool, near the water. It would be a nice way to cool down. Even if she could only put her feet in the water. The stars were shining brightly for a change in New Orleans. Kind of a surprise to be honest.

Someone tapped on her shoulder. Nett turned around expecting Alex to stand with their drinks. Yet, before she could even see who disturbed her, the person threw a drink at her.




'Cherry Cola," she thought. Looking up to see who it was, Nett was astonished to see Paris Nightengale and Sebastian Perez standing in front of her. Both wearing a sly grin, but while Sebastian's eyes were filled with mischief Paris had fury written all over her face.

Paris was the type you envied most of the time in high school. The Queen Bee. With bright blue eyes and light brown curls, she was quite a beauty. They never even exchanged words.

"So you think Alex wants you?" she laughed at her." How pathetic of you."

"What are you even talking about." Nett was painfully aware of how everyone was looking at her.

Paris snorted, " Please. Do not even play dumb. Even though it suits you. Sebastian and I saw you how you were all over poor Alex. He bearly escaped the STD transition from you."

A choir of laughter followed fast after Paris's words. "The boy couldn't get faster away from you," added Sebastian.

"Okay, you both are definitely deranged," stated Nett growing even more uncomfortable, " I didn't even talk five minutes with him. I do not even know him properly!"

Paris pushed her a little at first, " Like anyone would believe that."

"Yeah. What kind of girl tries to steal someones, long-term boyfriend. Huh?" asked Sebastian.

Nett tried to defend herself," I did-"

"Oh stop crying wolf. Like anyone will believe you." She pushed her again. Harder this time.

'Shit. Where are Rue and Callie? She thought.'

Sebastian's eyes shined for a second. At first, she didn't understand why.

"How about we teach her a lesson?"

"Gladly!" said Paris.

Both of them taking her by the forearm. Nett didn't even have time to process what was happening.

One second she was on the ground and the next she felt ice cold water. At first, fear gripped her. Her lungs were filling up with water as her body tried to consume oxygen in any form. Somehow she pulled herself up. Coughing up the water she nearly drowned on.

While Nett was trying to catch her breath Paris continued with her rampage, "You a freak. Always have been and always will be. If I thought you had any chance with Alex, besides starring in some of his nightmares, I wouldn't be so nice to you. So here is a tip." Her p in the tip was harsh, even sharp," You tried to seduce him and you failed, you really thought you had any chance with him? Do not make me laugh!"

Sebastian piped in " How about you leave. Maybe your mommy can dry your tears? Oh, she can't can she? She left you. Even she had enough of you."

Marinette could take a lot of things. Being called a freak and embarrassed in front of the whole school was one of them. But at this point, she did not know what stung more. The mentioning of her mother or the fact that her die-hard best friends were looking at the floor not even trying to defend her.

"Just leave already," yelled Paris, " You make me sick."

Nett never felt more of a rush than in this moment. She doesn't even remember how she got out of the pool.

When she got out, she did what every other girl that just faced an alpha female would, she ran. Not caring that she was the DD. Tears streamed down her face. She heard voices shouting her name, but she was too far away to care. Pain filling her chest.

While she ran through the house she nearly collided with Alex.

He was about to say sorry when he saw a wet Nett bearly standing on her two feet. His mind filled with worry as he was about to ask her what happened when she cut him off with five words that made him want to crawl out of his skin.

"I hope you are happy," said Nett sobbing and pushed him away running to the door.

New Orleans, USA


Saturday, 12:19 am

How she ended up at her house later in the morning, was a question only God could answer. She didn't even bother to give Callia her keys back.

But as she came inside her home the silence was deafening.

And she found it hard to breathe.

Her father and Toby left for the weekend to see her grandparents. Not caring what time it was she took her phone out only realizing that it doesn't work anymore. 'Just perfect.'

Her tears had dried down. Her mind was still clouded, but she knew what to do.

So she went up to her room. Turned on her laptop and searched her mailbox looking for an E-mail to answer. Not even a minute later she was writing,

"Dear Miss Loretta

It would be an honor to start the early programme at you ingenious academy.

I hope to see you on Thursday, June 18th.

Best wishes,

Marinette Piperel Delacroix

Clicking send, she got up and started packing.

She was so done with everything.

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