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Chapter 56: On the Precipice

The Black Faction had been losing it's mind after Lancer had dematerialized a short time ago. He had been seated talking with the Masters who were hard at work. The next second he looking off in a certain direction before he cursed and dematerialized. They had been preparing themselves to go check what the enormous gong sound was. But now they were at a loss of what to do. So they continued to prepare.

A little time passed before the sight of the hippogryph appeared in the sky. They went to the courtyard to meet their contact and maybe figure out what was happening.

About ten minutes later and a few loud explicatives later everyone was in a dangerous mind set. They were on the very edge of giving up. They had been beaten and battered as well as emptied of answers to the present situation. They were hovering before Astolfo and Ruler brought the back from the brink. They told them of Caster of Blue and her work to create transportation for everyone to make it to Hanging Gardens. They also explained that the Black Faction needed to prepare for both fights at this moment.

"How are we to do that? We don't have the amount of magic needed for our servants to fight all out." Caules asked with his broken glasses reflecting the light of the sun.

Ruler thought for a few moments before she turned to Sieg. "Do you think if asked the homunculi would offer their power for the coming confrontation and the final battle?"

Sieg thought for a few moments before he nodded, "I believe they would gladly offer their support, given they understand the situation. If it is to help the one who saved them we would hard pressed to keep them from doing so."

Gordes burst out in anger, "They are my creations! They will listen to me! I was the one to give them life and a purpose!"

"Yes, but you were the one to thrust them into a life they didn't want. Giving them no options. Now they have gained their freedom. They escaped the cannon fodder lives from the battlefield. They are not likely to listen to your orders. But if you were to show your sincerity they may answer your call." Sieg said looking at Gordes.

Gordes clenched his teeth in anger. Fiore was the one to break the tension. "I have already drawn up a company framework that the homunculi can join if they wish to. I have given many supplements and authorities to them so that they will no longer be as simple servants."

"Good that will do well to swage their fears. Now Prepare for the battle and bring everything with you. We will likely not be coming back before all is said and done." Astolfo said. The trio stayed to aid the Yggdmillennia family in preparing for the coming battle until it was time to leave.

In the Hanging Gardens.

Semiramis was walking up to her seated Master. He was seated with crossed legs with hands on his knees breathing deeply. After a few repetitions he spoke up. "Did they succeed in capturing Master of Blue?"

"Yes. I just placed him in the siphon room. It seems he is far more powerful than we originally believed him to be." Semiramis said as she walked to Kotomine's side looking at the Greater Holy Grail.

"That is good to hear. I will succeed even sooner than believed." Letting out a final breath he stood and disrobed. Standing in a pair of pants and boots with nothing else his muscles and scars were open for the world to see. "It is time I begin. But before that let me tie up a loose end. By my command, Shakespeare I order you not to write a tragedy to occur on my path to victory." With a flash of red light a command seal was used.

"There. Now Assassin if you would." Kotomine said with his ever present smile on his face.

"Of course Master." Semiramis said as she bowed before creating transparent circular platforms for Kotomine to climb up to the Greater Holy Grail.

Kotomine started his climb with surety in his steps. Semiramis watched on with some glee and sadness. As she wished for her Master to succeed while also wishing for the saint to fail. A small smile was on her face before she left to return to her throne room.

Jaune's Castle.

Shakespeare was writing like a mad man as the story was developing. He could not hide his interest in this Master of Blue. He was a tragedy magnet. He was the perfect hero for the story. Even better than Kotomine. Now he was wishing to join his faction and watch as everything unfolded. He didn't even need to give any input as the story was writing itself as this point.

He smiled happily before bands of energy encased his body. He heard the echo of Kotomine's voice, "By my command, Shakespeare I order you not to write a tragedy to occur on my path to victory."

Shakespeare was distraught. He could not stop himself from wriggling like a worm. The homunculi that were guarding the servant looked at one another not knowing what to do. They only wished their relief got here soon. This eccentric man was weird and they hoped they could get away from his insane ramblings.

"Fine. I will do so." Shakespeare said as he agreed. Once the bands of energy dissolved he looked up with a wide smile on his face in the direction of the Hanging Gardens. "I'm sorry to say Kotomine, you are not the main character any longer. This story has gotten so much bigger than you could ever realize." Shakespeare started laughing madly once again as he continued to write even as fate overrode the command seal placed upon him. "I wonder what Kotomine would say if he knew Jaune had already achieved his wish as has his whole world."

Shakespeare could not stop his eccentric side from breaking loose as papers began to fly as Shakespeare wrote the story of the Remnant Soul.

Hanging Gardens.

Achilles and Atlanta were being hard pressed to deal with this illusive enemy. They had also been feeling danger after not receiving aid from Semiramis and Karna. Since an enclosed space was not the type of battle ground suited for the two heroes who were speed and range attackers. They had a hard time with close combat assassins who were great at evasion and misdirection. Even with his extensive close combat training Achilles could not defeat what he could not see or hit.

The same went for Atlanta who was far less trained in close combat than Achilles. She had wounds all over her body. She had been able to dodge all of the major wounds that Jack tried for but not the smaller ones.

Achilles stopped his movement as he called out to the fog, "Why do you fight so hard for someone not in your faction? What reason do you fight for this Master of Blue?"

"You ask a question that is hard to explain. We do not have the words to give evidence. The only option is to show you." Jack said. A second later the fog which was already thick expanded and thickened until Achilles and Atalanta would not see a foot in front of their eyes.

A few moments passed as the fog began to reform into a city. Smoke filled the sky from the smoke stacks. Papers flew around on the ground and in the air. Jack appeared in her younger form. She looked at the two heroes with empty golden eyes. "You ask why I show such love and trust in someone have only known for a short time. Let me show you what happened before you appeared."

The two heroes froze thinking though their actions. They could try to attack Jack but it was not certain that this was the main body so they stayed their hands. They two followed the small frail child. After a couple blocks they were met with a sea of children.

Atlanta sucked in a breath while Achilles looked around in slight disgust. Achilles had seen many run down locations but he had never seen so many children in one place.

Atlanta was having a hard time breathing as she saw so many crying and pain filled children before. Her heart was breaking.

Before the two they saw Jaune as he stood looking at all the children. A moment later the scene around Jaune changed and he watched as one of the children was brutally beaten to death. Jaune tried his best to reach the girl but he was pushed away by one of the attackers.

The scene in front of Jaune changed again. Jaune again tried to save the child with all his might. This scenario repeated over and over until all of the children had appeared before Jaune. Atlanta had fallen to her knees crying hysterically.

Achilles watched even as he placed a comforting hand on Atlanta's shoulder. They watched as the Master of Blue had his mind and emotions stripped raw at his ineffective action.

It was only when Jaune had fallen to his knees just like Atlanta that the worst deaths came to pass. Jaune seemed to recognize the children as he tried even harder to save them.

One of the children had red hair and bronze like armor on her body. Achilles felt a connection to this person not knowing why. But when she died he started to cry as well.

When all of them had had died. The dead bodies of all the children surrounded Jaune. Jack had walked up to him and stared at him with a tilt of her head.

A few moments later Jaune blazed with golden black power. Two weapons appeared from his chest and flew at Jack. Jack in the scene flinched, but before she could escape she was hit and unharmed by the weapons.

The energy of Jaune flowed towards Jack before it flowed down the tether to the Throne.

The perspective changed as the two heroes watched in utter fascination as the two weapons went to work. They watched as the sword defended while the shield attacked backward of what they had always believed.

Once the domain they were in was surrounded by the shield the sky opened up and all of the dead children before them began to regain health and healed before their eyes. They stood when the golden light touched them. Once they stood they began to float into the sky towards the golden light.

Even Jack was hit by the light. When it did a large majority of her substance was taken. Essentially splitting her in two. But much to the surprise of the two heroes the little Jack and many others chose another direction. They all floated up until they touched the shield and disappeared. The rest who chose to leave flowed through the opening in the sky.

The vision cut off shortly after as the remaining Spector of Jack was left to finish her work in the mortal world. But it seemed from her expression she knew the location she would be going to would not be the Throne once she let go.

The two heroes were released from the dream illusion. They had a hard time reconciling what had happened. Even with their long lives they had never seen such feats done by someone so young. They had also never seen anyone get one over on Alaya in such a blatant and decisive way. But after seeing the aftermath of the Counter Guardian's attack they knew justice was swift in coming from the enraged goddess.

The two disregarded Jack as they stared at the prone Jaune who was still being sucked dry of any magic he was replenishing.

"What the hell is he?" Achilles asked no one.

"He is my big brother and he will be the one to save this world. As well as be the protector of the innocent." Jack said with finaility.

Atlanta was silent as she continued to stare at Jaune. After the final statement from Jack, Atlanta, who was at her wits end, came to decision. One she could follow with no feelings of regret to plague her later. The precipice her mind had been on was blocked by the new path laid out before her. After a few more moments on her knees she stood and began to walk towards Jaune. With an arrow in hand she cut into the floor with each magic circle she passed.

The purple glow began to decrease with each circle broken.

"Miss what are you doing?" Achilles asked Atlanta. He didn't try to stop her. Hades even he wanted to do what she was.

Atlanta didn't answer as she continued on until she reached Jaune's side. By this time the magic circles were broken leaving the beam hitting Jaune to fade to nothing. There in the center of the room she sat down on her knees and carefully placed Jaune's head in her lap. After some finagling she got the helmet off.

It was only now that Atlanta truly saw the true age of Jaune. She had good eyes for children as she had cared for them enough in her life. Jaune was one, not even ten summers though his large build concealed it well. Atlanta began to truly cry at this point. She let her pent up rage at the injustice of Alaya and the world in general as well as the pain received by such a child on Jack's behalf.

If she could she would swear her service to Jaune. He was a worthy master. One she could follow with no qualms at all. She stroked his hair and face as she did all she could to make him comfortable.

"Tell me Rider. Would you swear fealty to this Master if you had the opportunity?" Atlanta asked after her tears had dried up.

Achilles sighed as he looked in the middle distance with his spear on his shoulder as he stood. "Yes little miss. I would follow him. He is a worthy master."

"Good because we are going do that now." Atlanta said resolutely.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Achilles asked as he stood up straight.

"Jack would you come here please?" Atlanta asked Jack without answering Achilles.

Jack looked between the two heroes before walking over to Jaune and Atlanta prepared for anything.

Once Jack was in sight within the fog Atlanta looked to her. Atlanta smiled weakly as she asked her question. "Can you pull on your other half? I know she is in Jaune's soul. I just need for his weapon to appear here. I was hoping she could get it to appear."

Jack stared at Atlanta for a few moments before she nodded. Jack closed her eyes sensing for her other self within Jaune.

Reality Marble.

Leonidas and Chiron were in a constant fight with the last remaining vestiges of the Reality Marble left behind from Alter EMYIA.

They used their weapons to break the swords that appeared all over the Reality Marble. There had been a few close calls but they were managing to push back and break apart the Alter's Reality Marble. All the while Jaune's Reality Marble was hard at work eating away at the trespassing Reality Marble.

Going back to when Jaune had been incapacitated.

Leonidas who was nearby the weapon stand in the center, grabbed his spear, sword and shield and after putting on his helmet walked toward the direction of the enemy Reality Marble.

Chiron looked on and asked with a despondent expression, "What do you plan on doing?"

"I plan on fighting. The Reality Marble is present here meaning we can fight them. We are directly connected to Jaune's soul so I don't see why we can't destroy this invader. Plus I am something of an expert on defense." Leonidas smiled under his helmet as he raced away.

Chiron looked on for a few moments as the words registered. After they had entered his depressed mindset Chiron regained some vigor as he jumped up with arrows already notched to his bow. A second later a large swath of land covered in swords was obliterated from the arrow barrage sent it's way. The Reality Marble in that area recovered quickly and from his observation Chiron noticed an increase in defense of Jaune's Reality Marble.

Chiron finding something he could do was ecstatic and began a systematic obliteration of the rouge Reality Marble with Leonidas's aid. The Reality Marble gained a bite as each area was cleansed. After about half of the reality marble was cleared the mountains of fire and lightning began to attack the intruder.

Fire and lightning fired from the mountains to attack the swords appearing from the ground and the sky. Fire and lightning crossed paths as they aimed for their opposites. Each strike wiped out more of the swords as the enemy Reality Marble was beaten back and Jaune's Reality Marble took back control of the space.

When only 25% was left to cleanse the traced weapons and grimm started to appear and proceeded to attack the swords breaking and eating them in short order. They were reaching the last few hold out locations when the sword and shield on the weapons stand were sucked out of Jaune even in his unconscious state.

Chiron and Leonidas looked at one another before racing away, leaving the clean up to the Reality Marble and it's many tools.

Once they reached the pedestal they watched the outside world through the hologram produced by the dragon core for what was happening in Jaune's surroundings. What they found surprised them both. Atlanta was brushing Jaune's head with his head on her lap with Jack nearby. Not far away Achilles looked on in consternation.

"What is happening?" Chiron asked the air.

A second later the air answered.

"Seems that big brother is going to be gaining a few more heroes for his cause." The voice of Jack answer from near the ground.

Chiron and Leonidas jumped back with weapons ready pointed at where the voice had come from. Jack stood unconcerned looking at the hologram in from of herself.

After a few moments Chiron was the one to ask. "Why do you say that young one? Also how did you get here?"

Jack sighed as she answered, "Did you not watch the whole replay with the two outside?"

"No we were kind of busy getting the Reality Marble clean of invaders little one." Leonidas said to Jack not unkindly.

"Oh. Well here is a sped up replay." Jack said as she replayed the last few hours for the two in a few minutes but forming her mist over the hologram.

After it was finishing the two heroes nodded as they came to the realization of what was happening.

"It seems we will be gaining a pair of new heroes." Chiron said with arms crossed. A wide smile was on his face as he was going to meet two more people from his home country. As well as two he could train as disciples once again.

"Indeed. Hopefully they will help to give Jaune new capabilities." Leonidas said with a hand to his chin. Knowing the great utility the two heroes would give Jaune. Leonidas was happy to know Jaune would be able to gain great things from his countryman and woman.

"Do we have enough room for them?" Jack asked the two.

They two flinched slightly as they nearly forgot Jack was there. That presence concealment was something else. Looking down Chiron began to explain, "Shirou placed his soul shard into Jaune's Reality Marble. Since Shirou's soul shard was his Reality Marble from his original self, added to the fact Shirou had many more experiences and lived far longer than Jaune, this leads to the fact that Jaune's Reality Marble just gained an exponential increase in size and capability."

"With his Reality Marble being his soul that means there will be plenty of space within for more heroes to join us here." Leonidas finished as he placed a hand on Jack's head after he knelt down. "That means all of the ones who came with you will also have a place to stay." Leonidas smiled widely.

Jack who had been worried about such a problem started to tear up knowing they could live in such an amazing place after the hell like existence they had been forced into. Jack began to cry hugging Leonidas.

Leonidas just smiled gently and rubbed Jack's back.

A few moments later a new collection of buildings appeared within a wooded area. If one was to see them they would think of Neverland and the lost children's home. Everything was ramshackle and built oddly but they all had very bright and wide range of colors. Tree houses, huts, play areas and anything a child could dream up.

Children began to appear and start to play throughout the new living area. Laughter and joy filled the air as the children released from their hell gained back their innocence.

Chiron and Leonidas watched on with smiles on their faces. The two still kept watchful eyes out for the rouge Reality Marble. Seeing the most dangerous of threats being decimated by Jaune's Reality Marble they decided to sit and watch as Jaune gained two new heroes to his already long roster. The dangerous precipice had been bypassed. Now they needed to understand the situation. They had been fighting for days even if it had only been a short time on the outside.

Atlanta watched as the shield and sword appeared before her. Both were beaten and scarred from the battle in the Throne. "Why did you bring both out?" Atlanta asked Jack looking at he pair of weapons.

"I didn't. The other came out on it's own. I swear they have minds of their own." Jack said as she stared at the two weapons on display before her.

Achilles walked forward his expression unsure. He stood a few feet away from the three. He gazed at the weapons. They were of simple design but felt as if reality was warping around them. Divine weapons then.

Atlanta staring at the weapons reached out her hand. She touched the shield. Words filled her mind as she started speaking, "I wish to be a shield for the innocent. To protect them from the horrors of the world. I say this under no command save for my own will. I pledge myself to Master of Blue, Jaune Arc. To follow and aid him in his life. This I so swear on my soul."

When she finished speaking Atlanta and the shield began to glow with golden light. The sword which had been lying on the ground stood point to the sky. In a quick movement it cut down. There was snick as the command seals keeping Atlanta under Kotomine were severed. The shield in response bloomed into it's Rio Ais form. The petals surrounded Atlanta and touched the severed ends of the contract.

The severed ends began to reform and become stronger as a new connection was made between Atlanta and Jaune. A small soul shard was pulled from Atlanta to sink into the shield disappearing from sight.

Within the Reality Marble a new building was created nearby to the children's new home. This was a temple to the Goddess of the hunt Artemis. Animals appeared within the temple eating away at the foliage surrounding the marble stone temple.

Achilles watched on in confusion and awe. He was confused as to why Jaune had the Rio Ais shield. He was in awe of the capability of the Shield to know what to do without prompting from it's owner. To sever then reconnect the ties to the servant with little to no fan fair.

Now it was Achilles on the edge trying to determine what it was he wanted.

CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hello Fellow Readers!

How are you doing? I hope you are all well! Here we reaching the final hours. What will Jaune's reaction be after awakening?

Find out next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for Reading Fellow Readers!

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