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Chapter 62: Fenrir: Battle of the Divine Beasts Part 2

Fenrir after roaring his rage jumped into the air. As he did one of the Pegasi was too slow to escape the massive jaws of the wolf. With a loud whomp the jaws closed over the Pegasi. Fenrir chewed a few times before he swallowed the magical beast. "Hmm. Tastes good. I hope you have more magic to fill my belly." Fenrir turned and struck like lightning towards the most brightly colored hero..

Ruler who was his first target unfurled her banner as she called out at the very last moment when she was completely covered by the jaws of Fenrir, "Here's the work of the Lord! My flag, defend my brethren! Luminosite Eternelle!" Ruler planted her flag into the stone as a golden barrier expanded to cover her and the surrounding area completely filling Fenrir's mouth keeping him from swallowing her or crushing her.

Fenrir growled as he was stopped by the barrier that kept his jaws open. He tried to pull the barrier up but the barrier was fused with the surrounding ground keeping him from moving it any great distance. Instead he began to squeeze his jaws to eliminate the barrier and the one within. Activating his saliva to burn away the barrier as he did Fenrir increased the pressure. Cracks began to appear all over the barrier as he was close to finishing off one of the heroes.

Scathach had separated from the team running to get to his backside where she could hopefully take out one of his leg tendons. Seeing Ruler's peril she pushed herself harder even as she heard the crackling of the barrier. In a red purple flash Scathach appeared at the hind leg and swung her spear hundreds of times within a few seconds.

The iron tough fur was cut away before the flesh underneath was shredded from the god slaying spear. With the sound of a giant cable snapping the tendon on Fenrir's hind leg was cut.

Immediately Fenrir opened his jaws even as he screamed jumping away on his three other legs. As he jumped he swept his tail out at the jumping Frankenstein sending her into a stone wall to impact there and stick. Gramps tried dodging the return swing of the tail as he had prepared to attack the other leg to make Fenrir lame. He failed to get out entirely as he too was sent flying but he was able to readjust on his own. His eye burned as he stated, "Tis troublesome."

Tama stood on a stone outcropping and waved her hands in intricate patterns as magic flowed around her like a river. Sigils, runes, and hieroglyphs floated around her as she worked on a binding magic to keep Fenrir in place for the heroes to attack.

Fenrir noticed this and rushed in her direction as she was the greatest threat to him if she took away his mobility. Since he was immortal he could heal from even a god slaying weapon as long as he had time. That time he wouldn't have if he was tied down as he was for so many centuries.

"Don't you dare fox!" Fenrir roared as he rushed forward. Each step forward was followed by magical slashes that came from his immense claws. Eight slashes of light flew in front of Fenrir towards Tama.

Tama widened her eyes as she stopped her motions even as she changed them into a defensive formation. As quick as she was she wasn't fast enough to stop the eight magical strikes. Six of the slashes were broken on the barriers she created before the barriers shattered from the force of the last two slashes.

Tama took the full brunt of the two remaining slashes even as she jumped backward while reinforcing her body. Crossing her arms her clothes were the first thing to be shredded followed by her arms. By the time she escaped the attack the front half of her forearms was missing leaving her muscles and tendons in the open air. She grit her teeth even as she rushed away with her arms hanging at her sides.

"No one will chain me down again! No one!" Fenrir roared as he snapped his jaws at Tama.

Atlanta took her first shot at Fenrir. With her magic activating her noble phantasm she shot out a ten of her arrows towards the soft flesh of Fenrir's open mouth, nose, eyes and ears. "Phobeus Catastrophe!" Blue green arrows flew from Atlanta's bow at great speeds with great force enough to knock her back as she released.

Fenrir's ears swiveled as he heard the incoming missiles. A second later Fenrir closed his eyes and flicked his ears back. Fenrir met the arrows head on. He yelped as the arrows pierced his nose and the tender flesh of his mouth. Before he closed his jaws Atlanta smirked as she spoke another word, "Explode."

Each of the arrows exploded when they pierced Fenrir's body. Gallons of blood and hundreds of pounds of flesh was blown away from Fenrir's head. Fenrir yowled even as Tama disappeared from Fenrir's path. Fenrir shook his head even as his healing factor went into effect.

"You will pay for that half breed!" Fenrir growled.He was too focused on Atlanta to react to the other hero who was sneaking up to attack him.

Frankenstein had recovered from her impromptu snow angle art work. Rushing forward she jumped activated her noble phantasm. Screaming she swung for the fences with her dynamo into Fenrir's weakest point on his body. Everyone widened their eyes and winced as her blow landed.

Fenrir screeched as his weakest body part was tased by a massive sphere that was swung with crushing force. Fenrir trembled as pain unlike anything he had ever experienced hit him. He couldn't even roar as his breath had left him in a split second. He trembled and knelt down as he tried to adjust to his pain filled lower body.

Gramps didn't waste this opportunity as he rushed forward and swung his sword. He aimed for the same general area as Frankenstein and the result was the falling of the massive tail.

Fenrir roared as he raged. The ground fractured and began to evaporate. Gramps grabbed Frankenstein and disappeared from around Fenrir. The area immediately surrounding Fenrir began to slowly evaporate into the air. With his jaw wide open all the evaporated stone, dirt and debris was taken and devoured. "I will devour you all!"

The sphere expanded as Fenrir raged at receiving so many wounds. The heroes jumped away as they we close to the edge of the devouring sphere. As he did this Fenrir gained a golden coat as the divine aspect was brought to the fore.

The heroes looked on in worry as they had no way to truly deal with this. As they were thinking this an untold number of red beams fell from the sky while uncountable stone stakes appeared from the ground. As they hit the sphere there was a hitch that stopped the expanding sphere for a few seconds.

"You will not stop me!" Fenrir yelled as he pushed his divine aspect harder.

The beams and stakes were quickly devoured. Astolfo took this opportunity to make his move. A massive hunting horn appeared in his hands dipping past the hippogryph's sides even as Astolfo took in a deep breath. The ruby glow of a command seal surrounded him aiding him and his noble phantasm strength. "La Black Luna!" He blew into the hunting horn.

The air was filled by the sound of dragon cries, the cries of giant birds, and the neighing of divine horses. A physical wave of air and sound flew outward directly at Fenrir. Fear and panic filled the divine beast. The sound he heard were all dangerous creatures, dangerous to even his divine self. His divine magic flickered and died as he could not keep his mind focused enough to keep it active.

Scathach took this opportunity to rush forward. With her spear ready she rushed up Fenrir's front leg towards his chest. Fenrir reacted in a panic as he thrashed around to dislodge the dangerous enemy from his body. Scathach kept her forward movement as he reached his chest and thrust her spear forward. It was a good thrust that was likely to kill if it finished it's movement. But Fenrir moved just enough to make the spear glance off one of his divine bones throwing off the course of the spear thrust.

From his ragged breathing it seemed she had gotten something important even if it wasn't her first target. She attempted to attack again before she saw a stone outcropping rushing towards her forcing her to jump away.

Fenrir smashed through the stone outcropping easily. The landslide that resulted forced the heroes to escape the area.

The heroes watched as Fenrir raced away from them only to be redirected by a mass of stakes and red beams from the sky again. They followed him as he raced in a semicircle.

Tama who had just finished healing herself finished her preparations for next attacks. Chains of power flew from her towards Fenrir. As he was jumping away the chains caught him and pulled him to the ground. He thrashed in his bonds even as they tightened. His muzzle, legs, hind quarters and the regrown tail were tied up. the casino spun around him before they punched down into the ground opposite from where they came from.

"This is the best shot! Mordred! Achilles! Berserker! Do it now!" Tama yelled as she held a praying pose to keep the magic activated.

Frankenstien rushed forward to stand below the chained jaws of Fenrir in place as she activated her noble phantasm, "Blasted Tree!" Slamming her dynamo into the ground the sphere began to spin at its highest speed yet. Lightning shot out unendingly from the dynamo forming a tree made of lightning. The upper branches piercing into Fenrir's head.

While Frankenstein prepared Achilles and Mordred jumped onto his chariot and blasted off into the sky. As they reached the desired height the two turned to one another before they began to fall as the chariot evaporated.

The two smiled at one another as they prepared to unleash their strongest attacks.

"Clarent Blood Arthur!" Mordred yelled as her sword unclasped its storage hilt releasing its stored magical energy into the form of red plasma that arced with equally red lightning.

Achilles smiled as he activated his two noble phantasms. "Dromeus Kometes!" Green lighting surrounded his form as he activated his second noble phantasm. "Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe!" As his spear glowed with magical energy as it intermixed with the green lighting.

The two fell from the sky at the speed of lightning. Achilles spear was pointed at the base of Fenrir's skull while Mordred aimed at the top of the skull in the same general area. When they got close the three different lightning types intermixed.

The Blasted Tree expanded to cover the front half of Fenrir. The lightning burned away a majority of his fur even as he thrashed in his bonds. The lightning pierced into Fenrir's nose, ears blinding and deafening him. The lightning also hit his eyes and teeth making them explode from the energy.

As he roared in pain the two heroes impacted forcing Fenrir's head down main him cut off his tongue from his jaws clamping shut. The rest of his body went slack as the nerves had been severed.

As the heroes were going in for the kill, the exploding of Jormangunder's body from not far away. The heroes were pushed away by the blast of energy and sound. Tama who had a tenuous hold on her magic had her concentration broken.

The chains holding Fenrir slowly fell apart. The surroundings were exploding as the bones and scales rained down with immense force like meteors. The heroes continued to dodge the rain of body parts.

"Damn it! They could have waited for just a little longer." Scathach said as she sighed, "Well at least we have one down."

Fenrir now free of the panic was facing his healing to a new level recovering from his injuries caused by the heroes. His fangs regrew, eyes filled back in, fur returned, gashes and cuts closed up. After a few seconds his immortality forced his body back into shape. Including his other organs.

Fenrir stood from his kneeling position and fire lit in his eyes as he activated his other divine aspect. Given to him on his sisters dying breath Hel gave Fenrir power over the disgraced dead. Flames of blue covered his body as the surrounding area was beginning to be filled with the lingering spirits in the mortal world.

Over ten massive long ships made out of an unknown material appeared in the air. From the ships wide and metal studded gang planks fell to the ground. From them came an unending line of soldiers tromped to the land. Where the soldiers tromped their skeletal feet, the grass and very ground was sucked dry of any life within.

The skeletal soldiers all had blue glowing eyes similar to Gramps but they had a neon color that gave an eldritch feeling. The endless tide of undead circled around Fenrir, preparing themselves for battle.

They were drauger the undead of the Norse Pantheon. Those under the control of Hel the queen of the Underworld. Mummified skeletons with glowing blue eyes rusted armor and equally rusted weapons were prepared for the fight.

"You killed my brother!" Fenrir roared with anger, hatred and sadness. "I am now the last remaining Norse god. I will not fall here! Come mortals let me show you what a god is capable of!" Fenrir said as he disappeared from where he was.

In the next instant Achilles who was just reacting was cut into three pieces. His divine aspects were over ruled by a true divine being. His left leg flew off followed by his right arm. His torso was nearly split apart from his shoulder to his upper chest, but the claw was deflected by the Akhilleus Kosmos noble phantasm shield preventing his torso from being split apart.

Achilles flew away from the force of the attack. Fenrir who appeared to attack Achilles disappeared once again.

All that was seen next was the broken armor of Mordred as she felt away. Everyone heard the long line of expletives coming from the knight even as she landed.

Frankenstein who had retrieved her Noble Phantasm was just starting to move before she received the attack that had been coming for her since she attacked. The massive paw of Fenrir fell down upon the hero. Even in the split second she raised her weapon above her head. It did her no good as she forced down even as her body was fractured and broken from being crushed by a mountains worth of rage.

The ground exploded as the paw landed crushing Frankenstein and impacting the ground. There was an explosion like a meteor as the ground exploded upward.

The massive dust cloud blocked the other heroes sight. Scathach cursed as she saw Gramps rush over to the undead and begin to decimate the undead soldiers. Though he eliminated thousands it was but a tiny fraction of the unending tide.

Ruler had turned from the divine beast to face the endless undead before her. She puller her spear banner before herself and prayed. After a few moments the golden light swelled around her. In her last line she thrust out her hands, "... I release the lingering souls to your embrace. Fly them to your endless afterlife. Wings of the Angel!"

Two waves of golden energy flew from her body, resembling feathered wings of golden light. The lights flew over the undead. As they did the neon blue lights of the undead were snuffed out. As the lights disappeared the draugers fell to the ground before they began to turn to dust.

A whole half of the landed undead was wiped out. One of the ships was eliminated as it turned into a neon blue and golden flash. The remains of the undead all turned to face the greatest threat to their un-life. The drauger tromped towards the glowing woman on top of a hill.

As they began to move three attacks from the sky and the ground began to eliminated the undead in a great wave. Red light beams fell from the sky to the ground coming from where the masters were. A another set of arrows fell from the sky greenish blue exploding in the sky before they fell upon the undead. Five of the ships were wiped out along with a wide swath of the undead on the ground.

From the ground stakes grew and pierced the soldiers. Even as they were stuck they were pulled upward while flailing. Though they were not properly eliminated the stakes became a new obstacle to the fight between the heroes and Fenrir and the undead tide.

After a few seconds the stakes and red beams abruptly cut off. From that direction a black cloud appeared, as they did a horrendous screech and roar of monsters screamed to the heavens. All 666 of the monsters of the Dead Apostle Ancestor.

Atlanta continued her barrage on the undead. She continually fired her bow at the undead. Her face was a mask of rage. She looked down at the fur pelt on her side. She would need to use it soon if this battle continued the way it was going.

Fenrir who had just knocked Tama away into a stone wall, turned his head as he felt a tugging from the direction. He growled as he felt the danger of the tugging in that direction. The danger he had felt for centuries.

The danger of chains upon his soul.

Scathach came from the dust cloud and flew forward through the air spear prepared to end the battle once and for all.

Fenrir growled as he swung his head and his paw at the incoming threat. His muzzle was cut, as the spear aimed at his eye, cut a long deep furrow but saved his life. The paw he pulled up flexed before it shot out smashing into Scathach's side. Even in her inhuman movements she was unable to keep the attack from landing.

Scathach disappeared before an explosion of a mountain side showed where she landed.

Fenrir started running in the direction of the most dangerous threat. Before he could make it four strides a blue energy beam surrounded by the ruby of a command seal fell from the sky along with the screamed words, "Fall Balmung!"

A wide beam of sword energy fell from the sky towards the ground impacting Fenrir's defensive divine energy. The golden light sparked against the cyan blue light of the sword energy. Fenrir was forced to kneel down as he received the full on brunt of the attack.

An explosion of magical energy rushed out as the two energies erupted.

An explosion of dust covered the area blocking the eyes of everyone on the ground. A few seconds later everyone noticed that the cloud did not dissipate instead it expanded and persisted even as Fenrir roared.

Jack appeared at Tama's side. She noticed how Tama was in a bad way her body was broken. Bones stuck out from her skin with blood pouring from her. She breathed spluttering out blood from her mouth.

"Things are getting bad. Jaune, Vlad, Nobunaga and the other masters are facing off against Nero. Nero is trying to pull in the remnants of Jormangunder's soul into himself. He is also pulling in Fenrir. If he succeeds he will be able to eliminate all of us. With how many injuries Fenrir has received he will have an easier time absorbing him. What do we do? Sieg will not be able to hold Fenrir for long."

"W-we need to gather our strength and eliminate Fenrir. Once we do we can rush to Nero's side to eliminate him before he succeeds. Because if he doesn't succeed Fenrir will kill everyone." Tama had to stop and start as she spoke.

Scathach appeared in their impromptu planning session. Her armor was missing parts with blood flowing from her wounds. "We can not allow the undead to stay here. As long as they stay here they absorb the life energy of the world giving it to Fenrir. He will continue to be immortal. Even if his divine immortality is taken by Medusa the life energy from the undead will keep him in a similar state."

The two looked on at the endlessly flowing undead. The remaining undead ships were surrounded by flying creatures. It seemed the ships were prepared for any incoming attacks to prevent destruction.

"What do we do?" Jack asked.

As they spoke a bloodied body was crawling in their direction. He pulled himself forward with one arm and one leg working in concert. A spear clutched in his hand as he moved forward. Blood stained his body.

He reached a ledge and fell. He coughed as he flipped himself over to look at the three women. "I have something that will eliminate the undead. But someone must stay with me to activate the noble phantasm."

Tama looked on with a glimmer of understanding. "Right. Someone call a Pegasi. Once they get here we will be flying towards the ships."

Jack just nodded as she disappeared. Scathach looked at the two remaining heroes and said, "This will likely be a one way trip."

"It needs to be done. Besides we won't really die. We will just need some time to reform within Jaune's Reality Marble." Achilles said with a bloodstained smile. He coughed sending out a string of blood.

Scathach nodded as she turned looking at the Pegasi that came in to land before them. Helping the two injured heroes Scathach turned to look where she would be of the greatest aid. Crouching she exploded forward towards Fenrir.

Tama clutched Achilles who laid across the Pegasi's back. The three rushed to the central formation of the viking long ships. Tama sent out waved of elemental energy to knock the flyers out of the sky. As they arrived over the undead Achilles raised himself enough to grab his shield. Pulling it forward he raised it above his head as he spoke the activation chant, "Akhilleus Kosmos: The Miniature World Enclosed by the Azure Sky!"

There was an explosion of neon magical energy that swelled to cover the sky and land. A full miniature world expanded. Everything Achilles experienced in his life was within this shield. Creatures of myth, famous heroes, gods, monsters, armies, castles, seas. All of them appeared and fell upon the unsuspecting undead.

The first lines were wiped from existence followed by those behind. As the world expanded the endless undead were crushed by the memories of history. Bones, armor, weapons, creatures, and ships were constantly smashed into nonexistence by the moving miniature world.

As they flew forward the two heroes watched as another Pegasi flew forward. On it's back was Medusa scythe in her hand as she prepared to finish her mission.

Achilles fell unconscious from the overdrawing of his magic. The miniature world began to disappear. One ship and a legion of undead was left.

Tama cursed even a she prepared her magic to wipe out the remnants of the undead horde. Before she could finish a tower of light appeared at the backs of the undead. The ship was completely vaporized along with the surrounding undead.

From the ground a wild laugh was heard as Beowulf appeared and began to decimate the remaining undead. Artoria followed behind him and attacked those that escaped Beowulf's frontal assault. Though there were arguably few that escaped his hands that survived.

Tama cheered even as the Pegasi turned and headed towards Fenrir. As they watched Medusa fell from the sky towards the giant wolf.

Scathach, Jack, Sieg and Mordred were keeping Fenrir in place using everything they could.

Fenrir roared even as he felt the tether tighten around his soul. Therefore he didn't notice the small form fall upon his body. He did feel as his divine abilities were stripped from him. His immortality was taken from him even as his undead horde was wiped out fully.

"Damn you all! I will not die here!" Fenrir roared once again as he turned on his devouring ability again.

The heroes jump away. As he does Sieg returns to his normal state. As he falls he rolls for a few yards before he moves. Sieg looks down and sees all of his command seals gone. He members how Ruler had told him not to use it again after that or he would transform.

Looking around at the destruction Sieg came to a realization. He didn't wish to see the world end. He wanted others to experience life. He wanted to give people the ability to live full lives even if he couldn't.

Sieg looked at his two companions. Astolfo in the air and Ruler on the hill a ways away.

The three made eye contact before Sieg dragged himself to stand.

After speaking with Astolfo through telepathy he stood holding one of his arms. He looked at the raging divine beast and raised his hand now covered in black scales.

As he did black light and bright orange flames surrounded his body as his mortality was stripped from him. Sieg began to transform from the heart outward.

In the swirl of magical energy Sieg transformed into Fafnir. The black dragon stood on his hind legs and roared. Fenrir who had been pushing his devouring ability turned to the new threat. "Fafnir? I thought you died long ago? Why do you stand before me now? It matters not. You will die along with these mortals!"

Not answering the black dragon lunged forward and the two divine beasts attacked each other.

The bell toll of Death rolled across the land.

CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hello Fellow Readers!

Hope you new year is going well! I am working to make a constant updates possible. For now the story needs some adjustement before I can place it here so please keep looking forward to the coming chapters. I dont want to rush things so I will be taking some time to make sure I can get everything I can out of each chapter for you to enjoy.

Now please leav comments on your thoughts of the battle! I would like to know your thoughts, likes, dislikes and/or confusion. I am working to become a better writer and your comments help to make that happen.

Next time Jaune will face off against the Dead Apostle Ancestor Nero Chaos. How will he fair against this evil being?

Find out next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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