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Chapter 82: In the Beginning...

Odin after hugging his granddaughter turned to look at the others surrounding the ramp of the VTOL. He first looked at Ren and gestured with his hand for Ren to come over.

Hesitantly Ren walked forward as he felt immense pressure from these three and he didn't know why. It wasn't just that they were adults, it was more his sixth sense being pressed on my a huge weight. Plus all of the emotion the three gave off. Ren knew people and he knew emotions due to his semblance. These three had emotions that were somehow deeper than another people he had come across. Ren fidgeted as he walked closer to the three adults and Nora.

Seeing Ren's distress Nora jumped from her grandfathers embrace and rushed to Ren's side. Holding onto his arm while giving him a beaming smile Ren relaxed. Nora looked up and spoke to her parents and grandfather, "Mom, dad, grandpa, this is Lie Ren. My best friend in the whole world. Well since I haven't really gotten to know anyone for years he is the only friend I have. Oh wait there is Sky and Russ." Nora said as she glanced back at Sky and Jaune.

The three adults all looked to Jaune before they turned back to Nora who continued to spew out whatever was in her head. From that single glance Jaune felt like he was seen through like glass. As if everything he was; his aura, his Reality Marble, the heroes within and his weapons were uncovered by that simple glance. Jaune shivered as the heroes went on high alert and prepared for anything. The Dragon Will stayed silent though.

Jaune's perception of time slowed to match the Reality Marble as he spoke with the heroes that were on a knife's edge.

"Jaune I need you to listen. Should they come toward you with killing intent, or you feel threatened at anytime please summon us. There is no way for you to deal with them if they decide to do anything. When we are summoned run as fast as you can. Get back home and start up all the contingencies. We don't know how many more of them there are here. With how much you have stored up you should be able to last until Zelretch can save you." Scathach said as she began to pull in Jaune's power ready to act should the need arise.

Jaune was stunned as he spoke to Scathach mentally, "W-what is going on Scathach? Why do I need to start the contingencies? Who are those three?"

"Those three are likely some of the most powerful Norse gods. The Pantheon that was supposed to fight Fenrir and Jormangunder in Ragnarok. After humanity broke the chains of the gods on our world all the gods left for places unknown. Some went to the divine realm while others disappeared entirely. These three were some of the ones to disappear completely. The fact that you defeated Fenrir and Jormangunder and devoured their souls has left a mark on you. A mark that they will be forced to confront. Prepare yourself." Beowulf said mentally from his insubstantial form.

"But I didn't defeat them you guys did with the other heroes in the other world!" Jaune said pleadingly.

"It does not matter. Your Dragon Will absorbed the remnants of their souls which had all been affected by the Norse pantheon and their powers. Therefore that mark is inside you and Fenris. They will sense it and enter a combative state." Tama said through the Reality Marble.

"Oh, great. More gods to deal with." Jaune said under his breath with a very tired expression as he returned to normal speed.

"But anyway, Ren saved me from Grimm sooooo many times. He is the best thing that happened to me since....since...." Nora started to tear up. Ren grasped her hand and gave her strength to continue. She smiled and nodded wiping away the tears and snot from her face with her free hand. "Please don't send him away. I can't live without Ren."

Odin looked like he was punched as he rocked back at Nora's words. After regaining his smile Odin leaned in and spoke for the first time, "Nora. I would never send away the boy who helped to bring you back to us. The one who kept you alive for all these years. If you wanted you could marry him and I would not care. All that matters is that you are back with us. Alive and safe." Odin turned to Ren and spoke solemnly. "Lie Ren family friend of the Valkyrie family. Young man I knew your father and mother, they were amazing people. They knew the best way to deal with any conflict by talking things out and cooling emotions. I never did repay him for the times he kept me from losing my head. If I had known you were still alive, with Nora no less I would have...." Odin shook his head before he continued, "Anyway that is the past. You have out utmost gratitude. Should you ever need anything you have but to ask. Our home is now your home." In every sense of the word." So saying Odin bowed to Ren. Nora's mother and father also bowed to Ren.

Nora's face burst into flames from embarrassment as well as joy knowing she would not be separated from Ren. Ren was not much better while being filled with elation as he would not have to be separated from Nora and he now had a home, from a friend of his father no less, after so long he nearly cried with relief.

Beowulf looked on with a shocked expression while speaking aloud unconsciously, "Huh?". When he did Sky turned around and tried to find the source of the noise. Jaune looked on with slight confusion as the rest of the heroes all started yelling shaking the Reality Marble from the force of their shouts.

"What?! Odin said such soft words?" Mordred asked completely flabbergasted.

"Is this really the god who searched for the Root, the most ruthless and paranoid more than any mage since ancient times?" Scathach asked as she squinted her eyes.

"Wow. Didn't expect that." Tama said as she looked on with conflicted eyes.

"Grrrr?" Frankenstein tilted her head in confusion.

"Well there's something you don't see everyday." Leonidas said as he looked on with a contemplative expression wondering about the muscles the two likely gods had under their armor and if they could compare to his own.

"God's don't act that way....they don't...right?" Achilles asked while looking on with frustration, confusion and helplessness as he remembered all the troubles the Greek gods placed upon him and the rest of the Grecian people in his time.

"I wonder if even gods can change?" Chiron spoke as he too squinted looking for any inconsistencies.

"Now that is not something you see everyday! A god bowing to a mortal!" Nobunaga said while smiling and laughing as if she saw the funniest thing ever.

Gramps stayed silent as he squinted his blue blazing eyes.

"Are they truly gods?" Vlad asked as he gazed upon the three.

"They are." Artoria said with certainty. "I can feel their divinity. It seems that most of their divinity has been locked away somehow, but it is there. I truly wonder how they ended up here." Artoria wondered as she gripped her lance ready for battle at a moments notice.

Medusa's eyes blazed with light as she glared at the gods. Even if they were from a different pantheon it did not stop her rage at the gods for her situation.

Atlanta looked on with little change in her expression as she said, "I do not see it. Artemis was far more real than ...those three."

"Oh such a wonderful twist in the story. The divinity, the power, the religious, the twist of fate, all appear before our hero as he completes his quest of returning the fair maiden to her home only to find her family of gods! One can not force such a exquisite turn in the story without the aid of a divine hand." Shakespeare screamed as he wrote into his ever present notebook.

Jaune winced at that last comment of Shakespeare. It felt too on the nose for his taste. It was something he had been wondering about for a while, something he had been questioning for a long time. If a god was directing his actions then he would fight it all he could but then he would become paranoid of every situation and event. Jaune could only conclude that if the machinations of such a god ended up with positive outcomes he would leave it be. If not he would find any and every way to free himself from the strings on him. For now it was giving him a headache so he put it out of his mind. One way or another his life was his own and he would walk it the way he chose.

The heroes noticed the change in Jaune's demeanor. His ever present tension relaxed some as he seemed to lose an immense weight. They all wondered about it but could not take their attention away from the three long enough to find out. They would bring it up at a more suitable time.

"Why are you all freaking out? What is so weird about their actions?" Jaune asked since he hadn't really come into contact with gods save for the divine beasts which were different due to their nature's.

"Jaune you have to understand that gods do not bow to mortals. They are too proud and too powerful to allow themselves to do such a demeaning thing in their eyes. At least that is what the gods in our world thought when they were around." Scathach said as she went over her memories. "Only great quests that are near impossible to accomplish and somehow aided the gods could get the gods to even give a nod of the head."

Jaune returned to normal speed and heard Odin call out, "Good people we will have food prepared and beds made for you to stay the night. Join us as we have a feast in honor of my grandchild's return. If you would follow my son and his wife they will get you all situated." Odin said as he swept his hands towards the castle.

Gundy looked at Jaune and receiving a slight nod called out to his two teams. "Alright you lot. Lets go celebrate a job well done! No heavy drinking though. We need to prepare to move fast should any word come in about our missing person."

There was a chorus of cheers at this as well as boos at the drinking part but everyone had a smile on their face as they headed towards the castle. Jaune walked over to Sky and said. "We will stay here until we get word. Once we do we will take off immediately. For now try to relax. You are safe here. I guarantee it." Jaune smiled at Sky.

Sky looked at Jaune with her big eyes behind her glasses before she clutched her computer tight and followed the rowdy huntsman and huntresses. Jaune followed along behind her.

As he reached the gate Jaune was stopped by Odin. The man didn't speak for a few seconds, time enough for no one to hear his next words. "It is good to see one who still follows the warriors path here even if it is in a different form." Odin said as he looked into open air where Beowulf stood close to Jaune.

Jaune flinched at these words. Fear coursed though his veins as his senses kicked into overdrive. The clamoring in his head didn't help his fear either. But the next words sent Jaune straight into terror mode.

"I think you should all quiet down in there. It is not good to speak ill of the gods. Plus I think you are giving the poor boy a head ache." Odin said to the air.

The Reality Marble went silent.

Jaune began to feel faint as the heroes drew deeply upon his reserves.

"You all should stop that right now. I have much to explain before you start 'jumping the gun' as they say." Odin said. "Yes I am from the world you come from. No I am not an imposter. Yes we have been living with the humans and Faunus for generations. Simply put we got permission. Now before anymore questions are asked we should go to my study. There is much for the boy to learn about this world and his part in it."

Odin turned away walking with his spear tapping the ground like a walking stick.

"What just happened?" Jaune asked.

"That was a form of prescient sight. Of being able to see the future to a limited degree. But when you are talking about gods the 'limited degree' part goes out the window." Chiron explained.

"He answered the questions we were going to ask before we even asked them." Tama said.

"Ah." Jaune said eloquently while still shivering in terror. "S-so what do I do now?"

"Follow him. We need to know what he does." Scathach said as she ground her teeth. "We will prepare for any funny business."

Jaune could only nod as he followed the old man to the study. After going up a few rounds of stairs and passing a large number of doors Odin slowed as he pushed on the large door that was covered in Runes. As Odin pushed the Runes glowed slightly as they moved.

Odin held the door open for Jaune to enter. Jaune stood in place for a few moments trying to decide to enter or not. Odin saw this and said, "I swear by the Norns that you will come to no harm by me or any of my family as I answer all of your questions."

Jaune felt something intangible and weighty settle around Odin. Jaune for some reason felt assured and walked into the study room of Odin.

Odin walked around the large table set in the middle of the room to the throne like chair. Setting his spear down into its holder Odin sank into the plush chair. A sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eye. "Well boy are you going to sit or listen to my story while standing?"

Jaune jumped as he quickly walked over and sat in a chair equally as plush as the one Odin sat in. It was no throne though. As Jaune got comfortable Odin sat breathing steadily. This went on for a few minutes before he sat up and looked at Jaune with his one good eye.

"Now listen well child. I will only say this once." Jaune nodded at Odin's words and focused all his attention on what would be said next.

What came next was the longest saga Jaune had ever heard. It was filled with many intimate details and mind numbing eposition about the characters. In short it set Jaune up the wall but one of the heroes, Scathach, decided to help Jaune by simplifying the saga into something he could understand.

"Now you know we are gods. We led the people of the other world for generations. Not well as most would see it. But the people survived and became stronger with our guidance. This went on for many more generations but humanity found itself at a cross roads. They could direct themselves or they could be led by beings who did not care for them as much as they originally believed. They chose freedom. And what a choice it was." Odin stopped as he looked away as if seeing something beautiful and dangerous bloom into existence.

"Humanity began to follow it's own path. One that diverged from the gods. Many gods hated this and wanted to regain control but others like me and the rest of the gods in the Norse tales felt immense relief upon humanity gaining it's freedom. Why you may ask. Well when humanity broke the chains the gods had on their hearts and minds there was a ripple effect. From this ripple Fate itself that tied down the gods was cut to pieces. It meant all the gods who were locked in a prophesy or were fated to do something became free of the tethers of Fate. This being the case the gods who had been ordered by Fate to die, now had new lives they could live." Odin paused as he collected himself from his excited explanation.

"The Norse Pantheon as well as other pantheons decided to leave the planet as to not get caught in Fate's web again. Since we all had the battle lust in us, a need to test ourselves against worthy opponents we searched for a world we could sate our hunger. We did not find it in the original universe so we found the weak points between universes and crossed looking for a new home world. Low and behold we found a world where an eternal battle was taking place. Getting close we came into contact with the two dragon god welps. They were powerful for sure but they were like children in our eyes due to their thought processes as well as their naïveté. Since we were already under runic protection to transfer from one universe to another we had our power contained and hidden away and the two dragon gods believed us to be powerful spirits rather than the gods we are. That being the case we gave an option of helping the gods with problems should they arise in this world. They agreed after asking us to seal away most of our power. But as I said they are young compared to us and we were able to hide our power far better than they realized.

"Since that time we have helped humanity and the Faunus to survive in very little ways. Most of the time we have been in the Odin sleep to keep our secret. It is only recently that we have awoken from our most recent sleep. We started participating in the world once again to prepare for the inevitable wars.

"The answer to the question why are you living like this rather than taking control? Well we wanted to experience the freedom that we didn't have in the other world. So we decided to live as the humans and Faunus do. Live for a full few decades then sleep for one or two then awaken again to experience the world again in another life. It has been a very eye opening experience." Odin cracked a grin at the quip which Jaune returned.

"Now you must be wondering about our two families' connection. As well as the connections I'm sure you have come across in your travels. Well one of the requests given to us by the two welps were to pick out powerful families who could be powerful allies in the future. These families would be inter connected throughout the ages, with a little nudge from us at random points to keeps them strong. These families consist of the Rose family, the Xiao Long family, the Lie family, the Schnee family, the Nikos family, the Goodwitch family and your Arc family. Yes I know who you are I can see through the runes placed on your person, it is very well done and I would have been fooled if I didn't notice the energy of the others within you. Now moving on. There are also family clans of the Faunus which we were tasked with meeting up with and gaining their support these families including the Belladonna's, the Wukong family, the Taurus family, the Nightstalker family, the Leviathan family, the Strider family, the Chameleon family and the Fonax family that merged with the Arc family." Odin stopped as he looked at Jaune's chest or more like someone within his Reality Marble.

"Amaterasu was here at one point. She decided to build her empire before she fell in love with the Arc boy of that generation. After her body died she decided to move on, but only after taking the boy's soul with her, as well as setting up something that could aid the Faunus in the future should she ever get will to come back." Odin said with a smirk.

"The Nine tail legacy." Tama said.

"Correct. Oh right where was I?" Odin asked.

"You were talking about the mission the dragon gods gave you and our role in it." Jaune said urging Odin to speak.

"Ah that is right. Well boy the mission given to us was to protect humanity and the Faunus from the ten monstrous creations that came before they perfected humankind. These ten beasts are a mixed bag of light and dark just like the dragon gods. Though due to them not getting the ratios right they created ten different beings before they found the equilibrium they had been searching for in humans. Each monster has a different ratio of light and dark within them that led to their monstrous abilities and strength. They eat the most dangerous grimm for breakfast.

"At first the monsters were not considered monsters originally. They were similar to Demi-gods due to their close connection to the two gods. But that all changed when one of the monsters ate a human. The power of the human's soul, their aura, sated the monster far more than the grimm ever did, and the power it gained pushed it closer to godhood than it's siblings. From this point on humanity faced its first apocalypse on the world of Remnant. The war of the titans began as they all hunted down humans to get a leg up in their push for power. It was only due to the two gods putting the monsters into a magically enforced deep slumber that humanity survived. Since that time the world has shivered each time one of the monsters got close to waking. They gave us the mission of finding powerful allies among the humans and Faunus to battle these monsters in the future.

"Why did the gods not get rid of them themselves you ask? Simple. They couldn't touch them after they ate humans, the souls that were digested became a shield that prevented the two gods from doing anything to them. The aura of humans which had become their food also became the only thing that could kill them. The two gods agreed to let humanity prevent their own destruction while also aiding them. And that is why you are so important Jaune Arc. You will play a pivotal role in defeating these monsters when you get strong enough. And I, as well as all the other gods of the Norse Pantheon, are here to help you achieve this goal. Though it seems you are well on your way to that point with all of those legendary figures backing you." Odin said as he sat back into his chair.

"Why now? I mean after all these centuries no millennia why this moment?" Jaune asked.

"Very good question. This has to do with your appearance in this world and the heroes who came with you." Odin said as he stroked his beard.

"Oh." Jaune said.

"Now, why don't I explain what I meant." Odin says to Jaune as he leans himself in his throne like chair. "But before that why don't we call out all of your companions I'm sure they would like to be present for this info dump." And as he spoke the room glowed with magic power the likes of which Jaune had seen once before.

As the light reached it brightest glow Jaune felt his Reality Marble empty. What Jaune meant by that is the huge magical drains that were the heroes disappeared for a split second before they reappeared in the room. The drain he always felt was missing as well.

"Welcome heroes of the past. I greet you and bid you welcome as the head of this house." Odin said as he stood with his arms wide open.

The heroes all looked to Odin before they spoke a customary greeting, "We meet the head of the Valkyrie family and accept the hospitality." As one they all bowed in one form or another. Beowulf knelt. Chiron, Tama and Scathach inclined their heads slightly. Artoria gave a bow of her head, while forcing Mordred to do the same even as she complained under her breath. Leonidas, Shakespeare, Frankenstein, Atlanta, Achilles, and Vlad all bowed at the waist. Gramps, Nobunaga and Medusa didn't move.

Jack waved her hand. "Hello old man."

Odin spluttered at Jack's words as she walked up and hugged Jaune. Jaune bent down and picked her up holding her in his arms. "I'm sorry Mr. Odin...ah sir. She doesn't really do well with authority figures."

Odin looked at Jack before his face softened as if he saw something tragic, which he did. "It is alright." Odin started chuckling. "In fact it is refreshing to hear someone so young speak so openly."

"What is it you wanted to tell Jaune?" Scathach asked.

"Ah Lady Scathach. It has been too long my dear. How are your Runes studies coming along?" Odin asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"None of your damn business." Scathach said while glaring at Odin.

"Oh alright." Odin said as he waved his hand indicating for everyone to sit. "Lets get down to business."

CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hello Fellow Readers!

[Update: forgot to add in the Nikos family, has been fixed]

I hope you all like the new story line that I added to RWBY. Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Now before anyone starts asking about the timeline I will draw it out.

1. The dragon gods made life(everything save for humans) and the grimm.

2. The brothers then went on to try to create humanity something that had equal parts light and dark. In this time before they succeeded they created the Ten monsters.

3. Humanity is created and flourishes on Remnant.

4. One of the monsters eats a human and humanity faces its first extinction level event. The brothers save them and put the monsters into a deep sleep.

5. The events of Salem and her uprising appear. The gods leave making humanity face it's second extinction level event. As they leave they come across the Norse Pantheon in space. Seeking aid after their folly they ask the Norse to raise up heroes to fight the monsters.

6. The Norse Pantheon lands on remnant and goes into Odin sleep until humanity returns. From here on the norse gods play a part in guiding humanity and the newly created Faunus while sleeping intermitently.

I have a few ideas for the monster but I want to hear your guys suggestions. Leave a comment about the creature you want to see as one of the monsters.

See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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