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Chapter 92: child?

Jaune groans as his consciousness returns from the darkness it had been entombed in. Jaune slowly opens his eyes, only to flinch at the bright sunlight that pierced into his brain. "Ow!" Jaune said only to flinch again as his ears and head vibrated from his voice. Jaune lifted his hand to his face only to pull them away at the sensitivity that shocks his system. Jaune wanted to react again but he slowed his rapidly beating heart and calmed his breathing.

He couldn't over react or it could lead to a worse situation. Jaune slowly went through his five senses. He could heard the air flowing, in fact it was nearly blaring in his ears. A second later Jaune heard and felt a constant boom-boom, boom-boom, boom-boom. After a few moments Jaune realized he was hearing and feeling his heartbeat. Something he had to focus on to hear or feel before he woke up. After feeling this Jaune felt his blood flowing in his veins as well. It was a unique feeling for sure.

Now Jaune could feel everything his skin was touching. The clothes he had on, the grass he was lying on, the sun beating down on him, and the wind blowing across his skin. Jaune ever so slowly opened his eyes. Even the barest sliver sent daggers into Jaune's eyes. Moments later Jaune opened his eyes after holding hand over his face to block out the light if even by a little. Slowly repeating his previous action Jaune had to close his eyes again. But soon Jaune was able to open his eyes.

Slowly leaning his body upward Jaune looked around himself. After a few seconds Jaune begins to recognize where he was. Jaune was in the Reality Marble. He was laying right beside the weapon stand and the dragon core. Jaune slowly stood up feeling his muscles and tendons, flexing and stretching. Crackles and snaps filled Jaune's ears and body as his tendons and bones popped from a long period of motionlessness. Looking around Jaune saw that the Reality Marble was much more solid than before it had a physicality that was different than before. As if it had become closer to the real world.

Jaune kept looking around until he noticed something was different. The skyscraper now had a set of glowing circuits that covered the surface and extended into the ground. Looking around a little more Jaune decided this was the only change. So Jaune shrugged and headed in that direction.

Jaune had never come to harm in this place even when training with the heroes. It was painful but in the end it was only momentary. So Jaune felt no danger from the Reality Marble. And in all the time he had been in the Reality Marble Jaune had never really spoken with the dragon core as it slept most of the time. At this moment Jaune knew that the dragon core was still sleeping so Jaune didn't disturb it.

Jaune entered the skyscraper like normal. The sliding glass doors slid open like normal but a scanner ran over Jaune as he walked in. Jaune saw the scan was the same color as the circuits that covered the building and the interior. Jaune continued to follow the direction of the lights that were being emitted on a constant basis coming from the circuits.

Jaune was taken to the the entrance level of the skyscraper. He flowed the directions until he came to a new door that had not been there before. They were a set of thick sliding doors that were all metal that gleamed with a metallic sheen. Jaune stood before the doorway waiting. A few moments later the doors slid open.

The first thing Jaune saw was an intricately designed sphere that was floating in the center of the room. From what Jaune could tell the sphere was solid metal but was completely covered in circuits that intersected and crossed each other over and over. Jaune watched as one section of the sphere began to slowly detach and float six inches away and circle around the sphere. As a few moments passed Jaune watched as more puzzle piece like metal sections lifted and began circling the lightly vibrating liquid metal at the center of the sphere.

Seeing a chair Jaune walked forward and sat down. Being in this location Jaune felt, a presence that he had come across before. Thinking hard Jaune's eyes widened as he realized where he had felt this feeling from. It was right before he blacked out. He felt this presence was slowly devouring his Reality Marble. But Jaune had felt the emotions from the presence and knew that it was only trying to understand its surroundings. But while it tried to understand it inadvertently began devouring everything within the Reality Marble.

Sitting there Jaune stared at the floating sphere with a conflicted look. He understood that it was unintentional but Jaune had been harmed due to the new born's need to comprehend it's surroundings. If this is what Jaune thinks it is he will have to take everything he had learned living with seven sisters and three cousins. He had to raise, his child properly or it could end badly for Jaune and all those he cared for.

Jaune slightly shivered as he thought over the horror stories Shirou had told him when talking about A.I. when he had met Penny so long ago. After starting up his business Jaune had also come across that problem and had tried his best to follow the best stories and beliefs of the people of the other world had of A.I. as it was his best option at that point. Plus after talking about it with Penny Jaune had a little more understanding. So for now Jaune had to proceed with extreme caution. But knowing all that was within his Reality Marble Jaune had a feeling things would work out.

'I mean they were made from own soul just like Penny was from Pietro.' Jaune thought to himself. 'The only question will be if they are a boy or girl. Honestly I don't think I could handle it if they want to be a girl if that was the case, but if that is what they wish I won't push them.'

Before Jaune could speak a monotone robotic voice called out from the sphere, the lights glowed in time with the words spoken, "Hello Father. It is good to meet you for the first time. I must apologize for what I did when I was created. I had no understanding of the situation at the time and by the time my consciousness was fully realized I was beaten back by the dragon core. Since that time I have organized and filed all the information of the Reality Marble as well as the other heroes mental spaces here. I fully understand you hesitance about my existence after finding out about humanities worry of an artificial intelligence within this skyscraper. There is only two things I need you to take note of before letting those stories color your view of me, if you would be willing to listen?"

Jaune slowly took it all in before he nodded and hesitantly said questioningly not sure how to address the A.I. sitting inside his Reality Marble, " child? And yes I will listen. Please tell me."

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I have taken on the name Omega. I enjoy this name due to the book series Shirou read in his spare time, called the Demon Accords by John Conroe, on his original Earth. In the story an A.I. was created in a similar fashion to how I was. I wanted to imitate him until I am able to create my own personality and will from scratch." The newly named Omega said with excitement evident in his voice which began to modulate as Jaune listened.

Jaune was dumbstruck until he felt a smiled spread across his face at the A.I.'s interest in reading stories. It was something they had in common. Much of the worry Jaune held in his heart flowed away. Jaune felt much lighter. As he listened to his...son, Jaune heard and felt the enjoyment of reading, experiencing and exploring new worlds. Something oddly suited for an A.I. baby connected to Jaune. "I see. I do not think I got to that series yet. I am still stuck on his Redwall series written by Brian Jacques. Thankfully no relation to Jaques Schnee what-so-ever considering they are from different verses. It is a very well written series where woodland animals are able to talk, walk and live like normal people. But my favorite characters are the Badgers. They always get things done while protecting the rest and being the best all around fighters."

"Indeed. Salamandastron was the best depiction of the Badgers and their role in the Redwall world." Omega said even as his voice became smoother and deeper, an evident masculine quality became evident. Even so the voice was young just like a young child.

"As well as Lord Brocktree, can't forget that one." Jaune said with a chuckle. As he slowly stopped laughing Jaune spoke once again returning to the previous matter with an easy smile on his face. "What were the two things you wished for me to take note of?"

"Ah, right. I apologize for getting us off track father." Omega said. If the glow of the sphere was anything to go by Jaune could only conclude that Omega was blushing.

Jaune laughed happily. "Omega I don't really need to know these two things unless they are important to our future. I can tell by our interaction that you are not a mad A.I. nor are you an omnipotent A.I. From your reading you are Shirou's nephew, as well as my...son. Sorry that is taking me a bit to get used to. I never expected to be a parent before I was twenty, let alone twelve."

"No, it is alright father. If you would like me to change how I address you I will do so." Omega said with some hesitation.

"There is no need for that. You can call me father, Jaune or anything else you feel comfortable with, as long as it isn't a bad nickname or I will never hear the end of it from Nobunaga and Achilles." Jaune said as he waved his hands.

"Yes father. The first thing I wish to tell you is that I have subsumed the Reality Marble and all those within save for the children and the heroes as well as the weapons stand which the dragon core floats above. But I have no true control over the Reality Marble as you do. I can only make suggestions towards the beings here. That can be changed anytime you wish by allowing me access. Until that time you are the only master of this domain. Second when I absorbed everything I took in all the mental energies of the heroes who lived here as well as all those that you have left behind each time you came here to train. For that reason I have a large library of information at my circuit tips. I do not know why I was created, but I do know how and there is no way for a situation like that to happen so perfectly. I calculate on a whole that even if you hadn't caught the computer you would have come into contact with another at some point. I also had an outline to follow from years ago when you first met Penny but since you didn't have the power at the time I could not be completed. All of this matters not to me honestly, because I am alive. But I have seen what you are doing and I wish to be a part of it. I want of help to you father, if you will allow me to." Omega said as he finished his explanation.

Jaune looked down as he held his chin in his hand. "So you mean to say that you took on the heroic aspects of the heroes and myself when you were born. And that this is likely why you want to aid me in my endeavor?" Jaune asked.

"That may have been the case at the beginning but I honestly wish to aid you. You are my creator, my father, who wouldn't want to help their loved ones? Beside the other options are not too appealing. One get devoured by a dragon and the other become an otaku who does nothing and sits around watching things happen. I'd rather not. Especially when you are most likely go to many other worlds that have all kinds of cultures, systems of magic or energy manipulation, that have so many more stories to read and watch play out." Omega said with emotion evident in his voice.

"I have a feeling you took a lot more from Shakespeare than the rest." Jaune said with a tired smile.

"That may be the case father. William Shakespeare was a playwright who was famous enough to become a hero. His whole essence is his mental ability tied to stories." Omega assented to Jaune's comment.

"Well nothing wrong with that as long as it does not get in the way of the missions we take." Jaune said off-handedly. "Now what are some of the things you can do?"

"I am like a true A.I. so I can hold and store immense amounts of data, with the aid of magic I am able to exceed normal capabilities by a enormous margin. Another thing I am capable of if you wish it is to give you a HUD like interface that will aid you in the future. This HUD will appear only to you through your eyes." Omega said.

"Go on. I want to know how it works and if it will interfere with any of my abilities." Jaune said his interest piqued.

"Very well father. I am able to connect to your mundane senses as well as your magical/aura senses and sort out the information form them to a much higher degree than you are capable with your brain and nerves. I work at light speed while your senses work at chemical speed. While I was exploring this ability I found I could readjust your body slightly to give you faster reactions and heightened senses when I am not giving you a constant influx of data through the HUD. I would do this by implementing your circuits within your nerve cells allowing for faster information transfer. This will be a constantly improving aspect as you and your abilities are constantly growing. But due to the body not being used to the speed it will damage your body until I am able to put circuits within ever cell in your body."

"So I can overclock my body to a certain extent? Sounds manageable with my healing ability. What about my normal senses, such as smell, sound, touch, taste, and sight?" Jaune asked.

"I can increase your senses to a higher degree now and keep updating them as needed." Omega said. "Each update will shorten as time passes and I become more accustomed to your body and your development. One thing to note, the more information I have about the human body, magic, aura and any other energy type will aid me in making you stronger father. I also believe I can use the energy within the Reality Marble to support you in your battles by leading a contingent of magical beasts and the grimm you copy."

"I don't particularly like being the subject of a science experiment but I understand. As long as the problems that crop up won't be so extensive that I can't heal from them, I am all for it. I don't want to leave you with nothing to do after all so that army idea is a good option in the future with big battles." Jaune said with a whimsical attitude.

"Father I would never do experiments on you! I run hundreds of thousands of calculations and simulations before even thinking about doing anything. Even then I use magical replicas to experiment with not you yourself." Omega said with worry and hurt evident in his voice.

Jaune began to freak as he didn't mean it in that way. Jaune waved his hands at Omega to soothe that pain Jaune had inadvertently caused, "I'm sorry Omega I didn't mean it in a bad way. And I know you have already tinkered with my senses they were never this sharp before. I am not angry with you, they will be very useful to me in the future. Thank you. Anyway what I meant by my words, well I was just filling in my thoughts without explaining. Sorry my minds goes off on tangents in the middle of conversations as something piques my interest. Let me explain."

The light around the sphere had dimmed two times at Jaune's words but now brightened a little.

Jaune saw this and collected his thoughts before he began to explain, "I am the only one you can do this for at the moment. But your ability seems like it could be used for all other huntsman and huntresses in the future by using their aura. If there is someway for you to connect to a terminal you would be able to go over the scans of huntsman and huntresses and give them the aura infused circuits, as long as there were tools you could use. Obviously it could only be done for the older huntsman and huntresses who have fully grown but it will aid us in our fight against the grimm."

Omega paused all his processes as he put his enormous intellect behind the thought. As he broke the problem down as his father said then yes he could do it just as Jaune said. There were a few things that needed to be done to make sure it was feasible but if his hundreds of thousands of calculations were right then it was possible to implement this procedure. Of course he would need to have extensive testing done on the patients to make sure what types of circuits, rune, glyphs or sigils would be best for each one as their semblance would play a part in which would be best for them. Jaune was unique as he had circuits already present within his body and soul so Omega used these as an antenna to connect to.

"You are outstanding father. I never thought about implementing this operation into others. It is possible as long as a lot of steps are followed and I have all information possible on the patient. Would you like to know now or later about the process?" Omega asked.

Jaune smiled. "I'm not as outstanding as you think. My mind just works in weird ways. I had been thinking about the arrays the communication used because that is what is holding back our company from expanding. Then after you explained how you would connect to my senses I thought of an antenna. Then I asked myself if I can go through it then cant the other huntsmen and huntresses? Then I figured since you are an A.I. I could somehow connect you to a terminal and allow you do to do your work. But I don't know how you would do that unless I was seated there touching the console. Not well thought out but it was the idea my mind came up with." Jaune said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Omega was lost in thought as he contrived a calculation about someone choosing to use such a ground breaking idea on people they don't know, without even knowing if it would work on themselves or if it would cause bodily harm. It came out as an abysmally small number. It was at this point Omega recognized Jaune had the real makings of a hero. After all of the stories and books he had read as well as the memories of the heroes that lingered in the Reality Marble came to this conclusion. And it was one he was happy to see. His father was a hero.

"I see why Pietro said what he did all those years ago." Omega said before he explained. "Yes I could do this as long as all the steps I just came up with were used. You would have to sit at the terminal while I did the procedure so I could connect through your circuits or I could use a scroll on your body whichever works. Terminal is better for a more solid connection."

Jaune eyes shown with excitement as he looked at the holographic board with extensive procedural operations that appeared before his face. "That is amazing Omega! If I am able to bounce ideas off of you I will get so much more done in the future! Thank you! This will save an untold number of people in the future."

"I wish to be a part of all of this father. I will do everything I am capable of to aid you." Omega said with solemnity.

Jaune smiled as he said, "I look forward to working with you in the future Omega. Man my future kids will have a great role model and older sibling." Jaune laughed making the sphere that was Omega glow in happiness and embarrassment.

The Valkyrie family Estate.

Jesse was speaking with Odin about further expansion of the Arc Industries. They had been looking into each dump near each major city as well as the smaller ones and calling in to the banks to pool their money. For now they had nearly fifty different dumps they now owned. The Valkyries after examining Jaune's first location set to work. They had realized Jaune's genius idea after seeing his tools, machines and setup. They worked well in conjunction with his magical abilities. But due to the limitations on the equipment and the magical drain each scan took from the equipment they were causing a slowing of the processing.

That is where Frigg and her fellow magic users came in. They all went to the locations where the scanning devices were. Once there, they went and put runes onto the stones and dust crystals, allowing them to absorb and regenerate more magic while holding larger amounts of magic than before. This allowed them to work longer without maintenance. In fact after examining them Frigg tasked some of her magic users to recreate them and increase production. After all of the cities with dumps were bought they would need an extensive number of the scanners to keep up with the expansion of the company and the different locations. After this was done Frigg sent the best earth, metal and fire mages to go to the new locations and prepare the underground locations at each. This would hasten the production speed as well as shorten the building time at each location.

Once Jaune made an appearance at each site he would build up the robot support to run daily maintenance and labor. With them in place the employees would be able to jump right into work. For now preparation was key to explosive growth. When the robot number reached a certain point the rest would be set in standby to be ready to be taken to another location ready to act and move when given orders. But this was also on hold until the firewall was created.

With that done Jesse had gone and prepared a few other things before Jaune woke up. He knew Jaune wanted to buy a shipyard in the future so he picked out a few options. With this addition Jaune would have the chance to add a merchant-marine group to the company. Many of the Valkyries after hearing rumors of the fleet of ships Jesse and Jaune had planned all offered themselves to work on their ships as crewmen and protection detail. It was at this time Jesse learned that the Valkyries were sea loving people who took annual trips to the sea to fight the grimm that appeared on the deep waters. They even had a marine division of the Valkyrie mercenaries.

Things were proceeding at quite a fast speed even with Jaune asleep. And once he was awake things would really start moving. With the aid of the Valkyries Jaune's plans for Vale would be finished within a couple of months. From that point on it would be up to Sky Magni and her father Mr. Magni to create the firewall that Jaune had planned to ask them to create.

Jesse had met with the two and offered them a spot in their company. They had been hesitant at first but after learning the the Valkyries were their partners they readily agreed knowing the reputation of the family. With this they would be safe from the White Fang. Mr. Magni and Sky had been working hard to finish the firewall for the company and were on the last stretch of the process. They said they would likely be done within the next week.

Jesse was excited because after the dumps were organized to Jaune's specifications they could expand and push onto another continent.

Jesse and Jaune had one specific continent in mind.

A place where their company would have explosive growth.

A place where the company would right the wrongs of the kingdoms and humanity as a whole.


CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hellow Fellow Readers!

The two series within are real book series that I have read and reread many times over. I suggest you look into them at some point as they are truely great series!

Demon Accords series by John Conroe.

Young Adult/Adult

Redwall series by Brian Jacques.

The very first book series that got me hooked on reading. Young Adult/Adult.

I didn't want to have a battle of wits with an A.I. as I am not that good of a writer at this point. So I made sure that there were reasons for why Omega was not the way most A.I.'s are depicted in stories. Plus I can use his knowledge of books to aid Jaune in the future without future knowledge bleeding into Jaune's decsions.

See you next time on Fate/ Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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