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Chapter 33: Bounded

The Surgebinder woke up early the next morning, getting dressed in his leather and chain armour along with the northern garb he had been given. Grabbing his two swords, crossbow, quiver and med pack, he'd head outside where the caravan was readying to leave. He'd find his horse at the post he had left it with Jon and Tyrion gathered with their own mounts. The two noticed and greeted him, which he returned both the three saddled up to ride for the main road. Already the royal caravan was at the crossroads of Winterfell and the King's Road. Ned and Robert were speaking to each other before the northern lord noticed the group and rode over to them.

"Time for final goodbyes it seems," Jason remarked as Ned neared the group.

"I'll wait on ahead. I doubt the good Lord wishes to speak with me." Tyrion remarked, riding pass the group when Eddard neared.

The Northern Lord looked between Jon and Jason, giving a faint smile to them both. "You know…I can't remember the last time I've feel such stress," Ned remarked. "Even in the middle of the Rebellion, the fiercest of battles never pained more then what happened to Bran and the choice of having to leave him here." Taking a deep breath, the man looked at Jason. "I'd like to speak to you privately for a moment."

Jason nodded before looking to Jon who spoke up. "I'll wait right here."

Ned and the Surgebinder rode away to be out of earshot from Jon before the Northern Lord slipped off his mount once they stopped. Jason did the same as the two-faced each other. He'd notice Ned holding a wrapped piece of cloth in his hands.

"In all my years I've never met a man as compassionate, dutiful and brave as you Jason. If anything you put most knights that I've known to shame." Eddard calmly stated.

"Thank you, Lord Stark, yet you exaggerate really," Jason remarked back with a small smile.

Ned chuckled, shrugging slightly. "Perhaps I am, yet you've treated my family as if they were you own. You've been an inspiration for the men of my household along for my sons and daughters in these short few months." Pausing, he'd have a more serious look in his eyes. "The Starks have never needed a champion for centuries like the other Houses. In the North, we take pride in our strength and self-reliance to protect ourselves."

Ned unwrapped the cloth to reveal a white and grey fur cloak similar to what the Stark family wore. Along with it, there was a dark metal and leather bracer with the dire wolf symbol carved onto it. "The North is stubborn to change. We're been steady fast in every age, prideful in our sense of duty and honour." He'd pause for a moment before continuing. "Yet these are troubling times and change must come. That is why Jason Black, I ask you to become the champion of House Stark."

The declaration surprised Jason, the reaction showing in his yellow eyes which Ned noticed. The Surgebinder was silent, unsure of how to respond. "Lord Stark. I'm honoured but…I can't swear fealty to you." The Surgebinder formally answered back. "A Surgebinder isn't meant to commit to any lord or king. Besides I can't let such a commitment hinder me."

"I know that and I expect no oaths to any of the Gods to be they the Old or New or whatever you follow in your lands." Ned quickly responded. "You're bound to the Starks, my family, is that of friendship and trust. Those are to me are stronger than any vow a man can give." He'd present the cloak and bracer to Jason, the Witch silent as he looked at them.

In the end, he'd take the bracer, removing his left one to wear the fine piece which matched well with his current armour. Next, he'd take the white and grey cloak, fitting it over his back loosely to not get in the way of his swords. Ned gave a small nod and smile.

"It suits you, Jason. Wear it well for the North." Eddard complimented.

"Have to admit I've never been one for cloaks. Doesn't work well for Surgebinder's work." Jason remarked. "Yet I can't deny it has style to it."

"That aside, that bracer will show your alliance with us. Show that to any soldier of the north and they will know of your ties with us." Moving to a pack on his horse, he'd also hand Jason a bunch of rolled-up papers. "Also take these."

Jason quickly opened the scrolls, one being a fresh map of the Seven Kingdoms while the others were documents. Glancing over them they seem to be writs, regional decrees for supplies, aid and so on.

"Those writs can get you anything you need in a time of need, within reason of course. Use them wisely and keep them safe." Ned explained as Jason carefully rolled them up and put them in his saddle pack.

"So how did Robert react to you tell him of making me your House champion?" Jason questioned.

"Surprisingly pleased. In the end, he won't have to worry about managing you and he sees this as you simply working for me officially…even though it isn't." Ned explained. "That aside we have to discuss your travel plans."

"Right…" Jason muttered. "With me, Tyrion and Jon, we should arrive at Castle Black in… about half a week considering. Only plan to be there a few days before heading back south. Not sure if Tyrion will tag along or not though but I'll have enough time to question him about Cersei."

"Good. From my understanding, it will take the royal caravan a bit over a month to return to King's Landing. Have a few stops along the way. You may catch up with us." Pausing, Ned nodded to the pack, making Jason remember the map. Taking it out, the two looked over it as Ned scanned along with it. "Here." He'd point at a major crossroad spot that split in fall fours directions.

"What's there?" Jason questioned.

"A famous unnamed in, although everyone simply calls it the Crossroads Inn," Ned explained. "When Robert and I lived in the Vale, we'd visit there at times whenever we travelled. You won't find better food or more interesting characters." Ned explained. "Overall that would be your best chance to rejoin us. If other matters do get in the way though, send a raven there or to the Red Keep."

"Sure. Overall seems we have a solid plan set." Jason repacked the map, making sure to mark the meeting spot down on it.

"So until we meet again Jason." Ned held one hand out as the two firmly shook hands. "Watch the roads and woods well my friend. Winter is coming." From what the Surgebinder knew, the saying was that of vigilance and warning. Ned got back onto his horse before riding back to Jon while the Surgebinder pulled himself back onto his saddle and riding to where Tyrion was waiting.

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