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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : Test, test, test!



I'm sorry... But I like to laugh at bad times. So, here it goes.




My brain just loses its shit at times like these.

Like the bad time that I'm in right now.

Why is it a bad time? Because my oh-so-lovely-and-so-handsome (not really) Physics teacher thought that it was a good idea to take a surprise quiz.

Cause he thought that it was such a good and up to the mark way of seeing if his students were even paying attention to his stupid lectures or not.

And apparently, everyone seemed as if they were on the edge of hell.

I mean I don't think any of us remember learning about the diameter of the Sun!?

So when we asked our Physics teacher that what in the world is this, he simply said that this test was also being taken to calculate our intelligence and that not 'everything' was course-based and chuckled a little, evilness pouring out with every smile.

He also had the audacity to smile even more and say,

"Since your class is the only class that I teach, and also as you people are my very dear students and the fact that I care for you so much, I only prepared this quiz for your class. No other class has to give this quiz as their Physics teachers were too busy to take their time and make one."

He further said, "In addition, the students who will score lower than 60 percent will have to stay after school for extra lessons because your finals are nearing the corner."

Y'all there are at least five to six months left in our finals...

Are his screws loose or something?

I really wanted to appreciate his efforts but after looking at the damned paper in my hands, I wanted to burn his dead body myself and throw it in the depths of Tartarus!

I didn't want to but had to force myself to look at the next question. Who knows.. maybe it's an easy one?

"What is the difference between a differentiated body and an undifferentiated body and how might that influence a body's ability to retain heat for the age of the solar system?" I read it out for myself as if my brain would magically come up with a decent answer if I read it like this instead of reading it in my mind.


Not an easy one at all.

I don't even fricking know what in the world is a differentiated body!


What am I supposed to do now?

It was just the third question and I don't even know if it's supposed to be a tenth-grade Physics paper anymore...

I looked around desperate.

Our Physics teacher was so peacefully strolling in the class like it was the most magnificent place in the world.

I accidentally made eye contact with him and he smiled so sweetly yet poisonously that I swear I could taste the bitterness on my tongue.

It felt like he was taking revenge on us for taking naps in his class and like he wanted to kill us through the deadly questions in this quiz.

I mean seriously?

Was yesterday's 'spectacular' dinner not enough to save me from such a burdensome time that I am suffering from now too?

There should be a limit to the amount of bad luck in a person's life.

As soon as my teacher took a turn towards the other side, I analyzed the whole class.

Everyone was in a state as pitiful as mine.

They all had frowns plastered on their faces.

And our Physics teacher's smile just grew even more... Bruh, that dude possesses some psychotic behavior, I swear.

I was totally not the type to cheat but this situation was an inferno and I was extremely desperate to get out of it by any means possible like everyone else.

Our hopelessness was eating us away.

I could see the distressed expressions on everyone's faces.

We needed a savior!

As if on cue, out of the blue our physics teacher's phone rang.

I almost fell out of my seat from utter shock. The whole class was so quiet, that the slightest sound echoed and sounded eerily loud.

And when his phone rang, its ringtone pierced through the silence and sent shivers down student's spines.

Maybe it was a sign from the Divine power above to save ourselves cause our Physics sir had to go out of the class as soon as he saw the caller ID.

It seemed as if something urgent had pulled out of nowhere from the amount of sheer panic in his voice.

As soon as he stepped out of the class, it was chaos!

Like literally.

I hurriedly ran to Beomgyu as everyone else did to whoever had answers to the quiz. And my go-to Einstein and BFF was Beomgyu!

"Beomgyu! Dude! Tell me what's the answer to question number 3 and onwards!" I whispered loudly carrying my answer sheet in my hands as I neared him.

He looked up from his paper. His expression was previously tainted with disdain due to none other than the demon itself, Physics.

But as soon as he saw me, his expression changed into a warm and somewhat smug smile.

"About time the stupid worm came about." He said smiling mischievously while side by side solving the quiz. A smile that made me want to punch him.

I hated it when people teased me! Ugh.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "And spill the answers bish."

He looked like he wanted to say 'how am I supposed to spill the answers when you asked me to shut up' and laugh but I guess my scary expression made him quiet.

He grinned like the Cheshire cat but didn't say a thing and softly yet swiftly uncovered his answer sheet.

Me and all the students around both of us started to copy answers on our answer sheets or memorized the methods in our minds by which the answers were supposed to be solved.

The people who knew some answers on this damned quiz, showed it to everyone else to copy. Fortunately, Beomgyu was one of those.

I felt so proud of my bean, Beom. I have trained him well!

My boy shall make me proud one day, for sure.

The whole class was filled with the weirded-out whispers of the students, again due to the demon Physics, and their complaints as they exchanged answers, no matter whether right or wrong.

In a matter of a few seconds, everyone's dull expressions were changed into those of somewhat satisfied ones.

The moment our Physics teacher stepped foot into the class, everyone was on their seats, they knew the answers and were shitting their way through science and Physics one way or another, to give some sort of logical reasoning and calculations.

Everyone's basic goal was to pass the test with 60 percent cause believe it, no one would want to spend time after school taking extra classes with our Physics teacher and his creepy smiles. Really.

I jotted down as many answers that I could remember from Beomgyu's answer sheet and trust me when I say my brain was short-circuiting cause honestly trying to keep so many answers in my mind was hard!

Even our Physics teacher sensed the shift in the atmosphere of the class and was about to question when luckily the bell rang, suggesting the end of the period.

To everyone's surprise, the bell rang and now every single one of them squeezed all their information and energy into the quiz. Everyone just wanted to finish this damned thing and be free from this hell.

And hopefully 'not' end up with the extra classes.

Viewing the scene in front of his eyes, our Physics teacher chose not to disturb us and let us complete our quiz without any disruption.


"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I'm so tired!" Beomgyu whined. Leaning his body weight on me.

"Pffft...You think I'm made of steel? I'm tired as hell too bro! Get off!" I pushed him off of me.

"Arrrgh!Can't you be a good friend, worm?" He huffed and stopped walking.

I stopped too. "I dare you to call me that again."

He didn't answer yet. Took off his school bag from his shoulders and came to me with a big wide smile.

I thought maybe he was going to say sorry and give me an apology hug.

But noooooooo!

This guy even had the audacity to slide that bag onto my shoulder and then start walking again like nothing happened without glancing back once.

What the hell is wrong with him?!

"Beomgyu!? I'm tired too ya know?!" I huffed and threw his bag on the ground.

Then stomped for like a few times till I felt a little less angry.

Beomgyu stopped and slowly turned around. He eyed his poor bag which was thrown on the ground. And then he eyed me, unconcerned as I stomped a couple more times and kicked imaginary stones on the ground.

"You done?"

"No!" I replied sharply. Then stomped twice more and stopped.



I looked away, tired and annoyed.

"I didn't say anything about yesterday's dinner just because I thought I'd forgive you if you'd do me a favor but guess what?"

"I didn't," I said, grumpily.


I guess I couldn't quite comprehend his words earlier but as soon as I heard the word dinner, every single one of my senses was awakened.

I hurriedly picked his bag from the ground and dusted it off.

I slid it on my other shoulder which wasn't carrying my own heavy school bag and walked up to Beomgyu with a cheesy smile.

"Sooooooory...Um..are you feeling better now?" I chuckled nervously.

He quirked a brow.

"If it weren't for mom's green tea afterward, I would've died till now, I swear!" He said exaggeratedly.

"Shut up. Stop being a jerk-"

"Helloooooooo lovely bitches~"

Out of nowhere, came a bear, who tackled Beomgyu and me into a big bear hug.

"Hi to you too, Selene," I said lazily, probably looking like a dead squid.

"OMG you guys! Why the long faces?" she said as soon as she broke the hug.

Beomgyu did not seem in the condition to speak. Like he was still gaining his senses after the hug. And his ears had gone red.

Someone looks a little hazy...

So I started my rant instead of him. "You wouldn't believe it Sel, that old hag of ours took a surprise quiz and you can imagine the rest."

I sighed dramatically and leaned onto her body.

"Wait...We have soooo many old hags here, which one are you talking about?"

"The psychotic smile dude."

"You mean Physics?" She laughed.

"Yea yea. That one. You get the idea." I waved her off and yawned loudly. Feeling a little too comfortable and sleepy, leaning on her, to even want to talk.

It felt good to absorb her body heat. She was always so warm and comfy.

"Oh! By the way, why is Boemgyu so quiet dude?" She whispered into my ear, pointing at him.

We both looked in the direction of her finger. He seemed so abnormal and out of it.

"Don't worry bout' him Sel, he's still recovering from the aftereffects of the quiz."

Don't worry Beom, Y/n's got your back bro!

He was staring into space but when his name was mentioned, he got alert.

"Pffft. You're the one to talk Y/n. Copying answers from others." He smirked trying to cover his embarrassment as he started to walk again. But a few steps ahead of us this time.

This bitch! I helped him and he betrayed me?

"You! Choi Beomgyu! How dare you?"

I ran after him and his walking turned into running too, as I tried to catch him.

And Selene followed us, smiling fondly.

As we exited the school building, she caught up to us and we all laughed and walked home.

The sun high in the sky and the cool slowly blown breeze felt so fresh against our skins, making us tickle and shiver.

Good thing I wasn't very ticklish though.

"So, what were you guys talking bout' when I came?"

"Nothing much Sel-"

"We were talking bout' THE DINNER!!" I said, interrupting Beomgyu mid-sentence proudly.

We had decided not to talk about what happened yesterday night again. But I could never stop myself from telling Selene how much filled with drama and disaster it was.

"Ooh! I totally forgot about THE DINNER! I couldn't come!"

"Spill the details guys!" she demanded.

Beomgyu glared at me.

"Well, I'd love to tell it all, Sel. Detail by detail." I said evilly and Beomgyu's reaction was priceless.

Haha! That's for calling me a worm, sucker!

We were halfway to the crossroads where the 3 of us were supposed to part.

Thus, I concluded that I should at least tell her half the story till we reached there.

I really wished the 3 of us had all the same classes. But unfortunately, she only has one class with us on alternate days that is..

Hence, I didn't want to lose this chance and started telling her all the happenings in chronological order including all the juicy events!

"So, it all began..."

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