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Chapter 2: Chapter Two: Strange meeting

Natasha POV 

After eating a delicious bowl of cereal, I walked into the living room to see my little brothers sitting side by side. I sat with them for a while, watching Gravity falls. My mind started to wonder about what happened last night. I remembered the strangers striking eyes, and how they felt like they were staring into my soul.

As I was staring at my phone, I heard a knock at the door. Getting up, and walking to the door, glancing at the time as I walked by. Hearing another knock, I yelled 

" Coming jeez." I slid open the door to face a man that looked slightly familiar in a way.

"Uh-can I help you?" As soon as I got my sentence out, the man wrapped me in an embrace, pressing me to him. The frick?! I quickly jabbed my knee up hitting him in a sensitive area. The man grunted and fell to his knees. 

" Nat, who's at the door?" Liam said, unease creeping into his voice. 

" I-I'm not sure. Do you know him?" I turned my head to look at Jake and Liam standing in the kitchen. Jake bolted to the man,

" Axel! Are you okay?!" Jake exclaimed. The man ignored my brother, looked up to me and said;

"You've still got a heck of a kick." I blinked;

"Excuse me?" I said, Liam looked at me with a small smile on his face.

"This is our older brother, Axel." Liam said, his eyes seemed dazed in a way. I looked at the man, he sorta resembled my brothers, with dark brown hair,the man was thin, but still had a strong structure. The only thing that really unnerved me, was his eyes. They were a heavy brown, with a halo of black surrounding the color. They looked almost...dead.

"He came last night, but you weren't here." Jake stated, shaking me out of a trance.

"Uh yah where were you last night?" Axel asked. I wasn't going to respond to this supposed 'older brother'. At least not truthfully, until I knew who-or what he really was.

"Oh, that. Yah I was  on a killing spree." I said sarcastically, tapping my chin.

Axel just gave me what looked like a genuine smile. I turned, not wanting to look at the man.

"If anyone dies, I'll be in my room." I said climbing the stairs. "Oh and if you hurt my siblings one'll regret it." I said, giving Axel a devilish smile. Axel's eyes looked into mine, and I felt a chill up my spine, but the grin was back on his face when I blinked.

" You bet." He said giving me a thumbs up, nodding.

I trudged back to my room, and sat on my bed retreating to my mind. Me doing this actually puts me in my mind. Yes, I know it's hard to believe. What I do is just shut down my body using the energy you would use to run, or exercise. I opened my eyes only to be in a different place.

I was on a bed only in a similar room. A closet was to my right, and a door in front of me. I stood up and stretched my arms. Instead of being in my dark jeans and hoodie, I was in sweat pants and a dark purple long sleeved shirt.

These were my comfort clothes and I was in my comfort house. My mind. I walked out of my room, to enter a living room you could say? There were bookshelves surrounding the big space, stretching far into the sky. Lining the bookshelves was every book I have ever read, from children's books to adult fiction. Lets just say I like to read.

There was something off about the place I call my safe haven. And I could feel it. I wandered farther into the living area, and spotting the rectangle couch. It was facing a huge screen, you would see in a small movie theater. It was showing what I was seeing in the real world, which was the ground and my black converse.

I grabbed a book off of the nearest bookshelf, and looked at the title. Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard. It was a pretty good book, so I flipped to the first page. Still looking at the book, I plopped onto the couch, and leaned against the arm rest, reading the first page.

Unknown POV

As the screen showed her life, I led her home, it wasn't hard, I just had to search up "House" on a nearby computer, to see where she lived, and walk there. As I rummaged through her pocket, I noticed how much resistance this pawn was having against me.

Pulling out her house key, I slid it into the lock and it opened easily. Pushing the door open, I randomly opened doors, wondering which one looked like a teenage girls one. Finally, I opened one that had light purple walls. Welp could be worse, please be the right one. Sitting down on the bed covered with a light grey blanket, I noticed all the books on a bookshelf.

Putting the books aside, I took off the shoes of the girls, and her backpack, laying them against the wall. I laid down under the comforters, and put the body to sleep. Backing up from the control panel I started to really take in the place.

There were bookshelves lining the walls books shoved in every available spot. Unlike normal minds there were no random thoughts floating around the place. There was a couch conveniently placed in front of the screen.

It was foren, most human minds have debree and thoughts floating around. I kicked off my shoes and plopped onto the couch, it was spacious and comfortable.

I was tired from the transfer, so I decided to put all the adventuring away until tomorrow, I closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless slumber.

Waking to a bright light coming through the screen in front of me, I groaned and rolled over, pushing my head into the grey couch cushions. Deciding to look around, I sat up groggily and yawned. 

Quickly checking the screen, showing the life of the mysterious girl, she had just woke up and was looking around, she then looked at her legs, noticing she had slept in her jeans.

"No wonder I had nightmares." The girl's voice echoed around the big space. And I laughed. The screen suddenly froze, and the girl looked at the window, across from her bed. 

Well, that's new.

Suddenly hearing a little boy's voice yell. "Nat!" Instead of this voice echoing around like the girl's voice, it came from further away. Letting her deal with her own problems I walked around to admire my surroundings, noticing bookshelves lining the area. 

The lights were bright, but they were still dim enough to be comforting.

I wandered around for a while until I came upon a doorway. The door was simple enough, just a black door that looked like it came from the middle of nowhere.

Turning the doorknob, I pushed the door open. It suddenly stopped, seemed to be blocked by something. I ran my shoulder into it only to have it slam shut completely. I stumbled back, stunned at how her mind was reacting.

Running my hand through my hair, I sighed. I might as well figure this girl out. I started to walk away, but froze suddenly hearing a voice, "You've still got a heck of a kick." No, not now, I don't want you and your walking problems. I stared at the screen, seeing the girl trudge up the stairs and plop onto her bed. Then I heard a creek behind me, I saw the door open, and the girl exit it. 

Looking at it now, it seemed different, brighter perhaps. Seeing the girl walk out of the door was the strangest thing I had seen in my entire life, and I had seen some pretty messed up stuff.

Seeing her more in her comfort zone was nice. She had this hypnotizing factor to her, that made me want to pull her close. Her hair was in a nice ponytail, done slightly messy. Wearing a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants made her look like she owned the place.

My eyes followed her, taking her in as she walked to the nearest bookshelf, took a book of it, and flipped to the first page starting to read.

She sat heavily onto the couch and started to read. Thinking there was nothing better to do, I walked over to the couch and stood behind her.

Natasha POV

As I reading my book, I felt warm, hot breath down my neck, then a familiar voice said;

"You really are strange." I quickly turned around to be nose to nose with the stranger I met last night.

" What the hell?!" I yelled and shot up into the air, and me being me, tripped over my own feet to end up with my butt on the floor.

" I didn't mean to scare you." the stranger said, suppressing a smile.

I huffed, not wanting to deal with him any longer. 

" will you just do what you're gonna do and leave me alone already?!" I said gesturing with my hands.

" ooh, I caught a feisty one." The boy said. Sighing he said. " I can't take you seriously when you're on the floor like that." He took my hand, and tugged me off the Ground.

I looked up at the boy now, he didn't seem to be more than 3 inches taller than me. When he didn't let go of my hand, I yanked it back.

" Thanks." You could hear the venom in my voice.

"Is that anyway to treat a stranger?" He asked with a pouty lip.

"Well when they almost assault someone, then I'm being hella nice."

He rolled his eyes, "ugh fine. Tell me your name." He said with a wink. 

"As if dumb ass."

"Okay, I'll find it myself." He said walking away, defiance clear in his voice.

My jaw dropped,

" You can't just walk away after saying that," I exclaimed. " Who invited you here anyway?!" I yelled after him, trying to catch up with his steady pace.

" I invited myself, princess." He said, without turning around. I sighed seeing no way around this.

I would have to find an answer later.

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