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Chapter 8: Chap 8- Meeting With the Demons

"You forgot your posture again, Ophis." Ban tapped his palm.

"I, never imagine that these ... things would be so complicated"

Ophis replied with her usual expressionless face. She is also wearing a certain arts costume martial arts.

Ban started to sweat: "If the postures are complicated, then how will you learn new techniques are beyond my understanding. "He sighed.

Ophis pouted: "Just skip the postures. I don't need that."

Ban sighed tiredly, "Don't blame me if you got hurt."

Ban entered his instinctive battle state. His body automatically took over a comfortable posture. With a deep breath, his right fist is tied with demonic power. Ban moved towards one of the punching bags before moving lean forward to gain momentum. He directly punched the middle part of the bag.

Surprisingly, it didn't split cleanly in half and went out in the air.

It was violently sent back into the forest, hitting several trees before cause a considerable dust cloud to collide with the base of the small mountain.

Ophis stood there gaping in monotonous amazement as she applauded without emotion: "Hoho ... you used demonic power right?"

Ban nodded, "I suppose you can just replace it with any kind of power, I think. Chi, Ki, even the Powers of the Dragon, just make sure you hold it. "

"Let me try." Ophis's fist glowed red with her dragon energy.

Ban shrugged before walking away. Ophis tried to imitate what she ended up to see, she leaned forward just like what she witnessed ... but her posture general is not adequate.

Ophis mumbles something incomprehensible as she manages to throw the punch at towards its target, but loses balance in the process causing her control of power slips too.

The pure dark crimson dragon power completely obliterated the bag of strokes before a huge energy explosion in the air. A pillar of dragon power exploded violently, causing a wind storm in all directions.

Ban laughed before shaking his head dryly as his hair was tossed behind by the intense wind. After a few moments, everything slowly dies.

"I told you. Postures are important." He laughed a little at Ophis.

"..." Ophis joked before blowing the leaves off her face and hair: "Whatever ... I am the Dragon of Infinity, I have no use for these so-called martial arts. "Ophis snorted.

"Hey! You didn't want to learn after watching those martial art films of yours ?! "Marks of anger appeared on Ban's head.

Ophis shrugged: "... maybe it's because of what I ate yesterday."

"The instant noodles are in the cupboard, you clown! Who said the rod of the curtain is edible ?! "Ban pulled Ophis upright.

"Television," Ophis answered.

Ban tapped his palm. He will have to get rid of those survival channels absurdities as quickly as possible.

Yesterday after rescuing Asia from the Fallen Angels, Ban returned home while carrying Asia who was very tired and when he got home he saw Ophis eating the curtain rod.

Ban almost went crazy with the idea of ​​the Dragon God of Infinity to eat the rod of curtain and made some things for Ophis and Asia to eat.

Although it took a while for that to happen because Ophis didn't want to share her food with Asia, but after many conversations, she agreed.

After dinner, Ophis talked to Asia and made it very clear that she was friends with Ban, and Asia being innocent agreed. After that, both took place, surprisingly well, it looked like Asia had a great affinity for dragons and Ophis even blessed Asia with a greater affinity for dragons.

Ophis dubbed Asia "Girl with normal-sized breasts and long golden hair ".

Ban didn't even know where that nickname came from, only that Ophis came out mumbling about big breasts and pretty girls with them must die.

"You need to stop taking everything so literally, honestly ..."

"I'm hungry ..." Ophis immediately changes the subject.

"What a spoiled child you are." Ban ruffled Ophis's hair wearily. The Ouroboros Dragon likes this, as she leaned in to touch like a cat.

"I am not a child. I am just selfish at times."

"Sometimes? More like, most of the time" Ban sighed.

"But you're not complaining, are you?" Ophis murmured.

Ban sighed for the umpteenth time, "What do you want to eat?"

"The usual," Ophis said when a portal appeared in front of them. The advantage of being one of the strongest beings in existence is that it has its portable portal.

Seeing that it would be very problematic not to fulfill his wish, Ban nodded head before they both return to the house.

Change of Scene.

Anyone who has lived alone for a long time ends up learning how to improve their living standards, especially in the "kitchen" area. Same before he came into this world, Ban was a good cook, but now, it improves exponentially.

Satan's son Crimson casually threw the pancakes to the other side in a frying pan, whistling in a cheerful tone as he cut onions in his other hands in a way that would make even the most skilled chef green with envy.

It was more a demonstration of skill than cooking itself if someone to become your witness. Which in this case was a Dragon God of Infinity.

Ophis waits anxiously at the table. After somewhat intense training (?), anyone would need some snacks and some food. An army marches on her stomach. Without exception, the Ouroboros Dragon also marches on her stomach.

"Today is surprisingly peaceful," Ophis commented as she sipped her tea.

Ban nods casually as he continues to make breakfast morning.

Ban loves and likes to have a good battle more than almost anything ... but that's not everything for him now. He has a lot of hobbies and fun instead of fighting, like reading, traveling, cooking, and, surprisingly, gardening. To be honest, Ban does not hate peace, but sometimes he gets bored with it.

Well nobody can blame Ban for feeling that way sometimes, Ban didn't live life normally, he was always very lonely since he was born everyone tried to kill him due to being a demon, a race hated by other beings.

Ban survived all these years by killing everyone who stood in his way, he faithfully followed the law of the jungle, the strong survive, and the weak die.

Ban only got a name when he was ten due to Irina asking for him, no one else before that tried, they just tried to kill him, and if Ban is here today means that he survived.

Ban was left without attachment to the world and the people who lived in it because of the way that he was raised, that was one of the reasons why Ophis was so interested in Ban, not only for its power but also for its detachment from the world.

Ban was someone with a lot of blood on his hands, someone empty and indifferent to the world.

He only started having these hobbies due to Shiva insisting that he should do more than just fighting and killing.

"What are you going to do with the demons?" asked Ophis as she sipped her tea.

Ban stopped for a moment and thought about what he would do.

Ban could very well threaten or attack both and wage war against the demons, something that Ban would like.

However Shiva had told him to avoid doing too much damage to the world, and Ban would obey.

So the best option for Ban these days was to befriend the demons, which was a problem, Ban liked to play chess with Sona and Tsubaki, to practice Kendo with Kiba, and talking to Koneko.

Ban didn't mind Rias trying to manipulate him, after all, she was a demon, Ban himself wasn't very innocent and he's done things much worse than simply manipulate someone.

Perhaps the biggest problem with that was that when Ban met Rias and her nobility in the abandoned Church he used some of his power to show the insignificance of Rias at that moment because he did not want to waste time.

So it was likely that they were afraid, but Ban knew it would be easy to regain her trust due to being friends with them and Rias being their fan.

Honestly, it was very easy to manipulate a person when he knew the feeling of her.

And also many interesting things would happen in Kuoh due to the presence of two heirs to the 72 pillars of the Underworld, and if they were thought that would no longer occur.

"Well, Lord Shiva forbade me to cause chaos and meaningless destruction, so I'll do that, I think I'm just going to ally myself with the demons, "Ban said calmly.

Ophis said was about to say something but said nothing because the aroma of the food slowly tickled her senses. After a few minutes, Ban brings the prepared food to the table.

Ophis can't wait any longer. She immediately eats miso soup, fried tofu, sliced ​​fish, pancakes, basically ... everything.

"You should have changed your title. Ophis, the Dragon of Gluttony." Ban shook his head and said before slowly consuming his share.

"It's not my fault. Good food is good." Ophis murmured.

Ban laughed because he doesn't disagree. The atmosphere is one of the comfortable silence. Ban had also separated the part of Asia because the girl was very tired, and although they had talked yesterday evening, Ban told her to sleep as much as she wanted to recover her energy.

The small banquet took less than half an hour, mainly because of the

Ophis's huge appetite.

"Thanks for the food," Ophis said with a happy smile.

Ban nodded his head. The Infinite Dragon is surprisingly easy to please.

It causes problems at times, but it brightens up the tedious life of the Sekiryuutei.


The Ouroboros Dragon tilted her head curiously.

"Are you still setting up your" small "group?" Ban asked nonchalantly while putting used dishes in the dishwasher.

Ophis's expression is serious. She doesn't answer because she's thinking about how to answer.

Ban shook his head almost disappointingly. If your speculation is true, so Ophis still can't understand the impact of the Great Red.

Everything existed for some reason, the same also applied to the Dragon God. Great Red is the embodiment of dreams and illusions. Without him, Ban has certain that the cataclysm will not be far away. Also, keep that Lizard bright red will be beneficial for him ... be it as an extremely training target strong or a potential guarantee.

"Ophis. I told you many times that killing that lizard is not an option." Ban said.

"I'm not planning to kill that ... animal, despite my desire. I will force that ugly chameleon out. That's it "Ophis answer.

So much death, destruction, wars, battlefields painted red from the blood, all that destruction that Rias remembered was similar to the stories, her father and brother told her.

Rias and her nobility had been paralyzed for several moments until Sona and her nobility came and helped them.

Rias had not been able to sleep well that night because the memories of the meeting with Ban plagued her.

Sona observed the expression of her best friend and rival cannot fail to shudder with her, Sona herself had been perplexed by what she had seen when got there.

And so now they're in a huge dilemma because if only Ban's gaze was able to do that with Rias already meant that he was much more powerful than anyone of them there.

* Toc * * Toc *

Everyone's concentration was knocked off at the knock of the door.

Sona turned to the door and said "come in" causing the front door of the Occult Research Club if it opened.

When the door opened it was revealed that someone made Rias's blood run cold and everyone is surprised.

Ban Astrea was standing at the door.

"B-Ban-san" stammered Rias with a little fear evident in her voice.

Ban almost smiled at that, it was always good to see the fear reaction on that guy's face who confronted you, maybe you are your pride as a Dragon who did that?

"What a surprise, Ban," said Sona calmly, suppressing the fear inside her.

Ban smiled before fully entering the room and crossing his arms.

"I think we have something to talk about, right?" said Ban calmly.

Everyone, especially Sona, nodded.

Change of Scene.

The silence in the Occult Club room was great while all the nobility of Rias and Sona and their [Queen] were in the room in silence while Ban was standing calmly in front of them.

"I think you might have questions," said Ban calmly, taking everyone out of their thoughts.

"Yes, that would be nice," said Sona as she saw that her friend was not yet managing to reason properly.

Ban sighed seeing Rias's terrified and fearful look, which although Ban admit he liked it if she stayed like that the conversation wouldn't go anywhere.

Ban held out a single finger towards Rias, who opened her eyes wide, but a green glow washed over Rias when she started to feel more calm and peaceful.

"What was that?" Asked Sona with curiosity.

"A magic that brings tranquility to the hearts of others, is good to calm the heart of the terrified, "said Ban calmly, making everyone surprised.

"It's an interesting magic," said Sona with a big surprise.

Ban nodded while his gaze grew serious.

"Then ask," Ban says calmly to everyone.

"What was that?" asked Sona referring to what had happened in the Church yesterday.

"Well, the Fallen Angels had taken a friend of mine and planned to extract the Sacred Gear from her thus killing her. I went there to rescue her, but as the Fallen Angels got in my way they died" explains Ban calmly to them who they nod their heads.

"Who was?" asked Sona calmly, although Ban could feel a little jealousy in the voice.

"She was a nun-"

"Is she from the Church ?!" said Kiba perplexed as he faced Ban.

Everyone stared at Ban, who sighed.

"Let me explain," Ban said firmly, making everyone stop: "She was a nun who was excommunicated from the Church for healing a demon, she was deceived by the Fallen Angels that were in that city and they would extract Sacred Gear from it, but I saved her "explains Ban calmly doing everyone nodded.

Everyone sighed a little before Sona looked at Ban.

"So how did you kill the Fallen Angels? You were a normal human until these days "said Sona in a rush.

Ban sighed: "I never said I was a normal human," said Ban making their eyes widen.

Ban snapped his fingers and from his shadow, three beings emerged, they were Jin, Shade, and Kadmus in its puppy forms.

Jin jumped out of the shade and stood happily beside Ban while Kadmus he was sitting next to me with a boring look.

Shade lay down on the floor and started sleeping again

Rias and her nobility opened their eyes wide when they saw the animals because they were the same they were with Ban last night, but with a smaller appearance.

"What are they?" asked Akeno curiously, because now they were totally unlike yesterday's menacing animals, they even looked cute.

"These are Jin, Shade, and Kadmus" presented Ban pointing to each one.

Jin barked happily in greeting, while Kadmus snarled greetings and Shade simply ignored them.

"... dog," said Koneko looking threateningly at Jin who turned his gaze at her and narrowed his eyes because Koneko was a cat, it seemed like she didn't get along with dogs.

"What are they?" asked Tsubaki as she approached and ran her hand across Jin who barked happily.

"They are the avatars of my Sacred Gear, [Canis Lykaon]" informed Ban doing with which everyone's eyes widened.

"S-Sacred Gear?" asked Rias, surprised by this.

"Exactly," said Ban.

"I see, that explains a lot," said Sona before opening her eyes: "Wait a little bit, [Canis Lykaon] is one of the Thirteen Longinus "informed Sona doing all eyes widen.

"Longinus" spoke Rias, perplexed as well as everyone.

"This explains a lot, if you are a Longinus user you could easily

beat those Fallen Angels "Sona informed calmly before widening her eyes:" If you are a user of [Canis Lykaon] does that mean you are the SlashDog of this generation? "

Ban nodded, SlashDog was the title that all Longinus users [Kennels Lykaon] owned.

"Is that a problem, Kaichou?" asked Kiba curiously, though still surprised by the that his friend is a Longinus user.

"The fact is that the current SlashDog is very famous in the supernatural world," said Sona making everyone's eyes widen.

"Famous?" a curious Akeno question.

"The current SlashDog is considered one of the greatest mercenaries in the world," said Sona making everyone's eyes wide with shocking information.

Ban almost laughed at their expression, Sekiryuutei was very well known in the world supernatural, but he had several identities.

For his title of Sekiryuutei and Monarch of Destruction, he was known as the Shiva's right arm.

But Ban had also created an alter ego for when he needed to do missions more dangerous and that were in different ways, from seeking information, murder, or coast guard, so Ban became a very famous mercenary by the pseudonym from SlashDog.

Ban had already done several missions for different Pantheons, from the Pantheon Nordic to Shinto or other missions, so Ban would do any mission if they paid well.

In a short time, he became very famous in the world for always completing many successful missions.

"What?" asked Kiba in surprise.

Sona adjusted her glasses and started to explain.

"From what my sister told me, SlashDog is considered one of the biggest mercenaries of the world and worked for several factions doing various missions dangerous, he became very famous for completing all the missions he accepted and mainly because one of them killed a God "informed Sona doing all their eyes widened in bewilderment.

"Y-Did you kill a God?" asked Rias, perplexed and frightened.

Ban nodded calmly.

The God Ban had killed was Balor the Evil Eye God, Ban had already

fought and killed several gods, mainly subordinates of Indra, however, Balor went on a mission.

In the case Balor had already been killed a long time ago by the Celtic god Lugh, however, how the Gods were beings made of the faith of humanity and took their power from them was possible under certain circumstances to revive that God.

Balor had been revived by several of his followers and Ban was hired by Lugh himself to exterminate him, Ban logically accepted and also his teacher had asked him to kill Balor and so he was done.

Since then, SlashDog's fame had increased absurdly because of that.

"Yes, the Celtic God Balor had been revived and was causing chaos so I went hired to kill him, "explains Ban calmly.

"How did you do it?" asked Tsubaki, perplexed.

All Gods, even the weakest, already had power superior to a Demon of class Satan and if Ban defeated a God it meant that his power surpasses the Class Maou.

Ban laughed: "Regardless of how harmless they are, my Longinus is the sword that cuts to God "explained Ban while pointing at his dogs.

Jin was lying calmly on Tsubaki's lap, but he looked ugly at Koneko.

Kadmus was still standing next to Ban and Shade was still sleeping.

"But you are a human," said Rias, perplexed," no human could kill one God."

Ban glared at her: "You must not underestimate humans Rias, many of them are stronger than several supernatural beings, Siegfried who killed the Dragon King Fafnir for example "said Ban making Rias look sorry.

"And I never said I was human," said Ban, making everyone return to his look at them with wide eyes.

Ban raised his right hand and extended a finger, on top of Ban's finger came up a small sphere of red energy.

The [Power of Destruction].

"T-that and the [Power of Destruction]" said Rias absurdly as he stood up.

"You are a part-demon! A Bael, "said Sona, surprised.

Ban nodded as he deactivated his magic.

Ban was technically not lying, he was part demons and part dragon due to having Ddraig inside him, but he was mostly Demon.

And he was also a Bael due to being the son of Sirzechs Lucifer, who was the son of Venelana Gremory a former member of the Bael clan.

"How did this happen, Ban-senpai?" asked Kiba curiously making everyone come back your look at Ban.

"When I was born I had a low amount of demonic power so I went abandoned by my parents, "said Ban indifferently, making everyone's eyes widen.

"... senpai" said Koneko sadly.

"Don't worry about it, I don't think about it and I don't care about it either my parents, "Ban said calmly even though everyone's pity was not gone.

Akeno looked at Ban sympathetically, as she too had been abandoned by his father and was still responsible for the death of his mother.

"Ban we felt a dragon's aura coming from you, what was it?" asked Sona because she doubts that the image of that dragon was just a hallucination.


A good friend of mine was a dragon, and he taught me several things," said Ban indifferent.

It wasn't a lie because Ddraig was one of Ban's few friends and also had taught him several things.

Everyone nodded at Ban's words before Sona turned for Ban.

"So what are you doing in Kuoh?" asked Sona doing all eyes widen.

Ban turned to Sona and looked at her doubtfully.

"The fact that you are SlashDog means that you are someone very famous in the world supernatural, so why is one of the most famous mercenaries in the world in Kuoh? " asked Sona, making everyone's eyes widen at this.

It could be said that this was a very hostile act, Sona even thought that Ban could have been hired to kill them, but if that happened Sona doubt that they still were alive.

"Well, I like Kuoh, it's a city that I have fond memories of and one of

few places that I feel at ease "said Ban in a nostalgic tone that everyone realized.

"Even so, Ban you could have warned, you are in our territory after all" said Rias firmly to Ban.

Sekiryuutei almost laughed at Rias' attempt to intimidate him, the demons, especially the Gremory were very greedy and were always possessive with which they were theirs, that implied the way of Rias and her territory.

We will briefly explain sins and their connection to demons.

Demons, because their very existence is an embodiment of sin, are especially suited to the seven 'deadly' sins of the Bible.

These are:








Most, if not all, demons incorporate at least one of these sins.

Some represent several.

However, if it were simply a matter of being a 'sinner', the 7 sins would not be known as a curse. The problem lies in the Devil's tendency to lose control of yourself while giving yourself over to those sins.

There have been cases of demons who embodied gluttony, who spent all the time eating whatever food they could get their hands on, without wasting time to do nothing else, not even take a shower.

While a Demon who embodied Wrath would attack anyone for the slightest insult, even something as minor as numbing them in the middle of a crowded street could detonate them.

To limit the effect of these sins, the Pure Blood Demons (who are especially susceptible to the 7 sins) tend to choose one of the 7 sins and deliberately surrender to him in a controlled manner.

For example, a Devil who chooses to indulge in Lust often creates a harem of women (or men) of its Nobility members and represents their lust in such a Nobility, but only in their Nobility. By conditioning himself to limit his desires to their Nobility/harem, they eventually train to indulge themselves in lust, thus preventing your weakness from acting in another unpleasant way.

They are also the reasons why harems are so common in the Devil community.

Another example of using Nobility to limit a mortal sin is greed.

Some demons, after laying their eyes on a particular individual to join they would go to extremes to capture their heart's desire. Lying and cheating one potential nobility member is a common occurrence, and even arranging their death by a third part and then 'saving' them by reincarnating them with a Piece of Evil is not an unusual occurrence. Greed for targets can obscure the mind even from the most demon ethics.

In an irony, that same greed ends up making those demons the best kind of master to serve, since their greed would never allow them to leave any members to leave. How far would these Demons go to make the members of his Nobility happy to be willing with them throughout eternity can defy any sense of reason.

The Gremory Clan is especially known for their greed when it comes to their nobility. It has been said that they are willing to maintain their nobility as a family in an effort to keep them happy.

When Maou Sirzechs Lucifer was still a Gremory, they said that he wished Grayfia Lucifuge, his current wife and queen, so much that he started dating and courting her right at the height of the Civil War. In addition, he later ended up leading an attack deep in enemy territory with the sole purpose of recovering her when her family locked her to prevent the two from meeting.

Although reincarnated demons may show no disposition particular to these sins in the beginning, over time, they will, one and all, succumb to them over time. The effects of the 7 sins increase according to the devil's abilities newly created children develop. The stronger the Devil, the more easily they would fall within Temptation.

Although demons as a whole accept these sins, partly because they like them and partly because it tends to enrage their angel counterpart so much, it's considered a sign of weakness for a devil to succumb to one of these sins. Demons are expected to be in control of their sins, not allowing their sins to control them.

This is the reason why the Maou's have traditionally been expected to take one wife/husband instead of a harem. As leaders of all kinds of the devil, they should set an example of how demons, even those as powerful as themselves and, therefore, more susceptible, they can resist the most common temptations, lust.

The three most common sins among demons are lust, greed, and pride.

Back to the subject.

"Well, you wouldn't take the fact that I'm in your territory like you is doing now, "said Ban making Rias blush with embarrassment:" And I have that too "

The moment Ban spoke and took a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it over to Sona.

"What is it?" asked Sona curiously as she looked at the content.

"A contract signed by Amaterasu, the leader of the Shinto Pantheon that allows me to roam across Japan without hindrance, "said Ban calmly, demons opened their eyes wide.

"H-how?" asked Sona in surprise.

"As you said, I did several missions and in one of them for the Shinto Pantheon, I received this authorization to travel all over Japan without being interrupted "explained Ban calmly for everyone.

Sona and everyone were extremely surprised, especially Sona because with that Ban had more authority over Kuoh than they, the demons.

"I see, so you can roam Kuoh freely," said Sona with a nod. all.

In this, everyone's attention was turned to Rias who let out a little cough to get everyone's attention.

"So I would like to make you an offer Ban-san," said Rias calling everyone's attention.

Ban almost laughed because he recognized at that moment what Rias was going to say.


"I would like you to join my Nobility," said Rias doing all eyes widen.

Sona turned her gaze to her best friend who she just ignored.

Hoho, and why would I do that?" Ban asked making Rias stop.

After a while, she replied: "Well, you would become much more

powerful and would also gain a lot more influence, as well as fame and a lot of money, of course, you would start out as a low-class demon the quicker you would rise to the upper class or even supreme with his power, and as a Gremory, I treat my servants like my family, so you could always count on us, I swear on my status heiress to the Gremory clan "spoke Rias calmly because in his mind it wouldn't be a bad thing business for Ban.

Sekiryuutei almost laughed at the last part about the Gremory, it was ironic that she was saying this to him.

Although Ban pondered the part a little bit about her being the heir to the Gremory Clan.

Technically Ban was the true heir to the Gremory clan due to being older than Rias and much more powerful.

Ban almost laughed at the thought, maybe he should ally himself with demons only to assume the post of heir and remove him from Rias? After all, she is very proud of it.

"So you stopped trying to kill me to offer it formally?" asked Ban calmly with a smile making Rias and everyone's eyes widen.

"W-what?" asked/stammered Rias startled.

"Do you think I wouldn't find out that you were up to my death at the hands of the Fallen Angels to be able to reincarnate me? How naive you guys are?" asked Ban with a laugh.

"You are angry?" asked Sona fearfully.

She doubts that they would survive if Ban attacked them.

"Rage?! No, you are demons, this is natural for you, although it is disappointed in Rias, after all, what she did is not much different from the demons of old times that your brother fought against "said Ban calmly making everyone eyes widen and Rias lowered her head in disappointment: "And I've also done many worse things than just manipulating someone "

Everyone was surprised by the mysterious tone that Ban used to speak.

"So is that your answer? Even if you don't want to ally with Rias I would offer a place for you, "said Sona, making everyone's eyes widen.

Ban chuckled: "Haha, you don't stop surprising, but I don't want to be a servant of any demon, and even if I wanted to I doubt you could reincarnate me. "said Ban.

Sona nodded while Rias lowered her head, a demon never could reincarnate someone stronger than them and Ban was a user of Longinus who dominated to the point of killing a God, so his level is much higher than theirs.

"I see, so I would like to ask you a question Ban," said Sona drawing everyone's attention and Ban turned his gaze to her: "Who trained you?" asked Sona.

Everyone, including Ban, was surprised by this question.

Sona asked this because she did not imagine that Ban acquired all his power alone, and depending on who trained him he could be linked to some Faction.

Ban pondered for a moment, although most things he learned alone mainly due to his Noble Ghosts, he had things he was taught.

Shiva for example taught him to improve his control over [Power of Destruction] since the divine energy of Shiva's destruction was very similar to my power.

But the Ban masters who taught him some things were just two that were worth mentioning.

"Well, most of it I learned on my own, but the ones that are worth mentioning are two, Celtic witch Scathach and Monkey King Sun Wukong, "Ban said calmly making everyone's eyes widen.

"Wait a minute for God Slayer and the Great Sage Like Heaven?" asked Sona baffled by everyone.

Ban nodded his head.

Ban had several masters, but only two taught him many things The Immortal Witch Scathach and the Great Sage Like Heaven Sun Wukong.

Ban had met Scathach when he was seven, at that time Ban was curious about her.

After all, it is said that she had killed so many beings that she obtained immortality, so in a world where the era of the Gods still existed, it was possible that it was alive, but trapped in the Land of Shadows.

So thanks to the memories that Ban had due to Gae Bolg he traveled to the Celtic Pantheon in search of the Land of Shadows and surprisingly he found it.

When Ban invaded the Land of Shadows he came face to face with the Immortal Witch and the challenged to a battle and ended up losing.

Don't get it wrong, Ban had a lot more dominance with a spear, the very Scathach admitted this, but Ban was a seven-year-old child and his body was not he could use all the power he had.

After that Scathach took Ban as a student due to seeing the claw and ferocity in your eyes.

Ban trained for three years with the Immortal Witch and even overcame Scathach at that time, the Immortal Witch asked Ban to kill, which was her wish, however, Ban refused because he would never kill his main teacher.

Ban knew that the Immortal Witch's heart had softened over time with him.

Ban considered for a moment, maybe he should pay her a visit? Or invite her to come to my house.

With Sun Wukong, Ban's meeting with him was funny.

After all Sun Wukong is the vanguard of Indra and Ban is the vanguard of Shiva, so naturally, both should be mortal enemies.

However, when Ban and Sun Wukong met, they both fought a little, which ended in Ban's victory, but the Sekiryuutei didn't kill the Buddha and both became friends after a while of conversation.

Ban and Sun Wukong became friends, not least because Sun Wukong didn't care if Ban he was a servant of Shiva and vice versa.

During the time Ban spent with Sun Wukong, he learned several things from the Victorious Buddha in Combat.

Perhaps the best thing that Ban learned from Sun Wukong was to use Senjutsu.

Senjutsu is different from magic and witchcraft with the biggest difference being that it emphasizes the importance of the chakra, its aura, the great original power that flows in the spirit of someone, the life force, and turning it into a constant current. Senjutsu is a similar power, but different from the magic of the Demons and the power of the light of the Angels.

Despite being unable to match the direct destructive power of magic or light, senjutsu does use unknown parts hidden in plants, animals, and people. For example, if someone has learned senjutsu, it's said to be excellent at reading the flow of the aura of someone, allowing him to assimilate his movements at a certain distance to a certain degree.

Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of vital energy or ki in living beings.

Using it, you can strengthen the internal and external bodies or even make the vegetation around it blooms or wilts.

Senjutsu was not an exclusive power of Youkai, Youkai were simply beings who had a greater affinity with the power of Senjutsu.

For Ban to learn Senjutsu he needed to create magic to have a better affinity with nature.

So Ban developed magic called [Natural World Magic] that allowed manipulate nature freely, it was magically created inspired by the Wood Release or Mokuton from Hashirama Senju from the anime Naruto.

With this magic, Ban gained an affinity with nature, and after training managed to use and master Senjutsu.

"... surprising," said Koneko surprised with everyone.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Sona who coughed to call the attention.

"So, Ban, let me ask you a question. Are you our ally or not? " asked Sona gaining everyone's attention.

Ban crossed his arms and turned his attention to Sona.

"I'm not here to be your enemy," said Ban with a reassuring smile all.

Ban didn't hate demons, he didn't have any kind of hatred or dislike for them.

Even for Gregory's or his parents, he didn't care, didn't exist hate in his heart.

After all, it was what his parents did to him that formed what he is today.

He was not the enemy of demons.

But he was not their ally either.

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