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Chapter 38: Kanto - Cerulean City

Ash and Brock left the gym after Jessie and James did although Misty stayed behind with her sisters. As it turns out Red had told them about her involvement with Team Rocket at Mt Moon, although he did not divulge the full details. The three girls did not want Misty out of their sight for a while and Misty agreed with a sigh, knowing full well they will follow her around if she didn't stay at the gym for a day at least. Instead she decided to follow up her plan on letting her Poliwags decide what they wanted to evolve into. She took out some Pokemon cards that had a Poliwrath and a Politoad and explained about the two to the tadpole Pokemon. One Poliwag decided to evolve into a Politoad while the other grabbed the Water stone Misty had put in front of them.

Misty, "Great, now we just need to train you to become stronger and you can evolve into Poliwhirl and after that either one of the two."

Daisy smiled seeing how happy Misty was, "So, Misty, who is your boyfriend among the three?"

Misty, "What boyfriend?"

Lily, "You know between Ash, Brock and Jameson. I hope it's Jameson. He's sweet and kind and loves his sister."

Violet, "I hope it's not Brock, he's reputation is a bit.... Well you know. Or is it that kid, Ash? He's similar to your age."

Misty who had blushed deadpanned, "Ash? Really? You want his brothers to murder me in my sleep?"

Daisy laughed, "Maybe it's a girlfriend, Jessilina sure is amazing."

Misty huffed blushing and walked off, "I have training and I don't want a lover till I have established I'm a Water Master."

The three older siblings giggled before getting to work, they had a performance in the evening. Daisy was honestly happy Misty was not listless anymore and had a goal that she truly wanted to fulfill. Ash meanwhile was questioning Brock, he had always been curious about who he met at Cerulean city.

Brock, "It went great, we are planning on meeting up at Celadon city in a few months again."

Ash, "I can't believe there's a breeder's club, but I suppose I should have expected it."

Brock, "I told them about you guys and they want to meet you all at Celadon."

Ash nodded, "That's cool. Well here we are. I'm going to get back to training. And I was thinking of letting Primeape and Fearrow go to the lab as well, pretty sure they would be happy to see their pack and flock again. I think I'll have Milotic and later Pikachu sent over."

Jigglypuff, "Jiggly!"

Metapod, "Meta!"

The two friends separated to train and study respectively. On the other side of town, Jessie, James and Meowth were on their way to a fancy looking restaurant. They got in to the executive side of the restaurant after giving a series of orders which were actually code for members. Meowth stopped walking on all fours and stood up stretching his back and legs giving out a purr.

Meowth, "F'nally, I can walk!"

James, "Are you okay Meowth?"

Meowth, "Yeah, I'm f'ne. No worries."

Jessie, "We are here!"

Meowth contacted the main base, "Team Meowth reporting fr duty, boss."

Giovanni, "Report!"

The group started to give their report, from the time they started following their charge in Viridian to joining him in Pewter. Giovanni raised his eyebrow and motioned them to explain, he had actually expected his nephew to be more vigilant. Guess, Red did not tell him everything after all, he sighed, he thought he was protecting him by keeping him out of the business but it was a mistake and now there was a big rift between them. Jessie proceeded to explain, how she won the first badge and won the badge then proceeded to join them and travel as a group. James then took over and explained what happened at Mt Moon getting a dark look from him. He had not ordered any operation there since the last time, it was too risky especially with the rangers around. Not to forget the fact Arrianna had not answered his calls in a while making him wonder who she was actually working for. Meowth then reported what happened after the clash between them and Arrianna and the stones they had received plus the second badge.

Giovanni, "I see, Jessie, carry on with your plan to enter the league, build a strong rapport with them as a trainer. James, meet up with Archer, I fear Arrianna has turned her back on us, find out who Arrianna is working for and why. Meowth keep me updated on everything."

Jessie, "Yes sir!"

James, "Understood sir!"

Meowth, "Got it boss!"

Jessie, "Things just got messy, didn't they?"

James, "Hopefully we can resolve it without another Mewtwo incident."

Meowth twitched, "Dn't remind me! Tat was a mes an a half ta clean."

Jessie sighed, "It truly was a terrifying discovery, to think a man and a woman would go so far to get their dead child back."

James shivered, "It's terrifying yet heartbreaking. I.. I wonder if Mewtwo knows the reason they were created was because the parents wanted their child back."

Jessie, "Let's just stop talking about it. We have work to do."

Meowth, "She's rite! Let's go."

James sighed and followed them, he couldn't help but marvel sometimes at how far humans could go for love. Even break moral and ethical grounds, what the scientist did was something out of a horror story minus the demon from hell. The next three days were spent in checking and double checking the members of Team Rocket situated in Cerulean. Although they went by a different name, for the sake of business, it proved to be beneficial the last few years in getting back the money Giovanni had lost. Honestly, he was not the only one invested in the Mewtwo operation, yet only his business suffered. It annoyed him a lot but that was okay, he was a patient man and he would get back to all the backstabbers. Soon three days flew by and it was time for Ash's contest to start. As promised Jessie dragged James and Meowth to the contest in the name of a small break, Archer let them go considering the clean up went well. Misty joined them with her sisters and Brock in tow, though Daisy had to join the judges panel as she was the local heroine and Princess of Cerulean.

The hostess, "Hello everyone, I'm Amanda and I'll be your host for the day. Welcome to the Pokemon coordinator contest."

The audience cheered as Amanda carried on, "Now let's hear it for our judges. First we have Mr Contesta."

Mr Contesta, "Hello everyone!"

Amanda, "Next is Mr Sukizo!"

Mr Sukizo, "Wonderful."

Amanda, "Now our very own Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy, "Hello there!"

Amanda, "And last but not the least our very own Princess Daisy Waterflower."

Daisy, "Hello everybody, let's do our best!"

The crowd cheered in enthusiasm as Amanda gave her usual speech and explained the rules of the contest before calling the first contestant. Ash was sitting with Jigglypuff and Metapod who were watching the performances with bright eyes. Soon it would be them on the stage performing their best and getting applause.

Amanda, "Next we have Ash Ketchum from Pallet town."

Ash ran into the stage and threw the pokeball, "Time to shine Jigglypuff."

Jigglypuff came out in a burst of hearts, "Jigglypuff!"

Ash, "Misty terrain!"

The ground got covered in shimmering light mist around Jigglypuff as she used the move.

Ash, "Next ice punch! You know what to do."

Jigglypuff nodded and hit the ground with the ice punch raising a part of the ground as a podium for it to stand on. She had worked hard to master the two moves especially after Lucario had explained they were pretty costly TM moves. She was pumped up and ready to win more than ever and stood on the icy podium with mist flowing below her.

Ash, "Now sing! Like we practiced!"

Jigglypuff took a deep breath and sang a very gentle song, pleasing the audience and the judges alike. Ash remembered practicing this song, Jigglypuff's sing move was so powerful it had put everyone in the neighbouring training grounds to sleep. He sweatdropped when one of the trainers wanted to trade Jigglypuff for another of his Pokemon. Ash had refused but promised to contact him if he caught another Jigglypuff in the future. The older teen had been a bit disappointed but agreed to the compromise and exchanged email address with Ash. Ash was surprised when he saw the name added to his contacts, it was Diamond, of all people to run into. Jigglypuff had trained hard to control the sleeping effect her move had, she knew it was powerful, her parents told her so. Therefore she trained harder, it also helped that Lucario trained her in controlling her aura the same way he was helping Ash. By the time she had finished her song most of the audience members were still awake although the younger children had fallen asleep.

Amanda, "And there you have it folks, a fine performance by Ash and Jigglypuff. Let's hear what the judges have to say starting with Mr Contesta."

Mr Contesta, "I must say they have trained truly hard, the terrain and the punch were nicely controlled."

Mr Sukizo, "It was very remarkable."

Nurse Joy, "The Jigglypuff's glossy fur and bright eyes show how well she's been taken care of."

Daisy, "You can tell how much effort they put in to control the effect of the move sing. It was very well executed."

Amanda, "High praises from the judges, let's see the score."

The timer dinged, "A full score, Ash has moved on to the second round."

The crowd cheered as Ash hugged Jigglypuff, "You were amazing girl. Hear that, those cheers are for you."

They went back to the lobby and sat with Metapod who praised Jigglypuff on her performance. Jigglypuff preened under the praise and told Metapod it was his turn to shine next. The other contestants showed off their own Pokemon and Ash noticed two familiar trainers from the previous contest. He frowned noticing the Pokemon didn't look well at all, he wondered if he should talk about it to someone. However before he could think of a plan the first rounds were over and the second round was about to begin.

Amanda, "The first match up is between Joshua and Jacob."

Ash watched as the two coordinators battled with each other, one used a Skitty and the other was using a Pikachu. He was quite interested in who he would battle next and watched the battles carefully. The Skitty and Pikachu were evenly matched in terms of power but he was sure Metapod could handle it, he had been training with his other Pokemon.

Amanda, "Skitty is unable to battle, Pikachu wins! Our second match is between Flora and Ash!"

Flora, "Let's go Corsula."

Ash, "Let's do this Metapod!"

Amanda, "Interesting match up, let the battle begin!"

Flora, "Water gun!"

Ash, "Agility!"

Metapod used agility to dodge around the water gun causing Flora's points to fall.

Flora, "Corsula ancient power!"

Ash, "Do not let up agility and harden."

Metapod got danced closer as he dodged the ancient power, next thing anyone knew Metapod had tackled the water type hard causing it to wince in pain.

Flora, "Corsula, you okay boy!"

Corsula nodded getting a grin from Flora, "You won't take us down that easily. Harden and Water pulse!"

Ash, "Metapod string shot!"

Metapod threw a string shot at the ceiling climbing up and swinging around.

Flora, "Get him Corsula, water pulse again."

Ash grinned, "Swing around and harden!"

The water pulse missed Metapod as he swung around using harden ability that made him glow.

Ash, "Now tackle!"

Metapod let go of the string and tackled Corsula hard and despite using the harden ability he was hurt badly by Metapod making him unconscious.

Amanda saw the swirls in Corsula's eyes, "Corsula is unable to battle. Winner is Metapod and Ash Ketchum is going to the finals."

The crowd cheered as Ash moved to hug Metapod, only for Metapod to start glowing and evolve into a large Butterfree. Butterfree who was two third the height of Ash making everyone gape and talk about how big he was. Ash on the other hand was giddy and congratulated Butterfree who blushed at the praise and nuzzled him.

Amanda chuckled at the happy scene, "Well that was very impressive. Now let's move on to our final battle for the ribbon. Challengers please step up."

Jacob and Pikachu joined them at the stage, "Hi, I never got to thank you at Mt Moon for helping us."

Ash and Butterfree looked surprised, "Ah! Don't mention it! It was no problem!"

Butterfree nodded and Joshua laughed, "But it was, my Pikachu here was in bad shape, if you and your friends had not stepped in, I fear for what would have happened to my girl."

Pikachu chirped in thanks to Butterfree and Butterfree blushed at the praise and compliment making Ash grin, "Well then, let's make it a battle to remember!"

Joshua, "You got it!"

Amanda, "Let the battle begin!"

Joshua, "Thunderbolt!"

Ash, "Dodge and use supersonic."

Butterfree flew higher to dodge the attack before using supersonic which Pikachu dodged as well. It caused both their points to go down.

Joshua, "Agility and double team. Run circles around him girl!"

Ash called out when Pikachu circled closer to Butterfree, "Butterfree sleep powder around you."

Joshua, "Pikachu get out of there."

Pikachu managed to avoid the worst of the sleep powder although she was a bit slow in her reaction due to feeling sleepy.

Ash, "Confusion!"

Joshua watched as Pikachu was lifted up, "Pikachu!"

Ash, "Alright then, sleep powder again!"

Butterfree used sleep powder once more putting Pikachu to sleep before he lowered her to the ground gently.

Amanda, "Uhhhhhh! Is Pikachu waking up?"

Joshua, "Pikachu! Pikachu! Come on girl! Wake up!"

Pikachu however just snored away adorably where she was sleeping peacefully making Amanda announce the winner to be Butterfree and Ash. Ash hugged Butterfree as he flew towards him cheering. The crowd snapped out of their daze at the win and cheered for the two.

Ash approached Joshua, "Here I have a potion that can cancel the effect of sleep powder."

Joshua, "Thanks, I was not expecting you to win by putting my Pokemon to sleep of all things."

Ash smiled, "I have a Pikachu of my own, and I didn't want to hurt her unnecessarily."

Joshua smiled, "Ah! I see, I'll beat you next time."

Ash received his ribbon before going to greet his friends who congratulated and hugged him on his win. Misty's Metapod was watching Butterfree with wide eyes as he flew around them pleased and happy with his win and evolution. They went to celebrate though not before Ash noticed the two coordinator from earlier looking at their pokeballs darkly.

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