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Chapter 10: Chapter 10.

Jin and me confronted each other while releasing our aura or intent. Filling the surroundings with a tense atmosphere. Mine being calm and sharp like a sword while his like a wild beast ready to tear everything.

Time passed as slight wind raised by the side while leaf flew away creating dust in the air making us not possible to see each other.

Just at this time i heard him move while i started to move in circle waiting for him to near me.

He followed the sound of my footsteps and attacked with shurikens and kunai from time. While i tried to keep my steps low. I didn't attack him cause i wanted to finish this attack him in one swoop not to drag this fight show.

He kept nearing me while i dodged his attack. He didn't use ninjutsu cause he didn't want to lose more of his chakra while using shurikens and kunai doesn't much bother the ninja fight.

As soon i heard him near i quickly used body flicker to near him and drew my sword at a quick speed at this time he dodged using Body substitution jutsu. Even though he dodged but my sword still grazed his body as the evident blood on the rip of my sword shows.

At this time the dust that filled the ground started to dissipate as i looked at him using one of his hand to cover the other which has a deep gash from below the wrist extending till elbow. He tried to use a cloth to temporarily cover and stop the bleeding.

While he was doing all this i silently moved towards him. And since we are still and don't have much battle experience Jin just stood there and tended to his wounds. His Sensei wanted to remind him but according to rules this will lead to disqualification as you used external help.

As i neared him i finished my signs of Genjutsu making him even more focused. Closing in on him I placed my sord at his which he still didn't notice because of Genjutsu interference. At this time i took a look at the proctor first and then at Jin Sensei waiting for them to announce and admit defeat.

Seeing that Jin still not returning to reality his Sensei sighed while shaking the head he admited to Jin loss and canceled my ninjutsu. When Jin came back to his senses he looked around and didn't understand what's happening. I slowly retracted my sword while i walked back towards the room. While at my back Jin Sensei said everything that happened. As he continued to hear his face turned pale while anger started to fill his face. In anger he nearly rushed out to attack me. Still at this time his Sensei stopped him or else there is Jonin proctor ready to intervene while i also placed my hand on sword feeling the situation behind. Turning to look he has stopped i just calmly looked at him and turn around continued to walk back towards his room.

In the room Shin Nodded at me while Miko gave me a thumbs up. I nodded in return and stood beside them waiting for next match to start.

Just after i returned to the room Jonin proctor announced.

" This match is between Leaf village Chiba vs Sand village Kara."

Chiba and stood an two opposite side waiting for Proctor to commence the fight.

Chiba dashed towards Kara while performing signs with hands. While Kara quickly released his puppet from the and tying the with chakra strings. Making it dash towards Chiba.

Halfway through Chiba completed his and deeply breathed in as he continued with firing Great fireball jutsu at the puppet to which puppet burrowed itself under the ground dodging the attack.

Since the puppet is under the ground Chiba still moved forward but he is cautious as not to get sneaked by the puppet.

Kara continued to control the puppet while retreating. Since a puppet master in close range is no different than an ordinary person against a ninja. Retreating and keeping your body safe while controlling his puppet to attack is what they are best at.

As Chiba continued to near Kara he slightly changed and focused his attention on Kara since if he completes this last leap he can quickly defeat him. And to win this bet is necessary.

He made a straight dash towards Kara. At this time when he was very close to him nearly reching his goal a hand came out from ground catching one of his leg. Firmly holding and tripping him on to the ground.

Puppet quickly flew out of ground and detached the arm holding Chìba. Kara continued the attack with dozens of poison coated pins which he dodged some. but still many of them pierced his body and poison entered his system. Seeing this Chiba Sensei quickly admitted defeat and dragged his poisoned body towards the hospital where poison specialist will take care of him. The Medics here are not high enough to handle such cases.

Jonin Proctor announced the result

" Sand village Kara wins."

He continued with.

" Next match is between Leaf village Sarutobi Miko vs Sand Village Omezu Lin."

Just hearing the names audience started to clamour since both Sarutobi and Omezu are very prestigious clans.

Sarutobi clan no need to say current Hokage is from this clan. While Omezu clan is one of the few dojutsu kekkai genkai clans in this world and also one of the three founding clans. Their dojutsu level is comparable to Hyuga. But since they have very few people in this clan it is very rare for you to come in contact with this clan Ninja. This is also the information i got today from Sensei. And he asked us to be on a lookout and be prepared.

I bumped my fist with Miko while Shin gave some encouraging words we asked her to be vigilant and not to take this guy lightly. She solemnly nodded at us and headed towards the ground while Lin moved from the opposite side.

Reaching the ground they both stood on the opposite side as proctor made the sound to start.

Miko made hand seals as Lin did the same. Since she didn't know much information about him. While he atleast knew she uses Fire jutsu which makes her passive in this match.

They both completed their hand signs at the same time as Miko released Quite a few small fire balls flying towards Lin. Lin exhaled a small wind tornado which dragged those fireballs back towards Miko but since this attack was only for checking there wasn't much power in it as she dodged away easily.

But even though this was a fake attack but her energy consumption was double then the one normally needed for this attack. Reason for this consumption is simply because Omezu clans Dojutsu Shokogan is dojutsu which draws away the opponents chakra as long as they can keep concentrating Shokogan on their opponents.

In the case of Miko since she stood still while attacking Lin used his Shokogan to consume her chakra making her lose more.

They continued to battle and since Fire jutsu is restrained against Lins Wind jutsu she moved to close range fighting while occasionally using senbons to try and seals some of his Tenketsu.

But as the battle continued her chakra consumption became more and more and Chakra in her body became very less.

At this time she made a determination taking out all the Shurikens and kunais she threw them at him at the same time she started to perform hand signs for some jutsu.

He dodged all the Shurikens and Kunai passively at this time Miko used most of her Chakra and fired Great fire ball jutsu at him. This fire ball is double the size of normal great fireball at the same time its temperature is much higher. As soon as she relaesed this jutsu she nearly fell to ground as this took quite a burden on her body. It's not everyone can try and double the power of a simple jutsu if this is the case there is no need for A or S rank jutsu simply double or quadruple a brank jutsu and you will get the same result. To realy double the power you need to have a very high understanding of your nature transformation and the jutsu. At the same time your body need to reach some requirements to fulfil this point.

At this dire situation of handling shurikens, kunai and ninjutsu Lin didn't panic at all but performed a few hand signs as he continued to dodge just a few moments before Great fire ball reached him he pressed his hand against the ground. An earth wall formed in front of him stopping the Fireball as he continued to back away since from the Miko came with a chakra scapel in her hands which cut through his clothes and attacked his shoulder leaving bloody marks.

Seeing that the last attack just created a minor injury Miko sighed and looked towards us. Looking at our worried eyes she turned and looked at Yuhi Sensei who calmly looked back at her and nodded. Smiling at his nod she turned back at Omezu Lin and said.

" I surrender."

She turned back and moved towards the room. In the room we sighed but appreciated the battle. The battle was very intense and she performed very well.

At this time Lin was still processing what happened since a second before Miko was attacking him at full force not giving him a chance and in another she Surrendered. All this felt unreal to him. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself and waited for Proctor to announce his win before returning to room.

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