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Chapter 25: Chapter 25.

In my fourth year, I had a cold war with Danzo as he sent ninjas to assassinate me. It was also the year my level improved the most. Let me talk about it in detail.

At the start of the fourth year, I sneaked in a took a few tubes of blood from Naruto as Hokage-sama asked me to monitor and guard him. So I took this opportunity when he was beaten by some kids to take some blood and this child Naruto doesn't stop fighting even though every time he loses and gets injured, with his Uzumaki bloodline those injuries won't last long. I took his blood every time he gets injured and sometimes when he sleeps, filling a few test tubes I let A.I. look into it and try to see the way to instill this bloodline into myself. Since what I lack now is Chakra and except for the Senju bloodline which has the most chakra, only the Uzumaki bloodline can reach my requirements.

For this reason, I browsed through all the information in the Hospital library even used my merits to get some forbidden knowledge from Hokage-sama. No one will suspect you for researching ways to improve because once you reached Elite Jonin level advancing further is very hard, at this stage everyone will look into different ways to improve their power some try to focus and build new powerful ninjutsu, some try to focus on trying to reach extremes of their chakra's nature and people like Danzo and Orochimaru try to experiment with a bloodline to upgrade themselves. Everything is fine until you cross the human bottom line as Orochimaru did by using children's and ninjas from Konoha his own village which is a taboo that forced Hokage to take action.

For me, there is no need to go through so many scientific procedures, because my A.I. had some medical knowledge of previous life, and the information I added after coming to this world.

After a few days, A.I. gave me the result saying that I just need to reach some physical standards given by A.I. and get some medicinal materials of this world turn them into liquid and drink it, at the time of injection. For the physical, I have already fulfilled it and exceeded it by quite some margin as for medicinal material I asked Shin to gather them, and as the Nara clan is known for its large business in Medicine transport and medicine development. Shin assured me that he will get the medicines in two days.

After waiting for two days he gave me the medicine and we had a quick talk as I wanted to quickly try how the process goes. Rushing inside the house I said to Miko that I will be in cultivation for a few days don't let anyone disturb me. She nodded in understanding. I entered the house and took out all the medicines and according to the procedures given by A.I. I started to grind the medicine to squeeze out the liquid from it one by one, after a few minutes I placed those liquids together in a glass and shook them after they were mixed properly I confirmed if the liquid medicine is right. After getting the confirmation from A.I., I dropped a few drops of Uzumaki blood into the medicine once again mixing it, then I took out a syringe and sucked the medicine in, placing it on my hand veins that connect to the heart and injected the medicine.

Nothing for quite some time which caused me to become confused and just when I just wanted to ask A.I. if there was any error, a strong pain passed through my heart as I tried to gasp hard for breath while falling and clutching both my hands on top of my heart. The pain continued to increase as it moved from heart to my right leg which let me have the illusion of my leg exploding, after this the pain passed through the left leg with the same feeling of exploding, continuing to my both legs and at last it pain started to head towards my head. At this time I was slightly sober and knew the next thing will determine the success and failure of this experiment. I took a deep breath and felt the painful pulse entering my brain and.....

and there was no and since I didn't feel any pain in my brain but only clarity like some sort of chain connected to my soul was released. After this wave of clarity some heat passed from all over my body and gathered into the chakra reserves, which let me have a feeling of a rapid upgrade as the whole body felt relaxed and like I was enjoying myself in a hot spring.

After some time the heat subsided and the chakra reserves have grown to near Kage level. Carefully feeling the strength of my cells and how much chakra they are passing to my reserves I can confidently say that within a year I will have Kage-level chakra reserves with a strength of Super Kage level when I use my perfect Flying Raijin No jutsu. As long as those old monsters such as Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama don't come out no one can stand a fight against me. As my speed is not something anyone in the current ninja world can catch up with, including the current Raikage.

In addition to the increase of my chakra reserves, there was also a nerfed version of Uzumaki Mind eye and nerfed regeneration which is still better than having nothing, it's a pity though I didn't get the ability to create adamantine chains. Well, whatever the current upgrade is already good thinking of this I had a bath and then slept sweetly.

Time flew by It was a month when Hokage-sama asked me to go survey the borders of Konoha connecting to the big 5 ninja villages, That is the borders near the land of lightning, the land of the earth, land of wind, and the land of waters. Why did he assign me to a mission to tour all the borders and not assign different teams? because I have Flying Raijin that make me do the survey and return to report the situation quickly as next year there will be Chunin exams taking place in Konoha, and preparations have already started.

I first checked the borders of Sunagakure which was closer to the village than the other two borders. There was nothing different here so I continued towards the Iwagakure borders where I felt some ninjas hiding and the chakra they radiated had some malicious feeling to it, with some curiousness I let my shadow clone go and check the situation. But as soon as I neared them everyone that is 40 ninjas came out of the ground and surrounded my clone and without giving me a chance they attacked me with various jutsu creating a huge pit on the ground.

I just thought these ninjas were looking to cross borders but when I checked their armor and the ninja mask they had covering their face. I knew It, it must be that bastard who finally couldn't refrain himself and asked his people to come and kill me. Knowing that these people are my personal enemies I attacked them and quickly solved these guys simply by using my top speed not even needing to use Flying Raijin that would have been overkill.

After solving them I placed a shadow clone to look after their corpse and whoever nears it kill them, while I continued to check the borders of Iwagakure and had a chat with ninjas defending the borders. After some time I retreated into the shelter they asked me to stay for the night.

While I took this opportunity to return to the village. Not notifying anyone I headed towards a dark alley near the forest of death and entered the sewers, inside there were only walls on both sides heading towards the wall on my right I pushed the brick on the 5th row and 11th column, which caused the wall on my left to slide and reveal a passage. The passage looked like it didn't have any bottom and was full of darkness not even a single source of light could be found in the passage.

Entering the passage I moved fast and after 10 minutes I saw a small light on my front. Quickening my pace I passed through the light to see quite a few buildings which were all covered in the darkness there were only a few sources of light. While there were people in dark clothes and masks moving around.

Seeing my entry without any mask and my presence which didn't fit with the people around, they started to surround me while I just smiled slightly and watched them surround me with an amused expression.

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