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Chapter 3: Hansel and Gretel - Invicible Era

(I love me some Invicible Era MJ. Pure Dad Aesthetic. Also, I'm putting this out there for you pleeps. I'm making MJ the witch's husband, not the witch, just so you know. He's going to aid in the escape of the children.)


Dry, red and brown leaves fall on a small and quaint looking cabin as leaves soon crunch under two pairs of shoes walk towards it. A man and female pan into view as you get a good look at them, the male had brown hair with a few pieces of grey popping in and the woman had light blonde hair with a youthful smile on her face. The man smiles at the woman as they enter the cottage together, a happy aura surrounding them. The cabin was nice on the inside too, it's fireplace was quickly lit by the man as he sets the woman down on the couch. 

The man is named Nathan. He was his a poor woodcutter, usually spending time in the woods surrounding his home cutting down some trees and saving some wood for repairs and as firewood to his home. He had two children, a girl and a boy, named Y/N and Y/B/N. He loves both dearly and would do anything for them. So when their mother died just two years ago, he made sure to make them the most happiest they could be.

He soon got into a relationship with a newcomer into his town, named Samantha. She's the woman I told you about earlier. She was well known from other towns as of being a snobby and up tight person, only caring about herself and not others along with a deep hatred of children, but that side of her isn't known to Nathan. She puts on a fake happy go lucky attitude and says that she loves children and whatever and he fell head over heels for her, being reminded of his late wife. 

They've been together for 3 months and she's decided to spend a few days with him, enjoying his company, and to possibly meet his children face to face. 

She looks over at him. "So, Natty dear. Who are your kids again? Oooh, What's her name and what's his face?" She asks, rubbing his shoulders gently as he sits down next to her on his sofa. 

He turns to look at her, a little confused but sighs. "Their names are Y/N and Y/B/N, remember that dear. They'll be home shortly from school." He says, wrapping a blanket around her. She sighs, secretly not wanting to meet the children, and relaxes on his soft couch. He cuddles up with her, turning the tv on as the fireplace warms them gently. They enjoy their time together as they wait for the children.

An hour later, two happy looking children run into the place, happy to see their father. "Daddy!" Y/B/N yells out, running towards him and hugs him tightly. Nathan gets up and pets his head gently, opening his arms for Y/N to hug him which she does.

"Hi, Dad." She says, nuzzling into him happily. She gets out of his grasp and sets her backpack down in the kitchen table, along with her younger brother's. He stands up and smiles at them.

"How was school today?" He asks the two not noticing Samantha looking the kids in angst and anger.

"Good!" They say, smiling brightly at him.

"Well, I have something to tell you." He says, walking over to Samantha. He helps her up from the couch and walks her towards the two kids. 

They give her confused looks and look back at their father. "Who's that?" Y/N asks her father, pointing to blandest haired woman. 

"She is my girlfriend. Her name is Samantha." He smiles brightly, Samantha waves back at them. "She'll be staying with us for a few days since she wanted to meet you two since we started."

They make a gasp of realization as they move closer to her. "So she's the lady you've been going on dates with?" Y/B/N says, starting to like her. He nods. 

"Hello, kids. I'm Smamantha, just as your father said. I have been dieing to meet you two for a long time!" She hugs the two kids tightly, something not feeling at all right with Y/N as she smiles fakely. "These next few days will be wonderful!" Samantha proclaims, letting them go. 

Y/N let's out an comfortable chuckle as she nods. "Hope so." She says, cringing slightly. 

(K I'm gonna do a timeskip since I'm feeling lazy. This time skip will just be two months so nothing really happens just yet)

It's been two months since the kids have met Samantha and things have gone.....downhill to say the least. Samantha has completely taken over Nathan and the kids. She makes all the decisions and made Nathan dirt poor, wasting all of his money on clothes, shoes, and jewelry for herself. With her true colors showing, she abuses and hurts the kids, both physically and mentally. She'll normally make the kids starve or put them out in the cold just to have Nathan for herself. She's done other horrible and dreadful things to them, mostly making Y/N do the chores and dirty work around the house. 

One night, Y/N was walking to her bed after finishing to wash all of the dirty dishes and cleaning the living room for the thousandth time. She hears Samantha's muffled voice coming from the other side of her father's bedroom door. She silently creeps towards it, putting her ear against it to listen in.

Natty, dear. What if we all went out together tomorrow? Just for a day of chopping down wood and relaxing in the forest." She suggests to him.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea. Me and the kids haven't had much time together." He says softly, possibly to afraid to say anything negative or "bad" to her. She nods in agreeable, getting an idea of her own.

"Yes, but I would like to add something. What if we get rid of the children?" She says softly to him

"What?!" He says getting up. He gives her a bewildered and shocked look, surprised that she would say that. 

"Hear me out," she says. "By getting rid of the children, your little financial problem could go away."

"Wh-Wha....What's your plan?" He asks, dreading this.

"When we go for our little relaxing stroll to morrow, we could ditch them in the woods. By leaving them stranded and lost, your little money problem could be cured." She says happily, waiting for his answer.

He sits there, thinking about it. He loved his children dearly but he knows that if he denies her, she'll hurt him even more. "........s-sure......" he says sadly.

"Great! Now rest up dear! We have a big day tomorrow!" She says cheerily, turning off the light. 

"Oh my god! " Y/N says quietly. She gets up and moves backwards quietly, shocked to hear this. She quietly opens her brother's door, seeing his sleeping form she decides to make a plan. When they get ditched in the forest, she'll make a trail using the some of the rocks in the front of the home to lead them back. She liked the idea and soon heads off to bed, getting her things ready.

The next morning...

"Wake up, kidddies!" Samantha yells through the hall way. 

The kids groan unhappily at this, Y/N putting a pillow over her head in annoyance. She gets up from her bed, groaning. Samantha bursts Y/N's door open. "You, make us breakfast!" She growls as her.

Y/N sighs and gets out of her bed, feeling sluggish. She puts her clothes one and walks to the kitchen and starts cooking. She quietly gets her satchel from the coat hanger and heads out the house to collect some rocks, placing them in her bag. She heads back in and finishes cooking breakfast. 

"Morning, sis." Y/B/N says, getting plates for everyone. He helps her dish the food out as she pours orange juice.

"Hey, little bro. I gotta tell you something." She says, pulling him aside. He tilts his head on confusion but nods. 

"What is it?" He asks. 

"Don't say anything to Dad." She whispers. "But, last night I heard Samantha say that she and Dad will leave us in the woods during our walk today. I'll lead us back home savely." She whispers, holding him tight. 

"What?! Why?!" He says shocked. He gets a little frantic.

"Because she wants to "help dad with his financial problems." She's the real problem." She groans angrily. 

"Alright." He says. He felt uneasy about this, scared but knew he could trust her. 

Y/N nods and heads to the table with him, setting it. Their dad heads into kitchen, smiling a little sadly. "Morning, kids. I see you two made breakfast." He says. 

"I made breakfast. Y/B/N helped me dish out the food and set the table." Y/N says, feeling the awkward tension. "Anyway, when are we going for our walk?" She asks. 

"After breakfast. We just need to wait for Samantha." He says, eating.

Samantha soon enters the room, sitting down next to Nathan. "Ready for our nice family walk." 

"We are not a family." Y/N grumbles, getting up from the table and putting her dish in the sink. Samantha doesn't hear her and looks at Nathan with a smile. 

"So, ready for our little plan to go into action." She whispers to him, smirking. He nods, his face turning into a sad one. "Well, let's head out now! I can't wait!" Samantha yells, grabbing the axes and heading out the door. She didn't even touch her food surprisingly. 

Nathan follows her, gently rubbing Y/B/N's head as he waits for Y/N. She grabs her satchel, feeling the rocks inside it hit her thigh. They walk out the home, running after Samantha. Y/N starts dropping the rocks as they do.

She stops when they get deep in the woods, finally getting to Samantha as they see her chopping down a tree. "Kids, go deeper into the woods and gather some sticks and dry leaves for me. Your father and I will go somewhere else to chop more trees down, the ones here are old and rotting." She lies, heading off somewhere else in the forest with Nathan. 

Y/B/N gets nervous as Y/N and him walk deeper into the woods, getting thorns scratching him. Y/N collects sticks and dry leaves with him, placing her rocks down when they keep going deeper. She soon runs out of rocks and uses some sticks. 

The sky soon gets dark as night roles around. The moon was full and bright, giivng the kids some light to see their surrounds in. 

"Can we go now? It's getting really scary?" Y/B/N says, getting scared as a distant howl echoes through the forest. 

"Sure." Y/N says, seeing her rock and stick path. She holds his hand as they follow his rock path, getting more relaxed as they see the light coming from their house. They get towards the cabin and smiles as Nathan sees them through the front windows, running towards the door. 

"Children! Oooh, you're safe." He says, hugging them tightly. 

"Y-Yea, why wouldn't we be?" Y/B/N asks curiously. 

Nathan regains himself, pushing them into the house. "Oh nothing. Now wash up, I saved you two some dinner." He says, brushing off the question. 

He shrugs and heads to bathroom while Y/N heads back out to collect her rocks again, preparing for another trek in the woods. She washes her hands and puts her satchel in her room, hiding it under her bed. 

Samantha was surpsied to find the children alive and back home. She thinks of another way of leaving the kids, smirking at her newest idea. To drag the kids so far into the woods that they'll have no idea of how to get back home. She seemed to like the idea, chuckling at it. She heads to bed, smiling.

Early the next morning, she sneaks into Y/N's room, hoping to look for something that could've aided them in their return from home. She smiles as she sees Y/N's rocked filled satchel peaking out from under her bed. She takes it and throws the rocks out in the trash. She smirks at what she did and puts the satchel back.

Y/N wakes up later that morning, smelling food cooking. She was surprised to see Samantha cooking sway at the stove, which was rare for her to be even near. "Mirning, kiddies." She smiles, brightly that it's almost blinding. 

"Hey." Y/N says, sitting down at the table with her brother. They eat their breakfast and but don't see their dad come join them.

"Where's Dad?" Y/B/N asks, realizing that his father wasn't there.

"He's still in bed. I'll be taking you on a walk today." Samantha says, getting her stuff ready. 

"Okay." Y/N says, feeling suspicious about this. 

Samantha nods, getting up and unlocking the front door. Y/N grabs her satchel, noticing that it was empty. She didn't want to say anything about it so just put it on. 

Samantha opens the door, letting the children follow her out the house and deep into the woods. They get so deep that all the kids could see was just trees and shrubs for miles. "Now, go collect some twigs and leaves again." Samantha says, walking away from them. She waits to see the kids go deeper and books it back home, laughing manically as she does. 

Y/N looks around in fear as she and Y/B/N walk deeper and deeper into the forest, getting more and more lost. "Wh-Where's your rocks?" Y/B/N

"I-I think she threw them out." Y/N says, holding his hand tightly.

"Oh no!" Y/B/N frets, clutching Y/N's hand tightly.

"Let's just keep walking, there could be road or house nearby." She says, moving shrubs out of the way.

The two kids walk deeper and deeper til something hits their noises, the smell of...gingerbread? "Do you smell that?!" Y/B/N says, perking up as he sniffs. 

"Yea! Gingerbread!" Y/N says, running towards the smell. The children smile as the scent gets stronger and sweeter as they finally get to a clearing in the woods, seeing a trail of peppermints and gumdrops leading to a candy home, smoke coming from its chimney. 

"Woah!" The kids gap in awe as they look around, walking closer to it. Their mouths drool as they look at at the candy home, shocked that this could even exist. They start to eat some of mini path while looking out for whatever could pop out of the woods behind them. Y/B/N jumps upwards and rips a piece off the roof, biting into it.

A male that was cooking inside sees the kids, immediately getting worried and frightened for them. His name was Michael and lived in the candy home, not by himself of course but with his wife Anna.

He was looking after the home while his wife was at work and wanted to make her something that wasn't children. His wife was a child eating witch and  forced him to stay in the house so she could keep him as basically her slave, cook, and dirty worker (to dispose of the bodies and skeletons and to clean up the place to not draw attention). He could only leave if she knew where he was going and when he was coming back, basically controlling him. He also knew that she would lure children into her candy home only to fatten them up and eat them, traumatizing him in the process as he would hear them scream in fear as they were put in the oven. He had helped children escape her before but the last time that happened, she had used a paralyzing spell to keep him still while she killed and ate the kids in front of him, making him watch as they screamed for help. He shivers as he remembers that, wiping a tear away. 

He opens the door, seeing the children look at him. "Hello, children." His soft and calming voice rings out, making the kids relax. "What brings you to my lovely candy home?" He asks. 

The children get up and walk a bit closer to him, surprised to see him come out of the home. "Our step mother ditched us in the woods. The smell of gingerbread lead us here." Y/N says, pushing Y/B/N behind her. 

"S-Sorry about eating some of your roof." Y/B/N says shyly, clutching Y/N's pant leg. 

Michael reassures them, smiling still. "It's quite alright, children. You can come in if you'd like, I was just cooking some food." He says, opening the door for them. 

They hesitate but soon head in, cautiously looking back at him. He cloes it behind them, cautiously looking out of the window as if he was expecting somone. "Now, tell me your names please. I'm Michael." He says, taking a rotisserie chicken out of the oven as he looks at them.

"I-I'm Y/N and this is my brother, Y/B/N." She says softly. Y/B/N nods as he helps cut the chicken. 

"Those are very nice names, children. Tell me, do you know why your stepmother left you two all alone in those awful woods? " He asks softly. He dishes their food out and hands them their plates, smiling. He was glad to see children again, hoping this time his rescue mission would go smoothly as he was already planning it. 

"I-I had a feeling that she just wanted our dad to himself and didn't car for us at all. She makes us do everything around the house while she barely lifts a finger and even cook." Y/N say, starting to eat. Her eyes lighten up as she enjoys it. "This is really good!" 

"Why thank you! But also, she sounds like an awful woman. I'm just glad you two weren't killed by wolves or any of those mean predators in the woods." He says, sitting down across from them. 

"Who do you live with?" Y/N asks curiously. 

"My wife but she isn't here right now." He says calmly. 

"Oh alright." Y/B/N says, wolfing down his food happily. 

The day continues on as Michael puts some food away for his wife as the children help him clean up. He let's them help him repair the home and bakes them dessert as the sun slowly sets. Michael felt nervous as the moon slowly pans into view. He hurries them inside, saying that wolves or something usually comes out at night. They shrug it off, thinking that it was reasonable, and head back in. 

"Now children, I'm letting you two stay the night. I'm not sure if your father is looking for you two but I'm not letting you two wondering off in the woods again. We have spare rooms upstairs with beds, I'll go set them up. You can follow me to your rooms." He says, heading up the steps.

They follow him up stairs and into one of the rooms as he sets up the bed. Y/N stays in that room while Michael leads Y/B/N to the other, smiling softly. "Thank you!" They say, getting comfy in the soft beds. He nods and heads down stairs, seeing his wife's shadow fly over head as she arrives from broomstick. 

He panics a bit as he frantically takes his wife's plate out and heats it in the oven, making sure everything was as it should be. He opens the door for her. "Hello, dear. H-How was your day at work?" He asks, smiling nervously at her. 

"Hello, Michael dear. Did you make me food just as I asked before leaving?" She asks, throwing her bag and broom at him harshly. "You better have not have left the house again, you know why." She threatens, giving him a fierce stare. 

"No, I didn't." He says softly, putting her things away. He shivers as he remembers it. She turned him into a black cat for a week and the result made him hack up furballs for two days straight once he was turned back.

"Good. Now did any children show up today?" She ask but before he could answer, she sniffs around. "Wait! Are there children here?!" She asks, getting up.

"Wh-What n-no? " He says, getting worried. 

"Don't lie to me, Michael. I caught you  saving children before so don't think I won't again!" She yells, storming up the stairs as Michael followsc her. She opens the first two door and sees the sleeping children. "I fucking knew it!" She yells, not caring if the children woke up. She soon smiles sadistically and grabs Michael roughly  by his wrist leaving a bruise on it. 

"L-Let me go, A-Anna! They didn't do anything wrong! They're just kids!" He pleads, falling on deaf ears as she drags him down into their horrifying basement where the child baking oven is.

The place smelt off death and blood, hitting Michael's nose like a punch to the face. He whimpers as Anna chains him to a wall, leaving him there for the entire night. "Tomorrow morning, you will help me cook and eat the children. This time, you'll be eating one of them." She laughs manically as he squirms. 

"What?! That's cannibalism! MJ" He says on shock. He kicks and squirms in his bondage.

"So what. No one other than me will no and no one can hear you." She says, slapping him on the face. "Now........ SHUT UP! YOU BASTARD!" She growls as him as she grips his cheeks tightly but let's him go, making him whimper. She smiles as she hears him cry in pain as she scratches him harshly, making him bleed. She licks it off his cheek before leaving him all alone. 

"That wretched woman. I gotta get out of here." Michael says to himself, using his unchained hand to caress his face. The chains were to tight for him to move around, making him soon sleep from to much energy usage. 

The next morning, Anna knocks on Y/N's door, smiling. Y/N yawns as she opens the doors, surprised to see her. "U-Uh, h-hello." She says, looking up at her. 

"Hello, dear. I'm Anna, Michael's wife. I have something prepared for you two down stairs." She says to her. 

Y/N wakes up her brother and walks with him down stairs and follows Anna into the basement. Anna smirks as the children see Michael chained near a giant oven. Anna smirks as she uses a bondage spell tying up Y/N and Y/B/N. She unchains Michael and pushes him to the ground. "My breakfast is here, Michael. You know what to do." She grips him by his hair as he looks up to face the children.

"Don't hurt them! You've hurt to many  already!" He pleads only to be punched in the face by Anna. He winced as blood pours from his nose. 

"Shut up, you worthless sack of shit." She growls at him, throwing him to the ground. She grabs both the kids as she puts them near a bloody table. "You!' She points at Y/N. "You're going to help Michael fatten up your brother while I get the oven ready." She says.

Y/N whimpers as she and Michael are pushed up stairs with Y/B/N still in bondage. Michael puts a bandage on his bloody nose as he turns to face the children. "I'm gonna help you two escape." He says, releasing Y/B/N and unlocks the front door. 

"How?! Sh-She's gonna eat us and hurt you even more!" Y/N says. Y/B/N nods as Michael rubs their heads gently. 

"It doesn't matter what happens to me. To many children have been killed by her and I have saved others only for one of my rescues to go wrong. But it ends now." He packs up food in a bag and gets a iron poker from the  fireplace. "Y/N, you go distract Anna while I and Y/B/N creep down behind you and hide. We'll then push her into oven once her back is facing it. By doing so all her powers will go away as we escape, causing the house to burn with her." He says, sharpening the poker.

"What's with the poker though?" Y/N says. 

"If she tries to fight back, I'll just continously stab her back in." He says. 

Y/N nods and heads down to the basement as Michael and Y/B/N creep down the steps, listening to Y/N. 

"M-Miss, u-uh, the oven isn't on. And ny brother says that he won't go in if it isn't." She says, feeling a little nervous.

"What?! I just put it on! I guess I didn't put enough wood in." She growls as she opens the oven door and sticks her hands in, putting wood in it. 

Michael and Y/B/N soon run up behind her and pushes her into it as Y/N lits the wood and her on fire. "What are you doing?!" She yells, kicking and squirming. 

"What you did to the children beofre! Cooking you in the oven!" He says, pushing her legs into the oven with her. Y/B/N takes the poker and stabs her as Y/N locks the oven. 

"NO! NO! LET ME OUT! I WON'T KILL AGAIN! I SWEAR!" Anna yells, squirming and kicking in fear. 

Michael pulls the kids back, covering their eyes as Anna slowly melts before them. He hurries them up the stairs while Anna yells out to him, hoping to be rescued by him. She whimpers and says, "M-Michael! I LOVE YOU!" She yells to him. 

He turns to face the melting witch in oven, walking toward it as he gives her an angry and annoyed look. He's been through so much abuse as he finally snaps at her, putting more wood into it. "I never loved you. Not any more." He says, walking away as he locks up the basement and rest of the home after packing up some clothes and blankets into another bag quickly. 

He walks out the home at the right time as when he turns back to look at the house, it explodes behind him like a cool action scene in a movie. He hugs the children close as he smiles and sighs in relief. "Now, let's head go village. There's one nearby, heading north." 

The kids smile, definitely not traumatized from cooking someone alive and hearing them cry out in pain. Pretty sure that'll scar them for life but whatever. They all walk towards the north and lived happily every after. 

The End~

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