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Chapter 2: The Three Brutes

When Milan finally rose from his bed, he noticed that it was different. The sheets were far softer, his pillows thicker seemingly stuffed with more feathers! He looked around the room and assessed his situation. 'I'm definitely not in my bed!' he thought, that's when he noticed that there was another bed adjacent to his, and in that bed, another creature was sleeping peacefully. When he saw the creature's face, that's when all of his memories from last night returned.

"Woah, that seriously happened?!" he said, looking back at his new friend and confirming that none of the events last night were a dream and in fact were real.

Checking his friend and seeing that he was still asleep, Milan finally had the opportunity to truly see his friend's furry form.

He has white fur, as all Spirit Guardians usually do, his ears are long, and looks fluffy. He has two sets of what seems to be antennae on his forehead, what they are and how they are used still baffles him, he has hooves for his feet and his tail is fluffy like that of a fox, actually, if you just remove the long fluffy ears, the hooves and replace them with that of a fox while removing the antennae all together, Ao would definitely pass for one, albeit a larger one that walks and talks and wears leather armor. He even has the same muzzle as a fox!

Shaking his head from his thoughts and feeling a little bit embarrassed about his, 'checking out my new friend moment', Milan stood up from his bed, cleaned it, gathered his things, and woke his friend up.

Ao, who was having a nice dream about his home and his people, was suddenly awakened by someone shaking him. Very Hard. Getting out of bed and opening his eyes, he saw the culprit for such a rude awakening.

"Milan what the heck are you doing!" he shouted, pissed at his friend for waking him up in that manner.

"Sorry, sorry, I just didn't know what else to do, you weren't waking up when I called your name and you weren't waking up when I tried to shake you gently so I thought I'd just do it harder and it seems it worked!" Milan said.

Letting out a huge sigh and shaking his head from his friend's rather unusual way of waking up somebody. Ao jokingly said. "It's alright, besides, I know I'm quite a heavy sleeper. My people used to even make a game out of it, of who's going to wake me up first!"

Laughing at his friend's joke Milan was just happy his friend wasn't angry at him and just let it go, though he was still quite embarrassed about what he did.

After gathering his items and cleaning his own bed, Ao then asks Milan if he wanted to go down for breakfast. Agreeing Milan quickly opened the door and beckoned his friend out. "Man I'm starving. I hope the food in the morning would taste as good as last night!"

Ao let out a chuckle and said. "We'll see."

When the two came down, they saw that only a few people were present in the dining hall. They quickly occupied a table near one of the walls of the inn and called for the innkeeper, who goes to them after seeing them on the table.

"What can I offer you this day fine gentlemen?" the innkeeper asked, smiling at the two.

"Just some nice ol' breakfast sir!" Milan replied

The innkeeper nodded and went to the kitchen to gather their meals.

Ao looked around and saw that a lot of people seemed to be staring at him, a bit used to such behavior, he shrugged and just turned his focus back to his human friend and saw him staring at him, his chocolate brown eyes full of worry.

"Hey if those guys bother you so much, we can just leave this place and find somewhere else to eat." He offered.

Shaking his head Ao replied. "No need, I'm quite used to this. I am a creature you humans barely see and besides I'm bound to gather attention, the odd one out you know?" gesturing to himself.

Milan was quiet after that and just looked at Ao.

Ao who saw this just looked back at his friend, the duo then began an eye to eye fight.

Moments later Milan said. "This is getting weird." and burst out laughing.

Ao couldn't help himself and burst out laughing as well. "Yeah, that really got weird.."

The two then proceeded to laugh like mad idiots.

The humans who were watching the interaction just scratched their heads and attributed the duo's mirth as just them being weird. Someone in the crowd even muttered 'weirdos'.

The innkeeper then comes out of the kitchens with the aforementioned weirdos' meals. He goes to their table and offers their food, "Here you are good sires, best morning breakfast you'd ever have!" After placing the meal on the table the innkeeper leaves the two to eat.

Their meal consisted of bread, eggs and you guessed it, more mead, though there is a cup of water alongside it.

"Alright time to dig in!" Milan exclaimed

And the two started gorging their meals, ditching the mead for some water, since it was too early to get drunk, and just enjoyed their early morning meal in general.

The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear and the townspeople were busy with their daily lives. That was what Ao and Milan saw when they finally left the Inn. The two decided to walk around town to search for anything they might need for their journey, as it was decided that Ao would accompany Milan on his way home.

While walking down the busy streets of the market, Milan asked Ao some questions.

"So how come that you're here? I mean you guys aren't particularly known to just travel away from your lands."

Ao who was busy looking at some of the items available answered. "Well a lot of us go on adventures for many different reasons, some wish to just go away from their home and experience new things, others go on journeys to find themselves and some go on adventures to find strength, while others just don't have a choice but leave, especially when their home forest and their father tree dies!"

"Wait, father tree?" Milan asked curious about this information

"Well as you know, us Spirits aren't born in normal conditions. We came from leaves hanging from our father tree, when the time comes for us to be born our leaves fall to the ground, just like normal leaves, the only difference is that, when our leaves touch the ground we then form into beings that we are now." Ao answered.

"Do you mean that you came from leaves and when you fell to the ground you just formed into what you are now?" Milan asked again

Nodding his head, Ao said. "Yes, and we can also take any form we wish, well, some of us can but still. With that said all of us are born to different kinds of physiques! Some of us are born light and thin, while some are born bigger and thicker!"

Milan couldn't help but laugh at the last sentence. Ao smiled at his friend and added. "We can even change our gender if we like!"

Taken off guard by the statement Milan couldn't help but wonder. "Change your gender!?"

Laughing at his friend's flabbergasted face Ao answered. "Yup we can, as a species, change our gender if we want to or need to!"

Milan was so astonished to learn this fact that he suddenly stopped walking and stared at his friend. "You're joking!"

"I'm not joking I promise!" Ao answered

Milan was still doubtful. "I don't believe you! You can't just say that your species can change your gender at will. Being able to change your form is one thing!" Milan argued.

He then turned his head away from Ao and started muttering to himself. 'Besides I don't want to imagine what you look like as a female.' Remembering his innocent 'Check my friend out moment' this morning.

Unbeknownst to him, Ao heard everything he said.

Ao suddenly had an idea, grinning he took his pendant off and let his light flow out from his body. Since it was morning the glow wasn't very much noticed by the pedestrians as well as Milan, he then concentrated. Moments later his entire body changed, his once fit body turned curvier and more petite, his chest grew, and his hips widened, his face became more feminine and he grew eyelashes! After the transformation Ao checked herself to make sure that she managed to transform perfectly, after she was sure that she did, she looked at her friend and, in her most sultry voice said.

"Well hello there handsome."

Milan who was still looking away muttering to himself didn't see his friend transform, he did, however, hear someone calling him. Looking at where the voice came from, he was completely astonished at what his eyes were seeing.

"What the heck!" Milan cried, jumping back from surprise.

Laughing at her friend's silliness, Ao started flaunting her new form.

Embarrass Milan could only look at his friend's current form. His once male physique has been replaced with a more feminine one. He even has boobs for crying out loud!

'Damn It! I shouldn't have started thinking about what Ao would look like as a female! I mean she doesn't look half bad for her species! Wait no! Bad thought! But.. she is so cute right now! .No Bad thoughts..bad thoughts! Shoo shoo, go away!!'

Ao who was busy waiting for her friend's reaction saw his face turning red! She also saw his nose bleed out.

Laughing, she then teasingly asks. "I take it that you like it?"

Milan whose thoughts had turned blank from embarrassment heard his friend call out. Shaking his head to clear all his embarrassing thoughts and promising to never share it, like ever, he refocuses his attention to his friend and cries.

"Ao..wha..what are you doing?"

Giggling Ao answers. "Well I did say we can change our gender if we want, and as it seems that you aren't buying it, I had an idea to just show you!" she said, her voice full of mirth. "So how do you like it? I can keep this form if you want?" Ao asked mischievously.

Milan's face grew even redder after hearing this statement and he quickly answered.

"NOO!" he shouts, scaring some of the pedestrians who were walking about the road.

"Hey quiet down will ya!" says someone.

"Yeah your shouting is bad for business!" shouts another.

Feeling embarrassed from his sudden outburst Milan glares at Ao who was laughing herself off from his discomfort.

"Why did you even think that it's a good idea to just up and change your gender anyway?" he asks, still angry at his friend.

Smiling, Ao sweetly answered. "Well, I just wanted to show you that I wasn't lying and that we really could change our genders!"

Letting out a deep breath and letting his head cool off Milan looked at his friend and said.

"Damn Ao, I didn't say I didn't believe you! I was just in shock after hearing all those facts that you said! That doesn't mean I don't believe you though!" cries Milan.

Now feeling embarrassed, Ao looks at Milan and says in her cutest voice ever. "I'm sorry." Complete with round eyes and pouting lips for optimal effect!

'What the hell! She just turned cuter!' Milan's rabid thoughts. 'I shouldn't watch it, I shouldn't watch it! But how! I can't help it! She's so cute!' in the end he couldn't do anything but face off his friend's menacingly cute face!

Seeing her friend embarrassed yet again, Ao decided to end this, returning her pendant to her neck canceling her powers, and with a quick light forming on her body changed to her male version.

Milan, who saw the transformation was glad that his friend finally stopped his practical joke of making him uncomfortable. 'Not that I'll tell him,' he thought, still embarrassed about thinking of the female Ao.

After their entertaining moment, well entertaining for Ao anyway, the duo decided to continue their task of searching for essentials for their upcoming journey. While they were searching for some needed items, like food and protection, someone in the crowd suddenly yelled.

"Hey, you!"

Hearing the commotion Milan looked at where the voice came from and saw three humans walking towards them.

The humans were all decked out in armor and are holding weapons in their hands.

"Uhmm, hey. Ao, we might have a problem." Milan told Ao, patting his friend on his shoulder to get his attention.

While this was happening. Ao was busy choosing some gears on the stand. 'Hmmm..what should I choose from these guys? I mean I could use some iron gauntlets for protection, but I could also really use some nice old leather boots for when I have to do some sneaking-and for my hooves as well, not just for sneaking of course. It also helps that I need to complete my armor! But I could also use the gauntlets in case I need to stop some critters from mauling me to death! Oh well, hippity hoppity choosy choosy choosy. Now what to buy.'

Ao was so lost in figuring out what he should buy that he almost didn't notice Millan shaking him.

"Hey, buddy we really need to get out of here!"

Thankfully that seemed to work as Ao finally looked at him and said. "What?"

Pointing at the nearing humans Milan says. "That!"

Looking at where his friend was pointing and seeing three humans coming at them Ao waves his hands at them and shouted. "Hello!"

"What the heck are you doing trying to get us killed?"

Ao looked at his friend and crossed his arms. "Really? And what makes you think that they are going after us?. Maybe they just wanted to make friends?."

Milan couldn't believe what he just heard and said. "Are you nuts, look at those guys! They're all armed to the teeth! And they even have their weapons drawn! Of course, they're after us!"

"You make it sound like we're some criminals or something."

"That's not what I meant Ao! I just want us to get the hell out of here!"

Sighing Ao then looked at the approaching humans and replies to his friend

"It's alright Milan, I can handle them!"

Shaking his head and knowing that he can't force his friend otherwise. Milan just accepted their fate and waited for the approaching humans.

Which did not take so long given the fact that he and Ao were arguing for the good half of it.

Stopping in front of them the trio of burly-haired men glared at each of them. Shaking his head to stop his body from trembling Melan asks in a shaking voice. "What do you guys want?."

Instead of answering one of the burly haired men spits right at Milan's foot, sneering at him the brute cries in a bellowing voice. "I DID NOT COME HERE FOR YOU STICKMAN!" pointing out Milan's slender physique.

"What the heck do you mean?" shouts Milan angered at the jab, forgetting that he was supposed to be terrified at the brute he marches straight to the one who spat at him and belittled his body. Though before he could do anything, Ao stops him.

"You're after me then?" says Ao, pushing Milan behind him and looking straight at the burly haired man.

Milan noticed that Ao's voice seemed to have gone colder. 'Ao what are you doing?' he thought. Worried about his friend.

If possible the three burly haired men sneer even harder. Expanding up his chest to look more menacing the one who spat at Milan speaks. "YES, WE ARE, AND WE'RE HERE FOR YOU, FILTHY BEAST!

Raising his left eye from the mediocre insult, Ao replies. "What do you guys want?"

"YOUR SKIN YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!" shouts one of the burly haired men.

Milan became furious after hearing those words and he couldn't help but shout. "HE IS NOT AN ANIMAL OR A BEAST!"

This in turn seemed to aggravate them more. The first one who we shall call brute number 1 stepped in and told him. "SHUT UP USELESS RAG!"

"WHO YOU CALLING USELESS! I'LL SHOW YOU". Milan was so angry that he almost jumped straight at the man and punched him in the face. Almost, because before he could, Ao stopped him. Again.

But this time Ao seems to glow with anger.

"You can call me names all you want, I won't mind. But when you start calling my friend demeaning names? Then that's not going to be fine in my book!" says Ao, anger blazing in his Sky blue eyes.

Laughing brute number 2 answered him. "SO IT SEEMS THE BEAST DOES FEEL!"

"IT SEEM IT DOES!" laughs brute number 3. Making faces at Ao.

"ENOUGH!" brute number 1 said, the leader of the group, he then pointed at Ao and declared.


"I said he's not a--" before Milan could finish, Ao stopped him. Looking at his friend he saw him smiling at him before giving him a wink. "It's alright bud, I got this!" Ao said cheerfully.

Looking at the three burly haired men. Ao calmly replied. "Well then, I would guess that you wish to fight me?"

Puffing his nose brute number 1 replied. "YES, AND THEN WE WILL CRUSH YOU! AND SKIN YOU!"

Laughing at the man, Ao could only shake his head and tell them. "You guys are heavily armed and full of yourself, yet your brains are all empty." He taunted mockingly.

Brute number 2 turned a new shade of red from anger and shouted. "WE'LL SHOW YOU BEAST!"

Looking around Ao saw that most of the townsfolk have already fled the area, he even saw some of them hiding inside buildings, peeking with their eyes and watching with bated breaths. Looking at Milan and seeing his friend's concerned gaze Ao shakes his head and whispers. "Don't worry, as I said. I got this." He then nods at one of the stands and says "Hide in there".

Following the instructions, while still giving his friend a concerned look Milan went to hide in one of the stands indicated by Ao.

Ao, after seeing his friend safe from danger looked at the three brutes and says,

"This place is quite huge don't you think? I mean we can do battle here if you want." gesturing to the whole place. Which was indeed large enough for them to fight.

Grinning maliciously, brute number 1 shouted. "YES...IT IS" and attacked. Aiming his ax towards Ao, his buddies weren't far behind brute number 2 aimed his sword towards Ao's chest taking a swipe to his left, while brute number 3 threw his shield to blindside him.

Ao, who saw all of them attack at once, deciding to test his skill against these brutes he quickly took his pendant off and dodge their attacks. Barely dodging the shield.

Seeing their target move to evade, brute number 1 ran to his left and took point, before running towards Ao, his ax at the ready. Brute number 2 went straight aiming his sword again towards Ao's head trying to spear him through, while brute number 3 ran in Ao's direction, his mace swinging madly.

Milan was scared, his friend was fighting all of these brutes all at once and alone and he can't even help! Now his friend is being attacked by all three of them! 'Ao, please, please, whatever that you did last night, the fight, please don't let these guys hurt you! Fight back, buddy!'

"Fight Ao!"

Hearing the voice of his friend and feeling his fear and his wish for him to fight. Ao smiles. Using his small and light figure he dashes around his enemies blocking a strike from brute number 1 using his hand while simultaneously kicking brute number 2's sword away from him. He then uses that momentum to swing around brute number 1 and sucker punch him in the face and then jumps and kicks him on his chin knocking the poor bastard down. While in the air Ao summoned a light spear, now that his pendant is off he can now use his light powers in the fight and aimed at brute number 3 who was taken aback by the seemingly easy way Ao took down his friends, seeing the spear forming, brute number 3 could only look before Ao released a massive spear made of light! Striking brute number 3 head-on and knocking him straight into a building, his body fell to the ground, unconscious.

Brute number 1 who saw all this happened roared and started attacking Ao, using his ax he twirled and twisted trying to hit the swift guardian. At no effect. Ao managed to dodge all his attacks and used his enemy's trust against him. By letting him miss all together he managed to make brute number 1 tired from all his attacks. Seeing his chance Ao summoned a light sword and in one swing cut down the brute's weapon in half, without letting off Ao whirled and started hacking and slashing at his enemy.

The brute was forced to retreat after the continuous blow that he had. Catching his breath, brute number 1 shouted.


Laughing, Ao replied. "Because you underestimate my abilities!"

Brute number 2 who saw all of this happen took his chance and tried to slash Ao who was facing away from him, thinking that because Ao was busy talking to his buddy that he wouldn't notice the attack.

Only, Ao did notice the attack and waited for the strike to come. When it did, he sidesteps to the left and using his right hand, sucker punches the brute to his head, not satisfied he added a double kick to the chin and squeezed the sucker's hand that was holding his weapon with his tail making the brute drop his weapon from the pain and the lack of blood.

"AAAHHHHH" Cries brute number 2 his left arm burning with pain.

"I bet you guys' are wishing that you haven't made fun of my friend now are you!" taunts Ao seeing his opponents' wreathing in pain.

He then decides to finish off brute number 2 by forming a mace made of light in his hands and bashing the sucker away. And knocks him immediately unconscious.

Looking at the remaining sucker, Ao shouts.

"Is that all you guys got? And here I was thinking that you could give me a challenge!" taunts Ao.

Seeing his friends utterly decimated by what he calls a filthy beast and hearing it mocking him, brute number 1 was filled with seething hatred, he took his fallen ax and squeezed what was still left of the handle, hard. He then stood up and with a powerful warcry ran towards Ao.

Looking at his opponent's assault, Ao let out a smile and stood his ground waiting for the brute to come closer. 'Just a little bit closer now!' when the brute was near enough Ao started running towards him.

Seeing his enemy running towards him brute number 1 grinned and in one swing unleashed one massive strike towards Ao.


Ao saw this strike and in the last moments used his speed and…..vanished!

Seeing his enemy vanish before his eyes, the brute was left speechless. Looking wildly and searching for his enemy he didn't see anything, no trace nor hair was to be found.

Milan who was so enraptured by the fight also saw his friend suddenly vanish. 'Ao just glowed and just vanished completely? How? And where is he anyway?' he then, in a bad move, stood up and started searching for his friend.

The brute who was still busy searching for his enemy and with his anger mounting by every moment suddenly saw Milan standing, letting a huge malicious grin, the brute then started walking towards him.

Milan who was trying to spot his friend heard someone approaching, when he turned his head around he saw, in his horror, the brute approaching him. 'But how, I'm hiding-' eyes growing wide, he finally noticed that he wasn't hiding anymore and was instead out in the open. 'I..I..went out of hiding to try and find Ao..and..the brute...Oh no!' He tried to run away but his feet seemed to have turned into jelly!

"NO. PLEASE STOP!" Milan cried, begging for the brute to stop.

The brute was only even more spurred by Milan's begging for mercy and walked faster to get him. When he was near enough the brute reached for Milan's neck and hoisted him up in the air, squeezing hard.

"PLEASE!" Milan felt his throat hurt from the brute's grasp, opening his eyes, which he had closed when the brute reached him, glared at the brute and in defiance turned his face upward. He then sees something up in the sky.

Sneering at him the brute then says.


Milan would have shaken with so much fear after hearing those words. But he was busy looking at the sky. Seeing something he couldn't believe.

Seeing this made the brute even angrier when he thought Milan wasn't listening to him.

"HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU FOOL!" shouts the brute, shaking Milan and almost choking him to death.

He was even more surprised when Milan started hoarsely laughing and simply said. "Lookup"

Curious and a little furious about being told to look up, the brute followed Milan's gaze and looked up. Only wishing afterward that he hadn't. For up in the sky looking at him with eyes burning with fire, was a Dragon!

The brute was so stunned that he suddenly let go of Milan who quickly took a deep breath and ran away from danger hiding back from where he had hidden during the battle.

Seeing this, the Dragon quickly went to attack. Seemingly vanishing from the sky only to reappear by the brute's side. Using its tail it swatted the brute like one would on a fly. The hit was so powerful that the brute was thrown far away and even managed to go through a wall when he hit it. Suffice to say he was definitely down for the count.

Milan who was peeking from his hiding-place saw all of this and was stunned. 'That was one powerful blow! And to think the dragon just flicked its tail!' he thought. And then took a chance to study the creature in front of him. The dragon was unlike any dragon he has ever heard of, instead of a bat-like appearance like what he has been told, the dragon was serpentine! It wasn't overly big just enough that you can say that it was huge. Its fur, yes fur not scale, was white and it was seemingly glowing. It had some sharp horns on its head and its eyes were glowing with blue fire!

It's eyes that are currently looking at him.

Gulping Milan stood up, seeing that he was already caught he put his hands in the air and cried. "I'm not one of them!"

Laughing, the dragon, with what seems to be humor painting it's glowing eyes, says.

"Of course you're not one of them, you're my friend!" the dragon answers in a familiar voice.

"Wait a minute, that voice! Is that..are you.." eyes widening, Milan then remembered something Ao told him recently.

'Some of us are even capable of changing our forms! Well not all of us but still!'.

Finally putting the pieces together Milan looked at the dragon and shouted.

"AO?! "

AzhrielIlluma AzhrielIlluma

Update. I had fun time writing this one! So I hope you guys have a fun time reading it as well!

Ori And The Blind Forest/Ori And The Will Of The Wisps belongs to Moon Studios and Microsoft Studios

This Story Belongs to me

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