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Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Tranquil Departure

Tranquil Departure

Alcohol has always been a part of some people's lives. We drink liquor for different reasons. We drink because it is important part of the culture, for socialization, you like the taste, or to relax after a hard day.

But consuming too much is never a good thing.

Because after the relaxing, hangover is waving.

The moment I regain my consciousness, my head felt like it was going to explode. It is not new for me to feel these shits after heavy drinking but I am currently in the ancient period where hangover pills is not around! That's why hell is inside my body. The pain is too much that I regret drinking.

"Holy fuck! I feel like someone is drilling my skull!" I cried with my hoarse voice.

"Roseanne! You're finally awake!" I head Ping Hua said.

"Ping Hua! My head is hurting so bad! Do you have some medicine? I think I'm gonna die with the pain!"

"I prepared a tonic for you. Here drink this."

I sat up and took the bowl then I started drinking it. Bitterness filled my mouth and my tongue is telling me to spit the liquid. Fortunately my brain is kinda working now that's why I didn't do it. If this bitter medicine will relieve the pain then I'll drink this bottoms up.

"Thank you."

"How are you feeling? We're so worried about you! You've been sleeping all day!"

"Really?! Gosh! That freaking Baijiu is fucking strong! It's been a long time since I got wasted that's why I'm like a puss. Haha."


"Nothing. Oh. I'll go to the river to take a bath. Maybe that cold running water will cure this hangover."

I stood up and started walking when the room spun making me stumble on the floor. Ping Hua immediately came near me and helped me stand up.

"I think you should stay on your bed Roseanne."

"Me too."

So I stayed lying on the bed for several hours. In those times, I puked for about three times. Ping Hua brought another bowl of tonic which I didn't refuse. It's around 3 pm when my dizziness are cured. So I finally went to the river without stumbling on the floor.

No one's around so I removed my outer robe and dipped under the water with my thin inner robe. I smiled in relief when I felt the cold water running on my skin. I dipped my head under the water too.

"This feels so good."

I leaned on the rock and stared at the tree leaves above me. I wonder how many shots of Baijiu I drank for me to sleep that long.

"Holy guacamole. What kind of embarrassing shits did I do when I was wasted. Oh my lord!"

My hands automatically wiped my face while thinking of the possible disturbing action I did. I know that I am doing embarrassing things when I am drunk. Xiao Tong once showed me a video of myself removing my shirt and cussing everyone. And that earned me a week of being grounded.

Shit. I wish that's not what I did last night! This is a period of time where all of the people are conservative! Shocks!

I left the river when the sky is about to get dark. When I came back, I saw Hong Rong standing outside the house.

"Hong Rong!" I yelled while waving my hands to him.


"What are you doing here? Why are you just standing outside the house?"

"I came here to check up on you but Ping Hua said that you're at the river. That's why I just waited here."

"Oh. Why didn't you go the river?!"

"What?! You-you're taking a bath! Why would I go there?"

"Tss. I am still wearing clothes while bathing. Oops. I forgot that you're all conservative here haha. Let's sit there."

We went to the small hut and sat there.

"How are you feeling now? You passed out last night!"

"Haha. I woke up with an extreme headache and I vomited three times but I am feeling better now. Ping Hua's tonic and bathing in the river cured me."

"That's good to hear."

"Hong Rong. How much liquor did I drink last night?"

"Aiya! You drank too much! You drank half jar of Huangjiu and five small cups of Baijiu! It's my first time seeing a heavy drinking woman like you!"

Just a five shots of Baijiu? Waah. That one is really strong huh.

"Hong Rong. Uhm hehe. I probably didn't do anything weird last night, right?"

His facial reaction confirmed that I really made a chaos.

"What did I do Hong Rong?! Tell me?! Did I embarrass myself that much?!"

"I don't know what kind of dance is that. You danced weirdly. You touched your hair and swayed your hips. You even, I don't know how to describe it. Your bottom. You...  You dance provocatively. In the platform. In front of many people." he said with a red face.

Hearing him say that made me loose my face. I freaking dance like a slut in front of them! Just imagining my wasted self dancing in front of the elders makes me wanna get swallowed by the ground!

"Crap. Why didn't you stop me?! That is so embarrassing!"

"I tried! I tried to stop you for countless of times! I tried to stop you from drinking too much. I tried to stop you from going to that platform but you didn't listen!"

"You should've dragged me out of there. Geez! How can I face the people now?! Shocks! Why did I do that?!"

"Master dragged you out of there and thankfully you passed out while he's carrying you."

"What?! Cold face carried me?!" I shouted.

"Cold Face?

"Yeah Cold Face. His face is always serious and cold!"

Hong Rong bursted out laughing. I did the opposite. I put my head above my knees and sulk. I am sure that Cold Face will say hurtful words to me again!

"That is so funny! If Master learned that you're calling him names, haha I'm sure both of you will bicker again haha. Cold Face haha. Roseanne if you only knew who are you calling names. Haha."

I remain silent. Hong Rong stopped laughing. Suddenly I felt his hands on top of my head messing my hair.

"Don't sulk about it. If Master scold you, I will defend you like always."

I raised my head and looked at him. He is smiling like an angel again. I can't help but smile too. He is such a happy virus.

"Thank you Hong Rong."

"And also, don't worry about what the villagers will think of you because we will not see them again. We will leave this town tomorrow."

Hong Rong told me that we will leave at sunrise. He also told me to pack all my things tonight so there will be no hassle tomorrow.

"I'll fetch you tomorrow."


"I'll go now."

"Goodbye Hong Rong! See you tomorrow!"

"Bye Roseanne!"

After bidding our goodbyes, we both went to our separate ways. He head to the town while I went inside the house.


"Take this ointments and tonics. Also this dried leaves. You will need it in your journey in case any of you get sick."

"That's a lot Ping Hua. Thank you so much!"

I took all the jars and placed it inside the bag she also gave me. I don't have much things to pack. I only have a pair of robe. So there's a space for the things she's giving me.

"Take this Rose Oil. I know you love this so much."

I looked at the porcelain jar she's holding. Ping Hua handed me the jar not allowing me to refuse. I looked at her and gave her a smile.

"Thank you so much Ping Hua for all of these. For letting me stay in your house, for teaching me useful things, and for taking care of me. I will never forget your good deeds."

"I should be the one thanking you. You saved my son. You saved Bao'er."

I glanced at the sleeping child. I touched his head and caressed it. I will definitely miss this child.

"Goodbye Bao'er. Big Sister is leaving now. I will miss you."

I bowed down and kiss the child's forehead. I stood up and went near to Hong Rong. We bid our final goodbye to Ping Hua.

"Goodbye Ping Hua."

"Goodbye Roseanne."

Hong Rong and I went outside house. I took a one last glance at the house. I will never forget all the things I experienced here. I turned away and started walking again.

"Master is waiting in the town's gate."

"Hong Rong. I remember. How about Lan Lan? Will he go with us?"

"I forgot to tell you. He's been missing since the thanksgiving festival."


"There's a sign of escape."

I didn't utter a word.

Lan Lan.

That poor child.

I wonder how will he live by himself.

I did not even got a chance to say goodbye to him.

Wherever he is right now, I wish for his safety.

In the town's gate, I saw Cold Face beside two horse. There are also villagers sorrounding him. When we got near him, the villagers greeted us.

"We are all sincerely grateful to you for saving us and for bringing back our freedom. This town will never forget your heroic deeds. We hope for your tranquil departure. Whatever mission you have, we pray that you will successfully accomplish it. This town's gate will always be open to you. You are always welcome here!"

The villagers gave us sort of things. They gave us foods, water, and clothes. They also gave sword and they freakingly include me.

Cold Face climbed to his horse. Hong Rong helped me climb up and he ascended to the horse's back too. We said our farewells and head out.

Our journey starts again.

Scorching sun and heavy rains. We spent all of our days travelling with brief rest. We passed through deserts and forest but still there is no sign of sea. I've been traveling for a long time and I am getting tired too. But I tried to be optimistic. I tried to be positive. Whenever my hope is fading, I will always remind myself that I will eventually get there. I will go back to where I belong. I will go back to my loved ones.

"Hong Rong. If I ever find my way back home, if I ask you to come with me, will you go with me?"

Hong Rong stopped eating and stared at me. I stared at him too.

"I am an only child. I don't have any siblings. While spending time with you, I realized that it is so fun having a brother. My parents are kind. I will ask them to adopt you and be my brother. If they saw you and learned how kind you are, I'm sure they'll agree! Please! Go with me Hong Rong!"

"I'm sorry Roseanne but I can't."

"Why?! Don't you wanna be with me?"

"It's not like that Roseanne. It's just that I have a mission that I can't abandon. Master and I have a mission. I can't leave him."

I didn't say a word. I forgot about that. If I take Hong Rong with me, Cold Face will be left alone. That is so selfish of me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think of that."

"It's okay Roseanne. Actually, you made me happy. I am very flattered to be asked to go with you. Thank you."

Even though I want to take him with me, if he doesn't want then I can't do anything about it. I will just support whatever path he wants to go.

"Oh my gosh! The sea!" I yelled in happiness.

The hope that is slowly withering, bloomed again when I finally saw a blue endless water ahead of us. The salty smell and the sound of waves makes it heartening even more.

"That's my way home!"


"Yes! Finally I can go home! Take me to the seashore Hong Rong!"

Hong Rong pulled the rope of his horse and maneuver it towards the seashore's direction. He yelled at Cold Face and told him that it's my way home.

The horse stopped and I immediately jump down. My feet slightly sink in the white sand as I walk while observing the whole area. A vivid blue colored sea with a peaceful wave. The wind that is blowing my long black hair. There is also a fisherman with his boat in the shore.

"Are you sure that this is really the way to your place?"

"Yes. After I ride a boat, I will be there."

"Why don't we accompany you?"

"No. No need for that. I don't wanna slow your pace of journey again. I can go alone. I can go home by myself."

I looked at Hong Rong and hugged him tight. He stiffened with my sudden action but I just made my hug tighter.

"I will miss you Hong Rong. I will miss your soft voice. I will miss your handsome face. I will miss your sweet actions. If I only could take you with me. But I understand that you can't because you have a very important thing to do."

Tears started falling again. During my stay here, Hong Rong became my family. He took care of me. He made me feel safe. He is like a brother to me. My heart aches with sadness.

"Don't be sad Roseanne. We can still see each other. We can send each other letters. You can visit me. I can visit you if you want me to."

I cried harder when I heard that. No Hong Rong. If you only knew. We can't do that. I can never write you letters. I can never visit you. I can never see you again. I am from a different world. I felt his hands caressing my head softly. It was me who first do that to him and now he adapted it.

"I will miss you too. I will miss your cheerfulness. I will miss your loud mouth. I will miss your weirdness. I will miss your silly jokes. I will miss playing with you. I will miss your beautiful face. I will miss your kind heart. I will never forget you."

I released my hug from him and stared at his eyes.

"I will never forget you Hong Rong. I will never forget your kindness. My dear friend."

He gave me his soft smile and wiped my tears.

I looked at his left side and saw Cold Face watching us. I moved my feet and walked to his direction. When I am finally in front of him, I bowed three times.

"Even though we always bicker with smallest of things, I can't ignore the fact that you are the reason why I am still alive and breathing. I want to thank you for all the good things you've done for me. I want to thank you for saving my life several times. I want to thank you for letting me come with you. I also apologize for being rude. I will forever remember my gratitude. You are my hero, Master."

I raised my head and gave him a smile. This guy may be an asshole to me but he's my savior. I will be forever thankful to him.

"Are you sure that you can go alone? We can go with you."

I was really surprised when I heard him say that. Seriously? Is this really Cold Face?

"Thank you for your concern but I can really manage."

"If you ever need some help, you can reach us. In the town of Guo Song, there is a camp of soldiers there, just show them this token and we will help you."

He handed me a gold metal bar. It is not heavy and also not that light. There is a ancient symbol that I have no idea of what it means but this just prove that he's really a soldier with a high position.

"What's this symbol? Are you a captain of soldiers or something?"

Hong Rong and Cold Face looked at each other. Okay I will not ask unnecessary question.

"Forget about it. It's confidential right? I will not invade your privacy. Thank you for this token!"

I took the golden bar. I don't think that I will use this. Well at least, I have souvenir from him.

"Take this money too. You will need it."

"That's too much. I don't-"

"Just take it."

I did not refuse anymore and took the copper coins. I smiled at him and expressed my utmost gratitude.

"So I think this is really our farewell. You should leave now. You have a very long way to go."

We glanced at each other before they climbed up to their horse. I gave them my one last smile and wave my hands. Cold Face pulled his rope followed by Hong Rong. The horse galloped and they both left the seashore. I continue waving my hand until they both disappeared from my sight.

Until we see again.

Maybe in our next life.

Maybe in the present.

I'm now alone.

I will now have a journey of my own.

Back to my time.

Back to my home.

I turned away and went to the fisherman. I asked him how much his boat cost. He first refused to sell his boat but after showing him my copper coins, he finally accepted my offer.

"Thank you Old Man!"

"Be careful Young Man! Take care!"

After pushing the boat into the water, he left the shore. I started paddling. I just need to be isolated in the middle of the sea. I just need to pass through that portal.

I can finally go home.

I can finally meet my family.


What am I supposed to do now?

I have been floating around the ocean for almost 5 days but there is still no sign of that portal. I am still here in the middle of nowhere.

My food and water are about to run out.

I don't know what's wrong.

I don't know how did I even get here.

I don't know how to go back.

Maybe there is really no portal.



Maybe I really died.

I died in that boat.

And this is my new life right now.

Instead of reincarnating to the future, I went back to this time.

But why to this time?!

I am going crazy!

There is no hope.

I am stucked here till my last breath.

So what will I do now?

I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Maybe I'll just wait for my demise here.

Maybe if I died here then I'll go back.

But what if I didn't?!

What if I reincarnate to an older era?!

I am going nuts here!

This is so fucked up!

"Look my lord! There is a man in that boat!"

I was about to hit my head in the wood when I heard a voice. When I looked at it, fear and danger creep on me.

There is big wooden ship with several males in it. They all looked like those evil slave trader I watched in dramas.

"Who would have thought that this will be our lucky day! That man looked so beautiful! Enough for golds!  Go on! Catch him!"


This is not happening again!

I won't let those evil men defile me!

Because of what I'm wearing, they thought I was a man. But when they catch me I'm sure they'll know that I'm a girl!

My hands begin to paddle again. I will never let them harm me!

"Look he is escaping!"

Fuck you!

I paddled very fast. I didn't mind the water splashing on my face and continue paddling away.

But fate is really harsh.

My small boat is nothing compared to their ship. In my peripheral vision, I saw the ship already in my left.

"Wah Captain! We have a good catch! He is a top grade!"

But I can't just give up. I continue paddling. Their laughs are like needles piercing my ear.

I screamed when a large stone fell on my boat. There is a rope around it and it seems like an anchor. The fucking stone created a big whole in the boat and the water started filling it.

"HAHA you have nowhere to go! If you do not stick to the rope, you will definitely drown! HAHA!"

"Fuck you! I would rather die than be caught by evil people like you!"

I didn't think of anything else and jumped out of the boat. I swim. I swam for my life.

"Aiya! This one is hard headed! You! Get my pipe!"

Why is this happening to me again?!

I only want to go home!

Why do bad people always chase me?

Why do bad things always after me?!


I felt a sharp thing pierced my back. Suddenly I started feeling dizzy. I took all my strength and continue swimming but my body is not coordinating. My body felt weak. My eyes are slowly shutting.

Soon my whole body sank.

I'm dying again.

Well it's better than get defiled.

Cold Face.

Cold Face flashed in my shutting mind.

Will you come and save me again?

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