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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Eric was very persistent and unsubtle in his growing puppy love. If you looked hard enough you could probably see pink hearts and flowers surrounding him every time they were in the same room. It was amusing, and at the same time Andrei couldn't help his own growing interest.

Eric was easily flustered despite his boldness; clever, yet naive; haughty, but only in the way that spoiled and beloved sons were. He was the treasure of his small family, and his idolization made the Aubert patriarch more amenable to Andrei's suggestions and proposals. For that alone Andrei feelings towards him were positive, but nowhere near the level of infatuation that Eric was showing.

Only three months into their acquaintance and Eric was completely drawn in. He had always known that he was gay, but his standards were so high no one had been able to meet them before- until Andrei. Attractive, wealthy, good personality, and got along with his family. Not only that, he was always very considerate to him every time that they met. 'Boyfriend material' was written all over his face and Eric would have been a fool to pass up such a catch.

Though the majority of their encounters were in business settings, they sometimes spotted each other outside (as in, Eric followed him like a shadow and 'coincidentally' happened to bump into him). However on one warm summer evening, Andrei was the one to invite him out first.

Brushing his teeth in the bathroom, his toothbrush fell out of his mouth and into the sink after he read the message.

Would you like to get a drink with me?

Eric almost thought he was seeing things wrong and turned his phone on and off several times before it sunk in. Heart going a hundred miles an hour he quickly typed his agreement- and then deleted it again, waiting for a few moments because he didn't want to seem desperate. He was a man of class.

After exactly three minutes and thirty four seconds he sent his answer and soon received and address. In record time, he freshened up, restyled his hair, got dressed, and was on his way to the bar.


The bar that Andrei had chosen had a very mature and elegant atmosphere to it. The chatter was low and soothing, the glittering lights creating a glamorous but not ostentatious ambience. When Eric arrived, he saw the blonde man sitting at the bar, walking over and taking a seat beside him.

"I hope you didn't wait too long." He said, seeing that Andrei had already ordered a glass of something strong. The man gave him a reassuring smile.

"Not at all." He replied. "You look very nice tonight."

Eric's brain was very close to malfunctioning. "Thank you." He managed to say with a steady voice. Though his skin had thickened over time there was still a faint flush on his face as he turned his eyes to the menu. The long list of names was foreign to him because in all honesty… Eric despised alcohol. He had a low tolerance, got terrible hangovers, and thought that the taste was terrible. On occasion he could tolerate champagne, but it wasn't such an occasion for that.

Seeing his confusion, Andrei helpfully suggested one of the signature cocktails. A bit embarrassed at being so clueless, Eric simply agreed, and a colorful drink was later pushed towards him. Taking a sip, he found that it wasn't completely abhorrent. It was sweet and fruity, and though the strong taste of alcohol was still there it was much more palatable than other drinks he had tried in the past.

"Was there something you wanted to discuss?" He then asked, looking over at Andrei. The man raised a brow.

"Do I need a reason to meet with you? I just wanted to enjoy your company for the night." Again Eric was hit with a critical blow, face growing redder against his will. Why did Andrei have to be so effortlessly charming?

Their conversation was light and aimless, and Eric had to admit he was greatly enjoying himself. When he was flustered he'd drink more, but by his third cocktail he was already completely inebriated. As he was about to lift the glass to his lips, Andrei's hand suddenly covered his own and stopped him.

"I think you've had enough to drink for tonight, котенок." Eric heart skipped a beat bit his lips pursed into a slight pout. He didn't know what that word meant either but he was too drunk to care.

"No… I'm fine." He insisted with a slightly slurred whine, protesting as Andrei slid the drink away and trying to reach for it again. In his drunken state he thought that alcohol wasn't bad at all. Actually it was great.

"Behave." Andrei said with a low voice that sent involuntary shivers down Eric's spine. Sure enough he stopped and simply looked up at him with hazy eyes.

Looking down at his inebriated companion, Andrei suddenly felt a strong desire building up in him. Initially he'd called him out here to get him drunk and squeeze out some corporate secrets from him. With the way that Eric practically idolized him it shouldn't have been hard at all.

But now that he was actually here, his focus was on different things. The more he looked at him the more attractive Eric became. He had very beautiful violet eyes. At first he thought they were contacts but they were too vivid and deep to be fake. His skin was smooth and pale, and his lips that never seemed to stop moving were pink and plush. Did Andrei like him? Not particularly. Lust, however, was an entirely different matter.

"You must be tired. How about you come home with me?" He asked, reaching over to cup the side of Eric's face with his hand, thumb gliding back and forth across his cheek.

As if in a trance, Eric couldn't help but nod as he leaned into the warm hand on his face. He felt fuzzy and light, as if he were dreaming. Clutching Andrei's hand tightly, he stumbled after him, leaving the bar and getting into Andrei's black porsche.

The alcohol was making him drowsy but he didn't dare to fall asleep, looking over at Andrei every now and then as the man drove. The city lights flashed through the windows, illuminating his profile in a wash of bright colors.

"You like my face that much?" Andrei asked, breaking the tranquil silence. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but Eric didn't feel an ounce of embarrassment or shame.

"I like it." He nodded, and continued to stare a bit more now that he had been caught. Andrei chuckled but didn't say more, and after some time they reached his townhouse in the city. It was a very luxurious building in one of the most expensive neighborhoods, but Eric's eyes were still glued to Andrei's back as they walked inside.

Once the door was closed, Andrei suddenly turned and settled a hand on Eric's back, pulling him closer and into a deep kiss. Eric's eyes were wide, trying to process what was happening before they slid shut.

Andrei was a very good kisser. His lips were slightly rough, tasting like the burning whiskey he'd had at the bar and the faint smokiness of a cigar. Eric's hands reached up to rest on his shoulders, afraid that his legs would turn into jelly and that he'd collapse then and there. The kiss was intense, and he felt like he was clinging to a piece of driftwood in the middle of a storm. By the time the kiss ended he was gasping for breath, dazed and still trying to wrap his head around what had just happened.

"You're too cute, котенок." Eric's adorably dazed and confused expression made him decide that bringing him home had indeed been the right decision.

Eric's mouth opened and closed wordlessly, and it took a moment for him to actually be able to say anything. "You- do you like me?" He asked, feeling like his question was rather stupid but wanting to confirm anyways.

Andrei's smile was unreadable, not answering and instead leaning down to kiss him again. This time it was much softer, more chaste. "Why? You don't like it?" He asked, mouth moving down to kiss Eric's jaw, the underside of his chin, his neck. Feeling the body in his arms shiver his lips curled up into an unseen smirk.

"I like it." Eric replied, as if there was any chance he would refuse. With that confirmation, Andrei picked him up and carried him away to the bedroom.

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